263 research outputs found

    First-Generation Faculty: A Phenomenological Exploration of Their Motivations for Mentoring First-Generation Students

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    Research indicates that students from first-generation and low-income backgrounds persist and graduate from college at lower rates than their non-first generation peers. Institutions of higher education can create more welcoming and success-promoting environments for first-generation students by helping them connect with faculty, particularly through mentoring relationships. This research explored the motivations of faculty from first-generation backgrounds who mentored first-generation college students within the federally-funded Ronald E. McNair Postbaccalaureate Achievement Program. Informed by constructivist epistemology and transcendental phenomenological theory as well as Bourdieu\u27s (1986) theory of cultural capital, the phenomenon involving the transition into academe for such first-generation faculty was also explored. Six faculty participants were purposefully selected through contact with McNair program administrators at a doctoral research extensive university in the Rocky Mountain region enrolling a significant proportion of students from primarily rural areas and first-generation, low-income backgrounds. The five primary themes include: illustrations of teaching and mentoring, first-generation status, inspirations for mentoring, strategies for mentoring, and challenges in academe. These themes were further organized by corresponding subthemes and several recommendations for practice are discussed. These include assessing the needs and expectations of McNair faculty mentors and scholars, encouraging peer mentoring networks, inviting seasoned McNair mentors to orient new mentors, acknowledging the importance of mentoring in faculty tenure and promotion decisions, thoughtfully assessing existing student services prior to implementing new ones, and providing opportunities for faculty and students to share their stories. In its entirety, this research provides a deeper understanding of the experiences of and challenges faced by faculty from first-generation backgrounds

    A survey of dog behavior modification practice in the UK: Who is offering it, what methods are they using and how effective do their clients perceive practitioners to be?

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    Thousands of dogs are relinquished each year in the UK owing to behavioral problems. Hence, there is a clear role for behavior modification therapy in the mitigation of this canine welfare risk. Since statutory regulation and a universal register of canine professionals (CPs) does not yet exist in the UK, it remains unclear who is offering such therapy, which behaviors are being treated, what types of approaches various CPs may be taking and the success (or otherwise) CPs are having. This study aimed to provide some insight into these issues from the perspective of pet dog owners (clients). An online survey of 235 participants showed that the primary reason for seeking behavior help from a CP was related to aggression, although often more than one issue was reported. Regardless of the behavior problem, no significant differences were found for the type of CP consulted (dog trainer versus behaviorist). Furthermore, in the client's opinion, there were no significant differences between CP types in their ability to improve their dog's unwanted behavior. Interestingly, behaviorists were significantly more likely than dog trainers to use ‘reward-based’ methods over ‘balanced training’ (balanced being a mix of reward and punishment; =8.226, df=1, p=0.004). In conclusion, in the current UK vacuum of statutory regulation, clients are just as likely to employ a trainer as a behaviorist, regardless of their dog's unwanted behavior. However, both CP types were equally able to facilitate behavior improvement, as reported by the client, regardless of the type of training methods (reward-based versus balanced) adopted. This study raises further questions to be explored including the client's opinion of the extent to which the ends (behavior outcomes) justify the means (e.g. punitive training methods which are likely to be aversive for the dog). Also, the general public's understanding of the potential welfare implications of the type of behavior modification plan they may or may not choose to follow

    Simulated Altitude via Re-Breathing Creates Arterial Hypoxemia but Fails to Improve Elements of Running Performance

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    International Journal of Exercise Science 11(6): 187-197, 2018. Acclimatization to altitude has been shown to improve elements of performance. Use of simulated altitude is popular among athletes across the sports spectrum. This work was on a handheld, re-breathing device touted to enhance performance. Seven recreationally-trained athletes used the device for 18 hours over the course of the 37-day intervention trial. The elevations simulated were progressively increased from 1,524m to 6,096m. To ascertain potential efficacy, four performance trials were included (familiarization, baseline, and 2 follow-ups). Hematological (hematocrit, hemoglobin, and lactate), physiological (respiratory exchange ratio, heart rate, and oxygen consumption), and perceptual (Borg’s RPE) variables were monitored at rest, during two steady state running economy stages, and at maximal effort during each visit. The device is clearly capable of creating arterial hypoxemic conditions equating to high altitude. This fact is exemplified by average pulse oximetry values of approximately 78.5% in the final 6-day block of simulation. At the same time, there were no changes observed in any hematological (p\u3e0.05), physiological (p\u3e0.05), or perceptual (p\u3e0.05) variable at either follow-up performance trial. Relative VO2 data was analyzed with a 15-breath moving average sampling frequency in accordance with our recent findings (Scheadler et al.) reported in Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. Effect sizes are reported within, but most were trivial (d=0.0-0.19). Overall, findings align with speculation that a more robust altitude stimulus than can be offered by short-term arterial hypoxemia is required for changes to be evidenced. The device has shown some promise in other work, but our data is not supportive

    Algebraic MACs and Keyed-Verification Anonymous Credentials

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    We consider the problem of constructing anonymous credentials for use in a setting where the issuer of credentials is also the verifier, or more generally where the issuer and verifier have a shared key. In this setting we can use message authentication codes (MACs) instead of public key signatures as the basis for the credential system. To this end, we construct two algebraic MACs in prime-order groups, along with efficient protocols for issuing credentials, asserting possession a credential, and proving statements about hidden attributes (e.g., the age of the credential owner). We prove the security of the first scheme in the generic group model, and prove the security of the second scheme -- using a dual-system-based approach -- under decisional Diffie-Hellman (DDH). Our MACs are of independent interest, as they are the only uf-cmva-secure MACs with efficient proofs of knowledge. Finally, we compare the efficiency of our new systems to two existing constructions of anonymous credentials: U-Prove and Idemix. We show that the performance of the new schemes is competitive with U-Prove (which is not provably secure, whereas ours is based on DDH), and many times faster than Idemix

    The Impact of Simulated Altitude on Selected Elements of Running Performance

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    Background: Simulating altitude at sea level is increasingly more popular among recreationally-trained athletes across the sports spectrum. The AltO2Lab is a commercially-available, handheld, rebreathing apparatus purported to simulate altitude. Currently, there is an overall dearth of evidence regarding the efficacy of the device. Purpose: The goal of this study was to add evidence supporting or challenging the effectiveness of the device to improve selected running performance-related variables and to investigate the time-course of changes should benefits be evidenced. Methods: The 37-day protocol included familiarization, baseline, and 2 follow-up visits during which time hematological (hematocrit and lactate), physiological (running economy, maximal VO2, and heart rate), and psychological (Borg RPE) variables were monitored at rest, during relative submaximal, and/or maximal treadmill exercise. Altitude training days (18 days; one hour each day) were fitted within the 37-day time-line to occur after the baseline visit but before the respective follow-up visits. Specifically, the altitude training took place in 3, 6-day blocks of device usage with exposure, monitored by oximetry, intensifying across the days and blocks. Twelve days of altitude training were completed before the first follow-up visit while the final 6 days of altitude training were completed between the first and second follow-up visit. In this manner, the follow-ups could serve to evaluate the potential effectiveness of the device and narrow the time course of changes to a specific usage duration. Results: Six, recreationally-trained athletes (Females = 4; Males = 2; Age = 22.0 ± 2.9 yrs.; Baseline VO2max 52.7 ± 6.7) enrolled in the study. One subject was removed due to noncompliance. Overall, simulated altitude at the prescribed, intensifying dosage, failed to change both hematocrit (p = 0.469) and VO2max (p = 0.184) when analyzed by repeated measures analysis of variance. Additionally, no differences were found for secondary variables including: running economy, heart rate, lactate or RPE (all p \u3e 0.05). Conclusion: Presently, the AltO2Lab failed to improve selected variables related to running performance. This finding is in contrast to previous investigations with the device but it does align with the knowledge that a stronger stimulus might be necessary to induce HIF-mediated erythropoiesis to the extent that the cascade could alter hematological and subsequently performance ability through enhanced oxygen-carrying capacity. These results are preliminary and a final cohort will complete testing before concluding results will be disseminated

    The Need for Reporting Metabolic Sampling Interval in Publication: An Example Using Maximal VO2 Values and Running Economy

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    Background: Knowledge of metabolic outcomes, such as maximal oxygen consumption (VO2) or running economy, has wide-ranging application. Metabolic outcomes are widely reported in literature yet the metabolic sampling interval (example: breath-by-breath, 30-sec average) utilized for collection is rarely ever stated. Purpose: The purposes of the present investigation were to probe the potential discrepancies created when analyzing running economy and VO2max raw metabolic data with four different metabolic sampling intervals. Methods: Five recreationally-active and endurance-trained subjects were included in the present analysis and four metabolic sampling intervals were analyzed: 30-sec average, 20-sec average, 8-breath, and 4-breath. Subjects engaged in 4-min running economy phases at 55 and 65% of their VO2max before entering into a maximal protocol purposed to elicit VO2max in 8-12 minutes. Utilizing the steady state and maximal VO2 data, metabolic sampling intervals were analyzed for their effect on reported VO2 values. Results: For running economy at 55%, there was no differences found (f = 0.207; df = 1.862; p = 0.799) between sampling frequencies when analyzed by repeated measures analysis of variance and corrected with Greenhouse-Geisser for a violation of sphericity. For running economy at 65%, there were also no differences ­found (f = 1.456; df = 3; p = 0.799) between sampling frequencies. For inspection, the relative VO2 values were: 27.2 (±3.1), 27.9 (±4.1), 28.4 (±3.6), and 28.8 (±5.1) for the 30-sec, 20-sec, 8-breath, and 4-breath average, respectively. Maximal VO2 values of 53.0 (±6.6), 55.1 (±7.2), 55.1 (±7.2), and 59.6 (±9.4) for the 30-sec, 20-sec, 8-breath, and 4-breath average, respectively, were found to be significantly different (f = 21.062; df = 1.278; p \u3c 0.001) after adjusting for a violation of sphericity (p \u3c 0.001). Bonferroni analysis indicated differences between the 30-sec average and all other averages and also the 20-sec and 8-breath averages when compared against the 4-breath average. The 4-breath average yielded the highest VO2max value. Coincidentally, the 20-sec and 8-breath averages were identical. Conclusion: In the present investigation of raw metabolic data, sampling interval was found to impact the maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max) values but not running economy values when investigating a small sample of data with four select sampling intervals. The report of maximal VO2 is rather common in the literature and knowing sample interval is vital for between-study comparison, determination of regression-related activities, or for pre-post comparison of data from the same or different labs

    Pre-Prandial Vinegar Ingestion Improves Two-Hour Glucose Control in Older, Type II Diabetics More Than Post-Prandial Walking

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    Background: Exercise engagement benefits diabetic patients through an insulin-like effect on muscle. Literature indicates that vinegar consumption may lower blood glucose levels. It is not currently clarified whether a relative amount of vinegar ingestion or a walking bout is more effective at controlling glucose in older, Type II diabetics during the acute phase following a meal. Purpose: The aim was to directly compare the impact of preferred-pace walking (15 min, postprandial) versus ingestion of a relative quantity of vinegar (0.3 g/kg) on two-hour glucose control. Methods: The two arms of the trial were completed in a randomized, crossover manner. Six Type II diabetic patients (Females = 5; Males = 1; Age = 70.5 ± 9.0 yrs.) enrolled and underwent baseline finger pricks to establish glucose levels. The test meal consisted of an 85 g bagel, 13 g of butter, and 237 mL of orange juice. On the respective days, the vinegar was diluted into 59 mL of orange juice and ingested before the meal or the subject completed a 15-min walk at 15 min post-meal. For both trials, glucose was checked every 30 min following the test meal. Results: One subject was removed from all present analysis due to medication-related non-compliance. For the vinegar trial, the resting heart rate was 72.0 (± 9.5) and baseline, 30-, 60-, 90-, and 120-min average blood glucose levels were: 117 (±12), 149 (±39), 172 (±49), 185 (±49), and 180 (±44) mg/dl. For the preferred walking speed phase, the resting heart rate was 75.5 (±15.6) and baseline, 30-, 60-, 90-, and 120-min average glucose levels were: 113 (±10), 147 (±53), 180 (±53), 208 (±72), and 206 (±71) mg/dl. Preferred walking speed was found to average 3.1 (± 1.5) kph and total steps averaged 1418 (±376). The between-arm comparison of glucose at 120-min trended towards significance (p = 0.081). Conclusions: Compared with a bout of walking, a relative quantity of vinegar may serve as a more suitable mechanism for older Type II diabetics to control acute spikes in glucose after a high carbohydrate meal. With an adequately-powered analysis, between-arm comparisons at multiple time-points would likely have achieved statistical significance. Nevertheless, the meaningfulness of the glucose control exhibited should not be lost due to the lack of statistical significance. Finally, the slow absolute preferred walking pace of many older adults may undermine the ability for walking to result in sufficient energy expenditure capable of subsequent glucose control

    Gut Microbiome Diversity Is Associated with Sleep Physiology in Humans

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    The human gut microbiome can influence health through the brain-gut-microbiome axis. Growing evidence suggests that the gut microbiome can influence sleep quality. Previous studies that have examined sleep deprivation and the human gut microbiome have yielded conflicting results. A recent study found that sleep deprivation leads to changes in gut microbiome composition while a different study found that sleep deprivation does not lead to changes in gut microbiome. Accordingly, the relationship between sleep physiology and the gut microbiome remains unclear. To address this uncertainty, we used actigraphy to quantify sleep measures coupled with gut microbiome sampling to determine how the gut microbiome correlates with various measures of sleep physiology. We measured immune system biomarkers and carried out a neurobehavioral assessment as these variables might modify the relationship between sleep and gut microbiome composition. We found that total microbiome diversity was positively correlated with increased sleep efficiency and total sleep time, and was negatively correlated with wake after sleep onset. We found positive correlations between total microbiome diversity and interleukin-6, a cytokine previously noted for its effects on sleep. Analysis of microbiome composition revealed that within phyla richness of Bacteroidetes and Firmicutes were positively correlated with sleep efficiency, interleukin-6 concentrations and abstract thinking. Finally, we found that several taxa (Lachnospiraceae, Corynebacterium, and Blautia) were negatively correlated with sleep measures. Our findings initiate linkages between gut microbiome composition, sleep physiology, the immune system and cognition. They may lead to mechanisms to improve sleep through the manipulation of the gut microbiome

    Understanding foot-and-mouth disease virus transmission biology: identification of the indicators of infectiousness

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    The control of foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) outbreaks in non-endemic countries relies on the rapid detection and removal of infected animals. In this paper we use the observed relationship between the onset of clinical signs and direct contact transmission of FMDV to identify predictors for the onset of clinical signs and identify possible approaches to preclinical screening in the field. Threshold levels for various virological and immunological variables were determined using Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve analysis and then tested using generalized linear mixed models to determine their ability to predict the onset of clinical signs. In addition, concordance statistics between qualitative real time PCR test results and virus isolation results were evaluated. For the majority of animals (71%), the onset of clinical signs occurred 3–4 days post infection. The onset of clinical signs was associated with high levels of virus in the blood, oropharyngeal fluid and nasal fluid. Virus is first detectable in the oropharyngeal fluid, but detection of virus in the blood and nasal fluid may also be good candidates for preclinical indicators. Detection of virus in the air was also significantly associated with transmission. This study is the first to identify statistically significant indicators of infectiousness for FMDV at defined time periods during disease progression in a natural host species. Identifying factors associated with infectiousness will advance our understanding of transmission mechanisms and refine intra-herd and inter-herd disease transmission models
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