1,286 research outputs found

    Tinjauan Hukum Ekonomi Islam terhadap Praktik Bagi Hasil Petani Pepaya California

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    California papaya is one of the potential income prospects as an alternative to vegetables that require expensive maintence costs and uncertain prices for the people of Karangduwur Village, Kalikajar District, Wonosobo Regency, the majority of whom work as farmers. Not all papaya tree owners can take care of themselves, due to various factors in addition to the need for special skills. Most of the people entrust the ciltivators to take care of the papaya trees until they get result. The contract that occurs is only an oral contract based on the prevailing customs of the community and has become a culture. This study describes the Review of Islamic Economic Law on the Practice of Profit Sharing of Papaya Farmers in Karangduwur Village, Kalikajar District, Wonosobo Regency. The formulation of the problem in this study is whether the profit sharing practice of papaya farmers in Karangduwur Village, Kalikajar District, Wonosobo Regency is in accordance with Islamic Economic Law. The method used is a field study. The data sources used are primary data sources, namely sources obtained directly from the community. Amd secondary data sources are sources of data obtained from books and document related to research, the method used is the interview method by applying interview. The practice of sharing the result of papaya farmers in Karanduwur Village when viewed from Islamic Economic Law uses the musaqah contract theory, as for the reality of the practice of sharing the result the contract is carried out directly, without writing, without witness and not accompanied by a long cooperation agreement.   Kata Kunci: Islamic Economic Law, Musaqah, Profit Sharin

    Physical Activity, Sedentary Behavior, and Gestational Diabetes

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    As part of the mini-symposium entitled Divergent Impacts of Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior on Glucose Intolerance and Vascular Function: From Laboratory to Clinic, this presentation shares data on the role of increased physical activity and sedentary behavior in mediating gestational diabetes

    Wasted New York

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    Trash may not be treasure, but it can be groceries. The United States Department of Agriculture and Environmental Protection Agency announced plans this year to halve food waste by 2030, but dumpster divers - also known as freegans - have been eating away at food waste for decades. Cutting down on organic waste can help feed the hungry, save money and minimize the environmental impact of rotting food in landfills. Many individuals, private groups and the New York City government are all working to cut down on organic waste

    A Trust for All the People: Rethinking the Management of Washington\u27s State Forests

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    In this Article, I will first point out that neither the federal Enabling Act nor the Washington Constitution explicitly requires the state to hold its granted lands in trust for the common schools or other named institutions. Next, I will argue that even if the granted lands are trusts, they are not common law trusts and therefore should not be managed under common law trust principles. Third, I will demonstrate that neither Congress nor the framers of the Washington Constitution expected the lands to generate maximum revenue. Fourth, I will show that preventing thefts and giveaways of public land and timber was the only real legislative intent of both Congress and the framers. Fifth, I will demonstrate that that neither Congress nor the framers expected the lands to be managed in any particular way. Finally, I will argue that the Washington Constitution creates a broad constitutional trust, which requires the granted lands to be managed under the public trust doctrine

    Middle East Water Resources On-line

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    Penerapan Good Corporate Governnace dalam Optimalisasi Tata Kelola Pelayanan Perum Damri Cabang Surabaya

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    The purpose of this study is to describe the application of good corporate governance in optimizing service governance in the perum damri branch of the City of Surabaya. This research method uses a descriptive type of qualitative research with data collection techniques carried out through observation techniques, interviews, documentation, and previous research. The results showed that the Perum damri Branch of Surabaya City has not fully applied the principles of good corporate governance as a whole from the 5 principles of achieving goals, there is still 1 principle that is well implemented, namely the principle of independency. Transparency has not been carried out due to the absence of operational information services, accountability has not been fully implemented, there is still no guarantee of employee competence and the company governance system has not run optimally, responsibility has not been fully relaxed due to the absence of social impact programs for the community in the company environment,  fairness has not been fully implemented because the community complaint box facility is still not available and there are still many fleets for rejuvenation and fleets are carried out for people with disabilities


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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui bagaimana prosedur Quality Control pada line quality control dan finishing pada workshop Patec Presisi Enginering di PT. T Bekasi, Jawa Barat. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif dan teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi, yaitu mengamati langsung objek yang diteliti. Beberapa tahapan quality control yaitu tahapan uji visual, uji ukuran,dan penerapan pada jig hingga perbaikan produk yang memungkinkan untuk di perbaiki hingga produk memenuhi standar yang di tetapkan di workshop Patec Presisi Enginering. Hal yang harus diperhatikan sebelum dilakukan proses Quality Control yaitu menyiapkan alat ukur dan serta menyiapkan bahan yang digunakan. Adapun langkah Quality control yaitu pengujian visual, pengujian ukuran, pencocokan Jig dan pemberian marking. Jika terdapat kasus produk yang NG atau tidak lolos uji maka dilakukan proses pengerjaan ulang seperti pengikiran dan pengamplasan ulang pada bagian yang perlu di perbaiki. Pelaksanaan prosedur quality control pada PT. T Bekasi, Jawa Barat sudah memiliki prosedur yang efektif dan efisien karena tidak menghambat jalannya proses produksi meskipun ada beberapa kendala yang disebabkan oleh human error dan tidak dapat dihindari namun masih dapat diminimalisir


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    ABSTRACT The uptake of orthophosphate onto the chitosan-ferrihydritemembrane has been studied. The membrane was proposed as a new binding layer of DGT technique. Membrane was prepared from a mixture of chitosan solution with ferrihydrite (FeOOH)paste and was crosslinked with glutaraldehyde.As a result, the uptake of orthophosphate was slow. The maximum adsorption capacity was reached at pH 5.0 and 8.0. It was mainly due to electrostatic attraction of phosphate ions to the protonated free amino groups of chitosan and to active sites of ferrihydrite. Desorption could be occurred optimally using 0.3 M of sulphuric acid. The absorption of sol ion to the protonated amino groups and the formation of ionic crosslinking could exchange and desorb phosphate ions. Ferrihydrite was eluted also by the acid. However, the eluted ferrihydrite readsorbed phosphate ions, resulted in minimizing the analysed free phosphate