472 research outputs found

    Mathematical model of non-stationary heat conduction in the wall: Asymmetric problem with the boundary conditions of imperfect heat transfer

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    This paper deals with the study of a non-stationary heat conduction in the solid wall. It is focused on mathematical modelling of its asymmetric heating and cooling by imperfect heat transfer to both sides of the wall. It describes method used for deriving of the long time analytical solution describing temperature distribution in the heated (cooled) wall by use Laplace transform and verification of its validity by numerical calculation with COMSOL Multiphysics software. In the tested example, the maximum difference between analytical and numerical solution was about 3.5 % considering the possible maximum and minimum temperatures in the wall under the given conditions.Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic within the National Sustainability Programme [LO1303 (MSMT-7778/2014)

    THE BEHAVIOUR OF SPECIAL OSB BOARDS UNDER FIRE CONDITIONS, The influence of OSB board´s fire coating on the fire resistance of light timber frame assemblies

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    The paper is focused on the influence of fire resistant coatings used on OSB boards on the fire resistance of entire light timber frame wall assemblies. Two fire tests were performed in the fire test laboratory of PAVUS, a.s. in Veselí nad Lužnicí. The fire tests were performed on a load bearing wall. The wall dimensions were 3.0 (depth) x 3.0 (height) m. According to EN 1995-1-2, the calculation for fire paints and coatings is not possible. The aim of the paper is the determination of the influence of this type of coating on the OSB board’s charring rate, the determination of the start of charring of a timber stud and the fire resistance of the whole construction

    Simulation of the PIR detector active function

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    The work deals with the behaviour of the PIR detector in an environment with great influence of a thermal background. It was necessary to perform simulations of the thermal behaviour of the sensor by COMSOL Multiphysics in different modes of heating the room to be able to prove that the PIR detector can function as an active detector with improved detection possibilities of intruders who would be invisible to a detector under normal circumstances. This confirms the detector's ability to work on the principle of active detector, i.e. as transmitter and receiver of thermal radiation and evaluation of heat flux changes depending on the type of the heater and the shrouding.Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic within the National Sustainability Programme [LO1303 (MSMT-7778/2014)]; European Regional Development Fund under the project CEBIA-Tech [CZ.1.05/2.1.00/03.0089]ERDF, European Regional Development Fund; MOE, Ministry of Educatio

    Experimental and numerical research of the thermal properties of a PCM window panel

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    This paper reports the experimental and simulation analysis of a window system incorporating Phase Change Materials (PCMs). In this study, the latent heat storage material is exploited to increase the thermal mass of the building component. A PCM-filled window can increase the possibilities of storage energy from solar radiation and reduce the heating cooling demand. The presented measurements were performed on a specific window panel that integrates a PCM. The PCM window panel consists of four panes of safety glass with three gaps, of which the first one contains a prismatic glass, the second a krypton gas, and the last one a PCM. New PCM window panel technology uses the placement of the PCM in the whole space of the window cavity. This technology improves the thermal performance and storage mass of the window panel. The results show the incongruent melting of salt hydrates and the high thermal inertia of the PCM window panel. The simulation data showed that the PCM window panel and the double glazing panel markedly reduced the peak temperature on the interior surface, reduced the air temperature inside the room, and also considerably improved the thermal mass of the building. This means that the heat energy entering the building through the panel is reduced by 66% in the summer cycle. © 2017 by the authors.Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of Czech Republic within National Sustainability Programme [LO1303(MSMT-7778/2014)]; European Regional Development Fund under project CEBIA-Tech [CZ.1.02/2.1.00/03.0089]; Internal Grant Agency of Tomas Bata University in Zlin [IGA/CebiaTech/2017/002

    Computer simulation of temperature distribution during cooling of the thermally insulated room

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    This paper is devoted to modelling of temperature distribution and its time evolution in rooms with specific thermal insulation and heat transfer for different external conditions. The simulation results should help to design the room architecture and wall materials to reduce energy losses due to heating or cooling, and to increase the inside thermal comfort. For this purpose, a methodological procedure using real data processing in the COMSOL Multiphysics modelling environment and spatial visualization of temperature evolution is proposed. This paper describes a mathematical model for simulation of the temperature evolution inside a space with thermally insulated walls under selected outside conditions. Computer simulations are then used to assess the temperature distribution inside the room and the heat flow through the room walls. Results of the simulations are used for subsequent determination of the time needed for the desired decrease of air temperature inside the tested room during its cooling due to the low ambient temperature, which is related to the thermal stability of the building, specific heat capacity, and thickness of the thermal insulation. Under the studied conditions, the time to reach the temperature drops by 20 percent in a room with windows was from 1.4 to 1.8 times lower than that in the room without windows. The proposed methodology shows the flexibility of computer modelling in the design of insulated building systems. The mesh density testing was performed by comparing the air temperature evolution in the model of the selected mesh density and the model with its maximum value enabled by the size of computer memory. The maximum temperature deviation calculated for the mesh of the presented model was 0.57%. © 2018 by the authors.European Regional Development Fund under the project CEBIA-Tech Instrumentation [CZ.1.05/2.1.00/19.0376]; Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic within the National Sustainability Programme [LO1303 (MSMT-7778/2014)

    Draft measures to reduce customer complaints

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    Tato diplomová práce se zabývá problematikou zákaznických reklamací předních světlometů ve firmě Automotive Lighting s. r. o. Cílem je zanalyzovat stav zákaznických reklamací za rok 2018 a pomocí Paretovy analýzy vyhodnotit největší zdroj neshod z pohledu typu reklamace. Práce se zaměřuje na řešení jednoho konkrétního typu reklamace. Klíčovou součástí práce je také zpracování procesní analýzy, vyhodnocení příčin vzniku reklamace a návrh nápravných opatření, která by daný problém eliminovala. Závěr práce obsahuje zhodnocení navržených nápravných opatření, a to i z ekonomického hlediska.This diploma thesis deals with customer complaints of headlamps in Automotive Lighting s.r.o. The goal is to analyze the state of customer complaints for 2018 and to evaluate the biggest source of nonconformities in terms of the type of complaint based on Pareto analysis. The thesis focuses on solution of one particular type of complaint. The key part of the thesis is also the processing of the process analysis, the evaluation of the causes of the complaint and the draft of corrective measures that would eliminate the problem. The conclusion of the thesis contains evaluation of the proposed corrective measures, including from the economic point of view.

    The position of a guarantor (avalist) in relations regarding the bill of exchange

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    Postavení ručitele ve směnečných vztazích Směnečné rukojemství je spojeno s cenným papírem nazývaným směnka. Vedle možnosti použít směnku jako celek k zajištění pohledávek, existuje možnost zajistit pohledávku vtělenou do směnečné listiny a zvýšit hodnotu tohoto cenného papíru. Čistě směnečně - právní formou zajištění směnky je směnečné rukojemství. Postavení subjektu přebírajícího rukojemský závazek je věnována tato práce. Základním cílem diplomové práce přiblížit směnečné rukojemství z právního pohledu a zhodnotit postavení ručitele ve směnečných vztazích z hlediska práv a povinnosti, která mu přísluší vůči směnečnému ručiteli (rukojmí) zejména vůči směnečnému věřiteli a dlužníkům (v případě regresu) v různých situacích a fázích. Speciálním pramenem právní úpravy směnečného rukojemství je zákon směnečný a šekový, který se prolíná celou strukturou práce. Struktua této práce se skládá ze dvou základních částí. První část je věnována náležitostem směnky a důsledkům absence některé z jejích podstatných náležitostí pro postavení směnečného ručitele (rukojmí). Druhá část práce je věnována směnečnému rukojemství. Vedle vývoje, právní úpravy, formálním a materiálním podmínkám vzniku směnečné - rukojemského závazku je značný prostor věnován především vlastnostem směnečného rukojemství, které z něj dělají...The position of a guarantor (avalist) in relations regarding the bill of exchange Aval is connected with a security called a bill of exchange. Besides the possibility to use the bill of exchange to secure debts, it is possible to ensure the debt embodied in the bill of exchange charter and increase its value. It is meant aval as the main theme of the thesis. The main aim of the thesis is to introduce aval from a legal point of view and assess the status of the guarantor in bills of exchange relations from the point of view of his rights and duties, especially against s and debtors (in the case of regression) in different situations and phases. The special source of legislation is the law of bills of exchange and checks that permeates the entire structure of the work. Structurally this work consists of two main parts. The first part is focused on legal formalities on bills of exchange charter and consequences in case of the absence of one of these essential formalities for the position of guarantor. The second part is devoted to aval In addition to development, formal and material conditions necessary for the origin of the bill of exchange is considerable space devoted to characteristics of aval . Another important part of this work represents creditors negotiations towards guarantor and vice versa, which...Department of Business LawKatedra obchodního právaFaculty of LawPrávnická fakult

    Participium v současné italštině

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    (česky): Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá užitím participia v rámci současného italského jazyka. Hlavním cílem této práce je systematický popis jevu participia, jeho tvoření a užití ve větách, který je doplněn o praktické příklady z italského korpusu. První část práce se zabývá problematikou současného užití participia přítomného a jeho vymezení z pohledu tradičního výkladu. Druhá část je věnována širokému užití minulého participia, od jeho nezbytné účasti na tvoření minulých časů po jeho schopnost samostatného fungování v jeho substantivizované podobě či jako přídavné jméno. Poslední část práce poskytuje přehled výskytu a funkcí participií ve světových jazycích, nechybí srovnání s italskými participii a překlad vzorových vět.(in English): This thesis deals with the use of the participle verb form in contemporary Italian. The aim of the paper is to provide a systematic description of the participle phenomenon, its formation and use in sentences supplemented by practical examples extracted from the Italian corpus. The first part of the thesis examines the issues connected with the contemporary usage of the present participle and its definition from the point of view of traditional interpretation. The second part is devoted to the wide use of the past participle starting from its essential presence during the past tense formation to its ability to function independently as a noun or an adjective. The last part gives an overview of the occurrence and function of participles in world languages, as well as comparison with Italian participles, and translation of sample sentences.Institute of Romance StudiesÚstav románských studiíFaculty of ArtsFilozofická fakult

    Evaluation of heat pump operation data

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá problematikou tepelných čerpadel jakožto zařízení využívajících nízkopotenciální teplo okolního prostředí pro vytápění objektů. V teoretické části práce jsou popsány jednotlivé druhy těchto zařízení, uvedeny zdroje nízkopotenciálního tepla a charakterizovány možnosti akumulace tepelné energie. Praktická část práce je zaměřena na zpracování a vyhodnocení provozních dat tepelného čerpadla vzduch/voda využívaného pro vytápění rodinného domu a posouzení významu akumulační nádrže v topném systému. Součástí práce je také návrh optimalizace řízení tepelného čerpadla.This diploma thesis deals with the issue of heat pumps as devices using low-potential heat of the surrounding environment for heating of buildings. In the theoretical part of the thesis there are described various types of these devices, the sources of low-potential heat and the possibilities of heat energy accumulation. The practical part of the thesis is focused on processing and evaluation of operational data of air/water heat pump used for heating of family house and assessment of importance of accumulation tank in heating system. Part of the thesis is also a proposal of optimization of heat pump control.
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