227 research outputs found

    Nutraceuticals from Microbes of Marine Sources

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    Therapeutic compounds can be derived from various natural sources like plants, animals, marine organisms, and microorganisms. Although the marine biota accounts for around 50% of the total world biodiversity, but their potential as a rich source of bioactive products and their applications in both pharmaceutical and nutraceutical industries have only recently been identified through several scientific studies. Marine biotechnology is an upcoming area that involves about the study of marine microorganisms and animals including algae, sponges, and coral as a novel source of bioactive substances that can be used in the treatment of various human diseases like cancer, anemia, diarrhea, obesity, diabetes, atopic dermatitis, Crohn’s disease, etc. They are also potential sources of natural antioxidants, colors, immuno-suppressants, enzyme inhibitors, hypocholesterolemic agents, vitamins, enzymes, and antibiotics. However, marine microorganisms have not yet been given the attention they deserve and a very limited scientific data is available on bioactive potential of marine microorganisms. There is still scope for a higher magnitude of research and investigation to explore the potential of both marine organisms and marine microorganisms as producers of novel drugs. This chapter deals with the exploitation of microbes from marine sources as potential sources for various nutraceuticals and their possibilities for applications in variety of diseases and as functional food supplement

    Sericin based bioactive coating for polyester fabric

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    In this study, a process has been developed for durable coating of sericin on polyester. Pre modification of polyester with alkali (sodium hydroxide) has been carried out to incorporate polar entities on its inert surface. 10g/L of sericin with 30mL/L of glutaraldehyde, cured at 130°C for 2min has been optimized for its application on modified surface. Treated samples are tested for surface smoothness, moisture retention, wicking, antistat and antioxidant characteristics. Results show that polyester fabric surface becomes smoother as well as highly hydrophilic on application of sericin. Wicking properties are enhanced greatly and antisat property is improved along with the radical quenching property. These results can be used to prepare fabric having unique properties of enhanced smoothness, hygroscopicity, high wicking and radical quenching which make it suitable for applications in skin moisturizing, skin healing and anti-ageing. These results indicate that sericin can be used to develop a durable and bioactive finish on polyester for use in medical and sports garments

    Zrównoważona podróż papieru czerpanego od przeszłości do dziś

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    Paper is an excellent medium of expression and knowledge preservation and communication because of its writing, printing, and packaging abilities. It is a thin sheet or web-like structure made by a dilute suspension of cellulosic fibres. Handmade papermaking technology was mass accepted and considered a precious commodity before development of an industrialised wood- pulp based paper industry. This modern papermaking practice harms the environment as it uses enhanced natural resources (ample amount of water, trees as a primary source for wood pulp) and generates pollution due to release of harsh chemicals. This paper reviews the history and process of handmade paper manufacturing from past to present. Along with that, all the pillars of sustainability (environmental, economic, and social) in relation to the handmade paper industry are deep rooted since ancient times and very much relevant for the present era of sustainable development. Various kinds of cellulosic raw materials from plants (Paper mulberry, Kazo, Gampy, hemp, bamboo, banana, etc.) and other used materials (old rags, ropes, nets, newspapers etc.) with the chemical-free production process and products make this industry eco-friendly. Craft based, small scale and labour-intensive guild art gives it social strength; whereas an  infinite product range having functional and decorative uses, as well as strong export potential of the industry gives it an economic strength. Due to the present need of sustainable production, waste minimisation, and circular economy, the handmade paper seems to very potential industry to recycle various kind of waste like weedy battles, textiles, tetra packs, currency, plastic etc. This paper is an attempt to review the journey of handmade papers, its recycling potential, various production processes, products, advantages and disadvantages of the industry from past to present.Papier jest doskonałym środkiem zachowania wiedzy oraz komunikacji ze względu na jego zdolności do pisania, drukowania i pakowania. Jest to cienka struktura przypominająca arkusz lub wstęgę wykonana z rozcieńczonej zawiesiny włókien celulozowych. Technologia ręcznego wytwarzania papieru była powszechnie przed rozwojem przemysłu papierniczego na bazie masy drzewnej. Ta nowoczesna praktyka papiernicza szkodzi jednak środowisku, ponieważ wykorzystuje ulepszone zasoby naturalne (duże ilości wody, drewno jako główne źródło miazgi drzewnej) i generuje zanieczyszczenie z powodu uwalniania agresywnych chemikaliów. W artykule dokonano przeglądu historii i procesu produkcji papieru czerpanego od przeszłości do współczesności. Wszystkie filary zrównoważonego rozwoju (środowiskowy, ekonomiczny i społeczny) w odniesieniu do przemysłu papieru czerpanego występowały już od czasów starożytnych i mają bardzo duże znaczenie dla obecnej epoki. Różne rodzaje surowców celulozowych z roślin (morwa papierowa, kazo, babka, konopie, bambus, banany itp.) i innych używanych materiałów (stare szmaty, liny, siatki, gazety itp.) z bezchemicznym procesem produkcyjnym czynią tę branżę przyjazną dla środowiska. Oparta na rzemiośle, drobna i pracochłonna sztuka cechowa daje jej siłę społeczną; mając na uwadze, że nieskończona jest gama produktów o funkcjonalnych i dekoracyjnych zastosowaniach, a także silny potencjał eksportowy przemysłu, zapewnia jej także mu siłę ekonomiczną. Ze względu na obecną potrzebę zrównoważonej produkcji, minimalizacji odpadów i gospodarki o obiegu zamkniętym, papier czerpany wydaje się bardzo idealny do recyklingu różnego rodzaju odpadów, takich tekstylia, opakowania tetra, plastik itp. Ten artykuł jest próbą opisania historii papieru czerpanego, jego potencjału w zakresie recyklingu, a także omówienia różnych procesy produkcyjnych, produktów oraz zalet i wad tej branży

    Genetic Programming of Hypertension

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    The heritability of hypertension (HTN) is widely recognized and as a result, extensive studies ranging from genetic linkage analyses to genome-wide association studies are actively ongoing to elucidate the etiology of both monogenic and polygenic forms of HTN. Due to the complex nature of essential HTN, however, single genes affecting blood pressure (BP) variability remain difficult to isolate and identify and have rendered the development of single-gene targeted therapies challenging. The roles of other causative factors in modulating BP, such as gene–environment interactions and epigenetic factors, are increasingly being brought to the forefront. In this review, we discuss the various monogenic HTN syndromes and corresponding pathophysiologic mechanisms, the different methodologies employed in genetic studies of essential HTN, the mechanisms for epigenetic modulation of essential HTN, pharmacogenomics and HTN, and finally, recent advances in genetic studies of essential HTN in the pediatric population

    An overview of New England's economic performance in 2007

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    New England’s economy showed bright signs of growth in 2007, but residential real estate cast a shadow. Job growth was moderate and on par with that of the nation, but the region fared better with an unemployment rate lower than the national average. Exports from the region rose in value, but at a lesser pace than seen in the nation. Although the region remained the richest in per capita income, growth in total personal income in New England was slower than in the nation. Declining home prices, a significant reduction in housing permits, and spikes in foreclosures rounded out a generally dismal real estate picture. But no matter how dreary, the overall picture for New England may be a little brighter than that for the nation.Economic conditions - New England

    Development of gluten-free pasta using amaranth flour and pea protein flour

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    About 40 million people in the U.S. are suffering from gluten-related diseases, resulting in the increased demand for gluten-free products. However, the challenge in developing a gluten-free product is to produce a viscoelastic network in the absence of gluten. The present study aimed to develop a gluten-free pasta using pea protein flour (PPF) and amaranth flour (AF). The effect of the addition of pea protein flour at concentrations of 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% to 95%, 90%, 85% and 80% AF respectively were studied. The effect of extruder screw speeds 110 rpm, 450 rpm, and 900 rpm was studied as well. As it has been reported that high-temperature drying has a positive effect on wheat pasta, gluten-free pasta was also studied at various temperature-time combinations. The effect of drying temperatures of 60°C, 80°C, and 100°C for both 12hr and 24hr was studied. To observe the effect of all the parameters, tests such as water absorption capacity, cooking loss, unit density, and color were conducted on the obtained products. The addition of PPF at 20% concentration to AF increased the protein content from 17.3g to 25.6g. For 20% addition of pea protein flour, cooking losses decreased by 31% and firmness increased by 74.34%. As drying temperature increased from 60°C to 100°C, water absorption capacity increased by 16.46% and cooking loss decreased by 59.09%. However, with an increase in drying temperature to 100°C, L* (lightness) value and b* (yellowness) value decreased by 32.35% and 18.69%, respectively, while a* (redness) value increased by 20.54% resulting in a darker product. Negative impact on product unit density was observed as well as it decreased by 32.35% with increase in temperature from 60°C to 100°C. The significant negative effect of high screw speed was observed on pasta unit density, water absorption capacity and cooking loss. High screw speeds resulted in unacceptable puffed products resulting from the flash off process. Water absorption decreased by 90% and cooking loss increased by 110.9% with an increase in screw speed from 110 to 900 rpm. Only, pasta prepared at 110 rpm was unpuffed (acceptable). According to this study, we conclude that high protein content and drying temperature have a positive effect on pasta firmness, cooking properties, and unit density. On the other hand, pasta of low density was obtained at a very high screw speed. Overall, results showed that firmer pasta with compact structure was obtained when formulated using 80% AF and 20% PPF, drying at 80°C for 12 hrs and extruding at 110 rpm. Even though various aspects of pasta manufacturing were studied, the pasta characteristics were still found to be inferior to the benchmark (Barilla gluten-free pasta. Further studies with emulsifier addition should be done to improve the pasta texture. To avoid the puffing of the product, an extruder with controlled barrel temperature should also be used in the future to study the effect of screw speed. To obtain pasta of a better appearance, the effect of drying pasta at various temperatures should be studied, instead of drying at a constant temperature for the whole drying cycle

    An overview of New England's economic performance in 2008

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    Like most of the nation, New England suffered economically in 2008. Job losses, rising unemployment, and slumping real estate markets were all factors in one of the worst years for the region’s economy. Nevertheless, while the recession certainly took its toll, it did not affect New England as much as it did the nation as a whole.Economic conditions - New England

    Assessment of Perception and Practices regarding Holistic Health among Medical Students

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    Introduction: Holistic Health is an approach to life. Rather than focusing on illness or specific parts of the body, this ancient approach to health considers the whole person and how he or she interacts with his or her environment. Holistic Health is related to healthy diet and physical exercise, salutogenesis, health promotion, meditation, yoga, rehabilitation techniques, exercise and trauma care, biosciences in rehabilitation and prevention of diseases. Objective: To determine perception and practices regarding holistic health among medical students. Materials and methods: The present study was conducted among 150 medical students of a medical college in MP state in India. The study was conducted through a questionnaire having questions about our daily life decisions and situations, diet and emotions. All three domains of holistic health were covered i.e. body, mind and spirit and then scored accordingly to grade the level of health. Results: There were 49 males and 101 females in the study sample. The study showed that 15% of the students perceived optimal health, 23% excellent health, 32% good health, 12% fair health, 10% below average heath, and 8% poor health. None of them perceived extremely poor health. 50.0% admitted that they eat healthy diet, and 48.0% agreed that their water intake is adequate while 46.3% get at least seven to nine hours of sleep. In addition, 38.7% admitted that they suffer from increased body weight (obesity), and only 34.0% exercise frequently. Only 37.8% of students were able to meet their financial needs and desires, 56.0% admitted that their job does not utilize all of their greatest talents, and 26% agreed that they have peace of mind and tranquillity. Conclusion: The majority of college medical students have good health but at the same time, it was found that a high percentage of the students are either unaware or are ignorant about the importance of regular physical activities and suffer from increased body weight. TStudents needs to be made aware about concept of holistic health and how to achieve i

    Antibacterial Activity of Amchur (Dried Pulp of Unripe Mangifera indica) Extracts on Some Indigenous Oral Microbiota Causing Dental Caries

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    The antibacterial activity of amchur (dried pulp of unripe Mangifera indica) extract (50% ethanol) was tested against ten bacterial strains causing dental plaque by agar well diffusion method. The crude extract showed a broad spectrum of antibacterial activity inhibiting both the groups of Gram-positive & Gram-negative bacteria. The extract was most effective against Bacillus sp., followed by Staphylococcus mutans and Pseudomonas sp., whereas Halobacterium sp. was found to be the most resistant. Chlorhexidine (present in mouthwashes to prevent infection of dental caries) was used as a positive control. Natural extract of amchur was found to be more effective as compared to chlorhexidine. This study shows the potential of amchur in the treatment of dental caries