1,293 research outputs found

    Étude et caractérisation de composés nitroso dérivés de l’adamantane

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    La cristallisation est un phénomène dans lequel les atomes ou molécules s’arrangent de manière hautement ordonnée. Il s’agit d’une des plus anciennes méthodes de purification. De plus, la structure cristalline d’un matériau influence ses propriétés. En métallurgie, par exemple, plusieurs opérations sont effectuées sur le métal, chacune affectant la structure cristalline et par le fait même les propriétés du matériau. Une compréhension des facteurs affectant la structure cristalline serait désirable en chimie des matériaux. Par exemple, dans le développement de matériaux poreux, la structure permettrait de moduler la quantité de vide dans un cristal et d’ajuster ainsi sa porosité. Prévoir l’organisation moléculaire est aussi désirable dans les panneaux solaires afin de bien positionner les composantes actives. Pour les polymères, le taux de cristallinité affecte directement les propriétés mécaniques telles que la densité et la dureté. La cristallisation se fait par étape. Au début, quelques particules commencent par se lier intermoléculairement de manière réversible. À ce moment de la cristallisation, la perte d’entropie contrebalance les bénéfices enthalpiques et le processus n’est pas favorisé thermodynamiquement. Une fois qu’un certain nombre de particules se sont lié, un noyau ou germe de nucléation est formé et à ce moment la cristallisation devient favorisée thermodynamiquement. Cette étape critique s’appelle la nucléation. La structure et la forme du noyau de nucléation servent de gabarit pour la construction subséquente du cristal. Après la germination vient la croissance épitaxiale. Comprendre l’étape de germination permet donc de moduler l’organisation moléculaire au tout début de la formation du cristal. Le projet présenté dans ce mémoire vise à examiner le phénomène de la nucléation à l’aide de molécules organiques conçues pour porter plusieurs groupements pouvant se lier réversiblement de manière covalente. Le nombre critique de molécules pour construire un noyau de cristallisation et la nature de leur association peuvent être étudiés. Le cœur organique choisi pour ces molécules est celui de l’adamantane car ses dérivés cristallisent bien en général et peuvent être fonctionnalisés facilement. Le groupement choisi pour pouvoir se lier réversiblement est le nitroso, qui s’associe pour générer des liaisons azodioxy. L’objectif du projet fut donc la synthèse et l’étude du comportement du mono-, di-, tri- et tétranitrosoadamantane.Crystallization is a phenomenon in which atoms or molecules arrange themselves in a highly ordered fashion. It is one of the oldest methods of purification. In addition, the structure of a crystalline substance influences its properties. In metallurgy, for example, many operations are applied to metals in an effort to change the crystal structure and thus the properties of the material. Acquiring a full comprehension of the factors affecting crystallization is therefore a desirable goal in materials chemistry. In the area of porous solids, for example, modifying the structure can be used to modulate the amount of free space inside the solid. Similarly, controlling the molecular organization of the components of solar panels is needed to optimize performance. For polymers, the degree of crystallinity directly affects mechanical properties such as density and hardness. Molecular crystallization is a stepwise process. At the start, a few molecules associate reversibly. At this point, the loss of entropy counterbalances stabilizing enthalpic effects, and the process is not favored thermodynamically. Once a certain number of molecules have assembled, a seed or germ of nucleation is formed. It is at this moment that crystallization becomes spontaneous. This critical step is called nucleation. The structure and shape of the seed serves as a template for subsequent construction of the crystal. After the seed is formed, the crystal then undergoes epitaxial growth. Understanding the seeding step allows modulation of the crystal at the very beginning of its formation. The project described in the present Master’s thesis aims to study the phenomenon of nucleation using specially designed organic molecules. The idea is to use molecules comprising multiple groups that can associate reversibly by forming weak covalent bonds. The critical number of molecules needed to obtain a crystal nucleus and their manner of association can be studied. The organic core chosen is that of adamantane because its derivatives tend to crystallize well and functionalization is straightforward. The functional group chosen to favor strong but reversible association is nitroso, because nitroso compounds typically exist in equilibrium with azodioxy dimers. The objective of work summarized in the memoir is to synthesis, characterize, and examine the associative properties of mono-, di-, tri-, and tetranitrosoadamantane

    Gender Presentation and Membership Bias in Greek Organizations

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    The study objective was to explore the possibility of discrimination and bias based on perceived gender presentation. In this study, subjects were female and male undergraduate students of both Greek and non-Greek affiliations at a University in the Southeastern United States. Subjects were asked to rate the probability of extending group membership to others based on perceived visual gender appearance. In the pilot study, 150 University of Central Florida students were polled to assess three categories of visual gender presentation in pictures: average gender presentation (typical female or male), extreme gender presentation (extremely feminine or extremely masculine) and non-traditional gender presentation (masculine females or effeminate males). Three pictures of each gender presentation category were then chosen for the final study. In both studies, The Crowne-Marlowe (1964) Social Desirability Scale (CMDS) was administered. Results indicated no difference in the ratings between Greek and non-Greek participants. However, the results did show a statistically significant bias against individuals of average and non-traditional gender presentation versus individuals who represented extreme gender presentation. Hence, subjects were more likely to extend membership to individuals who appeared to be extremely feminine or extremely masculine. There was also a statistically significant bias favoring average over non-traditional gender presentation individuals. Additionally, social desirability bias played a significant role in how subjects made their selection. The study not only shows significant relationships between gender presentation and discrimination, but also provides evidence that male students prefer hyper-masculine males and female students prefer hyper-feminine females

    Plasma biomarkers of small intestine adaptations in obesity-related metabolic alterations

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    Background: Evidence suggests that pathophysiological conditions such as obesity and type 2 diabetes (T2D) are associated with morphologic and metabolic alterations in the small intestinal mucosa. Exploring these alterations generally requires invasive methods, limiting data acquisition to subjects with enteropathies or undergoing bariatric surgery. We aimed to evaluate small intestine epithelial cell homeostasis in a cohort of men covering a wide range of adiposity and glucose homoeostasis statuses. Methods: Plasma levels of citrulline, a biomarker of enterocyte mass, and I-FABP, a biomarker of enterocyte death, were measured by UHPLC‑MS and ELISA in 154 nondiabetic men and 67 men with a T2D diagnosis. Results: Plasma citrulline was signifcantly reduced in men with insulin resistance and T2D compared to insulin sensi‑ tive men. Decreased citrulline levels were, however, not observed in men with uncontrolled metabolic parameters during T2D. Plasma I-FABP was signifcantly higher in men with T2D, especially in presence of uncontrolled glycemic and lipid profle parameters. Integration of both parameters, which estimate enterocyte turnover, was associated with glucose homeostasis as well as with T2D diagnosis. Diferences in biomarkers levels were independent of age and BMI and glucose fltration rates. Conclusions: Our study supports a decreased functional enterocyte mass and an increased enterocyte death rate in presence of metabolic alterations but emphasizes that epithelial cell homeostasis is especially altered in presence of severe insulin resistance and T2D. The marked changes in small intestine cellularity observed in obesity and diabe‑ tes are thus suggested to be part of gut dysfunctions, mainly at an advanced stage of the disease

    Modelling of the radiative properties of an opaque porous ceramic layer

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    Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFCs) operate at temperatures above 1,100 K where radiation effects can be significant. Therefore, an accurate thermal model of an SOFC requires the inclusion of the contribution of thermal radiation. This implies that the thermal radiative properties of the oxide ceramics used in the design of SOFCs must be known. However, little information can be found in the literature concerning their operating temperatures. On the other hand, several types of ceramics with different chemical compositions and microstructures for designing efficient cells are now being tested. This is a situation where the use of a numerical tool making possible the prediction of the thermal radiative properties of SOFC materials, whatever their chemical composition and microstructure are, may be a decisive help. Using this method, first attempts to predict the radiative properties of a lanthanum nickelate porous layer deposited onto an yttria stabilized zirconium substrate can be reported

    Correlates of coronary artery calcification prevalence and severity in patients with heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia

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    Background Determinants of coronary artery calcification (CAC) prevalence and severity in heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia (HeFH) remain understudied. The objective of this cross-sectional study was to investigate correlates of CAC in patients with HeFH. Methods A CAC score was calculated by a noncontrast computed tomography scan in women (n = 68) and men (n = 78) with genetically defined HeFH. We classified CAC prevalence and severity using 3 categories: CAC score = 0 Agatston Unit (AU), CAC score = 1-100 AU, and CAC score > 100 AU. Information on potential correlates of CAC including familial and personal health history, cardiovascular risk factors, lipid-lowering medication, and lifestyle habits was collected. Results A total of 95 patients had prevalent CAC. Independent correlates of CAC prevalence and severity included age (odds ratio [OR] per 10 years: 5.06, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 3.19, 7.93, P < 0.0001), family history of premature cardiovascular disease (OR: 3.88, 95% CI: 1.71, 8.81, P = 0.001), male sex (OR: 3.40, 95% CI: 1.49, 7.78, P = 0.004), statin use (OR: 15.5, 95% CI: 1.89, 126, P = 0.01), diet quality assessed with the Alternative Healthy Eating Index score (OR per 1 standard deviation: 0.59, 95% CI: 0.39, 0.90, P = 0.01), ever smoking (OR: 3.06, 95% CI: 1.20, 7.81, P = 0.02), receptor-negative genotype (OR: 3.17, 95% CI: 1.16, 8.66, P = 0.02), lipoprotein(a) year-score (OR per 1 standard deviation of log-transformed year-score: 1.53, 95% CI: 0.99, 2.36, P = 0.05). Conclusions In individuals with HeFH, age, family history of premature cardiovascular disease, sex, statin use, diet quality, smoking status, the LDLR genotype, and lipoprotein(a) concentrations were independently associated with CAC prevalence and severity.Contexte Les déterminants de la prévalence et de la sévérité de la calcification des artères coronaires (CAC) dans l'hypercholestérolémie familiale hétérozygote (HFHe) demeurent peu étudiés. L’objectif de cette étude transversale était d'identifier les corrélats de la CAC chez des patients atteints d’HFHe. Méthodologie Un score calcique coronarien (SCC) a été calculé par un examen de tomodensitométrie sans contraste chez des femmes (n = 68) et des hommes (n = 78) avec HFHe génétiquement définie. Nous avons classé la prévalence et la gravité de la CAC en trois catégories : SCC = 0 unité d’Agatston (UA), SCC = 1 à 100 UA et SCC > 100 UA. Des renseignements ont été recueillis sur des corrélats potentiels de la CAC, dont les antécédents médicaux familiaux et personnels, les facteurs de risque cardiovasculaire, les médicaments hypolipidémiants et les habitudes de vie. Résultats Au total, 95 patients présentaient une CAC. Les corrélats indépendants de la prévalence et de la gravité de la CAC comprenaient l’âge (rapport de cotes [RC] par tranche de 10 ans : 5,06; intervalle de confiance [IC] à 95 % : 3,19 à 7,93; p < 0,0001), des antécédents familiaux de maladie cardiovasculaire précoce (RC : 3,88; IC à 95 % : 1,71 à 8,81; p = 0,001), le sexe masculin (RC : 3,40; IC à 95 % : 1,49 à 7,78; p = 0,004), l’emploi de statines (RC : 15,5; IC à 95 % : 1,89 à 126; p = 0,01), la qualité du régime alimentaire évaluée selon le score AHEI (Alternative Healthy Eating Index) (RC par écart-type : 0,59; IC à 95 % : 0,39 à 0,90; p = 0,01), le tabagisme (RC : 3,06; IC à 95 % : 1,20 à 7,81; p = 0,02), le génotype récepteur-négatif (RC : 3,17; IC à 95 % : 1,16 à 8,66; p = 0,02) et le score lipoprotéine(a)-année (RC par écart-type du score-année transformé en logarithme : 1,53; IC à 95 % : 0,99 à 2,36; p = 0,05). Conclusions Chez les personnes atteintes d’HFHe, l’âge, les antécédents familiaux de maladie cardiovasculaire précoce, le sexe, l’emploi de statines, la qualité du régime alimentaire, le statut de tabagisme, le génotype du LDLR et les concentrations de lipoprotéine(a) ont été associés de façon indépendante à la prévalence et à la gravité de la CAC

    A portable infrared laser spectrometer for flux measurements of trace gases at the geosphere-atmosphere interface

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    International audienceA portable infrared laser absorption spectrometer named SPIRIT (SPectrom'etre Infra-Rouge In situ Troposph'erique) has been set up for the simultaneous flux measurements of trace gases at the geosphere-atmosphere interface. It uses a continuous wave distributed feedback room temperature quantum cascade laser and a patented new optical multi-pass cell. The aim of SPIRIT field studies is to get a better understanding of land and water bodies to atmosphere exchange mechanisms of greenhouse gases (GHG). The analytical procedures to derive concentrations and fluxes are described, as well as the performances of the instrument under field conditions. The ability of SPIRIT to assess space and time dependence emissions of two GHG--nitrous oxide (N2O) and methane (CH4)--for different types of ecosystems is demonstrated through in situ measurements on peatland, on fertilized soil, and on water body systems. The objectives of these investigations and preliminary significant results are reported

    MXene Supported Cobalt Layered Double Hydroxide Nanocrystals: Facile Synthesis Route for a Synergistic Oxygen Evolution Reaction Electrocatalyst

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    International audienceThe development of reliable electrolyzers is closely related to the development of a cost-effective highly active and stable electrocatalysts for the oxygen evolution reaction (OER). Herein, a simple method is used to synthesize a non-noble metal-based electrocatalyst for OER by synergistically coupling a catalytically active cobalt layered double hydroxide (Co-LDH) with a highly electrically conducting 2D transition metal carbide, Ti3C2Tx MXene. The synergy between these two bidimensional materials (Co-LDH and Ti3C2Tx), evidenced by coupling electron energy loss spectroscopy and density functional theory simulations, results in superior electrocatalytic properties and makes possible having an excellent and stable oxygen evolution electrocatalyst. Moreover, the oxidative-sensitive MXene structure is preserved during the synthesis of the composite and the formation of a well recovering Co-LDH phase avoids the irreversible oxidation of MXene at high potential values, which may affect its conductivity. With an overpotential of approximate to 330 mV at a current density of 10 mA cm(-2) the catalyst exhibits a higher catalytic activity toward OER than commercial IrO2 catalysts

    Linear and Nonlinear Characterizations of Chalcogenide Photonic Crystal Fibers

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    International audienceIn this paper, we investigate the linear and nonlinear properties of GeSbS and AsSe chalcogenide photonic crystal fibers. Through several experimental setups, we have measured the second- and third-order chromatic dispersion, the effective area, losses, birefringence, the nonlinear Kerr coefficient as well as Brillouin and Raman scattering properties
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