732 research outputs found

    Journalisme, politique et discours rapporté. Évolution des modalités de la citation dans la presse écrite au Québec : 1945-1995

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    Partant du postulat selon lequel tout discours est marqué par l’identité sociale de celui qui l’énonce, nous recherchons dans le discours journalistique, et plus particulièrement dans les formes du discours rapporté, les traces linguistiques de la « position » que se donnent les journalistes face aux acteurs politiques dont ils rapportent les propos. L’analyse d’un corpus d’articles de nouvelles portant sur la politique et publiés par deux quotidiens québécois, La Presse et Le Devoir, entre 1945 et 1995 fait voir les traces linguistiques d’un profond changement dans les relations entre les journalistes et les acteurs politiques.Based on the assumption that every discourse bears the mark of the speaker’s social identity, we search for linguistic traces of the « position » of journalists relatively to political actors, specifically in forms of direct and indirect speech present in news reports. Our analysis of a corpus of political news articles published by two Quebec dailies, La Presse and Le Devoir, between 1945 and 1995, reveals linguistic traces of profound change in the relationship between journalists and political actors

    Music audiences 3.0: Concert-goers' psychological motivations at the dawn of virtual reality

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    Reviewing consumers' motivations to attend performances in a continuously evolving social and technological context is essential because live concerts generate an important and growing share of revenues for the music industry. Evolving fans' preferences and technological innovations constantly alter the way music is distributed and consumed. In a marketing 3.0 era, what consumers do with music is becoming more significant than simply owning or listening to a song. These changes are not only blurring the lines between production and consumption (i.e., co-creation), but also distorting the concept of live attendance altogether. Although mediated performances typically lack presence and authenticity, recent advances in immersive technologies, such as spherical videos and virtual reality goggles, could represent a new form of experiencing live musi


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    Improve safety by understanding the interaction between pilot and operational context

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    International audienceThis paper presents a method for analyzing pilots/crews performances. It aims to reduce errors through better understanding of interactions between crews and operational contexts. It includes a performance analysis model which takes into account the crew resources and the threats. The model, based on the cognitive information processing literature, facilitates the identification of failures, with their relationships, and allows to come up with realistic dynamic training scenarios. Digital visualization tool of those scenarios, provided by the model, completes the method. The theoretical part of the model has been already used for training in a professional environment, for two years. The feed-backs were positive

    Synthesis of anisotropic swirling surface acoustic waves by inverse filter, towards integrated generators of acoustical vortices

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    From radio-electronics signal analysis to biological samples actuation, surface acoustic waves (SAW) are involved in a multitude of modern devices. Despite this versatility, SAW transducers developed up to date only authorize the synthesis of the most simple standing or progressive waves such as plane and focused waves. In particular, acoustical integrated sources able to generate acoustical vortices (the analogue of optical vortices) are missing. In this work, we propose a flexible tool based on inverse filter technique and arrays of SAW transducers enabling the synthesis of prescribed complex wave patterns at the surface of anisotropic media. The potential of this setup is illustrated by the synthesis of a 2D analog of 3D acoustical vortices, namely "swirling surface acoustic waves". Similarly to their 3D counterpart, they appear as concentric structures of bright rings with a phase singularity in their center resulting in a central dark spot. Swirling SAW can be useful in fragile sensors whose neighborhood needs vigorous actuation, and may also serve as integrated transducers for acoustical vortices. Since these waves are essential to fine acoustical tweezing, swirling SAW may become the cornerstone of future micrometric devices for contactless manipulation

    Music, movie, and software piracy: Explaining downloaders’ compensation dilemma and exploring factors influencing online payment behaviors from a cognitive dissonance perspective

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales, Departamento de Financiación e Investigación Comercial. Fecha de lectura: 15-06-201

    Évaluation économique d'antidotes pour le renversement des nouveaux anticoagulants oraux en contexte de chirurgie d'urgence et de saignement majeur non contrôlé

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    Il n’existe présentement aucun traitement pour renverser l’effet des anticoagulants oraux directs (AODs) si une hémorragie survient ou si une intervention chirurgicale d’urgence est nécessaire. Trois antidotes aux AODs sont présentement en développement clinique et pourront éventuellement inverser l’effet anticoagulant des AODs. L’objectif de cette étude était d’évaluer l’impact économique d’un antidote pour le renversement de l’effet anticoagulant des AODs en situation de saignement majeur non contrôlé et avant une chirurgie et/ou procédure invasive d’urgence. Deux modèles économiques ont été construits afin d’évaluer le ratio coût-utilité incrémental (RCUI) d’un antidote aux AODs en comparaison à l’approche de gestion d’un saignement majeur standard et la prophylaxie préopératoire standard. Le RCUI d’un antidote a été déterminé en supposant une variation du coût de l’antidote allant de 1 000 aˋ10000  à 10 000 . Pour le renversement des AODs lors de saignement majeur, l’antidote est associé à un RCUI variant de 45 187 /QALYaˋ102767 /QALY à 102 767 /QALY selon une perspective du système de soins québécois et un RCUI variant de 48 812 /QALYaˋ106392 /QALY à 106 392 /QALY selon une perspective sociétale. En comparaison avec la prophylaxie courante, l’antidote est associé à un RCUI variant de dominant à 10 934 /QALYselonuneperspectivedusysteˋmedesoinsetunRCUIrestantdominantselonuneperspectivesocieˊtale,pourunprixde1000 /QALY selon une perspective du système de soins et un RCUI restant dominant selon une perspective sociétale, pour un prix de 1 000  et 10 000 respectivement.CetteeˊtudeeˊconomiquedeˊmontrequunantidoteauxAODsseraitunestrateˊgierentablelorsquecompareˊaˋlapriseenchargedunsaignementmajeurstandardetlaprophylaxiepreˊopeˊratoirestandard.Thereiscurrentlynospecifictreatmenttoreversedirectoralanticoagulants(AODs)ifbleedingoccursorifurgentsurgery/procedureisrequired.ThreeantidotestoAODsarecurrentlyinclinicaldevelopmentandmayeventuallyreversetheanticoagulanteffectofAODs.ThepurposeofthisstudywastoassesstheeconomicimpactofanantidoteforthereversaloftheanticoagulanteffectofAODsinmajoruncontrolledbleedingandinprophylaxisofemergencysurgery/procedures.Twomodelswereconstructedtoassesstheincrementalcostutilityratio(ICUR)ofanantidotetoAODsincomparisontothecurrentmajorbleedingmanagementapproachandthecurrentpreoperativeprophylaxis.TheICURofanantidotewasdeterminedassumingavariationinthecostoftheantidoterangingfrom respectivement. Cette étude économique démontre qu’un antidote aux AODs serait une stratégie rentable lorsque comparé à la prise en charge d’un saignement majeur standard et la prophylaxie préopératoire standard.There is currently no specific treatment to reverse direct oral anticoagulants (AODs) if bleeding occurs or if urgent surgery/procedure is required. Three antidotes to AODs are currently in clinical development and may eventually reverse the anticoagulant effect of AODs. The purpose of this study was to assess the economic impact of an antidote for the reversal of the anticoagulant effect of AODs in major uncontrolled bleeding and in prophylaxis of emergency surgery/procedures. Two models were constructed to assess the incremental cost-utility ratio (ICUR) of an antidote to AODs in comparison to the current major bleeding management approach and the current preoperative prophylaxis. The ICUR of an antidote was determined assuming a variation in the cost of the antidote ranging from 1,000 to 10,000.ForthereversalofAODsduringmajorbleeding,theantidoteisassociatedwithanICURrangingfrom10,000. For the reversal of AODs during major bleeding, the antidote is associated with an ICUR ranging from 45,187/QALY to 102,767/QALYfromaQuebechealthcareperspectiveandfrom102,767/QALY from a Quebec health care perspective and from 48,812/QALY to 106,392/106,392/QALY from a societal perspective. In comparison with current prophylaxis, the antidote is associated with an ICUR ranging from dominant to 10,934/QALYfromahealthcareperspectiveandanICURremainingdominantfromasocietalperspectiveforanantidotespriceof10,934/QALY from a health care perspective and an ICUR remaining dominant from a societal perspective for an antidote’s price of 1,000 and $10,000 respectively. This economic study demonstrates that an antidote to AODs would be a cost-effective strategy when compared to the current major bleeding management approach and the current preoperative prophylaxis

    Évaluation économique d'antidotes pour le renversement des nouveaux anticoagulants oraux en contexte de chirurgie d'urgence et de saignement majeur non contrôlé

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    Il n’existe présentement aucun traitement pour renverser l’effet des anticoagulants oraux directs (AODs) si une hémorragie survient ou si une intervention chirurgicale d’urgence est nécessaire. Trois antidotes aux AODs sont présentement en développement clinique et pourront éventuellement inverser l’effet anticoagulant des AODs. L’objectif de cette étude était d’évaluer l’impact économique d’un antidote pour le renversement de l’effet anticoagulant des AODs en situation de saignement majeur non contrôlé et avant une chirurgie et/ou procédure invasive d’urgence. Deux modèles économiques ont été construits afin d’évaluer le ratio coût-utilité incrémental (RCUI) d’un antidote aux AODs en comparaison à l’approche de gestion d’un saignement majeur standard et la prophylaxie préopératoire standard. Le RCUI d’un antidote a été déterminé en supposant une variation du coût de l’antidote allant de 1 000 aˋ10000  à 10 000 . Pour le renversement des AODs lors de saignement majeur, l’antidote est associé à un RCUI variant de 45 187 /QALYaˋ102767 /QALY à 102 767 /QALY selon une perspective du système de soins québécois et un RCUI variant de 48 812 /QALYaˋ106392 /QALY à 106 392 /QALY selon une perspective sociétale. En comparaison avec la prophylaxie courante, l’antidote est associé à un RCUI variant de dominant à 10 934 /QALYselonuneperspectivedusysteˋmedesoinsetunRCUIrestantdominantselonuneperspectivesocieˊtale,pourunprixde1000 /QALY selon une perspective du système de soins et un RCUI restant dominant selon une perspective sociétale, pour un prix de 1 000  et 10 000 respectivement.CetteeˊtudeeˊconomiquedeˊmontrequunantidoteauxAODsseraitunestrateˊgierentablelorsquecompareˊaˋlapriseenchargedunsaignementmajeurstandardetlaprophylaxiepreˊopeˊratoirestandard.Thereiscurrentlynospecifictreatmenttoreversedirectoralanticoagulants(AODs)ifbleedingoccursorifurgentsurgery/procedureisrequired.ThreeantidotestoAODsarecurrentlyinclinicaldevelopmentandmayeventuallyreversetheanticoagulanteffectofAODs.ThepurposeofthisstudywastoassesstheeconomicimpactofanantidoteforthereversaloftheanticoagulanteffectofAODsinmajoruncontrolledbleedingandinprophylaxisofemergencysurgery/procedures.Twomodelswereconstructedtoassesstheincrementalcostutilityratio(ICUR)ofanantidotetoAODsincomparisontothecurrentmajorbleedingmanagementapproachandthecurrentpreoperativeprophylaxis.TheICURofanantidotewasdeterminedassumingavariationinthecostoftheantidoterangingfrom respectivement. Cette étude économique démontre qu’un antidote aux AODs serait une stratégie rentable lorsque comparé à la prise en charge d’un saignement majeur standard et la prophylaxie préopératoire standard.There is currently no specific treatment to reverse direct oral anticoagulants (AODs) if bleeding occurs or if urgent surgery/procedure is required. Three antidotes to AODs are currently in clinical development and may eventually reverse the anticoagulant effect of AODs. The purpose of this study was to assess the economic impact of an antidote for the reversal of the anticoagulant effect of AODs in major uncontrolled bleeding and in prophylaxis of emergency surgery/procedures. Two models were constructed to assess the incremental cost-utility ratio (ICUR) of an antidote to AODs in comparison to the current major bleeding management approach and the current preoperative prophylaxis. The ICUR of an antidote was determined assuming a variation in the cost of the antidote ranging from 1,000 to 10,000.ForthereversalofAODsduringmajorbleeding,theantidoteisassociatedwithanICURrangingfrom10,000. For the reversal of AODs during major bleeding, the antidote is associated with an ICUR ranging from 45,187/QALY to 102,767/QALYfromaQuebechealthcareperspectiveandfrom102,767/QALY from a Quebec health care perspective and from 48,812/QALY to 106,392/106,392/QALY from a societal perspective. In comparison with current prophylaxis, the antidote is associated with an ICUR ranging from dominant to 10,934/QALYfromahealthcareperspectiveandanICURremainingdominantfromasocietalperspectiveforanantidotespriceof10,934/QALY from a health care perspective and an ICUR remaining dominant from a societal perspective for an antidote’s price of 1,000 and $10,000 respectively. This economic study demonstrates that an antidote to AODs would be a cost-effective strategy when compared to the current major bleeding management approach and the current preoperative prophylaxis