206 research outputs found

    Tibetan Women Tailors: Sewing a Community of Tibetan Women Tailors

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    This paper examines the effects of a handicraft promoting company and sewing training workshop, the Shangri La Tangtong Handicraft Development Center, on the lives of its participant group of 28 women tailors. Explained is the history of the organization, justifications for formation, and description of the current workspace and products as located in Shangri La Old Town, Yunnan Province. From a series of 19 interviews (13 of which conducted with the tailors) and personal observations comes the conclusion that beyond the organization’s specified goals of cultural heritage preservation and poverty alleviations, the workshop effectively provides the tailors with a strong and positive community. This community, in turn, is valuable as it gives the women tailors a means of empowerment

    A Survey of Reading Ability

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    This survey was undertaken to meet a need which arose in connection with the work of the Educational Clinio at Glasgow University. When the staff of the Clinio desired to assess the reading ability of children from different schools, they found that there were no existing reading tests with adequate norms for Scotland. A reading test of a new type was therefore constructed by me, and with it a measurement was made of the performance of children at different ages, from different districts, and in schools of varying social level. At the same time, a new group test of intelligence was standardised. As a consequence the Clinic is now able to provide norms for the guidance of those who wish assistance in estimating the progress of their pupils in reading or in intelligence. There have been many investigations into reading ability, but this book as far as I can ascertain is the first to combine a survey of the performance of several thousands of pupils with an intensive study of backward children who have been referred to an Educational Clinic. It is thus able to provide evidence on a large scale as to the relationship between intelligence, skill in reading, age and social status. And (from smaller groups) it can offer data on the variations of reading ability with attendance at school, different methods of teaching, and differing rates of perception. The investigation was carried out at a time when methods of teaching in Glasgow were, in the infant-room, on phonic lines and, in the senior departments, qonfined to oral class-work. It has thus a value for comparative purposes when these teaching methods shall have been modified by the evidence which it contains, as to the low degree of success in silent reading which is consequent on such ways of teaching. The significance of the detailed case-studies which form the latter part of the volume is increased by the opportunity we have of comparing problem pupils with more normal children from the same districts and the same types of homes. In this respect, also, this investigation breaks new ground. Since completion of the work, the new reading tests which I devised have been adopted for use by the Scottish Council for Research in Education

    Mouse maternal systemic inflammation at the zygote stage causes blunted cytokine responsiveness in lipopolysaccharide-challenged adult offspring

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    These results demonstrate for the first time that the preimplantation embryo in vivo is sensitive to maternal systemic inflammation, with effects on blastocyst cell lineage allocation and consequences for behaviour, adiposity and innate immune response in adult offspring. Critically, we identify a novel mechanism mediated through maternal-embryonic interactions that confers plasticity in the development of the innate immune system, which is potentially important in setting postnatal tolerance to environmental pathogens. Our study extends the concept of developmental programming of health and disease to include maternal health at the time of conceptio

    Impact of early initiation versus national standard of care of antiretroviral therapy in Swaziland's public sector health system : study protocol for a stepped-wedge randomized trial

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    Background: There is robust clinical evidence to support offering early access to antiretroviral treatment (ART) to all HIV-positive individuals, irrespective of disease stage, to both improve patient health outcomes and reduce HIV incidence. However, as the global treatment guidelines shift to meet this evidence, it is still largely unknown if early access to ART for all (also referred to as "treatment as prevention" or " universal test and treat") is a feasible intervention in the resource-limited countries where this approach could have the biggest impact on the course of the HIV epidemics. The MaxART Early Access to ART for All (EAAA) implementation study was designed to determine the feasibility, acceptability, clinical outcomes, affordability, and scalability of offering early antiretroviral treatment to all HIV-positive individuals in Swaziland's public sector health system. Methods: This is a three-year stepped-wedge randomized design with open enrollment for all adults aged 18 years and older across 14 government-managed health facilities in Swaziland's Hhohho Region. Primary endpoints are retention and viral suppression. Secondary endpoints include ART initiation, adherence, drug resistance, tuberculosis, HIV disease progression, patient satisfaction, and cost per patient per year. Sites are grouped to transition two at a time from the control (standard of care) to intervention (EAAA) stage at each four-month step. This design will result in approximately one half of the total observation time to accrue in the intervention arm and the other half in the control arm. Our estimated enrolment number, which is supported by conservative power calculations, is 4501 patients over the course of the 36-month study period. A multidisciplinary, mixed-methods approach will be adopted to supplement the randomized controlled trial and meet the study aims. Additional study components include implementation science, social science, economic evaluation, and predictive HIV incidence modeling. Discussion: A stepped-wedge randomized design is a causally strong and robust approach to determine if providing antiretroviral treatment for all HIV-positive individuals is a feasible intervention in a resource-limited, public sector health system. We expect our study results to contribute to health policy decisions related to the HIV response in Swaziland and other countries in sub-Saharan Africa

    The effect of pulse shape in theta-burst stimulation: monophasic vs biphasic TMS

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    Background Intermittent theta-burst stimulation (i) (TBS) is a transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) plasticity protocol. Conventionally, TBS is applied using biphasic pulses due to hardware limitations. However, monophasic pulses are hypothesised to recruit cortical neurons more selectively than biphasic pulses, predicting stronger plasticity effects. Monophasic and biphasic TBS can be generated using a custom-made pulse-width modulation-based TMS device (pTMS). Objective Using pTMS, we tested the hypothesis that monophasic iTBS would induce a stronger plasticity effect than biphasic, measured as induced increases in motor corticospinal excitability. Methods In a repeated-measures design, thirty healthy volunteers participated in three separate sessions, where monophasic and biphasic iTBS was applied to the primary motor cortex (M1 condition) or the vertex (control condition). Plasticity was quantified as increases in motor corticospinal excitability after versus before iTBS, by comparing peak-to-peak amplitudes of motor evoked potentials (MEP) measured at baseline and over 60 min after iTBS. Results Both monophasic and biphasic M1 iTBS led to significant increases in MEP amplitude. As predicted, linear mixed effects (LME) models showed that the iTBS condition had a significant effect on the MEP amplitude (χ2 (1) = 27.615, p < 0.001) with monophasic iTBS leading to significantly stronger plasticity than biphasic iTBS (t (693) = 2.311, p = 0.021). Control vertex iTBS had no effect. Conclusions In this study, monophasic iTBS induced a stronger motor corticospinal excitability increase than biphasic within participants. This greater physiological effect suggests that monophasic iTBS may also have potential for greater functional impact, of interest for future fundamental and clinical applications of TBS

    Near patient chlamydia and gonorrhoea screening and treatment in further education/technical colleges : a cost analysis of the 'Test n Treat' feasibility trial

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    Background Community-based screening may be one solution to increase testing and treatment of sexually transmitted infections in sexually active teenagers, but there are few data on the practicalities and cost of running such a service. We estimate the cost of running a ‘Test n Treat’ service providing rapid chlamydia (CT) and gonorrhoea (NG) testing and same day on-site CT treatment in technical colleges. Methods Process data from a 2016/17 cluster randomised feasibility trial were used to estimate total costs and service uptake. Pathway mapping was used to model different uptake scenarios. Participants, from six London colleges, provided self-taken genitourinary samples in the nearest toilet. Included in the study were 509 sexually active students (mean 85/college): median age 17.9 years, 49% male, 50% black ethnicity, with a baseline CT and NG prevalence of 6 and 0.5%, respectively. All participants received information about CT and NG infections at recruitment. When the Test n Treat team visited, participants were texted/emailed invitations to attend for confidential testing. Three colleges were randomly allocated the intervention, to host (non-incentivised) Test n Treat one and four months after baseline. All six colleges hosted follow-up Test n Treat seven months after baseline when students received a £10 incentive (to participate). Results The mean non-incentivised daily uptake per college was 5 students (range 1 to 17), which cost £237 (range £1082 to £88) per student screened, and £4657 (range £21,281 to £1723) per CT infection detected, or £13,970 (range £63,842 to £5169) per NG infection detected. The mean incentivised daily uptake was 19 students which cost £91 per student screened, and £1408/CT infection or £7042/NG infection detected. If daily capacity for screening were achieved (49 students/day), costs including incentives would be £47 per person screened and £925/CT infection or £2774/NG infection detected. Conclusions Delivering non-incentivised Test n Treat in technical colleges is more expensive per person screened than CT and NG screening in clinics. Targeting areas with high infection rates, combined with high, incentivised uptake could make costs comparable

    Molecular pathogenesis of Chlamydia trachomatis

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    Chlamydia trachomatis is a strict intracellular human pathogen. It is the main bacterial cause of sexually transmitted infections and the etiologic agent of trachoma, which is the leading cause of preventable blindness. Despite over 100 years since C. trachomatis was first identified, there is still no vaccine. However in recent years, the advancement of genetic manipulation approaches for C. trachomatis has increased our understanding of the molecular pathogenesis of C. trachomatis and progress towards a vaccine. In this mini-review, we aimed to outline the factors related to the developmental cycle phase and specific pathogenesis activity of C. trachomatis in order to focus priorities for future genetic approaches. We highlight the factors known to be critical for developmental cycle stages, gene expression regulatory factors, type III secretion system and their effectors, and individual virulence factors with known impacts

    Are School Absences Correlated with Influenza Surveillance Data in England? Results from Decipher My Data-A Research Project Conducted through Scientific Engagement with Schools.

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    BACKGROUND: School aged children are a key link in the transmission of influenza. Most cases have little or no interaction with health services and are therefore missed by the majority of existing surveillance systems. As part of a public engagement with science project, this study aimed to establish a web-based system for the collection of routine school absence data and determine if school absence prevalence was correlated with established surveillance measures for circulating influenza. METHODS: We collected data for two influenza seasons (2011/12 and 2012/13). The primary outcome was daily school absence prevalence (weighted to make it nationally representative) for children aged 11 to 16. School absence prevalence was triangulated graphically and through univariable linear regression to Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) influenza like illness (ILI) episode incidence rate, national microbiological surveillance data on the proportion of samples positive for influenza (A+B) and with Rhinovirus, RSV and laboratory confirmed cases of Norovirus. RESULTS: 27 schools submitted data over two respiratory seasons. During the first season, levels of influenza measured by school absence prevalence and established surveillance were low. In the 2012/13 season, a peak of school absence prevalence occurred in week 51, and week 1 in RCGP ILI surveillance data. Linear regression showed a strong association between the school absence prevalence and RCGP ILI (All ages, and 5-14 year olds), laboratory confirmed cases of influenza A & B, and weak evidence for a linear association with Rhinovirus and Norovirus. INTERPRETATION: This study provides initial evidence for using routine school illness absence prevalence as a novel tool for influenza surveillance. The network of web-based data collection platforms we established through active engagement provides an innovative model of conducting scientific research and could be used for a wide range of infectious disease studies in the future