54 research outputs found

    The Huckleberry Ridge Tuff, Yellowstone: evacuation of multiple magmatic systems in a complex episodic eruption

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    The 2.08 Ma, ∼2,500 km3 Huckleberry Ridge Tuff (HRT) eruption, Yellowstone, generated two fall deposits and three ignimbrite members (A, B, C), accompanying a ∼95 x 65 km caldera collapse. Field data imply that the pre-A fall deposits took weeks to be erupted, then breaks of weeks to months occurred between members A and B, and years to decades between B and C. We present compositional and isotopic data from single silicic clasts (pumice or fiamme) in the three ignimbrite members, plus new data from co-eruptive mafic components to reconstruct the nature and evacuation history of the HRT crustal magmatic complex. Geochemical data, building on field characteristics, are used to group nine silicic clast types into seven compositional suites (A1-A3; B1; C1-C3) within their respective members A, B and C. Isotopic data are then added to define four magmatic systems that were tapped simultaneously and/or sequentially during the eruption. Systems 1 and 2 fed the initial fall deposits and then vented throughout member A, accompanied by trace amounts of mafic magma. In member A, volumetrically dominant system 1 is represented by a rhyolite suite (A1: 73.0-77.7 wt % SiO2, 450-1680 ppm Ba) plus a distinct low-silica rhyolite suite (A2: 69.2-71.6 wt % SiO2, >2,500 ppm Ba). System 2 yielded only a low-Ba, high-silica rhyolite suite (A3: 76.7-77.4 wt % SiO2, ≤250 ppm Ba). Glass compositions in pumices from systems 1 and 2 show clustering, indicative of the same multiple melt-dominant bodies identified in the initial fall deposits and earliest ignimbrite. Member B samples define suite B1 (70.7-77.4 wt % SiO2, 540-3040 ppm Ba) derived from magmatic system 1 (but not 2) that had undergone mixing and reorganisation during the A:B time break, accompanying mafic magma inputs. Mafic scoria erupted in upper member B cover similar compositions to the member A clasts, but extend over a much broader compositional range. Member C clast compositions reflect major changes during the B:C time break, including rejuvenation of magmatic system 2 (last seen in member A) as suite C3 (75.3-77.2 wt % SiO2, 100-410 ppm Ba), plus the appearance of two new suites with strong crustal signatures. Suite C2 is another rhyolite (74.7-77.6 wt % SiO2, with Ba decreasing with silica from 2840 to 470 ppm) that defines magmatic system 3. Suite C2 also shows clustered glass compositions, suggesting that multiple melt-dominant bodies were a repetitive feature of the HRT magmatic complex. Suite C1, in contrast, is dacite to rhyolite (65.6-75.0 wt % SiO2, with Ba increasing with silica from 750 to 1710 ppm) that defines magmatic system 4. Compositions from magmatic systems 1 and 2 dominantly reflect fractional crystallisation, but include partial melting of cumulates related to earlier intrusions of the same mafic magmas as those syn-eruptively vented. Country rock assimilation was limited to minor amounts of a more radiogenic (with respect to Sr) evolved contaminant. In contrast, systems 3 and 4 show similar strongly crustal isotopic compositions (despite their differences in elemental composition) consistent with assimilation of Archean rocks via partial melts derived from cumulates associated with contrasting mafic lineages. System 3 links to the same HRT mafic compositions co-erupted in members A and B. In contrast, system 4 links to olivine tholeiite compositions erupted in the Yellowstone area before, sparsely during, and following the HRT itself. All four magmatic systems were housed beneath the HRT caldera area. Systems 1 and 2 were hosted in Archean crust that had been modified by Cretaceous/Eocene magmatism, whereas systems 3 and 4 were hosted within crust that retained Archean isotopic characteristics. The extreme compositional diversity in the HRT highlights the spatial and temporal complexities that can be associated with large-volume silicic magmatism

    Volcanic glass from the 1.8 ka Taupō eruption (New Zealand) detected in Antarctic ice at ~ 230 CE.

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    Chemical anomalies in polar ice core records are frequently linked to volcanism; however, without the presence of (crypto)tephra particles, links to specific eruptions remain speculative. Correlating tephras yields estimates of eruption timing and potential source volcano, offers refinement of ice core chronologies, and provides insights into volcanic impacts. Here, we report on sparse rhyolitic glass shards detected in the Roosevelt Island Climate Evolution (RICE) ice core (West Antarctica), attributed to the 1.8 ka Taupō eruption (New Zealand)-one of the largest and most energetic Holocene eruptions globally. Six shards of a distinctive geochemical composition, identical within analytical uncertainties to proximal Taupō glass, are accompanied by a single shard indistinguishable from glass of the ~25.5 ka Ōruanui supereruption, also from Taupō volcano. This double fingerprint uniquely identifies the source volcano and helps link the shards to the climactic phase of the Taupō eruption. The englacial Taupō-derived glass shards coincide with a particle spike and conductivity anomaly at 278.84 m core depth, along with trachytic glass from a local Antarctic eruption of Mt. Melbourne. The assessed age of the sampled ice is 230 ± 19 CE (95% confidence), confirming that the published radiocarbon wiggle-match date of 232 ± 10 CE (2 SD) for the Taupō eruption is robust

    Specific Activation of Estrogen Receptor Alpha and Beta Enhances Male Sexual Behavior and Neuroplasticity in Male Japanese Quail

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    Two subtypes of estrogen receptors (ER), ERα and ERβ, have been identified in humans and numerous vertebrates, including the Japanese quail. We investigated in this species the specific role(s) of each receptor in the activation of male sexual behavior and the underlying estrogen-dependent neural plasticity. Castrated male Japanese quail received empty (CX) or testosterone-filled (T) implants or were daily injected with the ER general agonist diethylstilbestrol (DES), the ERα-specific agonist PPT, the ERβ-specific agonist DPN or the vehicle, propylene glycol. Three days after receiving the first treatment, subjects were alternatively tested for appetitive (rhythmic cloacal sphincter movements, RCSM) and consummatory aspects (copulatory behavior) of male sexual behavior. 24 hours after the last behavioral testing, brains were collected and analyzed for aromatase expression and vasotocinergic innervation in the medial preoptic nucleus. The expression of RCSM was activated by T and to a lesser extent by DES and PPT but not by the ERβagonist DPN. In parallel, T fully restored the complete sequence of copulation, DES was partially active and the specific activation of ERα or ERβ only resulted in a very low frequency of mount attempts in few subjects. T increased the volume of the medial preoptic nucleus as measured by the dense cluster of aromatase-immunoreactive cells and the density of the vasotocinergic innervation within this nucleus. DES had only a weak action on vasotocinergic fibers and the two specific ER agonists did not affect these neural responses. Simultaneous activation of both receptors or treatments with higher doses may be required to fully activate sexual behavior and the associated neurochemical events

    Organizing Effects of Sex Steroids on Brain Aromatase Activity in Quail

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    Preoptic/hypothalamic aromatase activity (AA) is sexually differentiated in birds and mammals but the mechanisms controlling this sex difference remain unclear. We determined here (1) brain sites where AA is sexually differentiated and (2) whether this sex difference results from organizing effects of estrogens during ontogeny or activating effects of testosterone in adulthood. In the first experiment we measured AA in brain regions micropunched in adult male and female Japanese quail utilizing the novel strategy of basing the microdissections on the distribution of aromatase-immunoreactive cells. The largest sex difference was found in the medial bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (mBST) followed by the medial preoptic nucleus (POM) and the tuberal hypothalamic region. A second experiment tested the effect of embryonic treatments known to sex-reverse male copulatory behavior (i.e., estradiol benzoate [EB] or the aromatase inhibitor, Vorozole) on brain AA in gonadectomized adult males and females chronically treated as adults with testosterone. Embryonic EB demasculinized male copulatory behavior, while vorozole blocked demasculinization of behavior in females as previously demonstrated in birds. Interestingly, these treatments did not affect a measure of appetitive sexual behavior. In parallel, embryonic vorozole increased, while EB decreased AA in pooled POM and mBST, but the same effect was observed in both sexes. Together, these data indicate that the early action of estrogens demasculinizes AA. However, this organizational action of estrogens on AA does not explain the behavioral sex difference in copulatory behavior since AA is similar in testosterone-treated males and females that were or were not exposed to embryonic treatments with estrogens

    Comparisons of heat treatment on the electrochemical performance of different carbons for lithium-oxygen cells

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    Lithium-oxygen (Li-O2) cells are a promising power source, and carbons are an attractive non-metal catalyst for air electrodes. To improve the electrochemical performance, various carbons are heated in an inert atmosphere. It is found that heat treatment at 900 C can differently improve the electrochemical performance of multiwalled carbon nanotubes (CNTs), acetylene carbon black (AB) and activated carbon (AC), but the improvement of CNTs is the most obvious. After heat treatment, the peak current density of the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) and the 1st discharge capacity of CNTs increase ∼30% and ∼125%, respectively, while the charge transfer reaction resistance and the Warburg diffusion resistance decrease ∼7.0% and ∼11.1%, respectively. AC has the highest charge capacities and capacity retention ratio in spite of little influence by heat treatment. The possible mechanism and reasons are analyzed using different techniques. Microstructure is superior to conductivity for enhancing the rechargeability and the cyclability, and heat treatment is effective for some carbon materials in improving the electrochemical performance of Li-O2 cells. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd

    5-Lipoxygenase Metabolic Contributions to NSAID-Induced Organ Toxicity

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    Some remarks on U–Th mineral ages from igneous rocks with prolonged crystallisation histories

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    Mineral isochron dating is a frequently used geochronological tool. One of its assumptions is that the minerals grow over a time period that is small compared to the half-life of the radiogenic isotope system used. In recent years, increasing analytical precision has promoted the use of the short-lived U-series isotope system in order to date young crystallisation events. Three whole-rock zircon U–Th isochrons from the 26.5 ka Oruanui eruption in the Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand, yield pre-eruptive model ages of 5.5±0.8 ka, 9.7±1.7 ka and 12.3±0.8 ka for the sub-63 μm, 63–125 μm and 125–250 μm zircon size fractions, respectively. This suggests that in this case the assumption of instantaneous crystal growth breaks down. Instead, the U–Th data may be explained by continuous zircon growth over a period of ~90 ka. However, cathodoluminescence shows that crystals are typically composed of an euhedral core surrounded by a sector-zoned euhedral rim, and the U–Th data can also be modelled by mixing an older (~27 ka model age) population of zircon crystals with a young zircon rim that formed shortly prior to eruption of the Oruanui rhyolite. This indicates that detailed petrographic studies are critical for deciphering the histories of prolonged crystallisation in the magmatic environment. It is concluded that conventional U-series mineral isochrons may underestimate the age of the onset of crystallisation by more than an order of magnitude. In future, microanalytical techniques will lead to significant advances in the understanding of crystallisation processes and timescales