654 research outputs found

    The Greater Boston Housing Report Card 2015: The Housing Cost Conundrum

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    Why has housing supply not kept up with housing demand? This is the question we decided to finally tackle head-on in this edition of the "Greater Boston Housing Report Card" by undertaking an in-depth study of detailed housing cost data that we have collected from housing agencies and developers. The answer to our question is an unsettling one. We have failed to meet housing production targets because there is no way to do so given the high cost of producing housing for working and middle-income households. In part, this is because of the extreme barriers to new construction, especially in the form of severely restrictive zoning at the local level across much of Massachusetts.Solving this problem of insufficient housing supply will require a battery of new approaches to zoning and construction techniques -- something that has eluded developers and policymakers alike. We suggest in these pages some new approaches to increase housing supply

    Obesity, Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder and the Dopaminergic Reward System

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    The obesity epidemic has focused attention on obesity’s health consequences beyond cardio-vascular disease and diabetes. To evaluate the potential consequences of obesity for Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), we surveyed the literature. Current findings link both obesity and ADHD to the dopamine system and implicate dopamine genes in body weight, eating, and ADHD. Detailed consideration suggests that dopaminergic changes in the prefrontal cortex among individuals with the ADHD subtype Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) may increase their risk for obesity. Thus, individuals and populations with a high prevalence of hyperdopaminergic genes may experience higher rates of obesity in the presence of abundant food. From an evolutionary perspective, alterations in the dopamine system appear to effect a wide range of behavioral phenotypes. We suggest that recent evolutionary changes in the dopamine receptor genes selected to increase cognitive and behavioral flexibility may now be associated with attention problems and increased food consumption in an obesogenic environment

    The Effect of Ongoing Exposure Dynamics in Dose Response Relationships

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    Characterizing infectivity as a function of pathogen dose is integral to microbial risk assessment. Dose-response experiments usually administer doses to subjects at one time. Phenomenological models of the resulting data, such as the exponential and the Beta-Poisson models, ignore dose timing and assume independent risks from each pathogen. Real world exposure to pathogens, however, is a sequence of discrete events where concurrent or prior pathogen arrival affects the capacity of immune effectors to engage and kill newly arriving pathogens. We model immune effector and pathogen interactions during the period before infection becomes established in order to capture the dynamics generating dose timing effects. Model analysis reveals an inverse relationship between the time over which exposures accumulate and the risk of infection. Data from one time dose experiments will thus overestimate per pathogen infection risks of real world exposures. For instance, fitting our model to one time dosing data reveals a risk of 0.66 from 313 Cryptosporidium parvum pathogens. When the temporal exposure window is increased 100-fold using the same parameters fitted by our model to the one time dose data, the risk of infection is reduced to 0.09. Confirmation of this risk prediction requires data from experiments administering doses with different timings. Our model demonstrates that dose timing could markedly alter the risks generated by airborne versus fomite transmitted pathogens

    In silico comparative genomics analysis of Plasmodium falciparum for the identification of putative essential genes and therapeutic candidates.

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    A sequence of computational methods was used for predicting novel drug targets against drug resistant malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum. Comparative genomics, orthologous protein analysis among same and other malaria parasites and protein-protein interaction study provide us new insights into determining the essential genes and novel therapeutic candidates. Among the predicted list of 21 essential proteins from unique pathways, 11 proteins were prioritized as anti-malarial drug targets. As a case study, we built homology models of two uncharacterized proteins using MODELLER v9.13 software from possible templates. Functional annotation of these proteins was done by the InterPro databases and from ProBiS server by comparison of predicted binding site residues. The model has been subjected to in silico docking study with screened potent lead compounds from the ZINC database by Dock Blaster software using AutoDock 4. Results from this study facilitate the selection of proteins and putative inhibitors for entry into drug design production pipelines