111 research outputs found

    SPI observations of positron annihilation radiation from the 4th galactic quadrant: sky distribution

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    During its first year in orbit the INTEGRAL observatory performed deep exposures of the Galactic Center region and scanning observations of the Galactic plane. We report on the status of our analysis of the positron annihilation radiation from the 4th Galactic quadrant with the spectrometer SPI, focusing on the sky distribution of the 511 keV line emission. The analysis methods are described; current constraints and limits on the Galactic bulge emission and the bulge-to-disk ratio are presented.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in the proceedings of the 5th INTEGRAL worksho

    Multiwavelength observation of a new black hole candidate: EXS 1737.9-2952

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    We report a multiwavelength analysis of an unusual high-energy transient: EXS 1737.9-2952. Due to the features this source exhibited in the hard X-ray domain similar to another source in the Galactic center region (1E1740.9 - 2952), and in order to study the molecular gas toward this X-ray source, we performed an observation of the EXS region in 1993 August, using the Swedish-ESO Submillimeter Telescope (SEST) located in La Silla (Chilean Andes). We observed a cloud, at the "forbidden" velocity of 135 km s-1, using 12CO (1-0) transitions, giving a maximum column density of 8 × 1021 cm-2. In 1994 we conducted other observations to search for higher density regions inside the cloud, using HCO+ and CS lines, but they were unsuccessful: we concluded that the cloud could be associated with the X-ray source and its mean density is of the order of ≈103 cm-3. In 1994 April, we performed a set of observations of the field containing EXS, at 20 cm and 6 cm, using the VLA in its A configuration, and found four possible radio candidates for an association with the EXS X-ray source, one of them (source 3) being extended, exhibiting a head-tail morphology, and a having a thermal spectrum with a spectral index ≈-0.7. We reproduced our observation in 1994 November and December, using the C configuration at 6 cm, in order to investigate on possible variability and extension of these sources and found a marginal indication in the 20 cm image that source 3 may have a weak second component displaced about 15". Nevertheless, this indication is too faint to associate this source definitely with EXS since no significant variation was detected. In addition, during the 1994 November-December observation, two more extended sources were detected but their association with EXS is unlikely. We also analyzed the Einstein/IPC image of the 5 σ EXS error box which does not exhibit, at the time of the observation, any significant low-energy X-ray counterpart to EXS. A nearby pulsar PSR 1737-30 in the ROSAT catalog is outside this error box. Finally, IRAS maps of the EXS region do not show any IR contribution at the location of the radio sources. We conclude that (1) EXS 1737.9-2952 is a high-energy transient, (2) a persistent counterpart at other wavelengths is not demonstrated, and (3) EXS, when flaring, as well as other GC gamma-ray sources, could possibly contribute to the 511 keV bulge emission

    Characterizing a new class of variability in GRS 1915+105 with simultaneous INTEGRAL/RXTE observations

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    We report on the analysis of 100 ks INTEGRAL observations of the Galactic microquasar GRS 1915+105. We focus on INTEGRAL Revolution number 48 when the source was found to exhibit a new type of variability as preliminarily reported in Hannikainen et al. (2003). The variability pattern, which we name ξ\xi, is characterized by a pulsing behaviour, consisting of a main pulse and a shorter, softer, and smaller amplitude precursor pulse, on a timescale of 5 minutes in the JEM-X 3-35 keV lightcurve. We also present simultaneous RXTE data. From a study of the individual RXTE/PCA pulse profiles we find that the rising phase is shorter and harder than the declining phase, which is opposite to what has been observed in other otherwise similar variability classes in this source. The position in the colour-colour diagram throughout the revolution corresponds to State A (Belloni et al. 2000) but not to any previously known variability class. We separated the INTEGRAL data into two subsets covering the maxima and minima of the pulses and fitted the resulting two broadband spectra with a hybrid thermal--non-thermal Comptonization model. The fits show the source to be in a soft state characterized by a strong disc component below ~6 keV and Comptonization by both thermal and non-thermal electrons at higher energies.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A. 11 pages, 10 figures, 4 in colour. Original figures can be found at http://www.astro.helsinki.fi/~diana/grs1915_rev48. Author affiliations correcte

    The relationship between patient physiology and cancer-specific survival following curative resection of colorectal cancer

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    The impact of patient physiology on cancer-specific survival is poorly documented. Patient physiology predicted overall, cancer-specific (Physiology Score>30; HR 8.64 (95% CI 3.00–24.92); P=0.0005) and recurrence-free survival (Physiology Score >30; HR 7.44 (95% CI 1.99–27.73); P=0.003) independent of Dukes stage following potentially curative surgery for colorectal cancer. This independent negative association with survival is a novel observation

    Plague Circulation and Population Genetics of the Reservoir Rattus rattus: The Influence of Topographic Relief on the Distribution of the Disease within the Madagascan Focus.

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    International audienceBACKGROUND: Landscape may affect the distribution of infectious diseases by influencing the population density and dispersal of hosts and vectors. Plague (Yersinia pestis infection) is a highly virulent, re-emerging disease, the ecology of which has been scarcely studied in Africa. Human seroprevalence data for the major plague focus of Madagascar suggest that plague spreads heterogeneously across the landscape as a function of the relief. Plague is primarily a disease of rodents. We therefore investigated the relationship between disease distribution and the population genetic structure of the black rat, Rattus rattus, the main reservoir of plague in Madagascar. METHODOLOGYPRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We conducted a comparative study of plague seroprevalence and genetic structure (15 microsatellite markers) in rat populations from four geographic areas differing in topology, each covering about 150-200 km(2) within the Madagascan plague focus. The seroprevalence levels in the rat populations mimicked those previously reported for humans. As expected, rat populations clearly displayed a more marked genetic structure with increasing relief. However, the relationship between seroprevalence data and genetic structure differs between areas, suggesting that plague distribution is not related everywhere to the effective dispersal of rats. CONCLUSIONSSIGNIFICANCE: Genetic diversity estimates suggested that plague epizootics had only a weak impact on rat population sizes. In the highlands of Madagascar, plague dissemination cannot be accounted for solely by the effective dispersal of the reservoir. Human social activities may also be involved in spreading the disease in rat and human populations

    Trade-Off between Toxicity and Signal Detection Orchestrated by Frequency- and Density-Dependent Genes

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    Behaviors in insects are partly highly efficient Bayesian processes that fulfill exploratory tasks ending with the colonization of new ecological niches. The foraging (for) gene in Drosophila encodes a cGMP-dependent protein kinase (PKG). It has been extensively described as a frequency-dependent gene and its transcripts are differentially expressed between individuals, reflecting the population density context. Some for transcripts, when expressed in a population at high density for many generations, concomitantly trigger strong dispersive behavior associated with foraging activity. Moreover, genotype-by-environment interaction (GEI) analysis has highlighted a dormant role of for in energetic metabolism in a food deprivation context. In our current report, we show that alleles of for encoding different cGMP-dependent kinase isoforms influence the oxidation of aldehyde groups of aromatic molecules emitted by plants via Aldh-III and a phosphorylatable adaptor. The enhanced efficiency of oxidation of aldehyde odorants into carboxyl groups by the action of for lessens their action and toxicity, which should facilitate exploration and guidance in a complex odor environment. Our present data provide evidence that optimal foraging performance requires the fast metabolism of volatile compounds emitted by plants to avoid neurosensory saturation and that the frequency-dependent genes that trigger dispersion influence these processes

    Exploring the interpersonal-, organization-, and system-level factors that influence the implementation and use of an innovation-synoptic reporting-in cancer care

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The dominant method of reporting findings from diagnostic and surgical procedures is the narrative report. In cancer care, this report inconsistently provides the information required to understand the cancer and make informed patient care decisions. Another method of reporting, the synoptic report, captures specific data items in a structured manner and contains only items critical for patient care. Research demonstrates that synoptic reports vastly improve the quality of reporting. However, synoptic reporting represents a complex innovation in cancer care, with implementation and use requiring fundamental shifts in physician behaviour and practice, and support from the organization and larger system. The objective of this study is to examine the key interpersonal, organizational, and system-level factors that influence the implementation and use of synoptic reporting in cancer care.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>This study involves three initiatives in Nova Scotia, Canada, that have implemented synoptic reporting within their departments/programs. Case study methodology will be used to study these initiatives (the cases) in-depth, explore which factors were barriers or facilitators of implementation and use, examine relationships amongst factors, and uncover which factors appear to be similar and distinct across cases. The cases were selected as they converge and differ with respect to factors that are likely to influence the implementation and use of an innovation in practice. Data will be collected through in-depth interviews, document analysis, observation of training sessions, and examination/use of the synoptic reporting tools. An audit will be performed to determine/quantify use. Analysis will involve production of a case record/history for each case, in-depth analysis of each case, and cross-case analysis, where findings will be compared and contrasted across cases to develop theoretically informed, generalisable knowledge that can be applied to other settings/contexts. Ethical approval was granted for this study.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>This study will contribute to our knowledge base on the multi-level factors, and the relationships amongst factors in specific contexts, that influence implementation and use of innovations such as synoptic reporting in healthcare. Such knowledge is critical to improving our understanding of implementation processes in clinical settings, and to helping researchers, clinicians, and managers/administrators develop and implement ways to more effectively integrate innovations into routine clinical care.</p