153 research outputs found

    Molecular Cluster Fragment Machine Learning Training Techniques to Predict Energetics of Brown Carbon Aerosol Clusters

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    Density functional theory (DFT) has become a popular method for computational work involving larger molecular systems as it provides accuracy that rivals ab initio methods while lowering computational cost. Nevertheless, computational cost is still high for systems greater than ten atoms in size, preventing their application in modeling realistic atmospheric systems at the molecular level. Machine learning techniques, however, show promise as cost-effective tools in predicting chemical properties when properly trained. In the interest of furthering chemical machine learning in the field of atmospheric science, I have developed a training method for predicting cluster energetics of newly characterized nitrogen-based brown carbon aerosols that can undergo tautomerization. By creating a training dataset of cluster fragment and functional group DFT calculations, I can effectively train machine learning models to predict overall energetics of previously unknown brown carbon clusters while improving computational efficiency

    Cyclin N-Terminal Domain-Containing-1 Coordinates Meiotic Crossover Formation with Cell-Cycle Progression in a Cyclin-Independent Manner

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    During mammalian meiotic prophase I, programmed DNA double-strand breaks are repaired by non-crossover or crossover events, the latter predominantly occurring via the class I crossover pathway and requiring the cyclin N-terminal domain-containing 1(CNTD1) protein. Using an epitope-tagged Cntd1 allele, we detect a short isoform of CNTD1 in vivo that lacks a predicted N-terminal cyclin domain and does not bind cyclin-dependent kinases. Instead, we find that the short-form CNTD1 variant associates with components of the replication factor C (RFC) machinery to facilitate crossover formation, and with the E2 ubiquitin conjugating enzyme, CDC34, to regulate ubiquitylation and subsequent degradation of the WEE1 kinase, thereby modulating cell-cycle progression. We propose that these interactions facilitate a role for CNTD1 as a stop-go regulator during prophase I, ensuring accurate and complete crossover formation before allowing metaphase progression and the first meiotic division

    An Improved Model for Dynamin Assembly Revealed by Cryo-EM

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    Continua com: Avaluació de la qualitat de l'aire a la ciutat de Barcelon

    Crystal structure of nucleotide-free dynamin

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    Dynamin is a mechanochemical GTPase that oligomerizes around the neck of clathrin-coated pits and catalyses vesicle scission in a GTP-hydrolysis-dependent manner. The molecular details of oligomerization and the mechanism of the mechanochemical coupling are currently unknown. Here we present the crystal structure of human dynamin 1 in the nucleotide-free state with a four-domain architecture comprising the GTPase domain, the bundle signalling element, the stalk and the pleckstrin homology domain. Dynamin 1 oligomerized in the crystals via the stalks, which assemble in a criss-cross fashion. The stalks further interact via conserved surfaces with the pleckstrin homology domain and the bundle signalling element of the neighbouring dynamin molecule. This intricate domain interaction rationalizes a number of disease-related mutations in dynamin 2 and suggests a structural model for the mechanochemical coupling that reconciles previous models of dynamin function

    MFN1 structures reveal nucleotide-triggered dimerization critical for mitochondrial fusion

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    Mitochondria are double-membraned organelles with variable shapes influenced by metabolic conditions, developmental stage, and environmental stimuli. Their dynamic morphology is a result of regulated and balanced fusion and fission processes. Fusion is crucial for the health and physiological functions of mitochondria, including complementation of damaged mitochondrial DNAs and the maintenance of membrane potential. Mitofusins are dynamin-related GTPases that are essential for mitochondrial fusion. They are embedded in the mitochondrial outer membrane and thought to fuse adjacent mitochondria via combined oligomerization and GTP hydrolysis. However, the molecular mechanisms of this process remain unknown. Here we present crystal structures of engineered human MFN1 containing the GTPase domain and a helical domain during different stages of GTP hydrolysis. The helical domain is composed of elements from widely dispersed sequence regions of MFN1 and resembles the ‘neck’ of the bacterial dynamin-like protein. The structures reveal unique features of its catalytic machinery and explain how GTP binding induces conformational changes to promote GTPase domain dimerization in the transition state. Disruption of GTPase domain dimerization abolishes the fusogenic activity of MFN1. Moreover, a conserved aspartate residue trigger was found to affect mitochondrial elongation in MFN1, probably through a GTP-loading-dependent domain rearrangement. Thus, we propose a mechanistic model for MFN1-mediated mitochondrial tethering, and our results shed light on the molecular basis of mitochondrial fusion and mitofusin-related human neuromuscular disorders

    A membrane-inserted structural model of the yeast mitofusin Fzo1

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    Mitofusins are large transmembrane GTPases of the dynamin-related protein family, and are required for the tethering and fusion of mitochondrial outer membranes. Their full-length structures remain unknown, which is a limiting factor in the study of outer membrane fusion. We investigated the structure and dynamics of the yeast mitofusin Fzo1 through a hybrid computational and experimental approach, combining molecular modelling and all-atom molecular dynamics simulations in a lipid bilayer with site-directed mutagenesis and in vivo functional assays. The predicted architecture of Fzo1 improves upon the current domain annotation, with a precise description of the helical spans linked by flexible hinges, which are likely of functional significance. In vivo site-directed mutagenesis validates salient aspects of this model, notably, the long-distance contacts and residues participating in hinges. GDP is predicted to interact with Fzo1 through the G1 and G4 motifs of the GTPase domain. The model reveals structural determinants critical for protein function, including regions that may be involved in GTPase domain-dependent rearrangements
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