1,129 research outputs found

    Substantive Decision-Making Under the Washington Shoreline Management Act

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    The specific purposes of this Article are twofold: first, an analysis of the SMA is set forth and then used in simple statistical comparisons to evaluate decisions rendered by local governments, superior courts, and the Shorelines Hearings Board (SHB) during the period 1974-1983; second, to present a numerical model that represents the verbal interpretation of the SMA with a simple arithmetical equation using weighted variables. These variables correspond to objectives identified in interpretations of the SMA. Decisions of the SHB and appellate courts during this period are explained in a statistical manner through use of the model. Neither computer7 nor regression analysis is used, but both the verbal interpretation of the SMA-derived from legal analysis and theory-and the numerical equation-based in theory, but derived somewhat empirically are substantially validated by the high correlation between the outcomes predicted by the simple model and the decisions rendered by the SHB and appellate courts. This Article begins, in Part II, by identifying the objectives of the SMA and Washington\u27s CZMP. The objectives are ascertained in this Article through analysis of the stated SMA policy, the goals that are required under the federal CZMA, and the goals described in the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS), which was filed by the Washington Department of Ecology (WDOE) with its application for federal approval of Washington\u27s CZMP. Appellate court interpretation of the SMA supplements this analysis. Part III of the Article evaluates fifty decisions of local governments and the SHB according to the SMA objectives identified in Part II. Part III explores decision making trends at different levels of review and appeal for each objective to determine the statistical extent to which each particular objective influenced the decisions of local governments, the SHB, and, when appropriate, superior and appellate courts. Part IV of this Article presents a numerical model developed by the author to help evaluate and explore substantive decision making under the SMA. The model allows an evaluation of fifty decisions on the basis of a balancing of all of the identified SMA objectives rather than according to each objective taken separately. The model also serves to evaluate and compare all levels of permit review and appeal. Finally, in Part V, this Article discusses general trends in SMA implementation with respect to the opportunities and relative advantages available to parties involved in the permit process. These parties include governments, private and public developers, and those who contest permits, including the state attorney general\u27s office, adjacent landowners, and citizen groups. A party\u27s opportunities and relative advantages differ significantly according to the level at which the permit is being reviewed

    Substantive Decision-Making Under the Washington Shoreline Management Act

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    The specific purposes of this Article are twofold: first, an analysis of the SMA is set forth and then used in simple statistical comparisons to evaluate decisions rendered by local governments, superior courts, and the Shorelines Hearings Board (SHB) during the period 1974-1983; second, to present a numerical model that represents the verbal interpretation of the SMA with a simple arithmetical equation using weighted variables. These variables correspond to objectives identified in interpretations of the SMA. Decisions of the SHB and appellate courts during this period are explained in a statistical manner through use of the model. Neither computer7 nor regression analysis is used, but both the verbal interpretation of the SMA-derived from legal analysis and theory-and the numerical equation-based in theory, but derived somewhat empirically are substantially validated by the high correlation between the outcomes predicted by the simple model and the decisions rendered by the SHB and appellate courts. This Article begins, in Part II, by identifying the objectives of the SMA and Washington\u27s CZMP. The objectives are ascertained in this Article through analysis of the stated SMA policy, the goals that are required under the federal CZMA, and the goals described in the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS), which was filed by the Washington Department of Ecology (WDOE) with its application for federal approval of Washington\u27s CZMP. Appellate court interpretation of the SMA supplements this analysis. Part III of the Article evaluates fifty decisions of local governments and the SHB according to the SMA objectives identified in Part II. Part III explores decision making trends at different levels of review and appeal for each objective to determine the statistical extent to which each particular objective influenced the decisions of local governments, the SHB, and, when appropriate, superior and appellate courts. Part IV of this Article presents a numerical model developed by the author to help evaluate and explore substantive decision making under the SMA. The model allows an evaluation of fifty decisions on the basis of a balancing of all of the identified SMA objectives rather than according to each objective taken separately. The model also serves to evaluate and compare all levels of permit review and appeal. Finally, in Part V, this Article discusses general trends in SMA implementation with respect to the opportunities and relative advantages available to parties involved in the permit process. These parties include governments, private and public developers, and those who contest permits, including the state attorney general\u27s office, adjacent landowners, and citizen groups. A party\u27s opportunities and relative advantages differ significantly according to the level at which the permit is being reviewed

    Nonlinear and linear timescales near kinetic scales in solar wind turbulence

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    The application of linear kinetic treatments to plasma waves, damping, and instability requires favorable inequalities between the associated linear timescales and timescales for nonlinear (e.g., turbulence) evolution. In the solar wind these two types of timescales may be directly compared using standard Kolmogorov-style analysis and observational data. The estimated local (in scale) nonlinear magnetohydrodynamic cascade times, evaluated as relevant kinetic scales are approached, remain slower than the cyclotron period, but comparable to or faster than the typical timescales of instabilities, anisotropic waves, and wave damping. The variation with length scale of the turbulence timescales is supported by observations and simulations. On this basis the use of linear theory—which assumes constant parameters to calculate the associated kinetic rates—may be questioned. It is suggested that the product of proton gyrofrequency and nonlinear time at the ion gyroscales provides a simple measure of turbulence influence on proton kinetic behavior

    Experimental Investigation of Base Pressure on Blunt-Trailing-Edge Wings at Supersonic Velocities

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    Measurements of base pressure are presented for 29 blunt-trailing-edge wings having an aspect ratio of 3.0 and various airfoil profiles. The different profiles comprised thickness ratios between 0.05 and 0.10, boattail angles between -2.9 degrees and 20 degrees, and ratios of trailing-edge thickness to airfoil thickness between 0.2 and 1.0. The tests were conducted at Mach numbers of 1.25, 1.5, 2.0, and 3.1. For each Mach number, the Reynolds number and angle of attack were varied. The lowest Reynolds number investigated was 0.2 x 10(6) and the highest was 3.5 x 10(6). Measurements on each wing were obtained separately with turbulent flow and laminar flow in the boundary layer. Span-wise surveys of the base pressure were conducted on several wings. The results with turbulent boundary-layer flow showed only small effects on base pressure of variations in Reynolds number, airfoil profile shape, boattail angle, and angle of attack. The principal variable affecting the base pressure for turbulent flow was the Mach number