2,697 research outputs found

    An Investigation into Power from Pitch-Surge Point-Absorber Wave Energy Converters.

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    There is a worldwide opportunity for clean renewable power. The results from the UK Government's "Marine Energy Challenge" showed that marine energy has the potential to become competitive with other forms of energy. The key to success in this lies in a low lifetime-cost of power as delivered to the user. Pitch-surge point-absorber WECs have the potential to do this with average annual powers of around 2 MW in North Atlantic conditions from relatively small devices that would be economically competitive with other technologies and would be relatively easy to install and maintain. The paper examines the factors governing the performance of such devices and outlines their underlying theory Preliminary laboratory test results from a 1/100 scale pilot design are presented. It is hoped that more extensive development work will follow these promising early results. Engineering designs for devices based on these findings are outlined

    Quasi-Biennial variations in helioseismic frequencies: Can the source of the variation be localized?

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    We investigate the spherical harmonic degree (l) dependence of the "seismic" quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO) observed in low-degree solar p-mode frequencies, using Sun-as-a-star Birmingham Solar Oscillations Network (BiSON) data. The amplitude of the seismic QBO is modulated by the 11-yr solar cycle, with the amplitude of the signal being largest at solar maximum. The amplitude of the signal is noticeably larger for the l=2 and 3 modes than for the l=0 and 1 modes. The seismic QBO shows some frequency dependence but this dependence is not as strong as observed in the 11-yr solar cycle. These results are consistent with the seismic QBO having its origins in shallow layers of the interior (one possibility being the bottom of the shear layer extending 5per cent below the solar surface). Under this scenario the magnetic flux responsible for the seismic QBO is brought to the surface (where its influence on the p modes is stronger) by buoyant flux from the 11-yr cycle, the strong component of which is observed at predominantly low-latitudes. As the l=2 and 3 modes are much more sensitive to equatorial latitudes than the l=0 and 1 modes the influence of the 11-yr cycle on the seismic QBO is more visible in l=2 and 3 mode frequencies. Our results imply that close to solar maximum the main influence of the seismic QBO occurs at low latitudes (<45 degrees), which is where the strong component of the 11-yr solar cycle resides. To isolate the latitudinal dependence of the seismic QBO from the 11-yr solar cycle we must consider epochs when the 11-yr solar cycle is weak. However, away from solar maximum, the amplitude of the seismic QBO is weak making the latitudinal dependence hard to constrain.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Reliability of P mode event classification using contemporaneous BiSON and GOLF observations

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    We carried out a comparison of the signals seen in contemporaneous BiSON and GOLF data sets. Both instruments perform Doppler shift velocity measurements in integrated sunlight, although BiSON perform measurements from the two wings of potassium absorption line and GOLF from one wing of the NaD1 line. Discrepancies between the two datasets have been observed. We show,in fact, that the relative power depends on the wing in which GOLF data observes. During the blue wing period, the relative power is much higher than in BiSON datasets, while a good agreement has been observed during the red period.Comment: 7 pages, HELAS II: Helioseismology, Asteroseismology, and MHD Connections, conference proceedin

    Solar cycle variations of large frequency separations of acoustic modes: Implications for asteroseismology

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    We have studied solar cycle changes in the large frequency separations that can be observed in Birmingham Solar Oscillations Network (BiSON) data. The large frequency separation is often one of the first outputs from asteroseismic studies because it can help constrain stellar properties like mass and radius. We have used three methods for estimating the large separations: use of individual p-mode frequencies, computation of the autocorrelation of frequency-power spectra, and computation of the power spectrum of the power spectrum. The values of the large separations obtained by the different methods are offset from each other and have differing sensitivities to the realization noise. A simple model was used to predict solar cycle variations in the large separations, indicating that the variations are due to the well-known solar cycle changes to mode frequency. However, this model is only valid over a restricted frequency range. We discuss the implications of these results for asteroseismology.Comment: 9 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS, references updated, corrections following proof

    Changes in the sensitivity of solar p-mode frequency shifts to activity over three solar cycles

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    Low-degree solar p-mode observations from the long-lived Birmingham Solar Oscillations Network (BiSON) stretch back further than any other single helioseismic data set. Results from BiSON have suggested that the response of the mode frequency to solar activity levels may be different in different cycles. In order to check whether such changes can also be seen at higher degrees, we compare the response of medium-degree solar p-modes to activity levels across three solar cycles using data from Big Bear Solar Observatory (BBSO), Global Oscillation Network Group (GONG), Michelson Doppler Imager (MDI) and Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI), by examining the shifts in the mode frequencies and their sensitivity to solar activity levels. We compare these shifts and sensitivities with those from radial modes from BiSON. We find that the medium-degree data show small but significant systematic differences between the cycles, with solar cycle 24 showing a frequency shift about 10 per cent larger than cycle 23 for the same change in activity as determined by the 10.7 cm radio flux. This may support the idea that there have been changes in the magnetic properties of the shallow subsurface layers of the Sun that have the strongest influence on the frequency shifts.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, accepted by MNRAS 3rd July 201

    Why should we correct reported pulsation frequencies for stellar line-of-sight Doppler velocity shifts?

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    In the age of Kepler and Corot, extended observations have provided estimates of stellar pulsation frequencies that have achieved new levels of precision, regularly exceeding fractional levels of a few parts in 10410^{4}. These high levels of precision now in principle exceed the point where one can ignore the Doppler shift of pulsation frequencies caused by the motion of a star relative to the observer. We present a correction for these Doppler shifts and use previously published pulsation frequencies to demonstrate the significance of the effect. We suggest that reported pulsation frequencies should be routinely corrected for stellar line-of-sight velocity Doppler shifts, or if a line-of-sight velocity estimate is not available, the frame of reference in which the frequencies are reported should be clearly stated.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, accepted for publication in MNRAS Letter

    A new efficient method for determining weighted power spectra: detection of low-frequency solar p-modes by analysis of BiSON data

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    We present a new and highly efficient algorithm for computing a power spectrum made from evenly spaced data which combines the noise-reducing advantages of the weighted fit with the computational advantages of the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). We apply this method to a 10-year data set of the solar p-mode oscillations obtained by the Birmingham Solar Oscillations Network (BiSON) and thereby uncover three new low-frequency modes. These are the l=2, n=5 and n=7 modes and the l=3, n=7 mode. In the case of the l=2, n=5 modes, this is believed to be the first such identification of this mode in the literature. The statistical weights needed for the method are derived from a combination of the real data and a sophisticated simulation of the instrument performance. Variations in the weights are due mainly to the differences in the noise characteristics of the various BiSON instruments, the change in those characteristics over time and the changing line-of-sight velocity between the stations and the Sun. It should be noted that a weighted data set will have a more time-dependent signal than an unweighted set and that, consequently, its frequency spectrum will be more susceptible to aliasing.Comment: 11 pages, 7 Figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS, Figure 6 had to be reduced in size to upload and so may be difficult to view on screen in .ps versio

    Asteroseismology of red giants: photometric observations of Arcturus by SMEI

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    We present new results on oscillations of the K1.5 III giant Arcturus (alpha Boo), from analysis of just over 2.5 yr of precise photometric observations made by the Solar Mass Ejection Imager (SMEI) on board the Coriolis satellite. A strong mode of oscillation is uncovered by the analysis, having frequency 3.51+/-0.03 micro-Hertz. By fitting its mode peak, we are able offer a highly constrained direct estimate of the damping time (tau = 24+/-1 days). The data also hint at the possible presence of several radial-mode overtones, and maybe some non-radial modes. We are also able to measure the properties of the granulation on the star, with the characteristic timescale for the granulation estimated to be 0.50+/-0.05 days.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures; accepted for publication in MNRAS Letter
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