42 research outputs found

    Higher-order Graph Principles towards Non-rigid Surface Registration

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    This report casts surface registration as the problem of finding a set of discrete correspondences through the minimization of an energy function, which is composed of geometric and appearance matching costs, as well as higher-order deformation priors. Two higher-order graph-based formulations are proposed under different deformation assumptions. The first formulation encodes isometric deformations using conformal geometry in a higher-order graph matching problem, which is solved through dual-decomposition and is able to handle partial matching. Despite the isometry assumption, this approach is able to robustly match sparse feature point sets on surfaces undergoing highly anisometric deformations. Nevertheless, its performance degrades significantly when addressing anisometric registration for a set of densely sampled points. This issue is rigorously addressed subsequently through a novel deformation model that is able to handle arbitrary diffeomorphisms between two surfaces. Such a deformation model is introduced into a higher-order Markov Random Field for dense surface registration, and is inferred using a new parallel and memory efficient algorithm. To deal with the prohibitive search space, we design an efficient way to select a number of matching candidates for each point of the source surface based on the matching results of a sparse set of points. A series of experiments demonstrate the accuracy and the efficiency of the proposed framework, notably in challenging cases of large and/or anisometric deformations, or surfaces that are partially occluded.Ce rapport formalise le problème du recalage de surfaces 3D comme la recherche d’un ensemble de correspondances discrètes par la minimisation d’une fonction d’énergie, qui est composée de fonctions de coûts mesurant des similitudes géométriques et d’apparence, et des à priori d’ordre élevé sur la déformation. Deux formulations à base de graphes d’ordre élevé sont proposées sous différentes hypothèses de déformation. La première formulation encode la déformation isométrique, à partir de géométrie conforme, dans un problème d’appariement de graphes d’ordre élevé, qui est résolu par décomposition duale et est capable de gérer les cas de correspondance partielle. Malgré l’hypothèse d’isométrie, cette approche est capable de mettre en correspondance de manière robuste deux ensembles clairsemés de points sur deux surfaces, y compris lorsque celles-ci subissent une déformation fortement anisométrique. Cependant, sa performance se dégrade de manière significative lorsqu’elle est étendue au recalage anisométrique d’un ensemble de points à forte densité. Ce problème est rigoureusement traité par la suite à travers un nouveau modèle de déformation capable de gérer des difféomorphismes arbitraires entre deux surfaces. Ce modèle de déformation est introduit dans une formulation MRF d’ordre élevé pour le recalage dense de surfaces, et être inféré en utilisant un nouvel algorithme parallèle et efficace en termes de mémoire. Pour traiter l’espace de recherche prohibitif, nous concevons une méthode efficace pour sélectionner un ensemble de correspondants potentiels pour chaque point appartenant à la surface source. Cette méthode est basée sur les résultats d’appariement d’un ensemble clairsemé de points. Notre méthode est validée au moyen d’une série d’expériences qui démontrent sa précision et son efficacité, notamment dans les cas difficiles où des déformations importantes et/ou anisométriques sont présentes, ou lorsque les maillages sont partiellement cachés

    Regional Geological Survey of Hanggai, Xianxia and Chuancun, Zhejiang Province in China

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    This Open Access book introduces readers to the regional geology of Hanggai, Xianxia and Chuancun, the area between China's northern Zhejiang Province and southern Anhui Province and explores the strata, magmatic rocks and tectonic structures in 1:50,000 scale geological maps. Based on studies of multiple stratigraphic divisions, the standard stratigraphic section of the upper Ordovician Hirnantian in the lower Yangtze region is established, revealing for the first time numerous “Burgess Shale-type” sponge fossils in Hirnantian strata and identifying 10 grapholite fossil belts and various fossil categories, including chitin, trilobites, gastropods, brachiopods, and cephalopods. Moreover, the book identifies for the first time Late Ordovician volcanic events in northern Zhejiang province. The work represents a major contribution to research on Paleozoic strata in the Lower Yangtze region, and sheds new light on understanding the Hirnantian glacial event and biological extinction event in South China by providing a high-precision time scale. In addition, the book opens an important avenue for future research on sponge evolution after the Cambrian life explosion. As such, it offers a unique and valuable asset for researchers and graduate students alike

    Ubiquitous Coexisting Electron-Mode Couplings in High Temperature Cuprate Superconductors

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    In conventional superconductors, the electron-phonon coupling plays a dominant role in pairing the electrons and generating superconductivity. In high temperature cuprate superconductors, the existence of the electron coupling with phonons and other boson modes and its role in producing high temperature superconductivity remain unclear. The evidence of the electron-boson coupling mainly comes from the angle-resolved photoemission (ARPES) observations of the ~70meV nodal dispersion kink and the ~40meV antinodal kink. However, the reported results are sporadic and the nature of the involved bosons are still under debate. Here we report new findings of ubiquitous two coexisting electron-mode couplings in cuprate superconductors. By taking ultra-high resolution laser-based ARPES measurements, combined with the improved second derivative analysis method, we discovered that the electrons are coupled simultaneously with two sharp phonon modes with energies of ~70meV and ~40meV in different superconductors with different doping levels, over the entire momentum space and at different temperatures above and below the superconducting transition temperature. The observed electron-phonon couplings are unusual because the associated energy scales do not exhibit an obvious change across the superconducting transition. We further find that the well-known "peak-dip-hump" structure, which has long been considered as a hallmark of superconductivity, is also omnipresent and consists of finer structures that originates from electron coupling with two sharp phonon modes. These comprehensive results provide a unified picture to reconcile all the reported observations and pinpoint the origin of the electron-mode couplings in cuprate superconductors. They provide key information to understand the role of the electron-phonon coupling in generating high temperature superconductivity

    Review of advanced road materials, structures, equipment, and detection technologies

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    As a vital and integral component of transportation infrastructure, pavement has a direct and tangible impact on socio-economic sustainability. In recent years, an influx of groundbreaking and state-of-the-art materials, structures, equipment, and detection technologies related to road engineering have continually and progressively emerged, reshaping the landscape of pavement systems. There is a pressing and growing need for a timely summarization of the current research status and a clear identification of future research directions in these advanced and evolving technologies. Therefore, Journal of Road Engineering has undertaken the significant initiative of introducing a comprehensive review paper with the overarching theme of “advanced road materials, structures, equipment, and detection technologies”. This extensive and insightful review meticulously gathers and synthesizes research findings from 39 distinguished scholars, all of whom are affiliated with 19 renowned universities or research institutions specializing in the diverse and multidimensional field of highway engineering. It covers the current state and anticipates future development directions in the four major and interconnected domains of road engineering: advanced road materials, advanced road structures and performance evaluation, advanced road construction equipment and technology, and advanced road detection and assessment technologies

    A Dual-Path Cross-Modal Network for Video-Music Retrieval

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    In recent years, with the development of the internet, video has become more and more widely used in life. Adding harmonious music to a video is gradually becoming an artistic task. However, artificially adding music takes a lot of time and effort, so we propose a method to recommend background music for videos. The emotional message of music is rarely taken into account in current work, but it is crucial for video music retrieval. To achieve this, we design two paths to process content information and emotional information between modals. Based on the characteristics of video and music, we design various feature extraction schemes and common representation spaces. In the content path, the pre-trained network is used as the feature extraction network. As these features contain some redundant information, we use an encoder–decoder structure for dimensionality reduction. Where encoder weights are shared to obtain content sharing features for video and music. In the emotion path, an emotion key frames scheme was used for video and a channel attention mechanism was used for music in order to obtain the emotion information effectively. We also added emotion distinguish loss to guarantee that the network acquires the emotion information effectively. More importantly, we propose a way to combine content information with emotional information. That is, content features are first stitched together with sentiment features and then passed through a fused shared space structured as an MLP to obtain more effective fused shared features. In addition, a polarity penalty factor has been added to the classical metric loss function to make it more suitable for this task. Experiments show that this dual path video music retrieval network can effectively merge information. Compared with existing methods, the retrieval task evaluation index increases Recall@1 by 3.94

    A Generic Deformation Model for Dense Non-Rigid Surface Registration: a Higher-Order MRF-based Approach

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    International audienceWe propose a novel approach for dense non-rigid 3D surface registration, which brings together Riemannian geometry and graphical models. To this end, we first introduce a generic deformation model, called Canonical Distortion Coefficients (CDCs), by characterizing the deformation of every point on a surface using the distortions along its two principle directions. This model subsumes the deformation groups commonly used in surface registration such as isometry and conformality, and is able to handle more complex deformations. We also derive its discrete counterpart which can be computed very efficiently in a closed form. Based on these, we introduce a higher-order Markov Random Field (MRF) model which seamlessly integrates our deformation model and a geometry/texture similarity metric. Then we jointly establish the optimal correspondences for all the points via maximum a posteriori (MAP) inference. Moreover, we develop a parallel optimization algorithm to efficiently perform the inference for the proposed higher-order MRF model. The resulting registration algorithm outperforms state-of-the-art methods in both dense non-rigid 3D surface registration and tracking

    Dense non-rigid surface registration using high-order graph matching

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    International audienceIn this paper, we propose a high-order graph matching formulation to address non-rigid surface matching. The singleton terms capture the geometric and appearance similarities (e.g., curvature and texture) while the high-order terms model the intrinsic embedding energy. The novelty of this paper includes: 1. casting 3D surface registration into a graph matching problem that combines both geometric and appearance similarities and intrinsic embedding information, 2. the first implementation of high-order graph matching algorithm that solves a non-convex optimization problem, and 3. an efficient two-stage optimization approach to constrain the search space for dense surface registration. Our method is validated through a series of experiments demonstrating its accuracy and efficiency, notably in challenging cases of large and/or non-isometric deformations, or meshes that are partially occluded

    Intrinsic Dense 3D Surface Tracking

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    This paper presents a novel intrinsic 3D surface distance and its use in a complete probabilistic tracking framework for dynamic 3D data. Registering two frames of a deforming 3D shape relies on accurate correspondences between all points across the two frames. In the general case such correspondence search is computationally intractable. Common prior assumptions on the nature of the deformation such as near-rigidity, isometry or learning from a training set, reduce the search space but often at the price of loss of accuracy when it comes to deformations not in the prior assumptions. If we consider the set of all possible 3D surface matchings defined by specifying triplets of correspondences in the uniformization domain, then we introduce a new matching cost between two 3D surfaces. The lowest feature differences across this set of matchings that cause two points to correspond, become the matching cost of that particular correspondence. We show that for surface tracking applications, the matching cost can be efficiently computed in the uniformization domain. This matching cost is then combined with regularization terms that enforce spatial and temporal motion consistencies, into a maximum a posteriori (MAP) problem which we approximate using a Markov Random Field (MRF). Compared to previous 3D surface tracking approaches that either assume isometric deformations or consistent features, our method achieves dense, accurate tracking results, which we demonstrate through a series of dense, anisometric 3D surface tracking experiments. 1