36 research outputs found

    An in silico model for identification of small RNAs in whole bacterial genomes: characterization of antisense RNAs in pathogenic Escherichia coli and Streptococcus agalactiae strains

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    Characterization of small non-coding ribonucleic acids (sRNA) among the large volume of data generated by high-throughput RNA-seq or tiling microarray analyses remains a challenge. Thus, there is still a need for accurate in silico prediction methods to identify sRNAs within a given bacterial species. After years of effort, dedicated software were developed based on comparative genomic analyses or mathematical/statistical models. Although these genomic analyses enabled sRNAs in intergenic regions to be efficiently identified, they all failed to predict antisense sRNA genes (asRNA), i.e. RNA genes located on the DNA strand complementary to that which encodes the protein. The statistical models enabled any genomic region to be analyzed theorically but not efficiently. We present a new model for in silico identification of sRNA and asRNA candidates within an entire bacterial genome. This model was successfully used to analyze the Gram-negative Escherichia coli and Gram-positive Streptococcus agalactiae. In both bacteria, numerous asRNAs are transcribed from the complementary strand of genes located in pathogenicity islands, strongly suggesting that these asRNAs are regulators of the virulence expression. In particular, we characterized an asRNA that acted as an enhancer-like regulator of the type 1 fimbriae production involved in the virulence of extra-intestinal pathogenic E. coli

    A specific genetic background is required for acquisition and expression of virulence factors

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    In bacteria, the evolution of pathogenicity seems to be the result of the constant arrival of virulence factors (VFs) into the bacterial genome. However, the integration, retention, and/or expression of these factors may be the result of the interaction between the new arriving genes and the bacterial genomic background. To test this hypothesis, a phylogenetic analysis was done on a collection of 98 Escherichia coli/Shigella strains representing the pathogenic and commensal diversity of the species. The distribution of 17 VFs associated to the different E. coli pathovars was superimposed on the phylogenetic tree. Three major types of VFs can be recognized: (1) VFs that arrive and are expressed in different genetic backgrounds (such as VFs associated with the pathovars of mild chronic diarrhea: enteroaggregative, enteropathogenic, and diffusely-adhering E. coli), (2) VFs that arrive in different genetic backgrounds but are preferentially found, associated with a specific pathology, in only one particular background (such as VFs associated with extraintestinal diseases), and (3) VFs that require a particular genetic background for the arrival and expression of their virulence potential (such as VFs associated with pathovars typical of severe acute diarrhea: enterohemorragic, enterotoxigenic, and enteroinvasive E. coli strains). The possibility of a single arrival of VFs by chance, followed by a vertical transmission, was ruled out by comparing the evolutionary histories of some of these VFs to the strain phylogeny. These evidences suggest that important changes in the genome of E. coli have occurred during the diversification of the species, allowing the virulence factors associated with severe acute diarrhea to arrive in the population. Thus, the E. coli genome seems to be formed by an ''ancestral'' and a ''derived'' background, each one responsible for the acquisition and expression of different virulence factors

    Organised Genome Dynamics in the Escherichia coli Species Results in Highly Diverse Adaptive Paths

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    The Escherichia coli species represents one of the best-studied model organisms, but also encompasses a variety of commensal and pathogenic strains that diversify by high rates of genetic change. We uniformly (re-) annotated the genomes of 20 commensal and pathogenic E. coli strains and one strain of E. fergusonii (the closest E. coli related species), including seven that we sequenced to completion. Within the ∼18,000 families of orthologous genes, we found ∼2,000 common to all strains. Although recombination rates are much higher than mutation rates, we show, both theoretically and using phylogenetic inference, that this does not obscure the phylogenetic signal, which places the B2 phylogenetic group and one group D strain at the basal position. Based on this phylogeny, we inferred past evolutionary events of gain and loss of genes, identifying functional classes under opposite selection pressures. We found an important adaptive role for metabolism diversification within group B2 and Shigella strains, but identified few or no extraintestinal virulence-specific genes, which could render difficult the development of a vaccine against extraintestinal infections. Genome flux in E. coli is confined to a small number of conserved positions in the chromosome, which most often are not associated with integrases or tRNA genes. Core genes flanking some of these regions show higher rates of recombination, suggesting that a gene, once acquired by a strain, spreads within the species by homologous recombination at the flanking genes. Finally, the genome's long-scale structure of recombination indicates lower recombination rates, but not higher mutation rates, at the terminus of replication. The ensuing effect of background selection and biased gene conversion may thus explain why this region is A+T-rich and shows high sequence divergence but low sequence polymorphism. Overall, despite a very high gene flow, genes co-exist in an organised genome

    Sugar metabolism, an additional virulence factor in enterobacteria.

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    International audienceEnterobacteria display a high level of flexibility in their fermentative metabolism. Biotyping assays have thus been developed to discriminate between clinical isolates. Each biotype uses one or more sugars more efficiently than the others. Recent studies show links between sugar metabolism and virulence in enterobacteria. In particular, mechanisms of carbohydrate utilization differ substantially between pathogenic and commensal E. coli strains. We are now starting to gain insight into the importance of this variability in metabolic function. Studies using various animal models of intestinal colonization showed that the presence of the fos and deoK loci involved in the metabolism of short-chain fructoligosaccharides and deoxyribose, respectively, help avian and human pathogenic E. coli to outcompete with the normal flora and colonize the intestine. Both PTS and non-PTS sugar transporters have been found to modulate virulence of extraintestinal pathogenic E. coli strains. The vpe, GimA, and aec35-37 loci contribute to bacterial virulence in vivo during experimental septicemia and urinary tract infection, meningitis, and colibacillosis, respectively. However, in most cases, the sugars metabolized, and the precise role of their utilization in the expression of bacterial virulence is still unknown. The massive development of powerful analytical methods over recent years will allow establishing the knowledge of the metabolic basis of bacterial pathogenesis that appears to be the next challenge in the field of infectious diseases

    Diffusely adherent Escherichia coli strains expressing Afa/Dr adhesins (Afa/Dr DAEC): hitherto unrecognized pathogens.

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    International audienceDiffusely adherent Escherichia coli (DAEC) strains are currently considered to constitute a putative sixth group of diarrheagenic E. coli. However, on the basis of their diffuse adherence to HEp-2 and HeLa cells, the detection of afa/dra/daa-related operons encoding this adherence phenotype, and the mobilization of decay-accelerating factor, both commensal and pathogenic strains can be classified as Afa/Dr DAEC isolates. Furthermore, strains associated with diarrheal diseases and strains causing extra-intestinal infections can also be identified as Afa/Dr DAEC strains. Although several cell signaling events that occur after epithelial cells have been infected by Afa/Dr DAEC have been reported, the pathophysiological processes that allow intestinal and extra-intestinal infections to develop are not fully understood. This review focuses on the genetic organization of the afa/dra/daa-related operons and on the virulence factors that trigger cellular responses, some of which are deleterious for the host cells. Finally, this review suggests future lines of research that could help to elucidate these questions