133 research outputs found

    Beyond The Veil: Unraveling The Mysteries of The Ahom's Mortuary Traditions

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    The last stage of human's life culminates in mortality. After the demise of an individual the funeral practices vary in accordance with geographic location and among the specific ethnic groups or communities, and it encompasses diverse religious traditions.  The Tai Ahom ethnic group of Assam upholds a unique and culturally significant burial ritual that traces its roots to the practices of Yunan Province, their original homeland. In addition to this, various mortuary customs are followed by the Tai Ahom community, from the time of a person's death through their burial and continue even after that. Over time, the gradual influence of Hinduism has led to the transformation of some of their indigenous mortuary customs, while the traditional 'Maidam Dia'(grave) still prevails in certain areas among the Ahom populace of Assam, a tradition dating back to the era of Swargadeo Chao-lung Sukapha. This paper attempts to study the unique mortuary rituals, including the practice of 'Maidam Dia', among the Tai Ahom people of Assam, and it gives an overview of the evolution of these customs over time under the influence of Hinduism

    Behaviour of solar cell in different shading condition and calculation of maximum power point at partial shading condition

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    Because of the presence of any obstacle some part of Solar Module  (SM) may get shaded. This condition is called as partial shading condition (PSC). During PSC the output power from SM degrades severely. If the pattern of PSC is continuous for a longer period of time, there may be the possibility of generation of hot spot because of which mechanical damage will occur in the module. So it is utmost important to understand the behavior of SM in PSC and the root cause of generation of hot spot. So, in this paper a detail description is given explaining the behavior of SM at different modes of lighting condition. Along with that the characteristic behavior of SM is shown for different shading pattern and irradiance condition

    Assessment of knowledge on forensic anatomy among preclinical medical students

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    Anatomy is one of the key disciplines in forensic science. The knowledge of anatomy is very important for a medical examiner or forensic expert. If there is any internal damage in the corpse and the forensic experts have no idea, then they may mistake it for a normal structure. In Malaysia, forensic anatomy is not included as a subdiscipline in the present preclinical medical curriculum. A preliminary study was undertaken to assess students knowledge on forensic anatomy and its scope. Primary data was collected through survey method from 66 students. A structured closed questionnaire was used to collect data from first year preclinical students of medical programme of International Medical School of Management and Science University. Majority of the students had knowledge on forensic anatomy and its scope. The students were aware of forensic anatomy and they had information on this subject from various website sources. The data was analyzed using SPSS version 20. The available results are discussed in the light of available literature. The results indicate the students are eager and enthusiastic in exploring the opportunity on learning more about forensic anatomy and its career prospects

    A Review on Light Trapping Capacities of Different Photovoltaic Cells

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    As human beings mostly depend on fossil fuels for all of their daily energy USAges. But due to the exponential increase in the graph of the price of the fossil fuels, as well as the gradually decreasing graph of their availability on a large scale, makes the people to divert their attention towards a new source of sustainable energy which could fulfil their daily energy needs reliably, efficiently as well as cost-effectively. Among all renewable sources, the solar energy is an energy source whose availability is free and in an enormous amount; but the main thing is that steps should be undertaken in order to harness the solar energy properly. The following contents in the paper are based on the ways that how solar energy could be harnessed profitably

    Cavity-Modified Laser Induced Fluorescence of a Blended System of Polymer Film

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    Diffusion Weighted Imaging and Grading of Brain Tumours

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    Background: Most prevalent primary cerebral tumours are meningiomas. The other frequent intracranial tumours are pituitary adenomas, which are benign, and gliomas, which are intra-axial brain tumours. The objective of this study is to understand the importance of DW MRI imaging with standard b-value in differentiating presurgical grading of the brain tumour.Design: A total of 24 DWI patients, including 12 meningiomas, 8 gliomas, and 4 pituitary adenomas, were included in this retrospective analysis.Method: The Stejskal-Tanner equation is used to analyse the ADCmean, ADCmin, and ADCmax values from the healthy and tumour core that are obtained out from area of interest (ROI).Result: The ADCmean value of Gliomas ranges from 0.09 x 10-3 mm2s-1 to 0.99 x 10-3 mm2s-1 with a median value of 0.25 x 10-3 mm2s-1. ADCmean value 1.82 x 10-3 mm2/s (sensitivity: 67%. Specificity: 81.8%) and 0.94 x 10-3 mm2/s (sensitivity: 75%. specificity: 81.3%) can discriminate grade II –IV meningioma from grade II-IV glioma.Conclusion: The ADC and its threshold levels offer crucial details on the grades, consistency, and characterization of tumour, aiding accurate diagnosis and therapy

    Driven dust-charge fluctuation and chaotic ion dynamics in the plasma sheath and pre-sheath regions

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    Possible existence of chaotic oscillations in ion dynamics in the sheath and pre-sheath regions of a dusty plasma, induced by externally driven dust-charge fluctuation, is presented in this work. In a complex plasma, dust charge fluctuation occurs continuously with time due to the variation of electron and ions current flowing into the dust particles. In most of the works related to dust-charge fluctuation, theoretically it is assumed that the average dust-charge fluctuation follows the the plasma perturbation, while in reality, the dust-charge fluctuation is a semi-random phenomena, fluctuating about some average value. The very cause of dust-charge fluctuation in a dusty plasma also points to the fact that these fluctuations can be driven externally by changing electron and ion currents to the dust particles. With the help of a \emph{hybrid}-Particle in Cell-Monte Carlo (\emph{h}-PIC-MCC) code in this work, we use the plasma sheath as a candidate for driving the dust-charge fluctuation by periodically exposing the sheath-side wall to UV radiation, causing photoemission of electrons, which in turn drive the dust-charge fluctuation. We show that this \emph{driven} dust-charge fluctuation can induce a chaotic response in the ion dynamics in the sheath and the pre-sheath regions.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figure

    A study of abnormal semen parameters in infertile couples in Assam, India

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    Background: The importance of male factor contribution to infertility is well recognised. Semen analysis is an indispensable diagnostic tool in the evaluation of the male partners of infertile couples.  Aim and objective of the study was conducted to determine the abnormalities in semen among male partners in infertile couples.Methods: Detailed history, examination and semen analysis was done. Semen samples were analysed for volume, viscosity, sperm concentration, motility, and morphology, according to WHO guidelines.Results: This study, done at a tertiary care center in north eastern India has demonstrated that abnormal semen quality is a major factor contributing to infertility in couples. Total number of participants were 94. Most of the male partners i.e. 65.96%, who came for infertility evaluation were between 30-39 years of age with 56.38% participants having abnormal semen parameters. The most common abnormality found was asthenozoospermia seen in 35.11% of cases followed by oligozoospermia seen in 25.53% of cases. Teratozoospermia and azoospermia were seen in 7.45% and 4.26% of cases respectively.Conclusions: Males contribute towards infertility in couples significantly. Abnormal semen pattern is a common cause. More research is needed to render more valuable and significant results regarding male infertility

    Analysis of the Problems Occurred Due To Partial Shading of Solar Photovoltaic Array and Probable Solutions

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    A solar panel is made up of solar cells where semiconductors made to react and give us a potential difference when solar energy falls on it. However, due to the internal and external interferences, many problems are faced by solar panels, like dust, partial shading by leaves or mud, etc. This paper aims at trying to find out the best possible solution for the partial shading problems when solar energy is harvested using a solar panel. The Series-Parallel configuration (SP) and the Total-Cross Tied configuration (TCT) connections of PV module have been analyzed using MATLAB

    Analysis of the development of belarusian national e-commerce account in China

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    Since China and Belarus upgraded to an all-weather comprehensive strategic partnership, the two countries have made remarkable achievements in cooperation in economy and trade, investment, finance, machinery manufacturing, agriculture, energy, biotechnology, digitalization and other fields. This article will focus on the China-Belarusian e-commerce cooperation to analyze the achievements of cultural and economic exchanges between China and Belarus