804 research outputs found

    Investigation of automated task learning, decomposition and scheduling

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    The details and results of research conducted in the application of neural networks to task planning and decomposition are presented. Task planning and decomposition are operations that humans perform in a reasonably efficient manner. Without the use of good heuristics and usually much human interaction, automatic planners and decomposers generally do not perform well due to the intractable nature of the problems under consideration. The human-like performance of neural networks has shown promise for generating acceptable solutions to intractable problems such as planning and decomposition. This was the primary reasoning behind attempting the study. The basis for the work is the use of state machines to model tasks. State machine models provide a useful means for examining the structure of tasks since many formal techniques have been developed for their analysis and synthesis. It is the approach to integrate the strong algebraic foundations of state machines with the heretofore trial-and-error approach to neural network synthesis

    The costs of scaling up HIV prevention for high risk groups: lessons learned from the Avahan Programme in India.

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    OBJECTIVE: The study objective is to measure, analyse costs of scaling up HIV prevention for high-risk groups in India, in order to assist the design of future HIV prevention programmes in South Asia and beyond. DESIGN: Prospective costing study. METHODS: This study is one of the most comprehensive studies of the costs of HIV prevention for high-risk groups to date in both its scope and size. HIV prevention included outreach, sexually transmitted infections (STI) services, condom provision, expertise enhancement, community mobilisation and enabling environment activities. Economic costs were collected from 138 non-government organisations (NGOs) in 64 districts, four state level lead implementing partners (SLPs), and the national programme level (Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF)) office over four years using a top down costing approach, presented in US2011.RESULTS:Meantotalunitcosts(200408)perpersonreachedatleastonceayearandpermonthlycontactwereUS 2011. RESULTS: Mean total unit costs (2004-08) per person reached at least once a year and per monthly contact were US 235(56-1864) and US82(12969)respectively.35 82(12-969) respectively. 35% of the cost was incurred by NGOs, 30% at the state level SLP and 35% at the national programme level. The proportion of total costs by activity were 34% for expertise enhancement, 37% for programme management (including support and supervision), 22% for core HIV prevention activities (outreach and STI services) and 7% for community mobilisation and enabling environment activities. Total unit cost per person reached fell sharply as the programme expanded due to declining unit costs above the service level (from US 477 per person reached in 2004 to US145perpersonreachedin2008).AttheservicelevelalsounitcostsdecreasedslightlyovertimefromUS 145 per person reached in 2008). At the service level also unit costs decreased slightly over time from US 68 to US$ 64 per person reached. CONCLUSIONS: Scaling up HIV prevention for high risk groups requires significant investment in expertise enhancement and programme administration. However, unit costs decreased with programme expansion in spite of an increase in the scope of activities

    Knowledge and use of electronic information resources by Post graduate Engineering students of Karnataka state: A study

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    The present study is an attempt to know the knowledge and use of electronic information resources by post graduate engineering students studying in 16 Autonomous engineering colleges of Karnataka state. The study involved 1064 post graduate engineering students and found that 100% students use electronic information resources. The study also revealed that e-journals are the most preferred e-resources and the library notice board along with library websites are the major sources of creating awareness about the availability of e-resources. However, the trial and error method was highly used to use e-resources followed by self-study and library orientation. The study found that keyword search is highly preferred and the VTU consortium is a highly preferred gateway for accessing the e-resources. Engineering students lack the skill of selecting the right search term. Apart from this slow internet connectivity also hinders the effective use of e-resources

    A short term comparative evaluation of the efficacy of diode laser with desensitizing toothpastes and mouthwashes in the treatment of dentinal hypersensitivity

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    Treatment of dentinal hypersensitivity (DH) has always been challenging with a wide variety of therapeutic options, in-office and home care. The study objective was to compare the clinical efficacy of diode laser [DL] with four commercially available des


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    A cross sectional epidemiological study of mental morbidity among 1160 postgraduate and research students was done by census method. Goldberg's 60 item GHQ was used as screening tool and a person scoring 12 and above was taken as a case. The response rate was 92.5%. A prevalence rate of 16.63 was found. The relationship between mental morbidity and selected socio-demographic, motivational psychological variables; certain life experiences in the campus was studied. The results are discussed. This study is first of its kind in our country

    The effects of scale on the costs of targeted HIV prevention interventions among female and male sex workers, men who have sex with men and transgenders in India

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    BACKGROUND: The India AIDS Initiative (Avahan) project is involved in rapid scale-up of HIV-prevention interventions in high-risk populations. This study examines the cost variation of 107 non-governmental organisations (NGOs) implementing targeted interventions, over the start up (defined as period from project inception until services to the key population commenced) and first 2 years of intervention. METHODS: The Avahan interventions for female and male sex workers and their clients, in 62 districts of four southern states were costed for the financial years 2004/2005 and 2005/2006 using standard costing techniques. Data sources include financial and economic costs from the lead implementing partners (LPs) and subcontracted local implementing NGOs retrospectively and prospectively collected from a provider perspective. Ingredients and step-down allocation processes were used. Outcomes were measured using routinely collected project data. The average costs were estimated and a regression analysis carried out to explore causes of cost variation. Costs were calculated in US2006.RESULTS:Thetotalnumberofregisteredpeoplewas134,391attheendof2years,and124,669hadusedSTIservicesduringthatperiod.ThemedianaveragecostofAvahanprogrammeforthisperiodwas 2006. RESULTS: The total number of registered people was 134,391 at the end of 2 years, and 124,669 had used STI services during that period. The median average cost of Avahan programme for this period was 76 per person registered with the project. Sixty-one per cent of the cost variation could be explained by scale (positive association), number of NGOs per district (negative), number of LPs in the state (negative) and project maturity (positive) (p<0.0001). CONCLUSIONS: During rapid scale-up in the initial phase of the Avahan programme, a significant reduction in average costs was observed. As full scale-up had not yet been achieved, the average cost at scale is yet to be realised and the extent of the impact of scale on costs yet to be captured. Scale effects are important to quantify for planning resource requirements of large-scale interventions. The average cost after 2 years is within the range of global scale-up costs estimates and other studies in India


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    A media player engine with scalable software connects is developed. Eventually, on Real 6410 platform, an embedded multi-media is made, which utilizes LINUX Frame buffer device driver interface to show video for testing the machine. Presently the extensive use of embedded multimedia processing requires dependence on hardware acceleration and multi-function expansion; it firmly requires a scalable and efficient style of system architecture for embedded multimedia processing terminal. Then, embedded multimedia processing software programs are implemented in line with the system architecture design. A scheduling program which schedules modules is implemented. The particular operation result proves that system architecture design simplifies the multimedia processing and supports multiple media formats in addition to hardware acceleration. Initially, system architecture with distinct structures and reasonable modules was created; a simplified multimedia framework is made for embedded application, with a scheduler along with a multimedia processing engine according to FFMPEG. The style of engine connects concentrates on compatibility and scalability to handle a number of applied needs. The scalability and efficiency allow it to be appropriate for embedded application

    Quantum walk on distinguishable non-interacting many-particles and indistinguishable two-particle

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    We present an investigation of many-particle quantum walks in systems of non-interacting distinguishable particles. Along with a redistribution of the many-particle density profile we show that the collective evolution of the many-particle system resembles the single-particle quantum walk evolution when the number of steps is greater than the number of particles in the system. For non-uniform initial states we show that the quantum walks can be effectively used to separate the basis states of the particle in position space and grouping like state together. We also discuss a two-particle quantum walk on a two- dimensional lattice and demonstrate an evolution leading to the localization of both particles at the center of the lattice. Finally we discuss the outcome of a quantum walk of two indistinguishable particles interacting at some point during the evolution.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, To appear in special issue: "quantum walks" to be published in Quantum Information Processin

    Dynamics and energy spectra of aperiodic discrete-time quantum walks

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    We investigate the role of different aperiodic sequences in the dynamics of single quantum particles in discrete space and time. For this we consider three aperiodic sequences, namely, the Fibonacci, Thue-Morse, and Rudin-Shapiro sequences, as examples of tilings the diffraction spectra of which have pure point, singular continuous, and absolutely continuous support, respectively. Our interest is to understand how the order, intrinsically introduced by the deterministic rule used to generate the aperiodic sequences, is reflected in the dynamical properties of the quantum system. For this system we consider a single particle undergoing a discrete-time quantum walk (DTQW), where the aperiodic sequences are used to distribute the coin operations at different lattice positions (inhomogeneous DTQW) or by applying the same coin operation at all lattice sites at a given time but choosing different coin operation at each time step according to the chosen aperiodic sequence (time dependent DTQW). We study the energy spectra and the spreading of an initially localized wave packet for different cases, finding that in the case of Fibonacci and Thue-Morse tilings the system is superdiffusive, whereas in the Rudin-Shapiro case it is strongly subdiffusive. Trying to understand this behavior in terms of the energy spectra, we look at the survival amplitude as a function of time. By means of the echo we present strong evidence that, although the three orderings are very different as evidenced by their diffraction spectra, the energy spectra are all singular continuous except for the inhomogeneous DTQW with the Rudin-Shapiro sequence where it is discrete. This is in agreement with the observed strong localization both in real space and in the Hilbert space. Our paper is particularly interesting because quantum walks can be engineered in laboratories by means of ultracold gases or in optical waveguides, and therefore would be a perfect playground to study singular continuous energy spectra in a completely controlled quantum setup