8,299 research outputs found

    Cryogenic storage system Patent

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    Cryogenic storage system for gases onboard spacecraf

    Apollo experience report: The cryogenic storage system

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    A review of the design, development, and flight history of the Apollo cryogenic storage system and of selected components within the system is presented. Discussions are presented on the development history of the pressure vessels, heaters, insulation, and selected components. Flight experience and operational difficulties are reported in detail to provide definition of the problems and applicable corrective actions

    Structure and thermodynamics of colloid-polymer mixtures: a macromolecular approach

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    The change of the structure of concentrated colloidal suspensions upon addition of non-adsorbing polymer is studied within a two-component, Ornstein-Zernicke based liquid state approach. The polymers' conformational degrees of freedom are considered and excluded volume is enforced at the segment level. The polymer correlation hole, depletion layer, and excess chemical potentials are described in agreement with polymer physics theory in contrast to models treating the macromolecules as effective spheres. Known depletion attraction effects are recovered for low particle density, while at higher densities novel many-body effects emerge which become dominant for large polymers.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures; to be published in Europhys. Let

    Early Cementation of the Short Creek Oolite Member, Boone Formation (Osagean, Lower Mississippian), Northern Arkansas

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    The Short Creek Oolite is the only formally named member of the Boone Formation in northern Arkansas. It lacks bedding features, and oolith concentrations that would suggest a shoal environment, and it occurs at variable stratigraphic horizons within the upper Boone Formation consistent with episodic deposition as grainflow slurries. As with modern oolite examples, such as Joulters Cays, Bahamas, the Short Creek preserves numerous intraclasts, and at least one large olistolith indicating an early cementation history

    Aperture synthesis imaging of the circumstellar dust disk around DO Tauri

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    We have detected the T~Tauri star, DO Tauri, in a 0.6''-resolution VLA map of 43.3 GHz (\lambda = 7 mm) continuum emission. The 43 GHz flux density lies on the same power-law slope defined by 89 to 232 GHz measurements, F_\nu \propto \nu^{\alpha} with index \alpha = 2.39\pm0.23, confirming that the 43.3 GHz emission is thermal radiation from circumstellar dust. Upper limits to the flux densities at 8.4 and 22.5 GHz constrain the contribution of free-free emission from a compact ionized wind to less than 49\%. The dust emissivity index, \beta, is 0.39\pm0.23, if the emission is optically thin. Fitting a model of a thin circumstellar disk to the observed spectral energy distribution gives \beta = 0.6\pm0.3, consistent with the power-law derivation. Both values are substantially lower than is generally accepted for the interstellar medium, suggesting grain growth. Given the youth of DO Tau and the early evolutionary state of its circumstellar disk, this result implies that mm-size grains have already formed by the early T-Tauri phase

    Potential model calculations and predictions for heavy quarkonium

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    We investigate the spectroscopy and decays of the charmonium and upsilon systems in a potential model consisting of a relativistic kinetic energy term, a linear confining term including its scalar and vector relativistic corrections and the complete perturbative one-loop quantum chromodynamic short distance potential. The masses and wave functions of the various states are obtained using a variational technique, which allows us to compare the results for both perturbative and nonperturbative treatments of the potential. As well as comparing the mass spectra, radiative widths and leptonic widths with the available data, we include a discussion of the errors on the parameters contained in the potential, the effect of mixing on the leptonic widths, the Lorentz nature of the confining potential and the possible ccˉc\bar{c} interpretation of recently discovered charmonium-like states.Comment: Physical Review published versio

    Entropy and the driving force for the filling of carbon nanotubes with water

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    The spontaneous filling of hydrophobic carbon nanotubes (CNTs) by water observed both experimentally and from simulations is counterintuitive because confinement is generally expected to decrease both entropy and bonding, and remains largely unexplained. Here we report the entropy, enthalpy, and free energy extracted from molecular dynamics simulations of water confined in CNTs from 0.8 to 2.7-nm diameters. We find for all sizes that water inside the CNTs is more stable than in the bulk, but the nature of the favorable confinement of water changes dramatically with CNT diameter. Thus we find (i) an entropy (both rotational and translational) stabilized, vapor-like phase of water for small CNTs (0.8–1.0 nm), (ii) an enthalpy stabilized, ice-like phase for medium-sized CNTs (1.1–1.2 nm), and (iii) a bulk-like liquid phase for tubes larger than 1.4 nm, stabilized by the increased translational entropy as the waters sample a larger configurational space. Simulations with structureless coarse-grained water models further reveal that the observed free energies and sequence of transitions arise from the tetrahedral structure of liquid water. These results offer a broad theoretical basis for understanding water transport through CNTs and other nanostructures important in nanofluidics, nanofiltrations, and desalination

    Lattice Model of Sweeping Interface for Drying Process in Water-Granule Mixture

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    Based on the invasion percolation model, a lattice model for the sweeping interface dynamics is constructed to describe the pattern forming process by a sweeping interface upon drying the water-granule mixture. The model is shown to produce labyrinthine patterns similar to those found in the experiment[Yamazaki and Mizuguchi, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. \textbf{69} (2000) 2387]. Upon changing the initial granular density, resulting patterns undergo the percolation transition, but estimated critical exponents are different from those of the conventional percolation. Loopless structure of clusters in the patterns produced by the sweeping dynamics seems to influence the nature of the transition.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figure