25 research outputs found

    Mathematical Model to Simulate the Trajectory Elements ofan Artillery Projectile Proof Shot

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    In external ballistics of a conventional spin-stabilised artillery projectile, there are a numberof trajectory models developed for computing trajectory elements having varying degrees ofcomplexity. The present study attempts to propose a single mathematical model, viz., simplifiedpoint-mass/simple particle trajectory model to simulate the trajectory elements of a typical spin-stabilised flat-head artillery projectile proof shot. Due to difficulties in the projectile shape andsize, and the complicated nature of air resistance, an accurate mathematical prediction of thetrajectory is difficult. To simplify the computations, the governing equations of motion of theprojectile have been simplified and assumed that the projectile is a particle and the only forcesacting on the projectile are drag and gravity. With this model, trajectory elements have beengenerated and compared with experimental results obtained in the field test. The measuringinstrument used in this case is a Doppler radar

    Tick holocyclotoxins trigger host paralysis by presynaptic inhibition

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    Ticks are important vectors of pathogens and secreted neurotoxins with approximately 69 out of 692 tick species having the ability to induce severe toxicoses in their hosts. The Australian paralysis tick (Ixodes holocyclus) is known to be one of the most virulent tick species producing a flaccid paralysis and fatalities caused by a family of neurotoxins known as holocyclotoxins (HTs). The paralysis mechanism of these toxins is temperature dependent and is thought to involve inhibition of acetylcholine levels at the neuromuscular junction. However, the target and mechanism of this inhibition remain uncharacterised. Here, we report that three members of the holocyclotoxin family; HT-1 (GenBank AY766147), HT-3 (GenBank KP096303) and HT-12 (GenBank KP963967) induce muscle paralysis by inhibiting the dependence of transmitter release on extracellular calcium. Previous study was conducted using extracts from tick salivary glands, while the present study is the first to use pure toxins from I. holocyclus. Our findings provide greater insight into the mechanisms by which these toxins act to induce paralysis

    Multi-element high-lift design using the Navier-Stokes equations

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    © by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. All rights reserved.A method of optimizing the geometry and position of high-lift system elements is presented. The design optimization method maximizes lift without increasing the drag of multi-element airfoils at take-off and landing configurations. It uses an incompressible Navier-Stokes flow solver, a chimera overlaid grid system, and a constrained numerical optimizer. A finite-difference method is used to obtain aerodynamic sensitivity derivatives. Optimum geometries and positions of high-lift devices are obtained at reasonable computational costs. Results demonstrate that numerical optimization can be an attractive design tool for the development of multi-element high-lift systems

    Not Available

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    Not AvailableA field experiment was conducted at ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi during 2011- 12 to 2012-13 to study the interactive effect of irrigation and nitrogen (N) fertilizer on yield, grain protein content, and water and N use efficiency of wheat. The design of the experiment was split-plot with irrigation (I0: rainfed, I2: two irrigations, I3: three irrigations, I5: five irrigations) as main plot and N (N0: 0 kg N ha-1, N30: 30 kg N ha-1, N60: 60 kg N ha-1 and N120: 120 kg N ha-1) as sub-plot treatment. Averaged across the years, I5 treatment registered 4, 33 and 192 per cent higher grain yield compared to I3, I2 and I0 treatments, respectively. Similarly, N120 treatment registered 19, 42 and 93 per cent higher wheat grain yield compared to the N60, N30 and N0 treatments, respectively. The I0 irrigation treatment registered 23, 25 and 16 per cent lower water use efficiency (WUE) compared to the I2, I3 and I5 treatments, respectively. The I5 irrigation treatment registered 3, 32 and 200 per cent higher partial factor productivity of N (PFPN) compared to I3, I2 and I0 treatments, respectively. Thus, wheat may be grown with three irrigations at crown root initiation, tillering and flowering stages with 120 kg N ha-1 for higher yield, grain protein content and WUE in the semi-arid environment of Delhi.Not Availabl

    Primary and metastatic peritoneal surface malignancies.

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    Peritoneal surface malignancies comprise a heterogeneous group of primary tumours, including peritoneal mesothelioma, and peritoneal metastases of other tumours, including ovarian, gastric, colorectal, appendicular or pancreatic cancers. The pathophysiology of peritoneal malignancy is complex and not fully understood. The two main hypotheses are the transformation of mesothelial cells (peritoneal primary tumour) and shedding of cells from a primary tumour with implantation of cells in the peritoneal cavity (peritoneal metastasis). Diagnosis is challenging and often requires modern imaging and interventional techniques, including surgical exploration. In the past decade, new treatments and multimodal strategies helped to improve patient survival and quality of life and the premise that peritoneal malignancies are fatal diseases has been dismissed as management strategies, including complete cytoreductive surgery embedded in perioperative systemic chemotherapy, can provide cure in selected patients. Furthermore, intraperitoneal chemotherapy has become an important part of combination treatments. Improving locoregional treatment delivery to enhance penetration to tumour nodules and reduce systemic uptake is one of the most active research areas. The current main challenges involve not only offering the best treatment option and developing intraperitoneal therapies that are equivalent to current systemic therapies but also defining the optimal treatment sequence according to primary tumour, disease extent and patient preferences. New imaging modalities, less invasive surgery, nanomedicines and targeted therapies are the basis for a new era of intraperitoneal therapy and are beginning to show encouraging outcomes