119 research outputs found

    Development of fast-release piroxicam/polyethylene glycol capsules by solid dispersion and curing using full factorial design

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    Purpose: To develop fast-release piroxicam (PRX) capsules by solid dispersion with polyethylene glycol (PEG) using melting and curing in a heated coating pan.Methods: A full factorial design was conducted to investigate the main and interaction effects of molecular weight (4000 - 8000 Da) and amount (10 - 30 mg PEG to 10 mg PRX) on the dissolution rate of PRX. Temperature (50 - 70 °C) and duration of the curing process (15 - 45 min) were also systematically selected by factorial design.Results: The molecular weight and amount of PEG significantly impacted on the dissolution rate of PRX (p = 0.04 and 0.01, respectively), while temperature and duration of the curing process were not significant effects (p = 0.10 and 0.17, respectively). Based on the results, a fast dissolution rate and burst release of PRX was obtained from capsules formulated by PRX/PEG 8000 (1:3 weight ratio) as a solid dispersion compared to the physical mixture and free drug. Furthermore, this capsule was in the acceptance range for the labeled amount, weight variation and disintegration time.Conclusion: PRX/PEG melted solid dispersion capsule may be a suitable immediate release drug delivery system with improved dissolution rate and increased drug absorption.Keywords: Capsules, Solid dispersion, Piroxicam, Polyethylene glycol, Fast release, Full factorial desig

    Genome-wide analysis of high risk human papillomavirus E2 proteins in human primary keratinocytes

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    AbstractThe E2 protein is expressed in the early stage of human papillomavirus (HPV) infection that is associated with cervical lesions. This protein plays important roles in regulation of viral replication and transcription. To characterize the role of E2 protein in modulation of cellular gene expression in HPV infected cells, genome-wide expression profiling of human primary keratinocytes (HPK) harboring HPV16 E2 and HPV18 E2 was investigated using microarray. The Principle Components Analysis (PCA) revealed that the expression data of HPV16 E2 and HPV18 E2-transduced HPKs were rather closely clustered. The Venn diagram of modulated genes showed an overlap of 10 common genes in HPV16 E2 expressing HPK and HPV18 E2 expressing HPK. These genes were expressed with significant difference by comparison with control cells. In addition, the distinct sets of modulated genes were detected 14 and 34 genes in HPV16 E2 and HPV18 E2 expressing HPKs, respectively

    Epidemiological evidence and association of human papillomavirus with esophageal cancer in northeastern Thailand: a case–control study

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    Recently, epidemiological evidence of high-risk human papillomavirus (hrHPV) and its association with the increasing risk of esophageal cancer (EC) have been described. However, the involvement of such a virus in the pathogenesis of EC is still inconclusive in the literature. Therefore, our objective was to clarify the epidemiology of HPV infections in primarily diagnosed EC cases and validate this correlation with hospital-based control patients using a retrospective study with a case–control model. Here, we reported that the overall prevalence of HPV DNA was statistically associated with an increased risk of EC (OR, 3.3; 95% CI, 2.5–4.3). Interestingly, a history of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) was constituted and significantly associated with HPV prevalence (adjusted OR, 4.6; 95% CI, 2.2–9.5). Furthermore, our meta-analysis in public databases also indicated that the combined OR and 95% CI between HPV infection and EC risk were 3.31 and 2.53–4.34, respectively, with significant heterogeneity (I2 = 78%). Variations in the geographic study, tissue type, and detection method remain potential predictors of heterogeneity. In addition, publication bias and sensitivity analysis were not observed, and the results exhibited stable outcomes. Collectively, we specify the recent epidemiological evidence in a validation of the distributed HPV, which might be statistically associated with an increased risk of EC. However, additional high-quality studies with larger sample sizes are needed to further verify the link between HPV and EC

    Tick-borne pathogens Ehrlichia, Hepatozoon, and Babesia co-infection in owned dogs in Central Thailand

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    Tick-borne pathogens are transmitted by a wide range of tick species and affect both human and animal health. Understanding the diversity of these pathogens and their co-infection rates in domesticated animals in urban areas is crucial for effective disease management and prevention. In this study, a total of 565 owned dogs in the central region of Thailand were investigated for the infection rate of three genera of Ehrlichia, Hepatozoon, and Babesia infection using multiplex PCR. The results revealed an overall infection rate of 19.1%, with Ehrlichia having the highest infection rate (12.2%), followed by Babesia (2.5%) and Hepatozoon (1.4%). The rate of co-infection was 3%, with mixed infections involving two or three genera. Male dogs exhibited a slightly higher infection rate compared to females, although not statistically significant. Young adult dogs (1–3 years) showed the highest infection rate of both single infections and co-infections. Monthly infection rate indicated variations throughout the year, with co-infection rate significantly associated with overall infection rate. Clinical manifestations in three genera of infected dogs included thrombocytopenia and eosinopenia. The results of this study are useful to design strategies for the management and prevention of tick-borne diseases in the study area

    Assessing dengue transmission risk and a vector control intervention using entomological and immunological indices in Thailand: study protocol for a cluster-randomized controlled trial.

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    BACKGROUND: Dengue fever is the most common and widespread mosquito-borne arboviral disease in the world. There is a compelling need for cost-effective approaches and practical tools that can reliably measure real-time dengue transmission dynamics that enable more accurate and useful predictions of incidence and outbreaks. Sensitive surveillance tools do not exist today, and only a small handful of new control strategies are available. Vector control remains at the forefront for combating dengue transmission. However, the effectiveness of many current vector control interventions is fraught with inherent weaknesses. No single vector control method is effective enough to control both vector populations and disease transmission. Evaluations of novel larval and adult control interventions are needed. METHODS/DESIGN: A cluster-randomized controlled trial will be carried out between 2017 and 2019 in urban community clusters in Khon Kaen and Roi Et cities, northeastern Thailand. The effectiveness of a pyriproxyfen/spinosad combination treatment of permanent water storage containers will be evaluated on epidemiological and entomological outcomes, including dengue incidence, number of female adult dengue vectors infected or not infected with dengue virus (DENV), human exposure to Aedes mosquito bites, and several other indices. These indices will also be used to develop predictive models for dengue transmission and impending outbreaks. Epidemiological and entomological data will be collected continuously for 2 years, with the intervention implemented after 1 year. DISCUSSION: The aims of the trial are to simultaneously evaluate the efficacy of an innovative dengue vector control intervention and developing predictive dengue models. Assessment of human exposure to mosquito bites by detecting antibodies generated against Aedes saliva proteins in human blood samples has, so far, not been applied in dengue epidemiological risk assessment and disease surveillance methodologies. Likewise, DENV detection in mosquitoes (adult and immature stages) has not been used in any practical way for routine disease surveillance strategies. The integration of multiple outcome measures will assist health authorities to better predict outbreaks for planning and applying focal and timely interventions. The trial outcomes will not only be important for Thailand, but also for the entire Southeast Asian region and further afield. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ISRCTN, ISRCTN73606171 . Registered on 23 June 2017

    Characterization and Involvement of Exosomes Originating from Chikungunya Virus-Infected Epithelial Cells in the Transmission of Infectious Viral Elements

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    The Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) is a mosquito-borne alphavirus that affects the world's popula-tion with chikungunya disease. Adaptation of the viral life cycle to their host cells' environment is a key step for establishing their infection and pathogenesis. Recently, the accumulating evidence advocates a principal role of extracellular vesicles (EVs), including exosomes, in both the infection and pathogenesis of infectious diseases. However, the participation of exosomes in CHIKV infec-tion and transmission is not well clarified. Here, we demonstrated that the CHIKV RNA and pro-teins were captured in exosomes, which were released by viral-infected epithelial cells. A viral genomic element in the isolated exosomes was infectious to naïve mammalian epithelial cells. The assay of particle size distribution and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) revealed CHIKV-derived exosomes with a size range from 50 to 250 nm. Treatments with RNase A, Triton X-100, and immunoglobulin G antibodies from CHIKV-positive patient plasma indicated that in-fectious viral elements are encompassed inside the exosomes. Interestingly, our viral plaque for-mation also exhibited that infectious viral elements might be securely transmitted to neighboring cells by a secreted exosomal pathway. Taken together, our recent findings emphasize the evidence for a complementary means of CHIKV infection and suggest the role of exosome-mediated CHIKV transmission

    Spatial and temporal patterns of dengue incidence in northeastern Thailand 2006-2016.

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    BACKGROUND: Dengue, a viral disease transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes, is an important public health concern throughout Thailand. Climate variables are potential predictors of dengue transmission. Associations between climate variables and dengue have usually been performed on large-scale first-level national administrative divisions, i.e. provinces. Here we analyze data on a finer spatial resolution in one province, which is often more relevant for effective disease control design. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of seasonal variations, monthly climate variability, and to identify local clusters of symptomatic disease at the sub-district level based on reported dengue cases. METHODS: Data on dengue cases were retrieved from the national communicable disease surveillance system in Thailand. Between 2006 and 2016, 15,167 cases were recorded in 199 sub-districts of Khon Kaen Province, northeastern Thailand. Descriptive analyses included demographic characteristics and temporal patterns of disease and climate variables. The association between monthly disease incidence and climate variations was analyzed at the sub-district level using Bayesian Poisson spatial regression. A hotspot analysis was used to assess the spatial patterns (clustered/dispersed/random) of dengue incidence. RESULTS: Dengue was predominant in the 5-14 year-old age group (51.1%). However, over time, dengue incidence in the older age groups (> 15 years) gradually increased and was the most affected group in 2013. Dengue outbreaks coincide with the rainy season. In the spatial regression model, maximum temperature was associated with higher incidence. The hotspot analysis showed clustering of cases around the urbanized area of Khon Kaen city and in rural areas in the southwestern portion of the province. CONCLUSIONS: There was an increase in the number of reported dengue cases in older age groups over the study period. Dengue incidence was highly seasonal and positively associated with maximum ambient temperature. However, climatic variables did not explain all the spatial variation of dengue in the province. Further analyses are needed to clarify the detailed effects of urbanization and other potential environmental risk factors. These results provide useful information for ongoing prediction modeling and developing of dengue early warning systems to guide vector control operations

    Complex relationships between Aedes vectors, socio-economics and dengue transmission-Lessons learned from a case-control study in northeastern Thailand.

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    BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: Dengue fever is an important public health concern in most tropical and subtropical countries, and its prevention and control rest on vector surveillance and control. However, many aspects of dengue epidemiology remain unclear; in particular, the relationship between Aedes vector abundance and dengue transmission risk. This study aims to identify entomological and immunological indices capable of discriminating between dengue case and control (non-case) houses, based on the assessment of candidate indices, as well as individual and household characteristics, as potential risk factors for acquiring dengue infection. METHODS: This prospective, hospital-based, case-control study was conducted in northeastern Thailand between June 2016 and August 2019. Immature and adult stage Aedes were collected at the houses of case and control patients, recruited from district hospitals, and at patients' neighboring houses. Blood samples were tested by RDT and PCR to detect dengue cases, and were processed with the Nterm-34 kDa salivary peptide to measure the human immune response to Aedes bites. Socioeconomic status, and other individual and household characteristics were analyzed as potential risk factors for dengue. RESULTS: Study findings showed complex relationships between entomological indices and dengue risk. The presence of DENV-infected Aedes at the patient house was associated with 4.2-fold higher odds of dengue. On the other hand, Aedes presence (irrespective of infectious status) in the patient's house was negatively associated with dengue. In addition, the human immune response to Aedes bites, was higher in control than in case patients and Aedes adult abundance and immature indices were higher in control than in case houses at the household and the neighboring level. Multivariable analysis showed that children aged 10-14 years old and those aged 15-25 years old had respectively 4.5-fold and 2.9-fold higher odds of dengue infection than those older than 25 years. CONCLUSION: DENV infection in female Aedes at the house level was positively associated with dengue infection, while adult Aedes presence in the household was negatively associated. This study highlights the potential benefit of monitoring dengue viruses in Aedes vectors. Our findings suggest that monitoring the presence of DENV-infected Aedes mosquitoes could be a better indicator of dengue risk than the traditional immature entomological indices
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