498 research outputs found

    The role of athletics in the life of the hemophiliac

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    Alien Registration- Champeau, Joseph (Upton, Oxford County)

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    Realismo y teatralidad: de Benito Pérez Galdós a Isaac Rosa

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    ¿Qué mutaciones permiten a la estética realista adaptarse a los cambios culturales que se produjeron desde finales del siglo XIX? Un estudio comparado de tres novelas que corresponden a tres momentos clave de la novela realista española –"La de Bringas" de Benito Pérez Galdós (1884), "El capirote" de Alfonso Grosso (1964) y "La mano invisible" de Isaac Rosa (2011)– ofrecen algunos elementos de respuesta, a partir de la noción de teatralidad. Se consideran sucesivamente la teatralidad grotesca de Galdós, la teatralidad patética de Grosso y la teatralidad reflexiva de Rosa, así como tres estrategias pragmáticas que se fundan en la ironía, la empatía y el distanciamiento

    PLiMoS, a DSML to Reify Semantics Relationships: An Application to Model-Based Product Lines

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    In the Model-Based Product Line Engineering (MBPLE) context, modularization and separation of concerns have been introduced to master the inherent complexity of current developments. With the aim to exploit e ciently the variabilities and commonalities in MBPLs, the challenge of management of dependencies becomes essential (e.g. hierarchical and variability decomposition, inter-dependencies between models). However, one may observe that, in existing approaches, relational information (i) is mixed with other concerns, and (ii) lacks semantics and abstraction level identi cation. To tackle this issue, we make explicit the relationships and their semantics, and separate the relational concern into a Domain Speci c Modeling Language (DSML) called PLiMoS. Relationships are treated as rst-class entities and quali ed by operational semantics properties, organized into viewpoints to address distinct objectives, e.g. product derivation, variability consistency management, archi- tectural organization. This paper provides a description of the PLiMoS relationships de nition and its implementation in a model-based product line process using two variability languages: Feature Model and OVM. The independence with variability and core assets modeling languages provides bene ts to cope with the product line maintenance

    Domain-specific modelling applied to inteegration of smart sensors into an information system

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    International audience(Kopetz, 1997) stated that a trend in the sensor technology is the development of intelligent sensors also called smart sensors. The development of such sensors do not only rely on the hardware development but also on the software. The later should so meet the requirements on low costs and of quality. This paper presents our approach to model the software of a smart sensor and to generate the code for the embedded real-time application. It will also describe how the use of a domain-specific modelling methodology enabled us to achieve a high level of modularity which will permit to save costs and development time

    Interactions zooplancton-poissons dans une retenue oligotrophe de mise en eau récente (Ste-Croix, Provence, France)

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    Les peuplements zooplanctoniques et piscicoles de la retenue de Sainte-Croix (lac oligotrophe profond) ont été suivis de la mise en eau (1974) à 1986.La phase initiale de colonisation (1974-1975), caractérisée par le calanide Acanthodiaptomus denticornis et la dominance des espèces piscicoles peuplant antérieurement le Verdon lotique (Barbus fluvatilis, Leuciscus cephalus) a été de courte durée. Par la suite, les cladocères sont restés dominants avec cependant de profondes modifications dans la structure du peuplement. En 1977-78, Daphnia longispina était dominante tout au long de l'année (76 %). Plus récemment, cette espèce ne représentait plus que 34 %. des effectifs (1983-84), puis 24 % (1985-1986). La situation actuelle est caractérisée par la présence de Diaphanosoma brachyurum en été et l'abondance des petites formes (bosmines).L'ichtyofaune s'est elle aussi modifiée avec, notamment, une importante population d'ablette (Alburnus cluburnus), exploitant la zone pélagique. Son régime alimentaire est largement zooplanctonophage mais inclut mollusques et insectes lorsqu'elle est capturée en zone littorale.Cette augmentation de la pression de prédation a entraîné un net déplacement du spectre des tailles du zooplancton vers tes classes inférieures à 0,8 mm en 1986 (82 %) alors que les grandes formes ( > à 1 mm) représentaient 60 % des effectifs en 1977-78. Les densités de D. longispina et D. brachyurum décroissent rapidement entre 1983 et 1986.Les conséquences de cette prédation sélective sont discutées (évolution prévisible du système) ainsi que les causes pouvant expliquer l'absence de régulation efficace (densité-dépendance) dans un tel système prédateur-proie.The aim of this study was to identify relationships between changes that occurred, from 1974 to 1986, both in the limnetic zooplankton and the fish communities of the large reservoir of Sainte-Croix (Southern France).This reservoir (figure 1) is characterized by a capacity of 767 hm3 and a long average renewal period (280 days). It was filled up in 1974. Changes in levels can attain 16 m, especially in winter. During summer, the lake is clearly stratified : surface mater temperatures are about 22-250°C whereas waters below the thermocline are cooler ( < 10° C) but well oxygenated (more than 50 % saturation). According to the mean annual total phosphorus (19 mg/m3) and chlorophyll a (ranging from 0.5 to 2 mg/m3), the lake is oligotrophic.The zooplankton was collected with a Clarke-Bumpus devise sampler (125 µm mesh-size) during both the 1974-1978 and the 1983-1984 periods. More recently (1985-1986), vertical hauls of zooplankton were made with a 50 µm mesh-size aperture net. Only relative abundance of large species (excluding small rotifers) have been taken into account for comparisons between different periods (figure 2). For the last four years (1983-1986), a set of data on filtration efficiency and comparison between sampling methods provides information concerning the evolution of annual mean densities of zooplankton species (figure 3).Successive inventories of the fish species were made in 1976, 1977, 1984 and 1987 at the same location with 15 mm, 27 mm and 50 mm mesh-size nets respectively. Figure 1 shows that abundant autochtonous species (Chondrostoma chondrostoma, Barbus fluviatilis) during the first period (1976-1977) are now relatively scarce, whereas the roach (Rutilus rutilus), an introduced species, is now largely dominant. Likewise, the relative abundance of the bleak, Alburnus alburnus, also increased, especially during the last period (1984-1987). Only this last species was caught by fine mesh-size nets in the pelagic epilimnion. Adults fed mostly on zooplankton but also took more molluscs in the littoral area (stomach analysis).In 1974, one year after an overflow, the calanoid Acanthodiaptomus denticornis represented the majority of zooplankton collected but it disappeared quickly. Since 1976, cladocerans are largely dominant. General evolutive trends show a decrease in relative abundance of Daphnia longispina from 1978 to 1986 whereas Diaphanosoma brachyurum have been recorded since 1983. Quantitative data (figure 3), available for the fast 4 years (1983-1986) show that the population densities of both these two large cladoceran and cyclopoïd species (mainly Macrocyclops albius) declined radically. On the other hand, small species such as Bosmina longirostris, Bosmina coregoni and Asplancha priodonta exhibited the same population densities throughout the fast period. Comparisons of phytoplankton community structure from 1982 to 1986 do not show signicative trends. Thus, variations in resource abundance cannot explain the long-term evolution of zooplankton communities.By comparing the mean annual length frequency distributions of zooplankton in 1977-78 and 1986 (figure 4), a marked decline of large bodied forms is seen. The individuals larger than 1.0 mm represented 60 % of total organisms in 1977-73 against 14.5 % in 1986. Mean annual lenghts were 0.8 mm in 1977-78 and 0.3 mm in 1986. These results are in good agreement with BROOKS and DODSON hypothesis that planktivorous fish can have a profound effect on zooplankton community taxonomics and size structure. They show that the control of structure and abundance of zooplankton by fish predation in new man-made lakes is a reality.Most fish are general predators. As demonstrated by MURDOCH and BENCE (1987), this can explain the instability of the coupled predator-prey system in the pelagic portion of Sainte-Croix reservoir because of : i) the capacity of the bleak to use fat reserves and to change its diet when large zooplankton prey density is too low, ii) the generation time of the predator is much longer than that of planktonic preys. Thus, the classical density-dependence mechanisms do not stabilize the predator-prey system and the main planktonic prey tend to disappear (D. longispina, in our case).Nevertheless, some potentially stabilizing mechanisms could interfere in the system before the local extinction of the prey : compensatory responses by the prey and significant changes in the fish community. There is reason to consider :1) The existence of refuges in space. Vertical size distribution of D. longispina (unpublished data) show that there is a strong vertical size gradient during daylight hours. Larger-bodied reproductive forms (longer than 1 mm) are only present in the deeper layers (20-30 m) whereas, during the night all the organises migrate to the superficial layer.2) The existence of refuge in time. In the past (1976-1978), D. longispina was dominant all year around. More recently (1983-1986), population densities were high only in spring (figure 5). From April to June, bleaks tend to assemble in the littoral zone for reproduction.3) An increase in the bleak mortality rate due to a recent development of large predator populations, such as Esox esox, could permit a reduction or, at least, a stabilization of the bleak population growth rate

    Biomarqueurs d'effets chez C. Fluminea : du développement en laboratoire à l'application en mésocosme

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    Ce travail s'insère dans un programme de validation des biomarqueurs chez l'espèce sentinelle Corbicula fluminea pour leur utilisation in situ. L'objectif de cette étude prospective est la détermination de marqueurs biologiques susceptibles de venir des biomarqueurs d'effets chez C. fluminea. Ces marqueurs ont été choisis parmi les grandes fonctions, afin de refléter les diverses altérations pathologiques dues à l'exposition à un contaminant. Des expérimentations en laboratoire nous ont permis de développer ces marqueurs (adaptation sur C. fluminea et sélection des marqueurs en fonction de leur réponse). L'application en mésocosme (conditions semi-contrôlées) des marqueurs sélectionnés (mesure des bases oxydées en génotoxicité, activité de la phagocytose en immunotoxicité et changements structuraux des lysosomes pour l'état général), nous a permis de les valider en tant que biomarqueurs d'effets chez C. flumineaThis work belongs to a programme of validation of biomarkers in the sentinel specie Corbicula fluminea, for their use in the field. The aim of this prospective study is to determinate some biological markers that could became biomarkers of effects in C. fluminea. These markers were chosen among great physiological functions in order to reflect the several pathological alterations undergone during the exposure to a contaminant. These markers were developed in several laboratory experiments as they were adapted to C. fluminea and selected depending of their responses. Markers (oxydated base in genotoxicity, phagocytosis activity in immunotoxicity and lysosomal structural changes for assessing the general state) were validated in mesocosms experiments as biomarkers of effects that can be applied to C. flumine

    Julio Peñate Rivero (ed.), Espacio insular y creación literaria: Antillas, Baleares, Canarias

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    Retornando a sus orígenes insulares, Julio Peñate coordina un libro dedicado a la literatura de tres archipiélagos del ámbito hispano, las Antillas, Baleares y Canarias, fruto de un programa de investigación que se llevó a cabo en la universidad de Friburgo (Suiza). Después de una consistente introducción de J. Peñate, cada uno de los tres apartados dedicados a las entidades mencionadas reúne estudios generales y el análisis de una obra. El cuarto presenta textos originales de seix escritores..

    Model Federation in toolchains

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    In this paper we introduce the toolchain topic as a federation of models based on an abstraction of dif ferents tool definitions. We consider the toolchain in the context of embedded systems, in particular the co-design which implies a co-engineering approach with many tools. Our main goal is to define a tool integration model to carry out an abstraction of several data formats and for a do main model as a reference vocabulary. This model gathers the concepts for managing the development process artif acts and the roles attributed to these artifacts over th e process. We have experimented this approach during the europ een ARTEMIS iFEST project over the OSLC layer (Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration)

    Texto e imagen en España de sol a sol de Alfonso Armada

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    España de sol a sol (2001) by Alfonso Armada gives an example of the development of the «travel narrative» genre in Spain today. Faced with the «end of travel» (Marc Augé), he proposes a renovation of the perception of the familiar by travelling across Spain and Portugal and by substituting «endotic» (Georges Pérec) for exotic.The poetics in the narrative differs greatly from that by travelling writers of «social realism», in the Spain of the sixties. Interpretation replaces information, the poetic image prevails over the referential function of language, and polysemy, omnipresent intertexuality and metatextuality play an important part. The change also affects the links between text and image, which are now more complementary than redundant. Playing with stereotypes, the photography actively contributes to establishing argumentative strategies meant to make the reader-viewer adhere to the message, all while affirming itself as an autonomous aesthetic experience.España de sol a sol (2001) de Alfonso Armada proporciona una muestra de la evolución del género del «libro de viajes» en la España contemporánea. Ante la imposibilidad del viaje (Marc Augé), propone renovar la percepción de lo familiar recorriendo el espacio nacional y sustituyendo el «endotismo» (Georges Pérec) al exotismo. La poética del viaje que propone el relato difiere profundamente de la de los escritores viajeros del «realismo social», en la España de los años sesenta, anteponiendo la interpretación a la información, la imagen poética a la función referencial del lenguaje, cultivando la polisemia, una intertextualidad masiva y una reflexión metatextual. Distintos son también los vínculos que se establecen entre texto e imagen, de complementariedad más que de redundancia. La fotografía participa activamente, por la reelaboración de tópicos, del dispositivo argumentativo destinado a favorecer la adhesión del lector-espectador al mensaje y se afirma, por otra parte, como experiencia estética autónoma