145 research outputs found

    Píldoras emprendedoras. 15 casos para fomentar el espíritu emprendedor entre los universitarios

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    Este libro tiene como finalidad general fomentar la cultura emprendedora entre los universitarios, de forma que perciban la creación de una empresa propia como una salida profesional adecuada tras finalizar sus estudios Se trata de sensibilizar al lector y suscitar su interés por el emprendimiento. Esta sensibilización debe trabajar en dos direcciones: a) Construir una imagen positiva del emprendedor b) Eliminar la percepción de dificultad en el proceso de emprendimiento entre los jóvenes. Las “píldoras emprendedoras” las definimos como medicamentos que estimulan la hormona del emprendimiento en el paciente (el estudiante) y consisten en breves casos de estudio en los que jóvenes emprendedores extremeños cuentan quiénes son, cuál es su proyecto, por qué y cómo decidieron emprender y, de esta forma, acaben dando un consejo a los futuros emprendedores. Para los estudiantes, estas “píldoras emprendedoras” sirven para conocer la experiencia de jóvenes emprendedores con características similares a ellos y surgidos en su mismo contexto.This book has as general purpose promote an entrepreneurial culture among university students, in a way that they perceive the creation of your own business as a professional output appropriate after completing their studies Aims to raise awareness and generate reader interest in entrepreneurship. This awareness should work in two directions: a) build a positive image of the entrepreneur b) eliminate the perception of difficulty in the process of entrepreneurship among young people. The "enterprising pills" defined as the medications that stimulate the hormone of the entrepreneurship for the patient (the student) and consist of brief cases in the study of that young entrepreneurs from Extremadura have who they are, what is your project, why and how they have decided to embark and, in this way, you will end up giving a council to prospective entrepreneurs. For students, these "enterprising pills" serve to learn from the experience of young entrepreneurs with similar characteristics to them and which have emerged in the same context

    RNAiFold2T: Constraint Programming design of thermo-IRES switches

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    Motivation: RNA thermometers (RNATs) are cis-regulatory ele- ments that change secondary structure upon temperature shift. Often involved in the regulation of heat shock, cold shock and virulence genes, RNATs constitute an interesting potential resource in synthetic biology, where engineered RNATs could prove to be useful tools in biosensors and conditional gene regulation. Results: Solving the 2-temperature inverse folding problem is critical for RNAT engineering. Here we introduce RNAiFold2T, the first Constraint Programming (CP) and Large Neighborhood Search (LNS) algorithms to solve this problem. Benchmarking tests of RNAiFold2T against existent programs (adaptive walk and genetic algorithm) inverse folding show that our software generates two orders of magnitude more solutions, thus allow- ing ample exploration of the space of solutions. Subsequently, solutions can be prioritized by computing various measures, including probability of target structure in the ensemble, melting temperature, etc. Using this strategy, we rationally designed two thermosensor internal ribosome entry site (thermo-IRES) elements, whose normalized cap-independent transla- tion efficiency is approximately 50% greater at 42?C than 30?C, when tested in reticulocyte lysates. Translation efficiency is lower than that of the wild-type IRES element, which on the other hand is fully resistant to temperature shift-up. This appears to be the first purely computational design of functional RNA thermoswitches, and certainly the first purely computational design of functional thermo-IRES elements. Availability: RNAiFold2T is publicly available as as part of the new re- lease RNAiFold3.0 at https://github.com/clotelab/RNAiFold and http: //bioinformatics.bc.edu/clotelab/RNAiFold, which latter has a web server as well. The software is written in C++ and uses OR-Tools CP search engine.Comment: 24 pages, 5 figures, Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB 2016), to appear in journal Bioinformatics 201

    An analysis of the research on environmental accounting in Spain

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    In this work we made an analysis of papers on environmental accounting published in the main Spanish management journals, during period 1993-2003. We analyzed the present situation and the evolution of the investigation in this line during the indicated period, as well as the role played by the different journals in the knowledge development. The last goal of this work is that the researchers in this topic have a compilation of existing literature, to thus be able to initiate its research work and to contribute new knowledge to the field of the environmental accounting. In addition, this work will identify the main journals that the researchers of this topic can use at the time of disclosing the results of their investigations.Environmental Accounting; Management Journals; State of the research; Spain

    The spin-off as an instrument of sustainable development: incentives for creating an academic USO

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    En los últimos años, las universidades y las autoridades públicas se han centrado cada vez más en clasificar las USO (spin-offs universitarias) como un método para transferir los resultados de la investigación a la sociedad y para lograr el desarrollo sostenible que buscan las instituciones europeas. Sin embargo, el éxito de estas políticas depende del atractivo de crear una USO para los académicos. El objetivo de esta investigación fue examinar la importancia relativa de ciertos factores que pueden impulsar el espíritu empresarial académico y, por lo tanto, orientar las políticas públicas. Para ello, se realizó un estudio cualitativo entre 42 investigadores de universidades y centros de investigación españoles para comprender sus motivaciones para crear una USO. Luego se realizó un estudio cuantitativo, basado en el análisis conjunto y con una muestra de 1726 académicos, para identificar la importancia relativa de seis condiciones que influyen en su predisposición a convertirse en empresarios. Esta técnica rara vez se usa en el campo del emprendimiento y, hasta donde sabemos, nunca se ha usado antes para analizar el emprendimiento académico. Los resultados del estudio muestran que el beneficio económico personal es claramente el factor que más aumenta la intención de crear una USO. El beneficio de investigación, el beneficio de CV, los programas de apoyo, la reducción de la enseñanza y el costo personal son de menor importancia. El estudio también concluye que hay pocas diferencias según el perfil académico.In recent years, universities and public authorities have increasingly focused on reating USOs (university spin-offs) as a method of transferring research results to society and of achieving the sustainable development sought by European institutions. However, the success of these policies depends on the appeal of creating a USO for academics. The aim of this research was to examine the relative importance of certain factors that may boost academic entrepreneurship and, therefore, to guide public policies. To do this, a qualitative study was carried out among 42 researchers from Spanish universities and research centres to understand their motivations for creating a USO. A quantitative study was then carried out, based on Conjoint Analysis and with a sample of 1726 academics, to identify the relative importance of six conditions that influence their predisposition to become entrepreneurs. This technique is seldom used in the field of entrepreneurship and, to the best of our knowledge, has never been used before to analyse academic entrepreneurship. The results of the study show that personal economic benefit is clearly the factor that heightens the intention to create a USO the most. Research benefit, CV benefit, support programmes, teaching reduction and personal cost are of lesser importance. The study also concludes that there are few differences according to the academic’s profile.• Junta de Extremadura y Fondos FEDER. Proyecto IB 16007 • Junta de Extremadura y Fondos FEDER. Beca PD 16045peerReviewe

    De universitario a emprendedor: guía para crear tu propia empresa

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    El objetivo de este libro es contribuir a reducir las incertidumbres que deben afrontar aquellos estudiantes que tienen vocación emprendedora pero que no cuentas con las herramientas necesarias para analizar la viabilidad de su idea de negocio y planificar de forma adecuada la puesta en marcha del mismo para maximizar las posibilidades de éxito de su iniciativa emprendedora. Este libro se divide en tres bloques, que simulan las tres grandes fases por las que pasa una persona desde que se plantea el emprendimiento como salida profesional hasta que crea su propia empresa y se transforma en un emprendedor. Así, en el primer bloque se habla de la fase de concepción o cómo prepararse para ser un emprendedor. El segundo bloque se centra en la fase en la que una idea se debe transformar en proyecto empresarial, planteándose de forma sencilla cómo debe elaborarse un plan de negocio. Y, finalmente, en el tercer bloque, se tratan los principales pasos que hay que dar para crear legal y operativamente una nueva empresa. Es decir, transformar el proyecto en realidad.The objective of this book is to help reduce the uncertainties that students who have an entrepreneurial vocation must face but do not have the necessary tools to analyze the viability of their business idea and plan the implementation of the same in order to maximize the chances of success of your entrepreneurial initiative. This book is divided into three blocks, which simulate the three major phases through which a person passes from when entrepreneurship is considered as a professional exit until he creates his own company and becomes an entrepreneur. Thus, in the first block we talk about the conception phase or how to prepare to be an entrepreneur. The second block focuses on the phase in which an idea must be transformed into a business project, with a simple idea of ​​how a business plan should be developed. And, finally, in the third block, the main steps that must be taken to create a new company legally and operationally are discussed. That is, transform the project into reality

    Flipping Laboratory Sessions in a Computer Science Course: An Experience Report

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    Contribution: This article presents an experience report on the application of flipped classroom (FC) to the laboratory sessions (henceforth lab sessions) of an undergraduate computer science course. Background: Hands-on work in computer science lab sessions is typically preceded by technical instructions on how to install, configure, and use the software and hardware tools needed during the lab. In the course under study, this initial explanation took between 14% and 50% of the lab time, reducing drastically the time available for actual practice. It was also observed that students missing any of the labs had trouble catching up. Intended Outcomes: The application of FC is expected to increase the time for hands-on activities, and improve students' performance and motivation. This improvement is expected to be more noticeable in those students who are unable to attend all lab sessions. Application Design: The study compares the application of FC and a traditional methodology. It encompasses two academic courses and involves 434 students and six lecturers. Findings: The FC is suitable for lab sessions in computer science. Among other results, flipping the labs resulted in 24 more minutes of practical and collaborative work on average at each lab session. It was observed a significant improvement in the motivation of students, with 9 out of every 10 students preferring it over traditional methodologies. Also, the FC made it much easier for students to catch up after missing a lab, making the final grades less dependent on lab attendance

    Píldoras emprendedoras. 15 casos para fomentar el espíritu emprendedor entre los universitarios

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    Este libro tiene como finalidad general fomentar la cultura emprendedora entre los universitarios, de forma que perciban la creación de una empresa propia como una salida profesional adecuada tras finalizar sus estudios Se trata de sensibilizar al lector y suscitar su interés por el emprendimiento. Esta sensibilización debe trabajar en dos direcciones: a) Construir una imagen positiva del emprendedor b) Eliminar la percepción de dificultad en el proceso de emprendimiento entre los jóvenes. Las “píldoras emprendedoras” las definimos como medicamentos que estimulan la hormona del emprendimiento en el paciente (el estudiante) y consisten en breves casos de estudio en los que jóvenes emprendedores extremeños cuentan quiénes son, cuál es su proyecto, por qué y cómo decidieron emprender y, de esta forma, acaben dando un consejo a los futuros emprendedores. Para los estudiantes, estas “píldoras emprendedoras” sirven para conocer la experiencia de jóvenes emprendedores con características similares a ellos y surgidos en su mismo contexto.This book has as general purpose promote an entrepreneurial culture among university students, in a way that they perceive the creation of your own business as a professional output appropriate after completing their studies Aims to raise awareness and generate reader interest in entrepreneurship. This awareness should work in two directions: a) build a positive image of the entrepreneur b) eliminate the perception of difficulty in the process of entrepreneurship among young people. The "enterprising pills" defined as the medications that stimulate the hormone of the entrepreneurship for the patient (the student) and consist of brief cases in the study of that young entrepreneurs from Extremadura have who they are, what is your project, why and how they have decided to embark and, in this way, you will end up giving a council to prospective entrepreneurs. For students, these "enterprising pills" serve to learn from the experience of young entrepreneurs with similar characteristics to them and which have emerged in the same context

    Flipping Laboratory Sessions: An Experience in Computer Science

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    This paper reports our experience in flipping a second- year undergraduate course on software architecture and integration, taught in the second course of a Software Engineering degree. We compare the application of the flipped-classroom methodology with a traditional methodology. Our study encompasses two academic courses, in the years 2017 and 2018, and involves a total number of 434 students and 6 lecturers, placing this among the largest studies on flipped-classroom to date. The paper also reports on the production of the videos used with the flipped-classroom methodology, recorded by the lecturers in informal settings, and provides several lessons learned in this regard. The results of the study, backed by a solid statistical analysis of the data, demonstrate the suitability of the flipped-classroom methodology for laboratory sessions in the subject course. Among other results, our analysis concluded that students had on average 24 more minutes per session to solve in-class exercises with the flipped-classroom methodology; more than 70% of the students considered that the quantity, duration and didactic content of the videos were (very) appropriate; and 9 out of every 10 students would prefer this methodology in the laboratory sessions of future courses rather than a traditional face-to-face approach.Junta de Andalucía APOLO (US-1264651)Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades OPHELIA (RTI2018–101204–B–C22)Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades Horatio RTI2018-101204-B-C21Junta de Andalucía EKIPMENT-PLUS (P18-FR-2895

    An analysis of the research on environmental accounting in Spain

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    [ES] En este trabajo realizamos un análisis de los artículos sobre contabilidad medioambiental publicados en las principales revistas españolas de gestión, durante el periodo 1993-2003. De esta forma, analizamos la situación actual y la evolución de la investigación en esta línea durante el periodo señalado, así como el papel desempeñado por las distintas revistas en el desarrollo del conocimiento sobre esta materia.La finalidad última de este trabajo es que los investigadores en esta materia dispongan de una recopilación de la literatura existente a nivel nacional, para poder así iniciar su labor investigadora y aportar nuevos conocimientos al campo de la contabilidad medioambiental. Además, este trabajo identificará las principales revistas que los investigadores de esta línea pueden emplear a la hora de divulgar los resultados de sus investigaciones.[EN] In this work we made an analysis of papers on environmental accounting published in the main Spanish management journals, during period 1993-2003. We analyzed the present situation and the evolution of the investigation in this line during the indicated period, as well as the role played by the different journals in the knowledge development.The last goal of this work is that the researchers in this topic have a compilation of existing literature, to thus be able to initiate its research work and to contribute new knowledge to the field of the environmental accounting. In addition, this work will identify the main journals that the researchers of this topic can use at the time of disclosing the results of their investigations.Los autores agradecen el apoyo financiero de la Consejería de Infraestructuras y Desarrollo Tecnológico de la Junta de Extremadura, a través del Proyecto 2PR04C006

    Business games as teaching tools: an analysis of its application in the field of marketing management

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    [ES] Los avances tecnológicos y las aplicaciones web han permitido extender el uso de los simuladores de empresa o business games en la docencia universitaria. Se trata de una metodología docente activa que permite desarrollar en los estudiantes bastantes de las competencias generales y transversales que aparecen recogida en los planes de estudios de las titulaciones relacionadas con la administración y dirección de empresas.En este trabajo se describe el uso del simulador SIMBRAND como metodología docente en el Master en Marketing e Investigación de Mercados de la Universidad de Extremadura y, posteriormente, se presentan las valoraciones que los estudiantes hacen tanto de la actividad como del aprendizaje obtenido. Los resultados son valorados positivamente por los estudiantes y por el profesorado implicado, pero la experiencia también lleva a concluir la necesidad de tener en cuenta algunos aspectos claves para el correcto uso de esta herramienta, tales como la correcta planificación y d[EN] Technological advances and Web applications have allowed extending the use of simulators or business games at university teaching. This is an active methodology to develop student skills that are included in curricula of administration and business management degrees and masters.In this paper, we describe the use of SIMBRAND simulator as a teaching methodology at Master in Marketing and Market Research at the University of Extremadura. The results were positively assessed by the students and teachers involved in the project. The experience also reveals the need of considering some key aspects for the proper use of this tool, such as the planning and definition of the evaluation system, continuous monitoring and guidance from teacher to students and learning that students should have received previously from both the simulator and the teams’ management.Chamorro Mera, A.; Gracia Gallego, JM.; Miranda González, FJ. (2015). Los simuladores de empresa como instrumentos docentes: un análisis de su aplicación en el ámbito de la dirección de marketing. REDU. Revista de Docencia Universitaria. 13(3):54-72. https://doi.org/10.4995/redu.2015.5419OJS5472133Arias-Aranda, D. (2007). Simulating reality for teaching strategic management. Innovations in Education & Teaching International, 44, 3, 273-286. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14703290701486662Arias, D., Haro, C. y Romerosa, M. M. (2010). Un enfoque innovador del proceso de ense-anza-aprendizaje en la dirección de empresas: el uso de simuladores en el ámbito universitario. Revista de Educación, 353, 707-721.Blanco, M. y García, F. (2006). La eficacia de los juegos de empresas en el ámbito de la Dirección de Empresas. ICONO, 14 NºVIIICapobianco, M., Fialho, F.A.P., Cunha, C. J. y Niveiros, S. I. (2013). Business Games for Leadership Development: A Systematic Review. Simulation & Gaming, 44, 4, 523-543. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1046878112471509Chang, J. (2003). Use of Business Simulation Games in Hong Kong. Simulation & Gaming, 34, 3, 358-366. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1046878103255876Chang, J., Lee, M., Ng, K. L. y Moon, K. L. (2003). Business Simulation Games: The Hong Kong Experience. Simulation & Gaming, 34, 3, 367-376. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1046878103255877Domínguez, M, Rodríguez-Pérez, F. J. y González-Sánchez, J. L (2007). Simulador MPLS para la Innovación Pedagógica en el área de Ingeniería Telemática. IEEE-RITA, 2 1, 27-34.Faria, A. J. (1998). Business Simulation Games: Current Usage Levels: an Update. Simulation & Gaming, 29, 3, 295-308. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1046878198293002Faria, A. J. y Wellington, W. J. (2004). A Survey of Simulation Game Users, Former-Users, and Never-Users. Simulation & Gaming, 35, 2, 178-207. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1046878104263543Faria A. J. y Wellington, W. J. (2005). Validating business gaming: Business game conformity with PIMS findings. Simulation & Gaming, 36, 2, 259-273. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1046878105275454Faria, A. J., Hutchinson, D., Wellington, W. J. y Gold, S. (2009). Developments in Business Gaming: A Review of the Past 40 Years. Simulation & Gaming, 40, 4, 464-487. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1046878108327585Fernández March, A. (2006). Metodologías activas para la formación de competencias. Educatio Siglo XXI, 24, 35-56.Fortmüller, R. (2009). Learning Through Business Games: Acquiring Competences Within Virtual Realities. Simulation & Gaming, 40, 1, 68-83. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1046878107308075García-Carbonell, A. y Watts, F. (2007). Perspectiva histórica de simulación y juego como estrategia docente: de la guerra al aula de lenguas para fines específicos. IBÉRICA, 13, 65-84.Garris R, Ahlers R., Driskell J. E. (2002). Games, Motivation and learning: A research and practice model, Simulation & Gaming, 33, No 4, 441-467. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1046878102238607Gutiérrez, M., Romero, M. S. y Solórzano, M. (2011). El aprendizaje experiencial como metodología docente: aplicación del método Macbeth. Argos,28, 54.Hernández, A. B. y Campa, F. (2010). Competencias y utilidades de los juegos de negocios para la gestión empresarial: una experiencia formativa. Revista Iberoamericana de Contabilidad de Gestión. Volumen VIII, 15.Jaffe, E. D. y Nebenzahl, I. D. (1990). Group Interaction and Business Game Performance. Simulation & Gaming, 21, 2, 133-146. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1046878190212002MEC (2006). Directrices para la elaboración de títulos universitarios de grado y máster. Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia. MadridNevado, A. J. (2008). Construcción de un simulador docente. Revista Espa-ola de Física, 22, 1, 61-65.Palés, J. L. y Gomar, C. (2010). El uso de las simulaciones en educación médica. TESI, 11, 2, 147-169.Palmunen, L. M., Pelto, E., Paalumäki, A. y Lainema, T. (2013). Formation of Novice Business Students' Mental Models Through Simulation Gaming. Simulation & Gaming, 44, 6, 846-868. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1046878113513532Rachman-Moore, D., Kennett, R. S. (2006). The Use of Simulation to Improve the Effectiveness of Training in Performance Management. Journal of Management Education, 30, 3, 455-476. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1052562905280099Schank, R. C. (2002). Designing World-Class E-Learning: How IBM, GE, Harvard Business School and Columbia University Are Succeding at e-Learning. McGraw-Hill.Snow, S., Gehlen, F., Green J. C. (2002). Different ways to introduce a business simula-tion: The effect on student performance, Simulation & Gaming, 33, 4, 526-532. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1046878102238617Van Dam, N. (2004). The e-Learning Fieldbook. McGraw-Hill.Wolfe, J. (1976). The effects and effectiveness of simulations in business policy teaching applications, Academy of Management Review, 47, 56-24. http://dx.doi.org/10.5465/amr.1976.4408663Wolfe, J. y Box, T. M. (1988). Team Cohesion Effects on Business Game Performance. Simulation & Gaming, 19, 1, 82-98. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/003755008801900105Woolliscroft J. O., Calhoun J. G., Tenhaken J. D., Judge R. D. (1987). Harvey: the impact of a cardiovascular teaching simulator on student skill acquisition. Medical teacher, 9, 1, 53-7 http://dx.doi.org/10.3109/0142159870902898