63 research outputs found


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    Contributions to the knowledge of the Earth’s magnetism from polar regions is extremely important to understand the planetary phenomena which occur both below and above the Earth’s surface. At those areas the Earth’s magnetic field is stronger and the spatial and temporal changes are enhanced. At the same time polar regions are areas scarcely covered by observations for the adverse environmental conditions. We report the experience gained in years of management and maintenance of permanent stations (Mario Zucchelli, Dumont d’Urville (Victoria Land) and Concordia stations, Dome C) as well as temporary installations (Talos Dome) in Antarctica, showing how different acquisition systems, analysis and interpretation of data allow the scientific communities to contribute to originating important theories, models and results

    Geomagnetic polar observatories: the role of Concordia station at Dome C, Antarctica

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    A geomagnetic observatory is a permanent facility where magnetic declination and inclination are recorded in conjunction with the temporal evolution of the magnetic field components. Polar regions are scarcely covered by observational points then the contributions from observatories located there are particularly relevant. The geomagnetic observatory at Concordia station, Dome C - Antarctica is located in the inner part of the continent, its position is favorable for two key reasons, i) data are unaltered by the "coastal effect” and ii) crustal effect is negligible due to the thickness, almost 3 km, of ice coverage. Nevertheless, these latter conditions imply an unconsidered aspect which characterizes the entire station and every structure laying on the ice surface: the dome on which Concordia station resides is sliding horizontally and moving vertically with a velocity of few millimeter to centimeters per year as indicated by independent geodetic observations. This slow and continuous movement has a puzzling effect on the trend of horizontal components of the magnetic field, sampled in a time window of a decade since the establishing of the observatory in 2005.During the International Polar Year (2007-2009) the observatory was upgraded with new equipment fulfilling the requirements of the Intermagnet consortium, and becoming an observatory member in 2011. In this paper are illustrated the strategy adopted to track any possible displacement of the observatory reference points (i.e. the azimuth mark, the pillar position) and all the ordinary and extraordinary actions required for collecting high quality data

    A homogeneous aa index: 2. hemispheric asymmetries and the equinoctial variation

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    Paper 1 [Lockwood et al., 2018] generated annual means of a new version of the aa geomagnetic activity index which includes corrections for secular drift in the geographic coordinates of the auroral oval, thereby resolving the difference between the centennial-scale change in the northern and southern hemisphere indices, aaN and aaS. However, other hemispheric asymmetries in the aa index remain: in particular, the distributions of 3-hourly aaN and aaS values are different and the correlation between them is not high on this timescale (r = 0.66). In the present paper, a location-dependant station sensitivity model is developed using the am index (derived from a much more extensive network of stations in both hemispheres) and used to reduce the difference between the hemispheric aa indices and improve their correlation (to r = 0.79) by generating corrected 3-hourly hemispheric indices, aaHN and aaHS, which also include the secular drift corrections detailed in Paper 1. These are combined into a new, “homogeneous” aa index, aaH. It is shown that aaH, unlike aa, reveals the “equinoctial”-like time-of-day/time-of-year pattern that is found for the am index

    A homogeneous aa index: 1. secular variation

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    Originally complied for 1868-1967 and subsequently continued so that it now covers 150 years, the aa index has become a vital resource for studying space climate change. However, there have been debates about the inter-calibration of data from the different stations. In addition, the effects of secular change in the geomagnetic field have not previously been allowed for. As a result, the components of the “classical” aa index for the southern and northern hemispheres (aaS and aaN) have drifted apart. We here separately correct both aaS and aaN for both these effects using the same method as used to generate the classic aa values but allowing {\delta}, the minimum angular separation of each station from a nominal auroral oval, to vary as calculated using the IGRF-12 and gufm1 models of the intrinsic geomagnetic field. Our approach is to correct the quantized aK-values for each station, originally scaled on the assumption that {\delta} values are constant, with time-dependent scale factors that allow for the drift in {\delta}. This requires revisiting the intercalibration of successive stations used in making the aaS and aaN composites. These intercalibrations are defined using independent data and daily averages from 11 years before and after each station change and it is shown that they depend on the time of year. This procedure produces new homogenized hemispheric aa indices, aaHS and aaHN, which show centennial-scale changes that are in very close agreement. Calibration problems with the classic aa index are shown to have arisen from drifts in {\delta} combined with simpler corrections which gave an incorrect temporal variation and underestimate the rise in aa during the 20th century by about 15%

    Time-of-day/time-of-year response functions of planetary geomagnetic indices

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    Aims: To elucidate differences between commonly-used mid-latitude geomagnetic indices and study quantitatively the differences in their responses to solar forcing as a function of Universal Time (UT), time-of-year (F), and solar-terrestrial activity level. To identify the strengths, weaknesses and applicability of each index and investigate ways to correct for any weaknesses without damaging their strengths. Methods: We model how the location of a geomagnetic observatory influences its sensitivity to solar forcing. This modelling for a single station can then be applied to indices that employ analytic algorithms to combine data from different stations and thereby we derive the patterns of response of the indices as a function of UT, F and activity level. The model allows for effects of solar zenith angle on ionospheric conductivity and of the station’s proximity to the midnight-sector auroral oval: it employs coefficients that are derived iteratively by comparing data from the current aa index stations (Hartland and Canberra) to simultaneous values of the am index, constructed from chains of stations in both hemispheres. This is done separately for 8 overlapping bands of activity level, as quantified by the am index. Initial estimates were obtained by assuming the am response is independent of both F and UT and the coefficients so derived were then used to compute a corrected F-UT response pattern for am. This cycle was repeated until it resulted in changes in predicted values that were below the adopted uncertainty level (0.001%). The ideal response pattern of an index would be uniform and linear (i.e., independent of both UT and F and the same at all activity levels). We quantify the response uniformity using the percentage variation at any activity level, V = 100(S/), where S is the index’s sensitivity at that activity level and S is the standard deviation of S: both S and S were computed using the 8 UT ranges of the 3-hourly indices and 20 equal-width ranges of F. As an overall metric of index performance, we take an occurrence-weighted mean of V, Vav, over the 8 activity-level bins. This metric would ideally be zero and a large value shows that the index compilation is introducing large spurious UT and/or F variations into the data. We also study index performance by comparisons with the SME and SML indices, compiled from a very large number of stations, and with an optimum solar wind “coupling function”, derived from simultaneous interplanetary observations. Results: It is shown that a station’s response patterns depend strongly on the level of geomagnetic activity because at low activity levels the effect of solar zenith angle on ionospheric conductivity dominates over the effect of station proximity to the midnight-sector auroral oval, whereas the converse applies at high activity levels. The metric Vav for the two-station aa index is modelled to be 8.95%, whereas for the multi-station am index it is 0.65%. The ap (and hence Kp) index cannot be analyzed directly this way because its construction employs tabular conversions, but the very low Vav for am allows us to use / to evaluate the UT-F response patterns for ap. This yields Vav = 11.20% for ap. The same empirical test applied to the classical aa index and the new “homogenous” aa index, aaH (derived from aa using the station sensitivity model), yields Vav of, respectively, 10.62% (i.e., slightly higher than the modelled value) and 5.54%. The ap index value of Vav is shown to be high because it exaggerates the average semi-annual variation and has an annual variation giving a lower average response in northern hemisphere winter. It also contains a strong artefact UT variation. We derive an algorithm for correcting for this uneven response which gives a corrected ap value, apC, for which Vav is reduced to 1.78%. The unevenness of the ap response arises from the dominance of European stations in the network used and the fact that all data are referred to a European station (Niemegk). However, in other contexts, this is a strength of ap, because averaging similar data gives increased sensitivity and more accurate values on annual timescales, for which the UT-F response pattern is averaged out

    Semi-annual, annual and Universal Time variations in the magnetosphere and in geomagnetic activity: 4. Polar Cap motions and origins of the Universal Time effect

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    We use the am, an, as and the a-sigma geomagnetic indices to the explore a previously overlooked factor in magnetospheric electrodynamics, namely the inductive effect of diurnal motions of the Earth’s magnetic poles toward and away from the Sun caused by Earth’s rotation. Because the offset of the (eccentric dipole) geomagnetic pole from the rotational axis is roughly twice as large in the southern hemisphere compared to the northern, the effects there are predicted to be roughly twice the amplitude of those in the northern hemisphere. Hemispheric differences have previously been discussed in terms of polar ionospheric conductivities generated by solar photoionization, effects which we allow for by looking at the dipole tilt effect on the time-of-year variations of the indices. The electric field induced in a geocentric frame is shown to also be a significant factor and gives a modulation of the voltage applied by the solar wind flow in the southern hemisphere that is typically a 30% diurnal modulation for disturbed intervals rising to about 76% in quiet times. For the northern hemisphere these are 15% and 38% modulations. Motion towards/away from the Sun reduces/enhances the directly-driven ionospheric voltages and reduces/enhances the magnetic energy stored in the tail and we estimate that approximately 10% of the effect appears in directly driven ionospheric voltages and 90% in changes of the rate of energy storage or release in the near-Earth tail. The hemispheric asymmetry in the geomagnetic pole offsets from the rotational axis is shown to be the dominant factor in driving Universal Time (UT) variations and hemispheric differences in geomagnetic activity. Combined with the effect of solar wind dynamic pressure and dipole tilt on the pressure balance in the near-Earth tail, the effect provides an excellent explanation of how the observed Russell-McPherron pattern with time-of-year F and UT in the driving power input into the magnetosphere is converted into the equinoctial F - UT pattern in average geomagnetic activity (after correction is made for dipole tilt effects on ionospheric conductivity), added to a pronounced UT variation with minimum at 02-10UT. In addition, we show that the predicted and observed UT variations in average geomagnetic activity has implications for the occurrence of the largest events that also show the nett UT variation

    International Geomagnetic Reference Field: the eleventh generation

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    The eleventh generation of the International Geomagnetic Reference Field (IGRF) was adopted in December 2009 by the International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy Working Group V-MOD. It updates the previous IGRF generation with a definitive main field model for epoch 2005.0, a main field model for epoch 2010.0, and a linear predictive secular variation model for 2010.0-2015.0. In this note the equations defining the IGRF model are provided along with the spherical harmonic coefficients for the eleventh generation. Maps of the magnetic declination, inclination and total intensity for epoch 2010.0 and their predicted rates of change for 2010.0-2015.0 are presented. The recent evolution of the South Atlantic Anomaly and magnetic pole positions are also examine

    International Geomagnetic Reference Field: the eleventh generation

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    The eleventh generation of the International Geomagnetic Reference Field (IGRF)was adopted in December 2009 by the International Association of Geomagnetism and AeronomyWorking Group V-MOD. It updates the previous IGRF generation with a definitive main field model for epoch 2005.0, a main field model for epoch 2010.0, and a linear predictive secular variation model for 2010.0–2015.0. In this note the equations defining the IGRF model are provided along with the spherical harmonic coefficients for the eleventh generation. Maps of the magnetic declination, inclination and total intensity for epoch 2010.0 and their predicted rates of change for 2010.0–2015.0 are presented. The recent evolution of the South Atlantic Anomaly and magnetic pole positions are also examined
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