614 research outputs found

    The Small Stellated Dodecahedron Code and Friends

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    We explore a distance-3 homological CSS quantum code, namely the small stellated dodecahedron code, for dense storage of quantum information and we compare its performance with the distance-3 surface code. The data and ancilla qubits of the small stellated dodecahedron code can be located on the edges resp. vertices of a small stellated dodecahedron, making this code suitable for 3D connectivity. This code encodes 8 logical qubits into 30 physical qubits (plus 22 ancilla qubits for parity check measurements) as compared to 1 logical qubit into 9 physical qubits (plus 8 ancilla qubits) for the surface code. We develop fault-tolerant parity check circuits and a decoder for this code, allowing us to numerically assess the circuit-based pseudo-threshold.Comment: 19 pages, 14 figures, comments welcome! v2 includes updates which conforms with the journal versio

    Superconducting properties of the pyrochlore oxide Cd2Re2O7

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    We report the superconducting properties of the pyrochlore oxide Cd2Re2O7. The bulk superconducting transition temperature Tc is about 1.0 K, and the upper critical field Hc2 determined by the measurement of specific heat under magnetic fields is 0.29 T. The superconducting coherence length is estimated to be 34 nm. Specific heat data measured on single crystals suggest that the superconducting gap of Cd2Re2O7 is nodeless.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, 1 table, to be published in J. Chem. Phys. Solid

    Meyer's loop tractography for image-guided surgery depends on imaging protocol and hardware

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    Introduction Surgical resection is an effective treatment for temporal lobe epilepsy but can result in visual field defects. This could be minimized if surgeons knew the exact location of the anterior part of the optic radiation (OR), the Meyer's loop. To this end, there is increasing prevalence of image-guided surgery using diffusion MRI tractography. Despite considerable effort in developing analysis methods, a wide discrepancy in Meyer's loop reconstructions is observed in the literature. Moreover, the impact of differences in image acquisition on Meyer's loop tractography remains unclear. Here, while employing the same state-of-the-art analysis protocol, we explored the extent to which variance in data acquisition leads to variance in OR reconstruction. Methods Diffusion MRI data were acquired for the same thirteen healthy subjects using standard and state-of-the-art protocols on three scanners with different maximum gradient amplitudes (MGA): Siemens Connectom (MGA = 300 mT/m); Siemens Prisma (MGA = 80 mT/m) and GE Excite-HD (MGA = 40 mT/m). Meyer's loop was reconstructed on all subjects and its distance to the temporal pole (ML-TP) was compared across protocols. Results A significant effect of data acquisition on the ML-TP distance was observed between protocols (p < .01 to 0.0001). The biggest inter-acquisition discrepancy for the same subject across different protocols was 16.5 mm (mean: 9.4 mm, range: 3.7–16.5 mm). Conclusion We showed that variance in data acquisition leads to substantive variance in OR tractography. This has direct implications for neurosurgical planning, where part of the OR is at risk due to an under-estimation of its location using conventional acquisition protocols

    Self-explanation fosters clinical reasoning among medical students

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    __Abstract__ This thesis explores the use of self-explanation by medical students as a tool supporting the learning of clinical reasoning in the clerkship. Self-explanation (SE) is a learning technique in which students explain to themselves pieces of a learning material for the purpose of improving their understanding. SE has been successfully used in several domains. However, to our knowledge, this thesis is the first attempt to investigate the use of SE to foster medical students’ learning of clinical reasoning

    Emerging infectious disease issues in blood safety.

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    Improvements in donor screening and testing and viral inactivation of plasma derivatives together have resulted in substantial declines in transfusion-transmitted infections over the last two decades. Most recently, nucleic acid testing techniques have been developed to screen blood and plasma donations for evidence of very recent viral infections that could be missed by conventional serologic tests. Nonetheless, the blood supply remains vulnerable to new and reemerging infections. In recent years, numerous infectious agents found worldwide have been identified as potential threats to the blood supply. Several newly discovered hepatitis viruses and agents of transmissible spongiform encephalopathies present unique challenges in assessing possible risks they may pose to the safety of blood and plasma products

    Pip and Pop: When auditory alarms facilitate visual change detection in dynamic settings

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    Dynamic and complex command and control situations often require the timely recognition of changes in the environment in order to detect potentially malicious actions. Change detection can be challenging within a continually evolving scene, and particularly under multitasking conditions whereby attention is necessarily divided between several subtasks. On-screen tools can assist with detection (e.g., providing a visual record of changes, ensuring that none are overlooked), however, in a high workload environment, this may result in information overload to the detriment of the primary task. One alternative is to exploit the auditory modality as a means to support visual change detection. In the current study, we use a naval air-warfare simulation, and introduce an auditory alarm to coincide with critical visual changes (in aircraft speed/direction) on the radar. We found that participants detected a greater percentage of visual changes and were significantly quicker to detect these changes when they were accompanied by an auditory alarm than when they were not. Furthermore, participants reported that mental demand was lower in the auditory alarm condition, and this was reflected in reduced classification omissions on the primary task. Results are discussed in relation to Wickens’ multiple resource theory of attention and indicate the potential for using the auditory modality to facilitate visual change detection

    Ultraestructura de la red alveolar y su relaciĂłn con el recubrimiento de las paredes vasculares en olmos infectados con Ophiostoma novo-ulmi y en otras plantas infectadas con enfermedades similares de marchitamiento

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    In elms infected with Dutch elm disease, alveolar networks, demarcated by filamentous-like bands and confluent with similar matter (the coating) accumulating on vessel walls, occurred regularly in vessel elements. Similar material lined vessel walls in inoculated, sterilized, thin elm wood sections fixed by high pressure freezing. The coating was observed to connect with fungal cells and occasionally contained small opaque particles, the size of ribosomes, membranous and vesicular structures, and, following incubation of wood chips taken from diseased samples incubated on an agar medium, it still displayed similar matter. Coating and alveolar bands increased in thickness by confluence of other bands or membranous structures. Similar matter and structures also occurred in other plants affected by similar fungal wilt diseases. In all systems, the compact coating did not label for chitin, cellulose and pectin. In staghorn sumac, the probe for DNA attached to the coating. Altogether, in the light of these data, it appears that the coating and alveolar networks are not inert components, a fact which indicates their primordial probable pathogen origin. It is proposed that these elements might be important not only in the initial infection stages but also in older or recurrent infections at a time when host resistance mechanisms are ineffective.En olmos afectados por la grafiosis, la red alveolar, demarcada por bandas filamentosas, y confluente con acumulaciones de la misma sustancia (cubrici&oacute;n) presentes en las paredes de los vasos, aparece regularmente en los elementos conductores. Sustancias similares tapizan las paredes de los vasos en secciones de madera delgada de olmo inoculada y esterilizada, y posteriormente criofijadas a altas presiones. Se observ&oacute; que la cubrici&oacute;n se conecta con las c&eacute;lulas del micelio y que ocasionalmente conten&iacute;a peque&ntilde;as part&iacute;culas opacas del tama&ntilde;o de los ribosomas, estructuras membranosas y vesiculares, as&iacute; como que, tras la incubaci&oacute;n de astillas le&ntilde;osas cogidas de muestras enfermas incubadas en agar, a&uacute;n se presentaba una sustancia similar. La cubrici&oacute;n y las bandas alveolares aumentaron su espesor en la confluencia con otras bandas o estructuras membranosas. Estructuras y sustancias similares aparecieron tambi&eacute;n en otras plantas afectadas por enfermedades similares originadas por hongos que producen marchitamiento. En todos los sistemas, la cubrici&oacute;n compacta no pudo ser marcada como quitina, celulosa ni pectina. En zumaque (Rhus typhina), la sonda de ADN se peg&oacute; a la cubrici&oacute;n. En resumen, a la vista de estos datos, parece ser que la cubrici&oacute;n y la red alveolar no est&aacute;n formados por componentes inertes, un hecho que indica su probable origen patog&eacute;nico. Se sugiere que esos elementos podr&iacute;an ser importantes no s&oacute;lo en las fases iniciales de la infecci&oacute;n, sino tambi&eacute;n, en infecciones m&aacute;s desarrolladas o recurrentes, en el momento en que los mecanismos de resistencia del hospedante no son efectivos

    Impact of b-value on estimates of apparent fibre density

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    Recent advances in diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (dMRI) analysis techniques have improved our understanding of fibre-specific variations in white matter microstructure. Increasingly, studies are adopting multi-shell dMRI acquisitions to improve the robustness of dMRI-based inferences. However, the impact of b-value choice on the estimation of dMRI measures such as apparent fibre density (AFD) derived from spherical deconvolution is not known. Here, we investigate the impact of b-value sampling scheme on estimates of AFD. First, we performed simulations to assess the correspondence between AFD and simulated intra-axonal signal fraction across multiple b-value sampling schemes. We then studied the impact of sampling scheme on the relationship between AFD and age in a developmental population (n=78) aged 8-18 (mean=12.4, SD=2.9 years) using hierarchical clustering and whole brain fixel-based analyses. Multi-shell dMRI data were collected at 3.0T using ultra-strong gradients (300 mT/m), using 6 diffusion-weighted shells ranging from 0 – 6000 s/mm2. Simulations revealed that the correspondence between estimated AFD and simulated intra-axonal signal fraction was improved with high b-value shells due to increased suppression of the extra-axonal signal. These results were supported by in vivo data, as sensitivity to developmental age-relationships was improved with increasing b-value (b=6000 s/mm2, median R2 = .34; b=4000 s/mm2, median R2 = .29; b=2400 s/mm2, median R2 = .21; b=1200 s/mm2, median R2 = .17) in a tract-specific fashion. Overall, estimates of AFD and age-related microstructural development were better characterised at high diffusion-weightings due to improved correspondence with intra-axonal properties
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