74 research outputs found

    Estudio de factibilidad para la implementación de sistemas fotovoltaicos como fuente de energía en el sector industrial de Colombia

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    El calentamiento global, los gases de efecto invernadero y el deterioro de la calidad de vida del ser humano a causa del impacto generado por la contaminación producida por el sector industrial son problemas que requieren de medidas a corto y mediano plazo para solucionarlos. Entre las soluciones que se han propuesto e implementado durante los últimos 20 años a nivel mundial es la generación de la energía demandada por los sectores residencial, comercial e industrial a partir de fuentes no convencionales y de carácter renovable que contribuyan significativamente con la disminución de emisiones nocivas para el medio ambiente.Tema de Investigación El Problema Pregunta de Investigación Hipótesis Objetivos Objetivo general Objetivos específicos Alcance Limitaciones Marco Metodológico Tipo y Diseño de la Investigación Unidad de análisis Población y Muestra Técnicas e instrumentos de recolección y análisis de datos Marco Teórico Bases Teóricas Eco Innovación Evaluación de la energía solar para su incursión en el mercado local Leyes de incentivación económica y tributaria Estado del Arte Presentación de los resultados y su análisis Análisis de potenciales proveedores Paneles solares Inversores Análisis del retorno de inversión en proyectos solares Planta solar evaluada Costos del proyecto Beneficios tributarios Producción anual energética Análisis económico Flujo de caja inversión directa Evaluación del retorno de inversión según ciudad y nivel tarifario Sistema de facturación tarifaria para la energía eléctrica en Colombia Aspectos climatológicos de las ciudades a evaluar Producción energética anual por ciudad Retornos de Inversión y análisis Estudio de la percepción del cliente frente a las energías renovables Muestra de la encuesta Resultados y análisis de la encuesta Conclusiones y RecomendacionesMagíster en Administración de EmpresasMaster of Business AdministrationMaestrí

    Creating a tobacco line with a weaker antifeedant property against colorado potato beetle

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    Background. Genetic modification of plants is one of the promising strategies to increase their resistance to insect pests. The development of metabolic or RNA interference systems for plant protection requires appropriate models of host-insect interactions. Nicotiana tabacum L. is a classical model plant used in molecular and metabolic engineering. We consider tobacco as a model for developing protective strategies against Colorado potato beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say, CPB). Normally, tobacco is toxic for CPB due to high content of nicotine and related alkaloids in leaves. Modification of the tobacco genome could provide tobacco genotypes with altered metabolism suitable for CPB feeding. It is known that different mutations in Berberine Bridge-Like (BBL) genes cause different alterations in tobacco leaf alkaloid levels. In the current study, the Cas9/gRNA system targeting members of the BBL gene family of tobacco was used to create a line which can serve as a diet for CPB. Results. In order to obtain tobacco with modified alkaloid content, two gRNAs matching target sequences in six BBL genes were selected. Each gRNA was cloned into a gRNA/Cas9 generic vector. The created constructs were mixed and used for biolistic transformation of tobacco leaf explants together with the pBI121 plasmid harboring the kanamycin resistance gene nptII and the reporter E.coli betaglucuronidase (GUS) gene. Regenerants were selected on 100 mg/l of kanamycin and checked for transgene presence by histochemical GUS-assay. Unexpectedly, the regenerated plants displayed a variety of adverse phenotypic effects including different degree of growth and rooting inhibition, early flowering, increased number of internodes, changes in leaf shape, fusion of flowers, longostyly, and partial sterility. Only one from seven obtained calli produced a population of regenerated plants without severe phenotypic abnormalities. The NtaBBL5-14 line of clonally propagated plants was selected from this population and used for a CPB feeding experiment. It was shown that CPB larvae consume the leaves of NtaBBL5-14 line ten times more efficiently than the leaves of control plants (97±0.5% vs. 9±3% in 24 h respectively). Conclusion. The NtaBBL5-14 tobacco line is suitable for CPB feeding and can be further used as a model for studies in plant-pest interaction. The modification of other genes regulating nicotine metabolism can be a promising strategy to obtain tobacco plants edible for CPB with less pleiotropic effects

    Modulating the photoluminescence of bridged silsesquioxanes incorporating Eu(3+)-complexed n,n '-diureido-2,2 '-bipyridine isomers: application for luminescent solar concentrators

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    Two new urea-bipyridine derived bridged organosilanes (P5 and P6) have been synthesized and their hydrolysis-condensation under nucleophilic catalysis in the presence of Eu(3+) salts led to luminescent bridged silsesquioxanes (M5-Eu and M6-Eu). An important loading of Eu(3+) (up to 11%(w)) can be obtained for the material based on the 6,6'-isomer. Indeed the photoluminescence properties of these materials, that have been investigated in depth (photoluminescence (PL), quantum yield, lifetimes), show a significantly different complexation mode of the Eu(3+) ions for M6-Eu, compared with M4-Eu (obtained from the already-reported 4,4'-isomer) and M5-Eu. Moreover, M6-Eu exhibits the highest absolute emission quantum yield value (0.18 +/- 0.02) among these three materials. The modification of the sol composition upon the addition of a malonamide derivative led to similar luminescent features but with an increased quantum yield (026 +/- 0.03). In addition, M6-Eu can be processed as thin films by spin-coating on glass substrates, leading to plates coated by a thin layer (similar to 54 nm) of Eu(3+)-containing hybrid silica exhibiting one of the highest emission quantum yields reported so far for films of Eu(3+)-containing hybrids (0.34 +/- 0.03) and an interesting potential as new luminescent solar concentrators (LSCs) with an optical conversion efficiency of similar to 4%. The ratio between the light guided to the film edges and the one emitted by the surface of the film was quantified through the mapping of the intensity of the red pixels (in the RGB color model) from a film image. This quantification enabled a more accurate estimation of the transport losses due to the scattering of the emitted light in the film (0.40), thereby correcting the initial optical conversion efficiency to a value of 1.7%.FCT - PTDC/CTM/101324/2008COMPETEFEDE

    Quality factor in function of other educational factors: linear regression analysis based on stakeholders’ responses

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    В научной работе рассматриваются прямые связи между независимыми переменными, представленными инновациями, бизнес-моделью, индустриализацией и влиянием образования на общество, которые могут повлиять на общий показатель качества в образовательной организации. Чтобы визуализировать эту взаимосвязь, были применены регрессионный и путевой анализ для оценки окончательной модели исследования на основе мнения 4 категорий заинтересованных сторон, представленных учителями, учениками, опекунами и директорами. Подтверждено, что инновационный фактор и импакт-фактор влияют на общий показатель качества, а влияние инновационного фактора выше, чем других факторов, поскольку стандартизированный коэффициент инновационности больше, чем импакт-фактор