6 research outputs found
Ion emission from plasmas produced by femtosecond pulses of short-wavelength free-electron laser radiation focused on massive targets: an overview and comparison with long-wavelength laser ablation
We report on ion emission from plasma produced on thick targets irradiated with nanosecond and femtosecond pulses delivered by mid-ultraviolet and soft x-ray lasers, respectively. To distinguish between different ion acceleration mechanisms, the maximum kinetic energy of ions produced under different interaction conditions is plotted versus laser fluence. The transformation of the time-of-flight detector signal into ion charge density distance-of-flight spectra makes it possible to determine the mean kinetic energy of the fastest ion groups based on the influence of the acoustic velocity of ion expansion. This allows obtaining additional characteristics of the ion production. The final energy of the group of fast ions determined using the ion sound velocity model is an order of magnitude larger in the fs-XFEL interaction than in the ns-UV one. On the contrary, the ablation yield of ions in our experiment is seven orders of magnitude greater when applying ns-UV laser pulses, not only due to higher energies of UV laser pulses, but also due to a significant difference in interaction and ion formation mechanisms
Experimental study of EUV mirror radiation damage resistance under long-term free-electron laser exposures below the single-shot damage threshold
The durability of grazing- and normal-incidence optical coatings has been experimentally assessed under free-electron laser irradiation at various numbers of pulses up to 16 million shots and various fluence levels below 10% of the single-shot damage threshold. The experiment was performed at FLASH, the Free-electron LASer in Hamburg, using 13.5 nm extreme UV (EUV) radiation with 100 fs pulse duration. Polycrystalline ruthenium and amorphous carbon 50 nm thin films on silicon substrates were tested at total external reflection angles of 20° and 10° grazing incidence, respectively. Mo/Si periodical multilayer structures were tested in the Bragg reflection condition at 16° off-normal angle of incidence. The exposed areas were analysed post-mortem using differential contrast visible light microscopy, EUV reflectivity mapping and scanning X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The analysis revealed that Ru and Mo/Si coatings exposed to the highest dose and fluence level show a few per cent drop in their EUV reflectivity, which is explained by EUV-induced oxidation of the surface
Experimental study of EUV mirror radiation damage resistance under long-term free-electron laser exposures below the single-shot damage threshold
The durability of grazing- and normal-incidence optical coatings has been experimentally assessed under free-electron laser irradiation at various numbers of pulses up to 16 million shots and various fluence levels below 10% of the single-shot damage threshold. The experiment was performed at FLASH, the Free-electron LASer in Hamburg, using 13.5 nm extreme UV (EUV) radiation with 100 fs pulse duration. Polycrystalline ruthenium and amorphous carbon 50 nm thin films on silicon substrates were tested at total external reflection angles of 20° and 10° grazing incidence, respectively. Mo/Si periodical multilayer structures were tested in the Bragg reflection condition at 16° off-normal angle of incidence. The exposed areas were analysed post-mortem using differential contrast visible light microscopy, EUV reflectivity mapping and scanning X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The analysis revealed that Ru and Mo/Si coatings exposed to the highest dose and fluence level show a few per cent drop in their EUV reflectivity, which is explained by EUV-induced oxidation of the surface