30 research outputs found

    Causes of Visiting Teenagers in the Pediatric and Adolescence Examining Room

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    Adolescence is the transitional period between childhood and adulthood. Depending on female gonads’ function and on hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis activation, results in teenager’s body growth, in secondary sex characteristics’ development and finally in their reproductive potential. In adolescence, the negative feedback of gonadal steroids on gonadotropins is disturbed. Teenagers presenting with dysfunctional bleedings are usually suspected of hemorrhagic ovarian cysts or endometriosis and require gynecologic examination, evaluation, and hormone therapy. It is of great importance both for teenagers and their parents to understand that hormone therapy is the first line treatment for bleeding disorders in these ages. A detailed medical history is necessary to determine the appropriate treatment plan. Primary care includes the detection of adolescents with acute or chronic pelvic pain that may be associated with endometriosis or other pathologies like mullerian duct abnormalities, imperforate hymen, ovarian teratomas, ovarian torsion, and vaginal absence or atresia. Mullerian duct abnormalities are associated with increased rates of unexplained infertility, spontaneous abortions, and pathological conditions of pregnancy. Specialists, should help teenagers in getting familiar to their bodies, to their sexuality, inform them about the sexually transmitted diseases, and safety options including vaccination and guide them in contraception issues

    Depigmentation’s Disorders of the Vulva, Clinical Management

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    The cancer of the vulva is a rare disease with a positive association to poor developing countries. However, the incidence of vulvar cancer in situ nearly doubled in the last two decades and remained relatively stable. The main reason for this increased incidence of vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia (VIN) in women younger than 45 years is due to changes in sexual behavior, first intercourse at early age, multiple sexual partners, and sexually transmitted diseases that were increasing progressively. Furthermore, it is strongly associated with smoking and the increased incidence of HPV infection. The occurrence of early symptoms of VIN-like pruritus vulvae, pain, and lichen sclerosus led to early diagnosis to perform the adequate treatment. VIN tends to appear multifocal, while most invasive cancers are unilateral located and appeared with well-circumscribed lesions

    Developing a Tool for Auditing the Quality of Antibiotic Dispensing in Community Pharmacies: A Pilot Study

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    Background: The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control describes the community pharmacist as the gatekeeper to the quality of antibiotic use. The pharmacist has the responsibility to guard safe and effective antibiotic use; however, little is known about how this is implemented in practice. Aims: To assess the feasibility of a method to audit the quality of antibiotic dispensing in community pharmacy practice and to explore antibiotic dispensing practices in Greece, Lithuania, Poland, and Spain. Methods: The Audit Project Odense methodology to audit antibiotic dispensing practice was adapted for use in community pharmacy practice. Community pharmacists registered antibiotic dispensing on a specifically developed registration chart and were asked to provide feedback on the registration method. Results: Altogether, twenty pharmacists were recruited in four countries. They registered a total of 409 dispenses of oral antibiotics. Generally, pharmacists were positive about the feasibility of implementing the registration chart in practice. The frequency of checking for allergies, contraindications and interactions differed largely between the four countries. Pharmacists provided little advice to patients. The pharmacists rarely contacted prescribers. Conclusion: This tool seems to make it possible to get a useful picture of antibiotic dispensing patterns in community pharmacies. Dispensing practice does not seem to correspond with EU guidelines according to these preliminary results

    Thrombophilia and Pregnancy: Diagnosis and Management

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    Thromboembolic disease during pregnancy is a significant cause of maternal morbidity and mortality involving venous or arterial thrombosis and possible clinical manifestations like clinical symptoms of antiphospholipid antibody syndrome and hyperhomocysteinemia. For diminishing the prevalence of thromboembolic disease, the early identification of pregnant women with various risk factors for thrombosis without clinical symptoms is of great importance. However, the optimal management for asymptomatic pregnant women who have inherited thrombophilia is uncertain and recognized only due to pregnancy complications such as recurrent pregnancy loss and preeclampsia. The clinical approach to thromboembolism is the same in pregnant women with or without thrombophilia. Based on family history, clinical symptoms should begin with simple reliable inexpensive laboratory tests like prothrombin time and activated thromboplastin time to test the status. Early diagnosis and appropriate use of thromboprophylaxis lead to increasing better maternal and perinatal outcomes. Conclusively, it is important to recognize these patients in order to prevent all pregnancy complications

    Validation Strategy as a Part of the European Gas Network Protection

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    The European gas network currently includes approximately 200,000 km high pressure transmission and distribution pipelines. The needs and requirements of this network are focused on risk-based security asset management, impacts and cascading effects of cyber-physical attacks on interdependent and interconnected European Gas grids. The European SecureGas project tackles these issues by implementing, updating, and incrementally improving extended components, which are contextualized, customized, deployed, demonstrated and validated in three business cases, according to scenarios defined by the end-users. Just validation is considered to be a key end activity, the essence of which is the evaluation of the proposed solution to determine whether it satisfies specified requirements. Therefore, the chapter deals with the validation strategy that can be implemented for the verification of these objectives and evaluation of technological based solutions which aim to strengthen the resilience of the European gas network

    Abortions in First Trimester Pregnancy, Management, Treatment

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    Tujuan dari penelitian: 1. Mendeskripsikan penerepan pendekatan Client Centered dalam mengatasi kepribadian introvert pada siswa kelas XI IPS MA Al Hidayah Kudus Tahun Pelajaran 2016/2017. 2. Mendeskripsikan kepribadian introvert pada konseli siswa kelas XI IPS MA Al Hidayah Kudus setelah diberikan konseling dengan pendekatan Client Centered. Pendekatan client centered adalah pendekatan yang berpusat pada diri klien, yang mana seorang konselor hanya memberikan konseling serta mengawasi klien pada saat mendapatkan pemberian konseling tersebut agar klien dapat berkembang atau keluar dari masalah yang dihadapinya. Introvert merupakan tipe kepribadian individu yang mempunyai kecenderungan menutup diri dari dunia luar. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah peneltian kualitatif studi kasus. Penelitian dilakukan di MA NU Al Hidayah Kudus Tahun Pelajaran 2016/2017, dengan dua subjek penelitian (ABS, DAS). Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan: 1. Wawancara, 2. Observasi, 3. Dokumentasi dan 4. Home Visit. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah: analisis sistem Bacon. Hasil penelitian: 1. Konseli I (ABS) faktor yang menyebabkan memiliki kepribadian intovert: 1. Tidak percaya diri. ABS yang berusia 16 tahun dan saat ini tengah duduk di kelas XI IPS MA NU Al Hidayah Kudus merasa kurang percaya diri dengan bentuk kaki yang dimiliki membuat ABS menjadi pibadi yang tidak percaya diri dalam pergaulan, sehingga membuat konseli sering mendapatkan perlakuan yang tidak menyenangkan dari siswa-siswi lain. Konseli memang terlahir dengan keadaan yang tidak sempurna karena cacat fisik pada salah satu kakinya atau yang biasa disebut sebagai (Clubfoot) atau kaki pengkor. 2. Perlakuan diskriminasi. Karena bentuk fisik yang dimiliki oleh konseli yang berbeda, konseli mendapatkan perlakuan diskrinasi dari siswa-siswi lain. 2. Konseli II (DAS) faktor yang menyebabkan konseli memiliki kepribadian introvert: 1. Rendahnya kemampuan interaksi konseli. Konseli sering berpindah tempat tinggal sejak usia sekolah dasar membuat kemampuan interaksi DAS kurang. Di sekolah, konseli banyak diperhatikan oleh siswa-siswi di sekolah karena secara fisik DAS merupakan siswa yang berpenampilan menarik. Tetapi kurang interaksi sosial, konseli lebih banyak memilih menyendiri dan tidak terlihat aktif dalam hubungan pertemanan yang sering terjalin pada anak usia sekolah atau remaja awal. 2. Perceraian kedua orang tua konseli. Perceraian yang ditimbulkan karena keuangan keluarga yang memburuk membuat konseli harus bekerja keras untuk membiayai sekolahnya semakin membuat konseli tidak memiliki waktu untuk bersosialisasi dengan teman sebayanya. Setelah pelaksanaan tiga kali konseling client centered terhadap kedua konseli diperoleh keterangan bahwa, konseli I (ABS) telah mampu menerima kekurangan dirinya yang memiliki keterbatasan pada kakinya. ABS telah percaya diri dan mampu bersosialisasi dengan baik. Konseli II (DAS) telah menyadari bahwa kehidupan yang ia alami harus tetap berjalan, dan DAS juga telah memahami bahwa makna kehidupan adalah terus bekerja dan bahagia atas apa yang dimilikinya sekarang. Berdasarkan kesimpulan di atas peneliti dapat memberikan saran: 1. Kepala sekolah: Dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa konseling individual sangat membantu siswa dalam memberikan mengatasi perilaku introvert siswa. Sehingga diharapkan kepala sekolah dapat mendukung adanya layanan konseling indivual ini dengan memfasilitasi guru pembimbing dalam memberikan layanan konseling individual. 2. Guru bimbingan dan konseling: Diharapkan guru bimbingan dan konseling dapat menjadikan hasil penelitian sebagai acuan dalam memberikan pelayanan konseling individual dengan konseling client centered. 3. Siswa: Diharapkan siswa dapat bergaul dengan baik dan semakin meningkatkan hubungan interpersonal. 4. Penelitian selanjutnya: Diharapkan peneliti selanjutnya dapat mengembangkan penelitian yang sejenis dengan menggunakan layanan konseling yang lebih varatif, sehingga didapatkan komparasi yang berbeda dengan penelitian ini

    Abortions in First Trimester Pregnancy, Management, Treatment

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    The miscarriages’ investigation should include a familiar history, gynecological examination and a full laboratory testing including hormonal control, as well as karyotype, maternal immune control and thrombophilia testing. If the physician suspects the cause of abortions is chromosomal due to heredity, a special blood test (karyotype) for the pair is recommended. Chromosomal abnormalities are the most common reason for first trimester abortions, and are impossible to be prevented. Based on the above data, abortion and the subsequent possible infertility should not be considered as a personal failure for the woman and the treating physician. Nowadays, medical advancement provides many options combined with psychological support can actually reduce the miscarriages’ risk

    Vein Thrombosis Risk in Women and Travel

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    Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) of the lower limbs is a serious condition that can lead to pulmonary embolism (PE) in about 15–24% of cases. If it is not diagnosed/treated timely, nearly 15% of these PE are lethal. The relationship between travel and staying in the same position for a long time is well-known since World War II. Generally, it is more frequent in air flights. It is also associated with the economic downturn in airplanes because passengers have limited space and have greater difficulty of moving. It is estimated that approximately 1–6% of long-haul passengers arrive at their destination with a clot in their veins, but most DVT are asymptomatic

    Health alliance for prudent prescribing and yield of antibiotics in a patient-centred perspective (HAPPY PATIENT): a before-and-after intervention and implementation study protocol

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    Background Excessive and inappropriate use of antibiotics is the most important driver of antimicrobial resistance. The aim of the HAPPY PATIENT project is to evaluate the adaptation of European Union (EU) recommendations on the prudent use of antimicrobials in human health by evaluating the impact of a multifaceted intervention targeting different categories of healthcare professionals (HCPs) on common community-acquired infectious diseases, especially respiratory and urinary tract infections. Methods/design HAPPY PATIENT was initiated in January 2021 and is planned to end in December 2023. The partners of this project include 15 organizations from 9 countries. Diverse HCPs (doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and pharmacy technicians) will be audited by the Audit Project Odense (APO) method before and after an intervention in four different settings: general practice, out of hours services, nursing homes and community pharmacies in four high antibiotic prescribing countries (France, Poland, Greece, and Spain) and one low prescribing country (Lithuania). About 25 individuals from each professional group will be recruited in each country, who will register at least 25 patients with community-acquired infections during each audit period. Shortly before the second registration participants will undertake a multifaceted intervention and will receive the results from the first registration to allow the identification of possible quality problems. At these meetings participants will receive training courses on enhancement of communication skills, dissemination of clinical guidelines with recommendations for diagnosis and treatment, posters for the waiting rooms, and leaflets for patients. The results of the second registration will be compared with those obtained in the first audit. Discussion HAPPY PATIENT is an EU-funded project aimed at contributing to the battle against antibiotic resistance through improvement of the quality of management of common community-acquired infections based on interventions by different types of HCPs. It is hypothesized that the use of multifaceted strategies combining active intervention will be effective in reducing inappropriate prescribing and dispensing of antibiotics.publishedVersio