8 research outputs found

    Utilitat de la dinamometria en la rehabilitació de patologia musculoesquelètica en pacients laborals

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    Antecedents del tema: La mesura de la força muscular es molt útil en la rehabilitació. Tant per planificar-la com per monitoritzar-la. Igualment es una eina fonamental en l’avaluació del dany corporal o seqüeles. La dinamometria isocinètica és una eina fiable de mesura de la força muscular dinàmica. No obstant per la seva validesa s’ha de garantir que el subjecte avaluat faci un esforç màxim. En certes poblacions (com ara els pacients laborals) avaluar el nivell de col•laboració durant la realització d'una prova esdevé crucial per les possibles implicacions mèdico-legals. En diferents articulacions i accions i, en concret, pel que fa a rotadors externs d'espatlla s'ha trobat que la diferència entre les ràtios excèntric-concèntric a velocitat alta i baixa (DEC) és un bon paràmetre per identificar esforços submàxims en una població de voluntaris sans. No obstant això, no es tenen dades sobre la seva utilitat en pacients laborals reals. Hipòtesi: El DEC és un paràmetre vàlid per estimar el nivell de col•laboració durant la realització d'una prova isocinètica de rotadors externs a una població de pacients laborals reals. Objectius: Analitzar el comportament, i eventual utilitat, del DEC en una mostra de pacients reals afectats de patologia de l'espatlla i avaluats mitjançant dinamometria isocinètica al final del procés de rehabilitació. Metodologia: Estudi observacional de 74 pacients laborals amb patologia musculoesquelètica d'espatlla avaluats mitjançant dinamometria isocinètica de rotadors externs al costat afecte i contralateral. La prova es realitza a 30º/s i 120º/s a modalitat concèntrica i excèntrica .Es recullen dades demogràfiques (edat, sexe i pes), clíniques (diagnòstic, durada del procés i situació funcional a l'alta) i dinamomètriques (Pic de moment de força, Ràtios excèntrics concèntrics, DEC i dèficits comparant extremitat afecta i sana). Les dades s'analitzen per separat per a dones i homes i en relació al resultat del DEC. Resultats: Utilitzant el nivell de tall de DEC marcat per l'estudi previ en subjectes sans (0.81) la proporció de pacients etiquetats de no col•laboradors, especialment dones, era enorme. Per tant es va decidir usar els valors de l'extremitat sana per avaluar l'afectació. Aplicant aquest criteri, cinquanta-dos pacients van mostrar el costat afecte uns valors de DEC dins dels rangs considerats com normals i, per tant, es van etiquetar de col• laboradors. Deu tenien uns DEC superiors al límit superior i es van considerar no col•laboradors. Finalment hi havia 12 pacients amb uns valors de DEC extremadament baixos que es van considerar com no col•laboradors. La comparació entre sexes va mostrar una gran diferència significativa proporció de col•laboradors a favor dels homes . En els col•laboradors els dèficits registrats dels pacients sense incapacitat al final del procés mostraven uns valors molt significativament més baixos que els pacients que van acabar en incapacitat. Conclusions: El DEC pot ser una bona eina pel mesurament del nivell de col•laboració -i per tant per assegurar la validesa- durant la realització d'una prova isocinètica de rotadors externs d'espatlla en pacients laborals. No obstant això, es necessiten més estudis en dones i poblacions no laborals per definir millor la seva utilitat. La validesa de la dinamometria isocinètica, i implícitament la del DEC, en poblacions laborals es indicada per relació significativa entre els dèficits de força analitzats i el nivell d’incapacitat.Introduction: Muscle strength measurement is crucial in rehabilitation Planning and results assessment. Isokinetic dynamometry is a reliable and valid strength measurement tool. However, its validity depends on the veracity of the measurements. Among other factors, patient collaboration during test performance is crucial. Thus an estimate of collaboration is highly desirable. The DEC (High and low velocity eccentric to concentric ratios difference) has been proven to be an efficient tool to assess maximility of effort in a number of joints and actions. However, its usefulness in real patient shoulder external rotator effort measurement has not been previously assessed. Hypothesis: The DEC is a valid parameter to assess the collaboration level in work injury patient during shoulder external rotator isokinetic tests. Objectives: to analyze DEC behavior and usefulness in maximality of effort assessment in a sample of shoulder work injury patient undergoing rehabilitation. Methods: Observational study of 74 shoulder injury patients evaluated through shoulder external rotator isokinetic tests. Concentric and eccentric performances of injured and uninjured sides were recorded at 30 and 120º/s. Results: Fifty-two patients had their injured side DEC values within the normal range and were thus labeled as maximal performers. Ten patients had higher than cutoff DEC values, indicating submaximal effort whereas 12 patients had exceedingly low DEC values. Gender comparison showed a significantly different proportion of maximal performers. Strength deficits registered in patients demonstrating maximal performance correlated with the final outcome. The findings support the application of the DEC for determination of the extent of weakness of shoulder external rotators in male patients. Conclusion: In terms of shoulder external rotators status in male worker injury, the results support the application of isokinetic tests both in the clinical and medico legal sense. However, the gender discrepancy warrants further research

    Analysis of muscle load-sharing in patients with lateral epicondylitis during endurance isokinetic contractions using non-linear prediction

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    The aim of this paper is to analyze muscle load-sharing in patients with Lateral Epicondylitis during dynamic endurance contractions by means of non-linear prediction of surface EMG signals. The proposed non-linear cross-prediction scheme was used to predict the envelope of an EMG signal and is based on locally linear models built in a lag-embedded Euclidean space. The results were compared with a co-activation index, a common measure based on the activation of a muscle pair. Non-linear prediction revealed changes in muscle coupling, that is load-sharing, over time both in a control group and Lateral Epicondylitis (p < 0.05), even when subjects did not report pain at the end of the exercise. These changes were more pronounced in patients, especially in the first part of the exercise and up to 50% of the total endurance time (p < 0.05). By contrast, the co-activation index showed no differences between groups. Results reflect the changing nature of muscular activation strategy, presumably because of the mechanisms triggered by fatigue. Strategies differ between controls and patients, pointing to an altered coordination in Lateral Epicondylitis.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Avaluació de l'esforç submàxim dels flexors dorsals i palmars de canell mitjançant dinamometria isocinètica

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    El SEC (Suma Excèntric- Concèntric) i sobretot el DEC (Diferència Excèntric-Concèntric) són paràmetres que, ja han sigut demostrats en la literatura, com a vàlids en diferents articulacions i accions, per a identificar esforços submàxims, és a dir, la possible falta de col·laboració, durant la realització de proves de força mitjançant dinamometria isocinètica. Aquest estudi, mitjançant una mostra de 20 individus sans, demostra que el DEC i el SEC són bones eines per detectar la falta de col·laboració en l'avaluació dels flexors dorsals i palmars de canell (articulació prèviament no estudiada) amb dinamometria isocinètica en subjectes sans.El SEC (Suma Excéntrico- Concéntrico) y sobre todo el DEC (Diferencia Excèntric-Concèntric) son parámetros que, ya han sido demostrados en la literatura, como válidos en diferentes articulaciones y acciones, para identificar esfuerzos submáximos, es decir, la posible falta de colaboración, durante la realización de pruebas de fuerza mediante dinamometría isocinética. Este estudio, mediante una muestra de 20 individuos sanos, demuestra que el DEC y el SEC son buenas herramientas para detectar la falta de colaboración en la evaluación de los flexores dorsales y palmares de muñeca (articulación previamente no estudiada) con dinamometría isocinética en sujetos sanos

    A cross-sectional study comparing strength profile of dorsal and palmar flexor muscles of the wrist in epicondylitis and healthy men

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    Background: Strength training has been proposed by several authors to treat Lateral Epicondylitis. However, there is still a lack of information concerning muscle weakness and its relationship to imbalances and fatigability of forearm muscles during dynamic conditions in subjects after epicondylitis recovery. Aim: To analyze the relationship between lateral humeral epicondylitis, and forearm muscle strength and fatigue. Setting: Rehabilitation specialized center Population: Cross-sectional study in eight former epicondylitis men free of symptoms and actively working at the moment of the evaluation and eight healthy men volunteers. Methods: Isokinetic tests were performed at different velocities in order to assess strength in concentric and eccentric contractions. Additionally, a long-term concentric test was carried out in order to analyze strength during endurance. The following variables were analyzed: Average torque of dorsal and palmar flexors of the wrist and ratio of agonist/antagonist for non-endurance contractions; length of initial and final plateaus and the slope of average torque decay during the endurance test. Results: In both groups, average torque produced by palmar flexor muscles was higher than that produced by dorsal flexor muscles. Patients showed higher strength in palmar flexor muscles, whereas dorsal flexor strength was similar for both populations. Palmar flexor vs. dorsal flexor ratio was significantly higher in patients for eccentric contractions. Regarding fatigue, results showed that torque decreased earlier in patients. Conclusions and clinical rehabilitation impact: Both palmar flexor force and palmar/dorsal ratio in eccentric exercise were significantly higher in patients. This finding indicates a muscular imbalance in patients underlying the epicondylitis condition. Additionally, former patients fatigued earlier. Findings indicate that muscle imbalances and fatigability might be related to lateral epicondylitis. […]Postprint (published version

    Analysis of muscle load-sharing in patients with lateral epicondylitis during endurance isokinetic contractions using non-linear prediction

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    The aim of this paper is to analyze muscle load-sharing in patients with Lateral Epicondylitis during dynamic endurance contractions by means of non-linear prediction of surface EMG signals. The proposed non-linear cross-prediction scheme was used to predict the envelope of an EMG signal and is based on locally linear models built in a lag-embedded Euclidean space. The results were compared with a co-activation index, a common measure based on the activation of a muscle pair. Non-linear prediction revealed changes in muscle coupling, that is load-sharing, over time both in a control group and Lateral Epicondylitis (p < 0.05), even when subjects did not report pain at the end of the exercise. These changes were more pronounced in patients, especially in the first part of the exercise and up to 50% of the total endurance time (p < 0.05). By contrast, the co-activation index showed no differences between groups. Results reflect the changing nature of muscular activation strategy, presumably because of the mechanisms triggered by fatigue. Strategies differ between controls and patients, pointing to an altered coordination in Lateral Epicondylitis.Peer Reviewe

    A cross-sectional study comparing strength profile of dorsal and palmar flexor muscles of the wrist in epicondylitis and healthy men

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    Background: Strength training has been proposed by several authors to treat Lateral Epicondylitis. However, there is still a lack of information concerning muscle weakness and its relationship to imbalances and fatigability of forearm muscles during dynamic conditions in subjects after epicondylitis recovery. Aim: To analyze the relationship between lateral humeral epicondylitis, and forearm muscle strength and fatigue. Setting: Rehabilitation specialized center Population: Cross-sectional study in eight former epicondylitis men free of symptoms and actively working at the moment of the evaluation and eight healthy men volunteers. Methods: Isokinetic tests were performed at different velocities in order to assess strength in concentric and eccentric contractions. Additionally, a long-term concentric test was carried out in order to analyze strength during endurance. The following variables were analyzed: Average torque of dorsal and palmar flexors of the wrist and ratio of agonist/antagonist for non-endurance contractions; length of initial and final plateaus and the slope of average torque decay during the endurance test. Results: In both groups, average torque produced by palmar flexor muscles was higher than that produced by dorsal flexor muscles. Patients showed higher strength in palmar flexor muscles, whereas dorsal flexor strength was similar for both populations. Palmar flexor vs. dorsal flexor ratio was significantly higher in patients for eccentric contractions. Regarding fatigue, results showed that torque decreased earlier in patients. Conclusions and clinical rehabilitation impact: Both palmar flexor force and palmar/dorsal ratio in eccentric exercise were significantly higher in patients. This finding indicates a muscular imbalance in patients underlying the epicondylitis condition. Additionally, former patients fatigued earlier. Findings indicate that muscle imbalances and fatigability might be related to lateral epicondylitis. […

    A cross-sectional study comparing strength profile of dorsal and palmar flexor muscles of the wrist in epicondylitis and healthy men

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    Background: Strength training has been proposed by several authors to treat Lateral Epicondylitis. However, there is still a lack of information concerning muscle weakness and its relationship to imbalances and fatigability of forearm muscles during dynamic conditions in subjects after epicondylitis recovery. Aim: To analyze the relationship between lateral humeral epicondylitis, and forearm muscle strength and fatigue. Setting: Rehabilitation specialized center Population: Cross-sectional study in eight former epicondylitis men free of symptoms and actively working at the moment of the evaluation and eight healthy men volunteers. Methods: Isokinetic tests were performed at different velocities in order to assess strength in concentric and eccentric contractions. Additionally, a long-term concentric test was carried out in order to analyze strength during endurance. The following variables were analyzed: Average torque of dorsal and palmar flexors of the wrist and ratio of agonist/antagonist for non-endurance contractions; length of initial and final plateaus and the slope of average torque decay during the endurance test. Results: In both groups, average torque produced by palmar flexor muscles was higher than that produced by dorsal flexor muscles. Patients showed higher strength in palmar flexor muscles, whereas dorsal flexor strength was similar for both populations. Palmar flexor vs. dorsal flexor ratio was significantly higher in patients for eccentric contractions. Regarding fatigue, results showed that torque decreased earlier in patients. Conclusions and clinical rehabilitation impact: Both palmar flexor force and palmar/dorsal ratio in eccentric exercise were significantly higher in patients. This finding indicates a muscular imbalance in patients underlying the epicondylitis condition. Additionally, former patients fatigued earlier. Findings indicate that muscle imbalances and fatigability might be related to lateral epicondylitis. […

    Avaluació de l'esforç submàxim dels flexors dorsals i palmars de canell mitjançant dinamometria isocinètica

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    El SEC (Suma Excèntric- Concèntric) i sobretot el DEC (Diferència Excèntric-Concèntric) són paràmetres que, ja han sigut demostrats en la literatura, com a vàlids en diferents articulacions i accions, per a identificar esforços submàxims, és a dir, la possible falta de col·laboració, durant la realització de proves de força mitjançant dinamometria isocinètica. Aquest estudi, mitjançant una mostra de 20 individus sans, demostra que el DEC i el SEC són bones eines per detectar la falta de col·laboració en l'avaluació dels flexors dorsals i palmars de canell (articulació prèviament no estudiada) amb dinamometria isocinètica en subjectes sans.El SEC (Suma Excéntrico- Concéntrico) y sobre todo el DEC (Diferencia Excèntric-Concèntric) son parámetros que, ya han sido demostrados en la literatura, como válidos en diferentes articulaciones y acciones, para identificar esfuerzos submáximos, es decir, la posible falta de colaboración, durante la realización de pruebas de fuerza mediante dinamometría isocinética. Este estudio, mediante una muestra de 20 individuos sanos, demuestra que el DEC y el SEC son buenas herramientas para detectar la falta de colaboración en la evaluación de los flexores dorsales y palmares de muñeca (articulación previamente no estudiada) con dinamometría isocinética en sujetos sanos