1,438 research outputs found

    Uniformly high order accurate essentially non-oscillatory schemes 3

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    In this paper (a third in a series) the construction and the analysis of essentially non-oscillatory shock capturing methods for the approximation of hyperbolic conservation laws are presented. Also presented is a hierarchy of high order accurate schemes which generalizes Godunov's scheme and its second order accurate MUSCL extension to arbitrary order of accuracy. The design involves an essentially non-oscillatory piecewise polynomial reconstruction of the solution from its cell averages, time evolution through an approximate solution of the resulting initial value problem, and averaging of this approximate solution over each cell. The reconstruction algorithm is derived from a new interpolation technique that when applied to piecewise smooth data gives high-order accuracy whenever the function is smooth but avoids a Gibbs phenomenon at discontinuities. Unlike standard finite difference methods this procedure uses an adaptive stencil of grid points and consequently the resulting schemes are highly nonlinear

    Path based load balancing for data center networks using SDN

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    Due to the increase in the number of users on the internet and the number of applications that is available in the cloud makes Data Center Networking (DCN) has the backbone for computing. These data centre requires high operational cost and also experience the link failures and congestions often. Hence the solution is to use Software Defined Networking (SDN) based load balancer which improves the efficiency of the network by distributing the traffic across multiple paths to optimize the efficiency of the network. Traditional load balancers are very expensive and inflexible. These SDN load balancers do not require costly hardware and can be programmed, which it makes it easier to implement user-defined algorithms and load balancing strategies. In this paper, we have proposed an efficient load balancing technique by considering different parameters to maintain the load efficiently using Open FlowSwitches connected to ONOS controller

    Queuing-Inventory Models with MAP Demands and Random Replenishment Opportunities

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    Combining the study of queuing with inventory is very common and such systems are referred to as queuing-inventory systems in the literature. These systems occur naturally in practice and have been studied extensively in the literature. The inventory systems considered in the literature generally include (s, S)-type. However, in this paper we look at opportunistic-type inventory replenishment in which there is an independent point process that is used to model events that are called opportunistic for replenishing inventory. When an opportunity (to replenish) occurs, a probabilistic rule that depends on the inventory level is used to determine whether to avail it or not. Assuming that the customers arrive according to a Markovian arrival process, the demands for inventory occur in batches of varying size, the demands require random service times that are modeled using a continuous-time phase-type distribution, and the point process for the opportunistic replenishment is a Poisson process, we apply matrix-analytic methods to study two of such models. In one of the models, the customers are lost when at arrivals there is no inventory and in the other model, the customers can enter into the system even if the inventory is zero but the server has to be busy at that moment. However, the customers are lost at arrivals when the server is idle with zero inventory or at service completion epochs that leave the inventory to be zero. Illustrative numerical examples are presented, and some possible future work is highlighted

    Study of incidence in between benign and malignant tumors of solitary thyroid nodule

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    Background: Accurate imaging characterization of a solitary thyroid nodule has been clearly problematic. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the role of the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) values in the differentiation between malignant and benign solitary thyroid nodules. Objective of the study was to study the clinco-pathological correlation of solitary thyroid nodule and the incidence of malignancy.Methods: The study was conducted in MIMS (Maharagah’s Institute of Medical Sciences). The study population was enrolled after fulfilling the selection criteria from OPD (Out Patient Department) of General Surgery. A total of 50 cases were studied who presented with complaint of thyroid swelling which was clinically confirmed as solitary thyroid nodule. Importance was given to detailed history; duration of swelling, pressure symptoms, and symptoms associated illnesses, previous exposure to neck irradiation, history of anti-thyroid drug use, positive family history. A detailed local examination was done in all cases followed by systemic examination.Results: Out of 50 cases 10 cases were found to have malignant lesions with remaining 40 cases being benign lesions. The malignant nodules were significantly lower than those of benign ones (P = 0.0001). There were no significant differences between the mean ADC values of various malignant thyroid nodules, but there were significant differences between the subtypes of benign thyroid nodules (P = 0.0001).Conclusions: The ADC value is a new promising non-invasive approach used for differentiating malignant from benign solitary thyroid nodules. The incidence of malignancy in solitary thyroid nodule is quite high. This warrants education to people to consult physicians for early diagnosis and adequate treatment without being passive as most of these swellings are asymptomatic for long duration

    The study on post-operative wound infections at Vizianagaram in Andhra Pradesh, India

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    Background: In most of the people post-operative wound infections are responsible for major complications such as cost, morbidity, mortality and duration of hospital stay related to surgeries. Objectives of the study were to demonstrate the incidence of post-operative wound infections at MIMS (Maharagah’s Institute of Medical Sciences, Vizianagaram.Methods: A cross sectional study has been carried out to know the incidence of post-operative wound infection The study was conducted in MIMS (Maharagah’s Institute of Medical Sciences). The study population was enrolled after fulfilling the selection criteria from General Surgery 100 patients (both elective and emergency surgeries) were selected using randomized technique.Results: Out of 100 cases in the study 17 were positive for post-operative wound infection and out of which 10 were mild infections, 9 cases were moderate infections and 3 were severe infections including 1 burst abdomen. Coagulase positive Staph aureus was isolated in 10 out 40. Over all infection rate in the study was 13.58%.Conclusions: The study clearly depicted the changing pattern of wound infection toward mixed infection. A larger study with substantial number of patients will confirm the findings of this study


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    Objective: The main objective of the method was to develop a simple, rapid, efficient and reproducible, stability indicating reverse phase ultra performance liquid chromatography (RP-UPLC) method for the estimation of frovatriptan in tablet dosage form.Methods: The RP-UPLC method for estimation of frovatriptan (FRT) in their tablets was carried out on Acquity UPLCTM, BEH C-18 (100 × 2.1 mm, 1.7 µm) column using 0.1% trifluroacetic acid buffer and a mixture of methanol and acetonitrile (50:50) using isocratic program. The flow rate of the mobile phase was 0.2 mL min-1and detection wavelength was carried out at 244 nm. Total runtime is 3 minutes for chromatographic run. The method was validated in terms of specificity, linearity, accuracy, precision and robustness as per ICH guidelines.Results: The method was found to be linear in the range of 1.41-3.67 μg mL-1. Recovery was found to be in the range of 97.8-101.8%. Relative standard deviation for precision and intermediate precision was found to be less than 3%. The developed method was successfully applied for the estimation of frovatriptan in tablet formulation and average dissolution rate was found to be 93%. The results obtained from the validation experiments prove that the developed method is suitable for routine analysis.Conclusion: The developed RP-UPLC method was simple, rapid, accurate, and precise for the estimation of dissolution rate in frovatriptan tablet dosage form.Â

    Prediction of Soakout Time Using Analytical Models

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    In precision manufacturing enterprises, machine parts at nonstandard temperatures are often soaked to standard temperature prior to making any dimensional measurements. The soakout times are usually determined using lumped heat-transfer models where the part temperatures are assumed to be uniform. This article discusses conditions under which lumped model assumptions are valid by comparing lumped analyses for various shapes and materials with the more general finite element results. In addition, the effect of ambient temperature cycling on part response is also studied

    Geospatial intelligence and visual classification of environmentally observed species in the future Internet

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    The rapid development of advanced smart communication tools with good quality and resolution video cameras,audio and GPS devices in the last few years shall lead to profound impacts on the way future environmentalobservations are conducted and accessed by communities. The resulting large scale interconnections of these"Future Internet Things" form a large environmental sensing network which will generate large volumes of qualityenvironmental observations and at highly localised spatial scales. This enablement in environmental sensing atlocal scales will be of great importance to contribute in the study of fauna and flora in the near future, particularlyon the effect of climate change on biodiversity in various regions of Europe and beyond. The Future Internet couldalso potentially become the de facto information space to provide participative real-time sensing by communitiesand improve our situation awarness of the effect of climate on local environments. In the ENVIROFI(2011-2013)Usage Area project in the FP7 FI-PPP programme, a set of requirements for specific (and generic) enablers isachieved with the potential establishement of participating community observatories of the future. In particular,the specific enablement of interest concerns the building of future interoperable services for the management ofenvironmental data intelligently with tagged contextual geo-spatial information generated by multiple operatorsin communities (Using smart phones). The classification of observed species in the resulting images is achievedwith structured data pre-processing, semantic enrichement using contextual geospatial information, and high levelfusion with controlled uncertainty estimations. The returned identification of species is further improved usingfuture ground truth corrections and learning by the specific enablers

    Pulmonary function changes in asymptomatic smokers - a community survey in Udupi, Karnataka, India

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    Background: Smoking has been labeled the most important preventable cause of a respiratory disease and its effects in a smoker are well established. A better understanding on the pulmonary function impairments in an asymptomatic smoker is the need of the hour. Objective: To study the pulmonary function changes in asymptomatic smokers and non- smokers and to establish the dose -effect relationship amongst asymptomatic smokers.Methods: A cross sectional survey was conducted in Udupi district of Karnataka, India. 140 men aged between 20 to 45 years with a BMI ranging from 18.5 to 29.9 Kg2 /m was enrolled in to the study. 70 subjects were asymptomatic smokers and the other 70 were non-smokers. Outcomes measured were standard spirometric measures for pulmonary function and symptoms like breathlessness, cough and sputum using a Breathlessness Cough Sputum scale.Results: The mean age (mean ± SD) of non-smokers and asymptomatic smokers enrolled was 34.7±5 and 33.8±5 years respectively. The mean smoking dose amongst the asymptomatic smokers was 15.74±5.5 pack years. FEV1 amongst the asymptomatic smokers showed a negative correlation with smoking dose (p<0.05) and there was a significant difference in FEV1, FVC, PEFR, MVV and FEF 25- 75 % (p<0.001) amongst the asymptomatic smokers and non-smokers.Conclusions: Asymptomatic smokers showed low values of pulmonary function parameters compared to those in non-smokers
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