838 research outputs found

    Influence de la phosphatation au zinc sur la rĂ©sistance a la corrosion d’un acier au carbone en milieu maring

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    Zinc phosphatation influence on the resistance to corrosion of a carbonbased steel in marine mediumIn the frame of the present investigation, we have showed that the profile of the cathodic curves of a non phosphated metal, plead in favour to a kinetic profile essentially monitored by a pure diffusion. The corrosion rate, obtained from the cathodic curves as well as by a colorimetrical dosage of the dissolved iron, increases when the rotation speed of the electrode increases. Which show a diffusional control the phosphatation of the electrode does not seem to modify the cathodic curves profile. However the height of the diffusion palier depends on the thickness of the phosphatation layer. It takes values lower than those of an uncovered steel for a layer thickness of two micrometers the phosphatation layer reinforce notably the resistance to the corrosion of the internal layer which is essentially composed with iron oxides, by decreasing the corrosion rate with the increase of the layer. However, the benefical effect of the phosphatation is maximal for a thickness of three micrometers. This effect occurs also during the anodic behaviour

    Atomic layer deposition: Low temperature process well adapted to ULSI and TFT technologies

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    The high k dielectrics is an important materials to be integrate in future Ultra Large Scale Integration (ULSI) and future TFT technology. Indeed, to keep on the Moore\u27s Law curve, the reduction of silicon oxide (SiO2) thickness still required, but this reduction is hindered by tunneling current leakage limit. Consequently, it is important to replace SiO2 by another materials with high dielectric constant. The use of this material in manufacturing of gate dielectric in Thin-film transistor (TFT) and in Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) will increase gate capacitance with maintaining a low leakage current. Titanium dioxide is a good candidate due to its high dielectric constant in its rutile crystalline phase (180).This rutile structure is obtained at low temperature (250°C) by ALD deposition when TiO2 is deposited on ruthenium dioxide (RuO2) layer thanks to the small lattice mismatch between these two materials

    A Numerical Simulation Approach for Sunspot Area Calculation

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    The aim of this paper is the numerical simulation of the sunspot area (SSA) and its location on the walls and on the floor of a room with a single window facing south. The input parameters of the calculation code are the geometry of the cell located in the site of Ksar Challala (35.1 N, 2.19 E, 800 m) in Algeria for the 21st of March, June and December. The SSA is a function of the window’s area, the date and time, the orientation of the room, the altitude and the azimuth of the sun. The obtained results show that the western wall is affected by the sun in the morning, the eastern wall in the afternoon, the floor and the north wall in the middle of the day. By increasing the window area from 1 m2 to 2 m2 we found that the SSA increases considerably

    Mode - Modalité (linguistique)

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    Ces notions, issues de la tradition grammaticale occidentale et fortement rĂ©investies par la linguistique moderne, sont Ă  la fois essentielles et trĂšs polysĂ©miques, avec des dĂ©finitions, des approches et des objets mĂȘmes extrĂȘmement divers selon les pĂ©riodes et les courants thĂ©oriques. On renverra sur ce sujet aux grands outils francophones de la linguistique, notamment : Marouzeau (p. 147, sous « Modal » et « Mode ») ; Mounin : (p. 147, sous « Mode » et « Modal ») ; Dubois et al. (p. 319-321..

    Mode – ModalitĂ©

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    Ce terme, d’origine berbĂšre mais largement passĂ© en arabe dialectal (surtout au Maroc, avec vĂ©lo-pharyngalisation des « r » : [keáč›kĂ»áč›]), dĂ©signe les tas de pierres constituĂ©s par les voyageurs et pĂšlerins en certains lieux caractĂ©ristiques, Ă  forte charge symbolique : cols, croisements de chemins, lieux oĂč a Ă©tĂ© commis un crime... Le voyageur, pour conjurer le mauvais sort et/ou les forces malĂ©fiques qui habitent le lieu, jette ou dispose un/des caillou(s) supplĂ©mentaire (s). Ce rite, dĂ©jĂ  pr..

    Laser-fabricated porous alumina membranes (LF-PAM) for the preparation of metal nanodot arrays

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    We report on an efficient photonic-based method to prepare nanodot array of functional materials, independently of the nature of the substrate.Comment: Small (2008) Accepte

    The genetic basis of thyroid function: Novel findings and new approaches

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    Context: Genetic factors are major determinants of thyroid function. Over the last two decades,multiple genetic variants have been associated with variations in normal range thyroid functiontests. Most recently, a large-scale genome-wide association study (GWAS) doubled the number ofknown variants associated with normal range thyrotropin (TSH) and free thyroxine (FT4) levels.Evidence Acquisition: This review summarizes the results of genetic association studies onnormal range thyroid function and explores how these genetic variants can be used in futurestudies to improve our understanding of thyroid hormone regulation and disease.Evidence Synthesis: Serum TSH and FT4 levels are determined by multiple genetic variantson virtually all levels of the hypothalamus-pituitary-thyroid (HPT) axis. Functional followup studies on top of GWAS hits has the potential to discover new key players in thyroidhormone regulation, as exemplified by the identification of the thyroid hormone transporterSLC17A4 and the metabolizing enzyme AADAT. Translational studies may use these geneticvariants to investigate causal associations between thyroid function and various outcomes inMendelian Randomization (MR) studies, to identify individuals with an increased risk of thyroiddysfunction, and to predict the individual HPT axis setpoint.Conclusions: Recent genetic studies have greatl

    Beni Snous

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    Extrait de GĂ©ographie de l’Afrique du Nord-Ouest (J. Despois et A. Raynal) Le groupe berbĂ©rophone des Beni Snous occupe la Ghaba occidentale, c’est-Ă -dire l’ensemble des plateaux calcaires de la Haute Tafna Ă  l’ouest-sud-ouest de Tlemcen. La Ghaba est un milieu rude : suffisamment arrosĂ© dans son ensemble (600 Ă  700 mm) mais froid, avec 10 Ă  20 chutes de neige par an, des gelĂ©es nombreuses, parfois de longues pĂ©riodes sĂšches et du siroco. La forĂȘt est plus utile comme pĂąturage que comme fourn..

    Reliability centered maintenance optimization for power distribution systems

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    a b s t r a c t Today's electricity distribution systems operate in a liberalized market. These systems should therefore be able to provide electricity to customers with a high degree of reliability and be cost-effective for suppliers. RCM (Reliability Centred Maintenance) was invented by the aircraft industry in the 1960s, to organize the increasing need for maintenance for reducing costs without reducing b safety. Today RCMmethods invented by ALADON [1] are seen as very complex and are not fully accepted by the Algerian power industry. The extensive need of human and capital resources in the introduction phase is also a negative factor that could be one of the reasons of why RCM methods are not used in our branch. This article provides a discussion of the two primary objectives of RCM: to ensure safety through preventive maintenance actions, and, when safety is not a concern, preserve functionality in the most economical manner. For the power distribution systems facilities, the mission should be considered at the same level as safety
