22 research outputs found

    Microhybrid and Flowable Microhybrid Dental Resin Composites Measured in Fracture Toughness

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    Objectives. The aim of this study was to compare the fracture toughness of a microhybrid and a flowable microhyrid resin composites. Methods. Test specimens (30x15x2)mm made of a microhybrid and a flowable microhybrid were prepared in a double torsion mould and were then polymerized for 20 seconds using a light-curing device. Taken out from the mould, the specimens were than soaked in disfilled water (37°C) for 1 hour and then fractured in a double-torsion technique. t-Test was used to test significance difference between the microhybrid and flowable microhybrid resin composites. Result. The use of double-torsion technique resulted in crack initition and crack arrest which revealed Klc of 1.14 MN/m3/2 and 1.045 MN/m3/2 for the microhybrid and the flowable microhybrid resin composites, respectively. Both resin composites were insignificantly different in the fracture toughness values showed by t–Test. Conclusions. The present study suggested that there was no significant difference between the microhybrid and the flowable microhybrid resin composites tested. It appreared that filler fraction might not affect the fracture toughness of the resin composties tested.DOI: 10.14693/jdi.v16i1.1

    An Analysis On Factors Influencing Students' Low English Learning Achievement

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    This research was aimed to investigate the most dominant internal and external factor influencing students' low English learning achievement. To achieve the purpose of this study, a descriptive research was conducted at SMKN 2 Pontianak with the sample of this study was the eleventh grade students of XI TSM class in Academic Year 2015/2016 which was chosen by using purposive sampling technique. The findings of this research revealed that (1) Negative attitude was found to be the most dominant internal factor influencing students' low English learning achievement with the percentage was 78,86% and classified as strong influence. (2) Of the two external factor, unsupportive school environment was found to be the most dominant one with the percentage was 62,38% and also classified as strong influence and followed by lack of family support with the percentage was 40,12% which was classified as weak. To conclude, negative attitude which was supported negatively by the unsupportive school environment had a strong negative influence to the teaching learning process which consequently resulted in students' low achievement

    Pengaruh Locus Of Contol, Komitmen Organisasi, Kinerja Auditor, dan Turnover Intention terhadap Perilaku Menyimpang dalam Audit (Studi Empiris pada Kantor Akuntan Publik di Pekanbaru dan Padang)

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    This study aimed to examine the effect of locus of control on dysfunctional audit, the effect of organization commitment on dysfunctional audit, the effect of performance on dysfunctional audit and the effect of turnover intention on dysfunctional audit. The object of this research is independent auditors in Pekanbaru and Padang. Methods of data collection used in this research is a method of questioner. From 72 questioners distributed, returned was 62 questioners, but only 59 respondents who fill out the questioner and the method of selecting a sample using. Data analysis conducted with multiple regression model with help of software SPSS version 17.0. The result provide that locus of control, performance, and turnover intention has significant effect to the dysfunctional audit of the independent auditors in Pekanbaru and Padang. While organization commitment do not has a significant effect to the dysfunctional audit of the independent auditors in Pekanbaru and padang.Keywords : Locus of control, organization commitment, performance, turnover intention and dysfunctional audit

    Kajian Penyediaan dan Pemanfaatan Pelayanan Transportasi Publik di Kota Bekasi

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    Kota Bekasi saat ini mengalami Laju Pertumbuhan Penduduk yang pesat yakni 3,48% pertahun pada tahun 2010. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik transportasi publik, penyediaan pelayanan transportasi publik oleh pihak pemerintah dan swasta, pemanfaatan pelayanan transportasi publik oleh masyarakat dan mengetahui kebijakan pengembangan layanan transportasi publik. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Data diperoleh melalui hasil kuesioner dan indepth interview secara aksidental di terminal, halte, pasar dan pusat kegiatan lainnya dengan teknik analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebanyak 53,3% responden berpendapat bahwa kualitas pelayanan transportasi publik di Bekasi sudah cukup baik. Terdapat moda transportasi yang beragam, frekuensi lewat angkutan yang terbilang cepat serta trayek yang menjangkau seluruh wilayah. Guna meningkatkan pelayanan transportasi, pemerintah membuat kebijakan manajemen transportasi dengan penyediaan Bus Rapid Transit sehingga pelayanan transportasi dapat lebih terintegrasi dengan jaringan transportasi yang lebih luas

    Operasionalisasi Konsep Among Tani Dagang Layar untuk Pembangunan Wilayah di Daerah Istimewa YOGYAKARTA

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    Konsep Among Tani Dagang layar merupakan gagasan Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X. Persepsi yang disampaikan Gubernur dapat memiliki perbedaan pemahaman dengan SKPD sebagai pembuat program kegiatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan : (1) Mengidentifikasi keanekaragaman pemahaman SKPD terhadap konsep Among Tani Dagang Layar, (2) Mengidentifikasi program SKPD yang mendukung berjalannya konsep Among Tani Dagang Layar, (3) Mengidentifikasi kesesuaian antara pemahaman konsep Among Tani Dagang Layar dengan program yang dirancang.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif yaitu menggambarkan fenomena atau kondisi tertentu di suatu daerah. Pemilihan informan menggunakan metode purposive sampling dimana informan dipilih berdasarkan keterkaitan antara SKPD dengan Among Tani Dagang Layar. Hasil dari analisis indepth interview diperoleh tiga pemahaman terkait Among Tani Dagang Layar, yaitu ide, operasional dan tujuan, sedangkan hasil pengelompokkan program kegiatan SKPD meliputi program kegiatan berupa dokumen, program kegiatan konstruksi/pembangunan dan program kegiatan pemberdayaan masyarakat. Hasil analisis kesesuaian antara pemahaman dan program kegiatan 54% menunjukkan adanya keterkaitan, 33% tidak terkait dan 13% adanya keraguan atau lokasi tidak sesuai cakupan

    Pembuatan Sirup Ubi Jalar Ungu (Ipomea Batatas L.) dengan Penambahan Sari Lemon (Citrus Limon L.)

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    The purpose of this research is to get formulations best of syrup purple sweet potato with additional lime extract in accordance with SNI.Study was conducted experimentally used Complete Design Random (CDR) with four treatments and four replications is SU1 (puree purple sweet potato 90% : lime extract 10%), SU2 (puree purple sweet potato 85% : lime extract 15%), SU3 (pureepurple sweet potato 80% : lime extract 20%) , SU4 (puree purple sweet potato 75% : lime extract 25%). The value of observation were analyzed using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) followed by Duncan's New Multilt Range Test (DNMRT) on 5% level.The result showed that the ratio puree purple sweet potato with lemon to making syrup influential real against degrees acidity (pH), viscosity, sucrose, total solids dissolved and assessment sensory.The best treatment syrup was SU1with pH 4,64, sucrose 65,07%, viscosity 116,78 cP, total solid dissolved 65,43 °brix and organoleptic scores of SU1are 3,80 (colour), 3,40 (flavour), 3,42 (taste), 3,88 (sweet of taste) and comprehersive score (3,61)


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    Background: Lemons consist of 5-8% citric acid, have a pH of around 2.74. Drinks that have a critical pH of 5.5 can be said to be acidic drinks. Acidic drinks have the potential to cause corrosion of teeth and dental materials, one of which is stainless steel orthodontic wire. Stainless steel orthodontic wire is easily corroded, the wire has a composition of 71% Iron (Fe), 18% Chromium (Cr), 8% Nickel (Ni), and 0.2% Carbon (C). Corrosion is caused by the presence of inorganic components that act as electrolyte media that can trigger electrochemical reactions.Method: Each sample was placed on each uninsulated petridish and labeled as a marker. This is done by inserting orthodontic wire which is immersed into the incubator for 3.5 hours at 37℃. Then the sample is taken and the separation between the sample and the solution is carried out. After that, the measurement of Iron (Fe) ions was carried out using the Atomic Absorption Spectrophotomery tool.Result: The results showed the average release of Iron (Fe) ions in the experimental group of lemon juice with a concentration of 25% was 0.067mg/L, a concentration of 50% was 0.090mg/L and a concentration of 100% was 0.135mg/L. The test results obtained using the One Way Anova test showed that there was no significant difference (p>0.05).Conclusion: There was no significant difference in the release of Iron (Fe) ions in stainless steel orthodontic wires between experimental groups, and there was no effect of soaking lemon juice (Citrus Limon (L.)) on the release of Iron (Fe) ions in stainless steel orthodontic wires


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    Konsep Among Tani Dagang layar merupakan gagasan Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X. Persepsi yang disampaikan Gubernur dapat memiliki perbedaan pemahaman dengan SKPD sebagai pembuat program kegiatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan : (1) Mengidentifikasi keanekaragaman pemahaman SKPD terhadap konsep Among Tani Dagang Layar, (2) Mengidentifikasi program SKPD yang mendukung berjalannya konsep Among Tani Dagang Layar, (3) Mengidentifikasi kesesuaian antara pemahaman konsep Among Tani Dagang Layar dengan program yang dirancang.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif yaitu menggambarkan fenomena atau kondisi tertentu di suatu daerah. Pemilihan informan menggunakan metode purposive sampling dimana informan dipilih berdasarkan keterkaitan antara SKPD dengan Among Tani Dagang Layar. Hasil dari analisis indepth interview diperoleh tiga pemahaman terkait Among Tani Dagang Layar, yaitu ide, operasional dan tujuan, sedangkan hasil pengelompokkan program kegiatan SKPD meliputi program kegiatan berupa dokumen, program kegiatan konstruksi/pembangunan dan program kegiatan pemberdayaan masyarakat. Hasil analisis kesesuaian antara pemahaman dan program kegiatan 54% menunjukkan adanya keterkaitan, 33% tidak terkait dan 13% adanya keraguan atau lokasi tidak sesuai cakupan