11 research outputs found


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    As a developing country, Indonesia has traffic issues. Bekasi City, which serves as a buffer for Jakarta, is one of the cities experiencing high traffic jams. The Bekasi City Metro Police Traffic Unit cannot solve various traffic challenges and obstacles on its own; synergistic cooperation among stakeholders is required. Bekasi City Metro Police Traffic Unit efforts to reduce various traffic problems in Bekasi City, one of which is undertaken through the Road Safety Partnership Action activity. This research aims to examine the active optimization of the Road Safety Partnership Action by the Bekasi City Metro Police Traffic Unit in addressing traffic and road transportation issues. This study uses a qualitative approach with analytical descriptive to provide a detailed description of the situation that occurred. The data used uses data primary and secondary. Data collection techniques are observation, interviews, and document studies. Evaluation of data reliability and validity through tringulation. The results of the study show that Bekasi City is faced with high traffic problems seen from the large number of traffic violations and accidents. Road Safety Partnership Action activities are still not optimal due to poor planning, organization, implementation and control. Then, when active RSPA is faced with a number of obstacles such as the lack of quality and quantity of human resources, lack of budget support, lack of support for facilities and infrastructure, and the process of agreement regarding the active Road Safety Partnership Action is only understood at the leadership level

    The Effect of Ethical Leadership, Code of Ethics on Integrity Mediated by Job Satisfaction

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    This study aims to determine the effect of ethical leadership, code of ethics on police integrity mediated by job satisfaction  in Bandar Lampung City Police. Police integrity is a crucial phenomenon, because this is the foundation to improve the performance of individuals and organizations as expected by the Indonesian National Police (POLRI). The number of samples in this study were 250 police officers from five different units in the structure of Bandar Lampung City Police. The sampling method used is purposive sampling and cluster sampling. Structural Equation Model Analysis (SEM) is also used to test the effect of ethical leadership, code of ethics and job satisfaction by placing job satisfaction as a mediating variable on police integrity.In accordance with SEM analysis. This study finds that the code of ethics has an influence on job satisfaction (r = 0.45; p <0.00), and ethical leadership has a significant effect on job satisfaction (r = 0.39; p <0.00). The code of ethics affects the integrity of the police (r = 0.299; p<0.00). Furthermore, ethical leadership has a significant influence on police integrity (r = 0.575; p <0.00). Therefore, it can be concluded that the code of ethics has a strong direct effect on job satisfaction. In addition, job satisfaction has a stronger direct effect (r = 0.24; p <0.05) on police integrity

    Informal Settlement of Minor Crimes Among Citizens by Bhabinkamtibmas (Bhayangkara Trustee of Security and Public Order) at Klaten Police Station

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    The objectives of the study were to: 1) describe informal settlement of minor crimes among citizens by Bhabinkamtibmas at Klaten Police Station, 2) describe the obstacles that arise in the implementation of tasks and informal settlement of minor crimes among citizens by Bhabinkamtibmas at Klaten Police Station. This study applied a qualitative research approach. Triangulation technique was employed to determine the validity of the research data. The results found that the implementation of Bhabinkamtibmas tasks in Klaten Police Station is in accordance with National Police Regulation No. 3 of 2015 concerning Community Policing. The surrounding community has felt the existence of Bhabinkamtibmas in the Klaten Police Station jurisdiction. Obstacles based on internal factors include the incompatibility of the number of Bhabinkamtibmas personnel with the number of villages in Klaten Police Station, the lack of infrastructure, the lack of IT mastery of senior Bhabinkamtibmas, the lack of communication skills of Bhabinkamtibmas personnel, the lack of knowledge or HR of Bhabinkamtibmas junior, the distance of Bhabinkamtibmas homes from the target villages. There are also external factors in the settlement of minor crimes in which a third party reports back the problem to the police station, limited communication tools as some villages get poor signal coverage so that it affects the reporting of Bhabinkamtibmas activities, and some people who do not yet fully trust Bhabinkamtibmas personnel


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    Penelitian ini membahas tentang Analisis Program Electronic Traffic Law Enforcement dan menganalisis mekanisme serta sanksi hukum program Electronic Traffic Law Enforcement dalam rangka menciptakan Kamseltibcarlantas di wilayah Kota Serang. Sebagai ibu kota Provinsi Banten, Kota Serang Memiliki mobilitas yang cukup tinggi, Direktorat Lalu Lintas memiliki tantangan untuk menciptakan lalu lintas yang Aman, selamat, tertib dan lancar kepada seluruh masyarakat Kota Serang. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif.&nbsp; Keamanan, keselamatan, ketertiban, kelancaran lalu lintas (Kamseltibcarlantas) merupakan tujuan yang diinginkan setiap pengguna jalan. Perilaku pengguna jalan sangat berpengaruh terhadap terwujud atau tidaknya Kamseltibcarlantas. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa Kehadiran Electronic Traffic Law Enforcement di Kota Serang ini sebetulnya mampu untuk memberikan pengaruh kepada masyarakat untuk semakin meningkatkan kesadaran hukum akan tertib lalu lintas. Akan tetapi, dalam praktik di lapangan masih belum dilaksanakan secara maksimal dikarenakan beberapa faktor kendala, yaitu Sumber Daya Manusia, anggaran, sarana/ prasarana, dan budaya masyarakat. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan adanya perbaikan dan evaluasi terkait dengan penerapan Electronic Traffic Law Enforcement agar lebih maksimal dalam penerapannya

    Pelibatan Personel Intelijen dan Peralatan Khusus Berteknologi Tinggi dalam Menghadapi Ancaman Jaringan Terorisme di Sulawesi Tengah (pp. 115-138)

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    The problem raised in this study is about the role of human intelligence and techno intelligence when facing the dynamics of the movement of terrorist networks in the middle of the wilderness in Central Sulawesi Province. Meanwhile, the purpose of this study is to determine the role and implementation of information gathering in special intelligence operations. A number of theories used by researchers are intelligence theory, technology utilization theory, strategy theory and cooperation theory. Where the approach used in this research is a qualitative approach, with a descriptive type that utilizes case study models in certain areas. The researcher used the technique of observation, interview, discussion and document study. Furthermore, the data obtained were analyzed using an interactive analysis model and then validated. There are three roles described in this intelligence operation, namely the role of investigation, security and intelligence gathering, where the three activities are carried out by human intelligence and techno intelligence simultaneously. &nbsp

    Sinergitas Polri dan masyarakat dalam pencegahan terorisme dengan maksimalisasi peran Polmas

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    Terorisme menjadi ancaman terhadap Pancasila dan NKRI. Oleh karena itu, polisi RI dalam melakukan penanganan tindak pidana terorisme membutuhkan dukungan dari banyak pihak, salah satunya adalah masyarakat. Kepolisian dan masyarakat harus membangun sinergi untuk melakukan pencegahan terorisme. Penelitian ini akan menjawab dua rumusan masalah, yakni bagaimanakah sinergitas Polri dengan masyarakat dalam mencegah terorisme dan bagaimana peran polmas dalam meningkatkan sinergitas Polri dan masyarakat. Adapun tujuannya adalah untuk mengetahui dan menganalisa sinergitas Polri dengan masyarakat dalam mencegah terorisme dan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisa peran Polmas dalam meningkatkan sinergitas Polri dan masyarakat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sinergitas antara masyarakat dan Polri sangatlah penting, karena masyarakat dapat memberikan kontribusi dalam mencegah tindak teorisme, bahkan masyarakat dapat mencegah penyebaran ideologi dan membongkar jaringan terorisme

    Optimizing the Role of Bhabinkamtibmas Through Community Counseling to Prevent the Crime of Two-Wheel Motor Vehicle Theft in the Jurisdiction of the Cianjur Resort Police

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    In order for the community to carry out its activities, security and order are major elements. According to Article 13 of Law No. 2/2002, one of the primary duties of the National Police is to maintain law and order. There are social factors in society that necessitate preventative measures be taken by the police in order to prevent criminal crimes such as auto theft. Bhabinkamtibmas, which is the leading light of the National Police in carrying out the function of guidance and counseling (binluh) to the community to provide understanding and education about the significance of environmental security and order as well as can play a role in preventing the crime of theft of two-wheeled motorized vehicles in the Cianjur jurisdiction through binluh activities. This study aims to analyze the optimization of Bhabinkambtibmas to prevent the theft of two-wheeled motorized vehicles under the jurisdiction of the Cianjur Police. This study employs a qualitative approach and descriptive analysis to provide a full description of the phenomenon. This study utilizes both primary and secondary data sources. Observation, interviews, and document studies are methods for data collection. Using the tringulation method, the authors also evaluated the accuracy and reliability of the data in this study. According to the findings of the study, the Cianjur Police's Bhabinkamtibmas-led community engagement initiatives to prevent the theft of two-wheeled motorized vehicles were operating as planned. Nevertheless, challenges such as a lack of human resources from Bhabinkamtibmas, a lack of qualifications in the field of binluh, and a lack of public awareness regarding the significance of maintaining security and public order were discovered. Therefore, researchers recommend the need to optimize the implementation of binluh by Bhabinkamtibmas for the future

    Police Service Through Jogo Malang Application in the Malang City Resort Police Area (Polresta)

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    Police service is one of the police duties that attempts to respond to social problems in the community. To provide a sense of comfort and efficiency, the use of technology through applications can encourage services to the community more easily and effectively. Jogo Malang, which was initiated by the Malang Police, is a technology application that allows the public to easily submit complaints on social problems they face. The purpose of this research is to determine police services using the JOGO MALANG application in order to boost security by the City Resort Police (POLRESTA) of Malang City. To obtain a description of the subject under study, descriptive research with a qualitative approach was performed. Interviews, observation, and documentation were utilized to obtain data. While the data analysis technique utilized in this study refers to the interactive model developed by Huberman & Miles, which includes data gathering, data reduction, data presentation,conclusion drawing, and data verification. This study was carried out at the City Resort Police Office (POLRESTA) in Malang City. The study's findings indicate that the hardware provided is adequate for the application implementation procedure. The second sign is software that is simple to use. Furthermore, HR and the resources provided are made up of people who match the standards for doing a good job. The fourth indicator is data and information demonstrating that the implementers were extremely cautious when implementing. According to their primary roles and responsibilities, indicators of the organizational structure via which officials are recruited can be determined. The sixth factor is communication, in which the Malang City Police is deemed to be successful in interacting with various parties involved in promoting applications and reporting/complaints. The final sign is the implementer's attitude, which shows that the application is liked by both the implementer and the user community

    Analisis Yuridis Kedudukan Jabatan Anggota Polri Aktif Di Luar Institusi Polri Di Tengah Isu Dwi-Fungsi Polri

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis secara yuridis kedudukan jabatan anggota Polisi Republik Indonesia (POLRI) aktif di luar institusi POLRI terutama di kementerian, lembaga, dan komisi kemudian dihubungkan dengan isu Dwi Fungsi POLRI. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian yuridis normatif dengan pendekatan perundangan-undangan dan pendekatan konseptual. Data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penempatan anggota POLRI aktif di kementerian, lembaga, dan komisi tidak melanggar peraturan perundang-undangan dan juga tidak merupakan bentuk Dwi Fungsi POLRI. Hal ini dikarenakan jabatan anggota POLRI aktif tersebut masih memiliki keterkaitan dengan fungsi kepolisian walaupun bertugas di luar institusi POLRI