255 research outputs found

    Success/Failure in Higher Education:how long does it take to complete some core 1st. year disciplines?

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    Despite the enormous increasing in Higher Education (HE) enrolment during the last decades in Portugal, retention rates remain very high when compared to most European Union countries'.This outcome is particularly meaningful for a set of 1st year's critical matters which failure severely conditions subsequent success as they are part of the scientific domain's basic knowledge.In this paper we investigate this feature for ISEG (School of Economics and Management of the Technical University of Lisbon) and consider its Pedagogic Observatory database which includes more than 1,500 individual data relative to the four graduation programmes. As relative failure expresses frequently under the form of longer time spells needed to complete thgose disciplines in this paper we adjusted a duration model (with control group)in order to assess the main determinants of the "survival" probabilities. After having controlled for ability, the results we obtained from Cox Regression show that the economic and social status of the family of origin, especially mother's and father's school level and occupation go on influencing students' results although not so meaningfully as in previous educational phases. Also the specific graduation track - Economics, Management, Mathematics applied to Economics & Management and Finances - appear to be deeply associated with success or retention. Nevertheless, the main determinant of relative success/failure is the student's situation towards the labour market, a meaningful proportion of them having to perform a paid occupation to afford to pay for education costs. Therefore our policy reccommendations are twofold: i) to shed light on the need for a more robust Government's Social Policy towards HE students especially now that the Bologna Reform imposes an heavier budgetary burden upon students; ii)to emphasize the finantial, organizational and syllabuses' reforms that HE institutions need to develope in order to capture and keep the "new publics" namely adult students for whom combining study and paid work represents the only available funding source.Higher Education; Critical Matters; Time to successfully complete; Duration Models; Finantial Constraints; Portugal.

    Modern Swahili: an integration of Arabic culture into Swahili literature

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    Due to her geographical position, the African continent has for many centuries hosted visitors from other continents such as Asia and Europe. Such visitors came to Africa as explorers, missionaries, traders and colonialists. Over the years, the continent has played host to the Chinese, Portuguese, Persians, Indians, Arabs and Europeans. Arabs have had a particularly long history of interaction with East African people, and have therefore made a significant contribution to the development of the Swahili language. Swahili is an African native language of Bantu origin which had been in existence before the arrival of Arabs in East Africa. The long period of interaction between Arabs and the locals led to linguistic borrowing mainly from Arabic to Swahili. The presence of loanwords in Swahili is evidence of cultural interaction between the Swahili and Arabic people. The Arabic words are borrowed from diverse registers of the language. Hence, Swahili literature is loaded with Arabic cultural aspects through Arabic loanwords. Many literary works are examples of Swahili literature that contains such words. As a result, there is evidence of Swahili integrating Arabic culture in its literature, an aspect that this paper seeks to highlight


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    Le 9 dĂ©cembre 2005, la chaĂźne Arte diffusait dans la case « Le muet du mois » une version restaurĂ©e (numĂ©riquement) du premier film armĂ©nien Namous (l’Honneur), de Hamo Bek-Nazarov (1925-26). Le dossier qui suit vise Ă  offrir au spectateur quelques clefs pour aborder ce film remarquable, en saisir le contexte et les enjeux, mieux en apprĂ©cier l’intĂ©rĂȘt et l’originalitĂ©. L’itinĂ©raire du rĂ©alisateur, Hamo Bek-Nazarov Hamo Bek-Nazarov naĂźt Ă  Erevan en 1891 dans la famille d’un riche marchand pol..


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    Le 9 dĂ©cembre 2005, la chaĂźne Arte diffusait dans la case « Le muet du mois » une version restaurĂ©e (numĂ©riquement) du premier film armĂ©nien Namous (l’Honneur), de Hamo Bek-Nazarov (1925-26). Le dossier qui suit vise Ă  offrir au spectateur quelques clefs pour aborder ce film remarquable, en saisir le contexte et les enjeux, mieux en apprĂ©cier l’intĂ©rĂȘt et l’originalitĂ©. L’itinĂ©raire du rĂ©alisateur, Hamo Bek-Nazarov Hamo Bek-Nazarov naĂźt Ă  Erevan en 1891 dans la famille d’un riche marchand pol..


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    A partir de um amplo mapeamento dos textos que circularam no Folhetim da Folha de SĂŁo Paulo ( 1977-1989), o presente trabalho recorta e reagrupa a sĂ©rie de textos que abordavam os temas da psicanĂĄlise, da psiquiatria e da psicologia. Examinando as relaçÔes entre essa sĂ©rie e os estudos literĂĄrios, pretendo estabelecer alguns cruzamentose realçar a interdependĂȘncia que contribuiu para tornar a psicanĂĄlise uma das disciplinas mais atuantes junto ao campo literĂĄrio. AlĂ©m disso, procuro apresentar as polĂȘmicas e asdiversas orientaçÔes teĂłricas distintas que marcaram as mĂșltiplas inserçÔes dos temas (psicanalĂ­tico, psiquiĂĄtrico e psicolĂłgico) nas pĂĄginas do Folhetim

    Um estudo de difusão de inovaçÔes tecnológicas: o caso do setor fornecedor de måquinas e equipamentos para a produção de rochas ornamentais no Espírito Santo

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    A presente dissertação tem como objeto de estudo o setor de mĂĄquinas e equipamentos voltado para rochas ornamentais, no EspĂ­rito Santo, cujo maior propĂłsito Ă© identificar a forma de difusĂŁo tecnolĂłgica observada no setor. Para tanto, na anĂĄlise, utiliza-se o referencial teĂłrico nesochumpeteriano para a descrição de conceitos fundamentais ao processo inovativo, entre os quais, os de paradigma e trajetĂłria tecnolĂłgica. A abordagem neoschumpeteriana destaca a importĂąncia dos aperfeiçoamentos tecnolĂłgicos como elementos essenciais ao processo de difusĂŁo, alĂ©m da importĂąncia do direito de propriedade, como motivadores desse processo. Aperfeiçoamentos tecnolĂłgicos sĂŁo constantes e essenciais para o desenvolvimento do setor de mĂĄquinas e equipamentos, todavia, a existĂȘncia de direitos de propriedade Ă© praticamente nula ou sem eficiĂȘncia no setor, como comprovado pela pesquisa. Para o cumprimento do propĂłsito denotado, principalmente devido Ă  falta de pesquisas que pudessem servir como base para o aprofundamento no conhecimento sobre o setor, faz-se uso de entrevistas com fabricantes e pessoas que estiveram ligadas ao segmento. O setor de mĂĄquinas e equipamentos cresce junto ao setor de rochas ornamentais. Assim, torna-se interessante apresentar um panorama setorial do setor de rochas ornamentais, exibindo a cadeia produtiva com os principais elos e agentes envolvidos ao longo de cada etapa produtiva, alĂ©m de descrever a situação mundial, brasileira e capixaba do setor. Ao fim, busca-se fazer uma descrição sucinta sobre a formação e desenvolvimento do setor de mĂĄquinas e equipamentos, destacando-se a empresa CIMEF como grande propulsora desse segmento, no EspĂ­rito Santo. Uma explanação, destacando os avanços das principais tecnologias utilizadas no processo de extração e beneficiamento, mostra que o maior avanço tecnolĂłgico ocorreu com a introdução do fio diamantado, inicialmente oriundo das pedreiras, mas que foi adaptado perfeitamente ao interior das serrarias, com os teares multifios. A dificuldade dos fabricantes em manter o direito de propriedade das inovaçÔes, por consequĂȘncia, possibilita que a principal forma de difusĂŁo tecnolĂłgica constatada no setor de mĂĄquinas e equipamentos aconteça por intermĂ©dio da imitação. Processo que se diferencia da cĂłpia, por conta do processo imitativo possibilitar a ocorrĂȘncia de constantes aperfeiçoamentos tecnolĂłgicos, nĂŁo observados com as cĂłpias, que quando nĂŁo realizadas de forma idĂȘntica Ă  inovação original, podem inviabilizar o funcionamento da nova tecnologia.The present dissertation has as object of study the machinery and equipment sector, for ornamental rocks, in EspĂ­rito Santo, whose main purpose is to identify the form of technological diffusion observed in the sector. For this, in the analysis, the theoretical nesochumpeteriano reference is used for the description of concepts fundamental to the innovative process, among which: paradigm and technological trajectory. The neoschumpeterian approach emphasizes the importance of technological improvements as essential elements to the diffusion process, as well as the importance of the property right as motivators of this process. Technological improvements are constant and essential for the development of the machinery and equipment sector, but the existence of property rights is practically nil or inefficient. In order to fulfill the stated purpose, mainly due to the lack of research that could serve as a basis for the deepening of the knowledge about the sector, interviews with manufacturers and individuals that have been linked to the segment are used. The machinery and equipment sector grows along with the sector of ornamental rocks. Thus, it is interesting to present an overview of the sector of ornamental rocks, showing the production chain with the main links and agents involved throughout each production stage, as well as describing the world, brazilian and capixaba situation of the sector. Finally, a brief description of the formation and development of the machinery and equipment sector, highlighting CIMEF as the main driver of this segment, in EspĂ­rito Santo. An explanation, highlighting the advances of the main technologies used in the extraction and processing process, shows that the greatest technological advance occurred with the introduction of diamond wire, originally from quarries, but perfectly adapted inside sawmills, with multifibre looms. The difficulty of manufacturers in maintaining the right to own innovations, therefore, makes it possible for the main form of technological diffusion in the machinery and equipment sector to happen through imitation. A process that differs from the copy because of the imitative process allows for the occurrence of constant technological improvements, not observed with the copies, which, when not performed in the same way as the original innovation, could render the new technology unworkable.CAPE

    Rapsódia de uma década perdida: o Folhetim da Folha de São Paulo (1977-1989) /

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Comunicação e ExpressĂŁo.AlĂ©m de um fichamento completo dos doze anos de existĂȘncia do Folhetim da Folha de S.Paulo, esta Tese realiza algumas interpretaçÔes paralelas sobre a importĂąncia que o suplemento exerceu ao longo da dĂ©cada de oitenta. SĂŁo privilegiados os aspectos histĂłricos, polĂ­ticos e, sobretudo, literĂĄrios sinalizados pelo Folhetim. A primeira parte da Tese enfoca as relaçÔes histĂłricas que estiveram na base do jornalismo voltado Ă  formação dos leitores, destacando, principalmente, a atuação dos folhetins como fonte de aceleração, nĂŁo apenas da publicação de romances, mas como reserva crĂ­tica capaz de nos fornecer uma ampla visĂŁo do passado. A segunda parte da Tese enfoca as tramas literĂĄrias e o papel chave desempenhado pela psicanĂĄlise. Paralelamente Ă  exposição de alguns dados descritivos, apresento algumas alternativas de anĂĄlise das trĂȘs fases que marcaram a existĂȘncia do suplemento. A primeira, entre 1977 e 1979, dedicada ao divertimento; a segunda, entre 1979 e 1982, voltada ao cenĂĄrio polĂ­tico da redemocratização; e a terceira e mais longa, entre 1982 e 1989, centralizada na divulgação de ensaios oriundos, majoritariamente, das CiĂȘncias Humanas

    Rumores de uma dĂ©cada perdida--a ascĂȘndencia do ensaio no Folhetim (1982-1989)

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    Success/Failure in Higher Education:how long does it take to complete some core 1st. year disciplines?

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    Despite the enormous increasing in Higher Education (HE) enrolment during the last decades in Portugal, retention rates remain very high when compared to most European Union countries'.This outcome is particularly meaningful for a set of 1st year's critical matters which failure severely conditions subsequent success as they are part of the scientific domain's basic knowledge.In this paper we investigate this feature for ISEG (School of Economics and Management of the Technical University of Lisbon) and consider its Pedagogic Observatory database which includes more than 1,500 individual data relative to the four graduation programmes. As relative failure expresses frequently under the form of longer time spells needed to complete thgose disciplines in this paper we adjusted a duration model (with control group)in order to assess the main determinants of the "survival" probabilities. After having controlled for ability, the results we obtained from Cox Regression show that the economic and social status of the family of origin, especially mother's and father's school level and occupation go on influencing students' results although not so meaningfully as in previous educational phases. Also the specific graduation track - Economics, Management, Mathematics applied to Economics & Management and Finances - appear to be deeply associated with success or retention. Nevertheless, the main determinant of relative success/failure is the student's situation towards the labour market, a meaningful proportion of them having to perform a paid occupation to afford to pay for education costs. Therefore our policy reccommendations are twofold: i) to shed light on the need for a more robust Government's Social Policy towards HE students especially now that the Bologna Reform imposes an heavier budgetary burden upon students; ii)to emphasize the finantial, organizational and syllabuses' reforms that HE institutions need to develope in order to capture and keep the "new publics" namely adult students for whom combining study and paid work represents the only available funding source

    Success/Failure in Higher Education:how long does it take to complete some core 1st. year disciplines?

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    Despite the enormous increasing in Higher Education (HE) enrolment during the last decades in Portugal, retention rates remain very high when compared to most European Union countries'.This outcome is particularly meaningful for a set of 1st year's critical matters which failure severely conditions subsequent success as they are part of the scientific domain's basic knowledge.In this paper we investigate this feature for ISEG (School of Economics and Management of the Technical University of Lisbon) and consider its Pedagogic Observatory database which includes more than 1,500 individual data relative to the four graduation programmes. As relative failure expresses frequently under the form of longer time spells needed to complete thgose disciplines in this paper we adjusted a duration model (with control group)in order to assess the main determinants of the "survival" probabilities. After having controlled for ability, the results we obtained from Cox Regression show that the economic and social status of the family of origin, especially mother's and father's school level and occupation go on influencing students' results although not so meaningfully as in previous educational phases. Also the specific graduation track - Economics, Management, Mathematics applied to Economics & Management and Finances - appear to be deeply associated with success or retention. Nevertheless, the main determinant of relative success/failure is the student's situation towards the labour market, a meaningful proportion of them having to perform a paid occupation to afford to pay for education costs. Therefore our policy reccommendations are twofold: i) to shed light on the need for a more robust Government's Social Policy towards HE students especially now that the Bologna Reform imposes an heavier budgetary burden upon students; ii)to emphasize the finantial, organizational and syllabuses' reforms that HE institutions need to develope in order to capture and keep the "new publics" namely adult students for whom combining study and paid work represents the only available funding source
