17 research outputs found


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    Abstrak Kegiatan ekstrakurikuler merupakan kegiatan yang diikuti dan dilakukan siswa di sekolah diluar jam pelajaran dengan tujuan untuk mengembangkan minat dan bakat siswa. Futsal merupakan salah satu jenis kegiatan ekstrakurikuler olahraga yang mengembangkan kebugaran jasmani setiap siswa. Tingkat kebugaran jasmani berkaitan dengan kemampuan seseorang dalam melakukan aktivitas sehari-hari dengan berulang tanpa mengalami kelelahan yang bermakna. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui perbedaan tingkat kebugaran jasmani pada siswa yang mengikuti ekstrakurikuler futsal di SMAN 6 Kediri dan SMAN 1 Gurah. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan metode perbandingan. Desain penelitian menggunakan post test only dengan instrumen pengumpulan data tes kebugaran jasmani Indonesia (TKJI). Analisis hasil penelitian menggunakan aplikasi SPSS. Mean tes push up SMAN 6 Kediri dan SMAN 1 Gurah sebesar 38 dan 38,47/ menit. Mean tes sit up SMAN 6 Kediri dan SMAN 1 Gurah sebesar 39,87 dan 39,33/ menit. Mean tes shuttle run SMAN 6 Kediri dan SMAN 1 Gurah sebesar 17,76 dan 14,73 detik. Mean tes sprint 60 m SMAN 6 Kediri dan SMAN 1 Gurah sebesar 9,29 dan 8,96 detik. Mean tes lari 1,2 km SMAN 6 Kediri dan SMAN 1 Gurah sebesar 269,13 dan 243 detik. Distribusi data tes kebugaran jasmani di SMAN 6 Kediri dan SMAN 1 Gurah tidak berdistribusi normal (p < 0,05), namun berdistribusi homogen (p > 0,05), kecuali pada data tes sprint 60 m (p < 0,05). Hasil Mann-whitney test menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan yang bermakna pada tes push up, sit up, sprint 60 m dan lari 1,2 km (p > 0,05), sedangkan pada tes shuttle run menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan (p < 0,05). Simpulan penelitian adalah tidak ada perbedaan tingkat kebugaran jasmani pada siswa yang mengikuti ekstrakurikuler futsal di SMAN 6 Kediri dan SMAN 1 Gurah, kecuali pada aspek kelincahan. Kecenderungan tingkat kebugaran jasmani pada SMAN 1 Gurah lebih baik dibandingkan SMAN 6 Kediri. Kata Kunci : Kebugaran jasmani, Ekstrakurikuler, Futsa


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    Turgo is the closest village to Mount Merapi and a disaster-prone area. This research aims to study the social, economic, and cultural characteristics of Turgo society and understand the rules and values prevailing in the usage of natural resources and the environment. The research was conducted in Turgo, Purwobinangun, Pakem, Sleman, DIY (Yogyakarta Special Province). The research was conducted qualitatively and quantitatively, data retrieval was done by in-depth interviews and identifying the diversity of cultivated plants and husbandry animals. Respondents included village officials, community leaders and the society that were determined by random sampling as many as 20 families. Data were analysed descriptively, and the analysis of the biological environment quality used Soerjani’s criteria in Fandeli, et al. (2006). The results of the analysis of the biological environment quality show that the diversity of flora and beneficial flora in Turgo are excellent. Farming is done on the basis of the local environment wisdom by combining woody plants, crops and livestock with traditional agro-forestry system (Thaman in Sarjono, 2003). Turgo society lives in harmony, applies the subsistence agriculture, upholds traditions, spiritual and cultural life, conserves biodiversity and preserves the environment, so that these keep the balance among ecological, socio-economic and cultural spiritual aspects that is the characteristics of eco-village by Arifin, et al. (2009)


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    The tourism region grawth often indicates the decline of the environmental carrying capacity, including the conflict consequence in the carrying capacity and the spatial use. The un-control of the spatial grawth and resources advantages is the effect of the increasing development policy that cause the damage of the environmental function. The spatial and natural resources advantage is neededfor the consideration of the carrying capacity. A research is needed to define the safeguard traffic in connection with that problem. It is also important t9 be analyzed to the region carrying capacity that can define the tolerance border and the flexibility of capacity. The long purpose is too fulfill the tourists satisfactions in this area. The study sample is taken from 4 villages\u27 area in Pakem region (Kaliurang Area) and the Merapi Volcano National Park (TNGM) DIY province. There are 2 variables considered: (1) the region grawth(2) the ecology carrying capacity. The research sample is taken from the villages in the Pakem region (Kaliurang Area) and the Merapi Volcano National Park (TNGM) DIY province. Keywords: the region grawth, the ecology carrying support, tourism region Perkembangan wilayah kepariwisataan seringkali diindikasikan menurunkan daya dukung lingkungan, termasuk terjadinya konflik penggunaan ruang dan daya dukungnya. Perkembangan wilayah dan sumber daya alam yang tidak terkendali merupakan akibat meningkatnya kebijakan pembangunan sehingga dapat menyebabkan kerusakan fungsi lingkungan beserta daya dukung, terutama daya dukung fisik, dan daya dukung ekologis. Perlunya pemanfaatan ruang dan sumber daya alam secara komprehensif dengan mempertimbangkan daya dukung. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan penelitian untukmenentukanrambu-rambu pengaman berkenaan dengan masalah tersebut. Pada sisi yang lain, tingkat kenyamanan para wisatawan juga akan berkurang karena terjadi kepadatan yang tinggi. Untuk itu, perlu dilakukan analisis daya dukung kawasan yang dapat menentukan batas toleransi dankelenturan kapasitas yang masih memungkinkan secara fleksibel. Tujuan jangka panjangnya adalah terpenuhinya kepuasan pengunjung secara berkelanjutan di kawasan tersebut. Untuk memantapkan implementasi tujuan jangka panjang ini, maka ditetapkan fokus tema dengan topik studi daya dukung kepariwisataan di wilayah Yogyakarta bagian Utara. Sampel penelitian terdiri dari empat wilayah desa di Kecamatan Pakem (Kawasan Kaliurang) dan Taman Nasional Gunung Merapi Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Untuk menjawab permasalahan di atas terdapat dua variabel, yaitu (1) perkembangan wilayah, (2) daya dukung ekologis. Sampel penelitian terdiri dari wilayah desa di Kecamatan Pakem (Kawasan Kaliurang) dan Taman Nasional Gunung Merapi (TNGM)DaeraI1Istimewa Yogyakarta Kata kunci: Perkembangan wilayah, daya dukung ekologi, wilayah kepariwisataa


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    Objects of cultural attractiveness is one product that offers culture of a region in the form of livingculture and culture heritage. as an attraction for tourists. One of the tribes in Seram Island CentralMaluku, which has Naulu tribe culture with a special pattern, both physical and social behavior. Nauluceremonial ritual is a potential appeal of high local culture for tourists, Culture Naulu people in theform of traditional rituals, has a high value for tourists. It is necessary for the study to examine thelocal cultural forms the object of fascination Naulu as ecotourism. The method used to address theobjectives are descriptive qualitative method. Sugiono (2007), suggests that this motede used to examinethe condition of natural objects, where the researcher serves as a key instrument, procedure producesdescriptive data qualitative research in the form of verbal of people and behavior, as well as the observedphenomena. Techniques of data collection is done through observation, in-depth interviews (depthinterview) study of literature and documentation. Inductive data analysis, and research results furtheremphasize the significance of what is observed and not generalizations based on measures of quantity.Based on the results of the observation and identification of local cultural forms that are owned bythe Naulu, it can be said that the various forms of rituals and ceremonies inherited from the lelehurpotential to be developed as a product of cultural attractiveness for tourists. the sanctity of traditionalritual procession is a unique culture that can be packaged as a competitive cultural products for tourist


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    Agropolitan berarti kota yang fokus pada pertanian. Salah satu kawasan yang memiliki potensi pertanian sangat besar adalah Kecamatan Jumapolo yang terletak di Pulau Jawa bagian tengah. Kecamatan ini terletak di daerah subur sehingga sangat cocok untuk budidaya padi. Pemerintah harus memberikan dukungan teknis untuk membantu penduduk desa mempelajari cara terbaik menggunakan sumber daya yang tersedia dan meningkatkan teknik pertanian mereka. Salah satunya dalam penataan peruntukan ruang pertanian agar ke depan dapat menjamin keberlanjutan aktivitas pertanian dan sebagai stategi dalam beradaptasi dalam era globalisasi saat ini dan masa yang akan datang. Penerapan konsep agriculture adalah sebagai suatu konsep permukiman yang melakukan kegiatan yang memanfaatkan hasil pertanian sebagai bahan baku, merancang, dan menyediakan peralatan serta jasa untuk kegiatan tersebut. Pemilihan konsep ini didasari dari karakteristik wilayah deliniasi yang merupakan pertanian. Dengan adanya konsep yang direncanakan di Kecamatan Jumapolo ini, diharapkan dapat membantu dalam mengatasi permasalahan yang ada dan memanfaat potensi yang dimiliki tanpa mengubah karakteristik yang dimiliki wilayah tersebut. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif. Metode deskripstif kualitatif ini dilakukan apabila peneliti hendak mengeksplor fenomena pada suatu objek yang tidak dapat dikuantifikasikan yang bersifat deskriptif atau naratif. Kata kunci : agropolitan, agriculture, pertania

    Pengembangan Ekowisata Berbasis Kesesuaian dan Daya Dukung Kawasan Pantai (Studi Kasus Pulau Marsegu Kabupaten Seram Bagian Barat)

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    This study aimed to determine the suitability of land and the carrying capacity of the coastal area for ecotourism development in the Nature Tourism Park (TWA) of Marsegu Island. The method used is survey method, with primary and secondary data collection through observation technique. Primary data collection includes the taking of aquatic environmental data, the physical environment of the coast, the area used for tourism activities and the time spent by tourists in the coastal area. Data analysis using coastal suitability index and coastal carrying capacity. Area of ​​white sandy occupies the eastern part of the central part to the north of Marsegu Island with a length of 1.68 km. White sandy beaches with a 20-30 m wide beach provide space for a variety of tourist activities, supported by beautiful natural sea scenery, and high water brightness (90 %), low current velocity (0,16 m/sec) causing this beach can be a promising tourist destination. The result of the analysis of the index of the suitability of coastal ecotourism shows that the white sandy area of ​​Marsegu Island is "Very Appropriate" for tourism activities with IKW value = 95,42. Likewise, the analysis of the carrying capacity of the area shows that the white sandy area of ​​Marsegu Island has the carrying capacity of the area 68 person/day

    Kajian Perubahan Luas Lahan Mangrove Di Desa Bedono Kecamatan Sayung Kabupaten Demak Menggunakan Citra Satelit Ikonos Tahun 2004 Dan 2009

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    Mangroves have an important role in coastal areas that provide great functionality and benefits. Nowadays, the quality and quantity of mangrove management is declining because the management is unbalanced, such as a good land for mangrove growth were used for the development of aquaculture, settlement, and others. So, it is necessary for the proper management for the utilization of mangrove areas can be done optimally and sustainably. The management can be done through monitoring the condition of the mangrove, one of them by using remote sensing technology via satellite. The purpose of this research is to know the changes of wide in mangrove land in the coastal area in Bedono village, District Sayung, Demak district from 2004 to 2009. The method which is used in this research is descriptive method. It is fact-finding method with appropriate interpretation. For the field survey uses squared sampling method, it makes the plot measuring 10 m x 10 m for the tree category in which there are 5 m x 5 m subplot for sapling category and 1 m x 1 m for seedling category. The results show that the land accretion mangrove area in the Bedono Village of years 2004 - 2009, from 22.41 ha in 2004 to 43.03 ha in 2009. Density of the dense mangroves suffered extensive increment of 5.06 ha in 2004 to 27.06 ha in 2009, the density of the moderate mangrove area is suffered extensive accretion of 2.41 ha in 2004 to 8.89 ha in 2009, while the density of rare mangrove area has decreased from 14.94 ha in 2004 to 7.08 ha in 2009. The Composition of mangrove vegetation is found in the coastal in the Bedono Village, Sayung District consists of three species, namely Avicennia Marina, Rhizophora Mucronata and Rhizophora Stylosa. The mangrove dominance of tree category is occupied by Avicennia Marina, while the category of sapling and seedling mangroves is dominated by Rhizophora Mucronata

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