8,523 research outputs found

    Simulated acoustic emissions from coupled strings

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    We consider traveling transverse waves on two identical uniform taut strings that are elastically coupled through springs that gradually decrease their stiffness over a region of finite length. The wave system can be decomposed into two modes: an in-phase mode ( + ) that is transparent to the coupling springs, and an out-of-phase mode ( − ) that engages the coupling springs and can resonate at a particular location depending on the excitation frequency. The system exhibits linear mode conversion whereby an incoming ( + ) wave is reflected back from the resonance location both as a propagating ( + ) wave and an evanescent ( − ) wave, while both types emerge as propagating forward through the resonance location. We match a local transition layer expansion to the WKB expansion to obtain estimates of the reflection and transmission coefficients. The reflected waves may be an analog for stimulated emissions from the ear

    Timescales of carbon turnover in soils with mixed crystalline mineralogies

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    Organic matter–mineral associations stabilize much of the carbon (C) stored globally in soils. Metastable short-range-order (SRO) minerals such as allophane and ferrihydrite provide one mechanism for long-term stabilization of organic matter in young soil. However, in soils with few SRO minerals and a predominance of crystalline aluminosilicate or Fe (and Al) oxyhydroxide, C turnover should be governed by chemisorption with those minerals. Here, we correlate mineral composition from soils containing small amounts of SRO minerals with mean turnover time (TT) of C estimated from radiocarbon (<sup>14</sup>C) in bulk soil, free light fraction and mineral-associated organic matter. We varied the mineral amount and composition by sampling ancient soils formed on different lithologies in arid to subhumid climates in Kruger National Park (KNP), South Africa. Mineral contents in bulk soils were assessed using chemical extractions to quantify Fe oxyhydroxides and SRO minerals. Because of our interest in the role of silicate clay mineralogy, particularly smectite (2 : 1) and kaolinite (1 : 1), we separately quantified the mineralogy of the clay-sized fraction using X-ray diffraction (XRD) and measured <sup>14</sup>C on the same fraction. <br><br> Density separation demonstrated that mineral associated C accounted for 40–70 % of bulk soil organic C in A and B1 horizons for granite, nephelinite and arid-zone gabbro soils, and &gt; 80 % in other soils. Organic matter strongly associated with the isolated clay-sized fraction represented only 9–47 % of the bulk soil C. The mean TT of C strongly associated with the clay-sized fraction increased with the amount of smectite (2 : 1 clays); in samples with &gt; 40 % smectite it averaged 1020 ± 460 years. The C not strongly associated with clay-sized minerals, including a combination of low-density C, the C associated with minerals of sizes between 2 µm and 2 cm (including Fe oxyhydroxides as coatings), and C removed from clay-sized material by 2 % hydrogen peroxide had TTs averaging 190 ± 190 years in surface horizons. Summed over the bulk soil profile, we found that smectite content correlated with the mean TT of bulk soil C across varied lithologies. The SRO mineral content in KNP soils was generally very low, except for the soils developed on gabbros under more humid climate that also had very high Fe and C contents with a surprisingly short, mean C TTs. In younger landscapes, SRO minerals are metastable and sequester C for long timescales. We hypothesize that in the KNP, SRO minerals represent a transient stage of mineral evolution and therefore lock up C for a shorter time. <br><br> Overall, we found crystalline Fe-oxyhydroxides (determined as the difference between Fe in dithionate citrate and oxalate extractions) to be the strongest predictor for soil C content, while the mean TT of soil C was best predicted from the amount of smectite, which was also related to more easily measured bulk properties such as cation exchange capacity or pH. Combined with previous research on C turnover times in 2 : 1 vs. 1 : 1 clays, our results hold promise for predicting C inventory and persistence based on intrinsic timescales of specific carbon–mineral interactions

    Representation and transparency in artistic astronomical photographs

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    Initial Experiences of Building Secure Access to Patient Confidential Data via the Internet

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    A project to enable health care professionals (GPs, practice nurses and diabetes nurse specialists) to access, via the Internet, confidential patient data held on a secondary care (hospital) diabetes information system, has been implemented. We describe the application that we chose to distribute (a diabetes register); the security mechanisms we used to protect the data (a public key infrastructure with strong encryption and digitally signed messages, plus a firewall); the reasons for the implementation decisions we made; the validation testing that we performed and the preliminary results of the pilot implementation

    The impact of boundary conditions on CO2 capacity estimation in aquifers

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    The boundary conditions of an aquifer determine the extent to which fluids (including formation water and CO2) and pressure can be transferred into adjacent geological formations, either laterally or vertically. Aquifer boundaries can be faults, lithological boundaries, formation pinch-outs, salt walls, or outcrop. In many cases compliance with regulations preventing CO2 storage influencing areas outside artificial boundaries defined by non-geological criteria (international boundaries; license limits) may be necessary. A bounded aquifer is not necessarily a closed aquifer. The identification of an aquifer’s boundary conditions determines how CO2 storage capacity is estimated in the earliest screening and characterization stages. There are different static capacity estimation methods in use for closed systems and open systems. The method used has a significant impact on the final capacity estimate. The recent EU Directive (2009/31/EC) stated that where more than one storage site within a single “hydraulic unit” (bounded aquifer volume) is being considered, the characterization process should account for potential pressure interactions. The pressure interplay of multiple sites (or even the pressure footprint of just one site) is heavily influenced by boundary conditions

    Female Health Networks in Yemen: an Examination of the Impact of Conflict on Health Infrastructure and the Role of Women in Yemen’s Health System

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    This project aims to establish the existence of informal community female-led health networks within Yemen and understand the functions of these health networks and how they have been impacted by the ongoing internal conflict in the country. Female health networks exist globally in both informal and formal sectors. But, the extent to which female health networks function and their importance is unique to Yemen, and there has been no scholarly work focusing on this phenomenon. This paper will use the information gained from 52 interviews with Yemeni women and available literature to understand the current formal and informal health systems in Yemen. I found that informal community female-led health networks have been strengthened to support communities that lack adequate health systems and have evolved instinctively as a necessary response to provide mutual aid. Women from all sects of life participate in these networks and have taken on roles that are unsubsidized in order to aid in the maintenance of community health. Women in Yemen have organized effectively to create a profusion of support networks across the country at various levels to improve the quality of life for other women and Yemeni society at large. In regions that experience heightened levels of conflict and health infrastructure destruction, informal community female-led health networks have grown and are more heavily relied upon by other women and the community