41 research outputs found

    Mod-two cohomology of symmetric groups as a Hopf ring

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    We compute the mod-2 cohomology of the collection of all symmetric groups as a Hopf ring, where the second product is the transfer product of Strickland and Turner. We first give examples of related Hopf rings from invariant theory and representation theory. In addition to a Hopf ring presentation, we give geometric cocycle representatives and explicitly determine the structure as an algebra over the Steenrod algebra. All calculations are explicit, with an additive basis which has a clean graphical representation. We also briefly develop related Hopf ring structures on rings of symmetric invariants and end with a generating set consisting of Stiefel-Whitney classes of regular representations v2. Added new results on varieties which represent the cocycles, a graphical representation of the additive basis, and on the Steenrod algebra action. v3. Included a full treatment of invariant theoretic Hopf rings, refined the definition of representing varieties, and corrected and clarified references.Comment: 31 pages, 6 figure

    Clique topology reveals intrinsic geometric structure in neural correlations

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    Detecting meaningful structure in neural activity and connectivity data is challenging in the presence of hidden nonlinearities, where traditional eigenvalue-based methods may be misleading. We introduce a novel approach to matrix analysis, called clique topology, that extracts features of the data invariant under nonlinear monotone transformations. These features can be used to detect both random and geometric structure, and depend only on the relative ordering of matrix entries. We then analyzed the activity of pyramidal neurons in rat hippocampus, recorded while the animal was exploring a two-dimensional environment, and confirmed that our method is able to detect geometric organization using only the intrinsic pattern of neural correlations. Remarkably, we found similar results during non-spatial behaviors such as wheel running and REM sleep. This suggests that the geometric structure of correlations is shaped by the underlying hippocampal circuits, and is not merely a consequence of position coding. We propose that clique topology is a powerful new tool for matrix analysis in biological settings, where the relationship of observed quantities to more meaningful variables is often nonlinear and unknown.Comment: 29 pages, 4 figures, 13 supplementary figures (last two authors contributed equally

    Choosing Wavelet Methods, Filters, and Lengths for Functional Brain Network Construction

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    Wavelet methods are widely used to decompose fMRI, EEG, or MEG signals into time series representing neurophysiological activity in fixed frequency bands. Using these time series, one can estimate frequency-band specific functional connectivity between sensors or regions of interest, and thereby construct functional brain networks that can be examined from a graph theoretic perspective. Despite their common use, however, practical guidelines for the choice of wavelet method, filter, and length have remained largely undelineated. Here, we explicitly explore the effects of wavelet method (MODWT vs. DWT), wavelet filter (Daubechies Extremal Phase, Daubechies Least Asymmetric, and Coiflet families), and wavelet length (2 to 24) - each essential parameters in wavelet-based methods - on the estimated values of network diagnostics and in their sensitivity to alterations in psychiatric disease. We observe that the MODWT method produces less variable estimates than the DWT method. We also observe that the length of the wavelet filter chosen has a greater impact on the estimated values of network diagnostics than the type of wavelet chosen. Furthermore, wavelet length impacts the sensitivity of the method to detect differences between health and disease and tunes classification accuracy. Collectively, our results suggest that the choice of wavelet method and length significantly alters the reliability and sensitivity of these methods in estimating values of network diagnostics drawn from graph theory. They furthermore demonstrate the importance of reporting the choices utilized in neuroimaging studies and support the utility of exploring wavelet parameters to maximize classification accuracy in the development of biomarkers of psychiatric disease and neurological disorders.Comment: working pape