128 research outputs found

    A lei relativa ao término da vida sob solicitação e suicídio assistido e a Constituição holandesa

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    Verifica em que medida a legalização da eutanásia nos Países Baixos é compatível com os direitos fundamentais assegurados pela Constituição daquele país

    A qualitative study of children’s snack food packaging perceptions and preferences

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    Background: Food marketing is pervasive in high- and low/middle-income countries and is recognized as a significant risk factor for childhood obesity. Although food packaging is one of the most important marketing tools to persuade consumers at the point-of-sale, scant research has examined how it influences children’s perceptions. This study was conducted in Guatemala and aimed to understand which snack foods are the most frequently purchased by children and how aspects of food packaging influence their product perceptions. Methods: Six activity-based focus groups were conducted in two elementary public schools with thirty-seven children (Grades 1 through 6, age range 7–12 years old). During each focus group, children participated in three activities: 1) list their most frequently purchased food products; 2) select the picture of their favorite product, the packaging they liked best, and the product they thought was the healthiest from eight choices; and 3) draw the package of a new snack. Results: Children reported purchasing salty snacks most frequently. Most children chose their favorite product based on taste perceptions, which can be influenced by food packaging. Visual elements influenced children’s selection of favorite packaging (i.e., characters, colors) and healthiest product (i.e., images), and persuaded some children to incorrectly think certain foods contained healthy ingredients. When children generated their own drawings of a new product, the most frequently included packaging elements in the drawings were product name, price, product image and characters, suggesting those aspects of the food packaging were most significant to them. Conclusions: Policies regulating package content and design are required to discourage consumption of unhealthy snacks. This might be another public health strategy that can aid to halt the obesity epidemic

    The Dutch West India Company: a stock corporation

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    Neste artigo, o autor analisa a natureza jurídica da Companhia das Índias Ocidentais. Uma sociedade com uma estrutura híbrida, de direito público e de direito privado, a Companhia deteve no século XVII o monopólio da navegação e do comércio com as Américas e a África Ocidental, tendo conquistado temporariamente parte do Brasil. A Companhia das Índias Ocidentais não deve ser considerada uma antecessora das sociedades anônimas, mas a precursora de uma relação simbiótica entre o público e o privado.In this article, the author analyzes the legal nature of the Dutch West India Company. A company with a hybrid structure, of public and private law, it obtained during the 17th century the navigation and trade monopoly with the Americas and Western Africa, having temporarily conquered a part of Brazil. The Dutch West India Company should not be considered as an ancestor of stock corporations, but as the predecessor of a symbiotic relation between public and private interests

    The Condition of Criminal Courts in XIX Century Brazil

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    O Autor analisa o Direito Penal do Império e da Primeira República, levando em consideração assimetrias em sua aplicação que deitam raízes em estruturas sociais. A legitimidade do Direito Penal no final do século XIX é examinada a partir da percepção que se tinha da polícia, do júri e da impunidade. O estudo da situação das prisões no final do século XIX indica que a crise do sistema prisional no Brasil não é um fato circunstancial.The Author analyzes the Criminal Law of the Empire and the First Republic, taking into consideration asymmetries in its application that have roots in social structures. The legitimacy of the Criminal Law in the end of the 19th century is examined based on the perception that was had concerning the police, the jury and impunity. The study of the prisons’ situation in the end of the 19th century shows that the crisis of the prison system in Brazil in not a circumstantial fact


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    Neste artigo analisa-se a proteção dos objetos intangíveis em sede de criminalidade informática, com base no direito alemão e no direito holandês. Este trabalho delimita o conceito de crime informático, distinguindo suas principais características. Diferenciando objetos tangíveis de objetos intangíveis, o artigo defende a reforma da legislação penal com fundamento em interesses jurídicos merecedores de proteção específica.Palavras-chave: Objetos tangíveis. Crime. Crimina-lidade. Informática

    The German Ecological Tributary Reform

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    O artigo analisa a reforma tributária ecológica alemã, que tem como meta aumentar a eficiência no consumo de energia naquele país, estimulando a venda de produtos que consumam menos combustível ou energia.The articles analyses the German ecological tributary reform, that has the aim to increase to consumption efficiency on that country, stimulating the sold of products that spends less fuel or energy

    The Law about the termination of life upon request and support to suicide and the Dutch Constitution

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    The article verifies how far the legalization of euthanasia in the Netherlands is compatible with the fundamental rights recognized by the Constitution of that country. With the adoption of the Termination of Life on Request and Assisted Suicide Act, the last life protection strongholds may have begun to fall. Not only the case law of the Dutch Supreme Court is analyzed, but also the opinion of the Council of Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons of the Netherlands.O artigo verifica em que medida a legalização da eutanásia nos Países Baixos é compatível com os direitos fundamentais assegurados pela Constituição daquele país. Com a adoção da Lei relativa ao Término da Vida sob Solicitação e Suicídio Assistido, podem ter começado a cair os últimos pilares da proteção à vida. Não-só a jurisprudência da Suprema Corte holandesa é estudada, como também o parecer do Conselho dos Doentes Crônicos e dos Deficientes dos Países Baixos

    Acesso a recursos genéticos humanos: uma abordagem consensual

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    O artigo analisa as questões éticas e jurídicas relacionadas à coleta de recursos genéticos humanos. Enfatiza-se a importância de obter-se consentimento informado dos indivíduos ou grupos que forem objeto de pesquisas biomédicas.The article analyzes the ethical and legal questions related to the collection of human genetic features. It emphasize the importance to get informed assent of the individuals or groups that will be object of biomedical research

    Informe de expediente Civil No. 2007-01175-0-1401-JR-CI-03 sobre: obligación de dar suma de dinero. Informe de expediente constitucional No. 16459-2007-0-1801-JR-CI-08 sobre: demanda de amparo

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    Materia: Obligación de dar Suma de Dinero Nº de Expediente: 2007-01175-0-1401-JR-CI-03 El presente expediente nos presenta una controversia presentada ante el Poder Judicial a través de una demanda de obligación de dar suma de dinero. Los principales temas alrededor de los cuales gravita la discusión judicial son: (i) la determinación de la naturaleza jurídica de la deuda generada como consecuencia de la prestación del servicio público de suministro de energía eléctrica; (ii) el análisis de la existencia de responsabilidad solidaria entre el propietario y el arrendatario respecto de dicha deuda; y, (iii) el establecimiento de una relación jurídica procesal válida. Materia: Demanda de Amparo Nº de Expediente: 16459-2007-0-1801-JR-CI-08 El presente expediente nos presenta una controversia presentada ante el Poder Judicial a través de una demanda de amparo. Los principales temas alrededor de los cuales gravita la discusión judicial son: (i) la protección del derecho constitucional al debido proceso en sede administrativa; (ii) la extensión de la reserva tributaria a los propios sujetos investigados; y, (iii) la viabilidad de que en el proceso de amparo se declare la nulidad de actos no vinculantes de la administración

    Influence of Substance Use During Pregnancy on Maternal and Fetal Health

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    The increase in substance use, whether legal or illegal, represents a growing global public health problem, affecting various social groups, including pregnant women. The main objective of this research is to describe the use of drugs during pregnancy and to analyze the harmful effects that these substances can cause both in the mother and in the fetus. To carry out this study, a qualitative research methodology of exploratory documentary type was used. Relevant data was collected and selected by reviewing documents, books, and journals published from 2015 to the present. This exhaustive bibliographical review provided us with the necessary support to develop this research work. The findings showed that the consumption of illicit drugs during pregnancy entails a high-risk situation both for the health of the mother and for the development of the fetus. In addition, it was possible to establish that the onset and duration of the neonatal abstinence syndrome vary depending on the type of drug consumed, the amount ingested, and the time of consumption in relation to the date of delivery. In the conclusions of the study, it has been shown that the use of drugs, both legal and illegal, is more frequent in pregnant women. There are many complications that can arise because of drug use during pregnancy, affecting both the mother and the fetus