143 research outputs found

    Technological sources of productivity growth in Japan, the U.S. and Germany

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    In this paper, we use a dynamic general equilibrium growth model to quantify the contribution of different technological sources to productivity growth in the three leading economies: Germany, Japan, and the U.S. The sources of technology are classified as representing either neutral progress or investment-specific progress. The latter can be split into two different types of equipment: information and communication technologies (ICT) and non-ICT equipment. We find that in the long run, neutral technological change is the main source of productivity growth in Germany. For Japan and the U.S., the main source of productivity growth is investment-specific technological change, mainly associated with ICT. We also find that a non negligible part of productivity growth has been due to technology specific to non-ICT equipment; this is mainly true after 1995.Productivity growth; Investment-specific progress; Neutral progress; Information and communication technology.

    Following the yellow brick road? The Euro, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland.

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    This paper uses a combination of VAR and bootstrapping techniques to analyze whether the exchange rates of some New Member States of the EU have been used as output stabilizers (those of the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland), during 1993-2004. This question is important because it provides a prior evaluation on the costs and benefits involved in entering the European Monetary Union (EMU). Joining the EMU is not optional for these countries but mandatory, although there is no definite deadline. Therefore, if the exchange rate works as a shock absorber, monetary independence could be retained for a longer period. Our main finding is that the exchange rate could be a stabilizing tool in Poland and the Czech Republic, although in Hungary it appears to act as a propagator of shocks. In addition, in these three countries, demand and monetary shocks account for most of the variability in both nominal and real exchange rates.EMU, exchange rate, Structural VAR, stationary bootstraps.

    Following the yellow brick road? The Euro, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland

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    This paper uses a combination of VAR and bootstrapping techniques to analyze whether the exchange rates of some New Member States of the EU have been used as output stabilizers (those of the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland), during 1993-2004. This question is important because it provides a prior evaluation on the costs and bene?ts involved in entering the European Monetary Union (EMU). Joining the EMU is not optional for these countries but mandatory, although there is no de?nite deadline. Therefore, if the exchange rate works as a shock absorber, monetary independence could be retained for a longer period. Our main ?nding is that the exchange rate could be a stabilizing tool in Poland and the Czech Republic, although in Hungary it appears to act as a propagator of shocks. In addition, in these three countries, demand and monetary shocks account for most of the variability in both nominal and real exchange rates.EMU, exchange rate, Structural VAR, stationary bootstraps

    Demand Shocks and Trade Balance Dynamics

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    This paper studies the current account dynamics in the G-7 countries plus Spain. We estimate a SVAR model which allows us to identify three different shocks: supply shocks, real demand shocks and nominal shocks. We use a different identification procedure from previous work based on a microfounded stochastic open-economy model in which the real exchange rate is a determinant of the Phillips curve. Estimates from a structural VAR show that real demand shocks explain most of the variability of current account imbalances, whereas, contrary to previous findings, nominal shocks play no role. The results we obtain are consistent with the predictions of a widely set of open-economy models and illustrate that demand policies are the main responsible of trade imbalances.Current account, SVAR.

    The Productivity Paradox and the New Economy: The Spanish Case

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    This paper studies the impact of the information and communication technologies (ICT) on economic growth in Spain using a dynamic general equilibrium approach. Contrary to previous works, we use a production function with six different capital inputs, three of them corresponding to ICT assets. Calibration of the model suggests that the contribution of ICT to Spanish productivity growth is very relevant, whereas the contribution of non-ICT capital has been even negative. Additionally, over the sample period 1995-2002, we find a negative TFP and productivity growth. These results together aim at the hypothesis that the Spanish economy could be placed within the productivity paradox.New economy, information and communication technologies, technological change, productivity paradox.

    ICT-specific technological change and productivity growth in the US 1980-2004

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    This paper studies the impact of the information and communication technologies (ICT) on U.S. economic growth using a dynamic general equilibrium approach. We use a production function with six different capital inputs, three of them corresponding to ICT assets and other three to non-ICT assets. We find that the technological change embedded in hardware equipment is the main leading non-neutral force of the U.S. productivity growth and accounts for about one quarter of it during the period 1980-2004. As a whole, ICT-specific technological change accounts for about 35% of total labor productivity growth.New economy, information and communication technologies, specific-technological change, neutral-technological change.

    Detección de patógenos de importancia epidemiológica en cerdos ferales de Chihuahua y Durango, México

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    This study aimed to evaluate in feral pigs the presence of Salmonella spp (Spp), porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV), porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2), swine influenza virus (SIV), porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (PEDV), Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae (Mhyo) and Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae (App). The samples were obtained from pigs in the states of Chihuahua and Durango, Mexico. The tests analyzed for the animals from Chihuahua were nasal swabs for SIV, rectal swabs for Spp and PEDV, serum for PRRSV and PCV2, lung, liver, and lymph nodes for Spp, SIV, PRRSV, and PCV2, as well as serum for serological tests. From animals in the state of Durango, the following was collected: nasal swabs for SIV, rectal swabs for Spp and PEDV, and serum for PCV2 for molecular and serological studies. The molecular results in both states showed samples positive for PCV2, 73.3 % in Chihuahua and 91.3 % in Durango; likewise, two positive samples  were  obtained for  Spp in the state of Chihuahua  (13.3 %) and one in  Durango (6.6 %), for SIV there were two positive (8.7 %) in Durango. For PRRSV and PEDV, samples were negative in both states. Serological results in pigs from the two states showed positivity for PCV2, Spp, and App. Samples were negative for PRRSV, PEDV, and Mhyo in both states. It is important to highlight the molecular and serological detection of feral pigs positive for various infectious agents important in pig production with zoosanitary repercussions on public health, which implies an epidemiological relevance of these animals in the context of “one health”.El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar en cerdos ferales la presencia de Salmonella spp (Spp), el virus del síndrome reproductivo y respiratorio porcino (VPRRS), circovirus porcino tipo 2 (PCV2), virus de influenza porcina (VIP), virus de diarrea epidémica porcina (VDEP), Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae (Mhyo) y Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae (App). Las muestras se obtuvieron de cerdos en los estados de Chihuahua y Durango, México. Las pruebas analizadas para los animales de Chihuahua fueron hisopado nasal para VIP, hisopado rectal para Spp y VDEP, suero para VPRRS y PCV2, pulmón, hígado y linfonodos para Spp, VIP, VPRRS y PCV2, así como suero para pruebas serológicas. De los animales del estado de Durango se recolectó hisopado nasal para VIP, hisopado rectal para Spp y VDEP, y suero para PCV2 para estudios moleculares y serológicos. Los resultados moleculares en ambos estados mostraron muestras positivas para PCV2, 73.3 % en Chihuahua y 91.3 % para Durango, de igual forma se obtuvieron dos muestras positivas para Spp en el estado de Chihuahua (13.3 %) y una en Durango (6.6 %), para VIP hubo dos positivas (8.7 %) en Durango. Para VPRRS y VDEP, las muestras fueron negativas en ambos estados. Los resultados serológicos en cerdos de los dos estados mostraron positividad para PCV2, Spp y App. Las muestras fueron negativas para VPRRS, VDEP y Mhyo en ambos estados. Es importante remarcar la detección molecular y serológica de cerdos ferales positivos a diversos agentes infecciosos importantes en la producción porcina con repercusiones zoosanitarias en la salud pública, que implica una relevancia epidemiológica de estos animales en el contexto de “una salud”

    Algunos aportes de la ciencia y la fe ante la COVID-19

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    Este documento es el resumen del diálogo celebrado en la Universidad de Costa Rica como parte del proyecto de investigación sobre la interacción entre ciencia y religión en la universidad. Se presentan los aportes de un filósofo, un pastor cristiano y un biólogo genetista.Red para el Diálogo entre Ciencia y Religión, Universidad de Costa RicaUCR::Vicerrectoría de Docencia::Ciencias Sociales::Facultad de Educación::Escuela de Educación Físic

    Medios alternativos de solución de conflictos y su relacion con los acuerdos reparatorios en materia penal: una nueva forma de acceso a la justicia

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    Los Medios alternativos de solución de conflictos constituyen la base del Sistema Acusatorio Adversarial, en la medida en que pueden considerarse como un tipo de muro de contención donde, no sólo el sistema criminal, sino también cualquier otro sistema de justicia, tiene el primer contacto con el gobernado que solicita acceso a la justicia. Estos mecanismos, en conjunción con el concepto de Justicia Restaurativa,  representan una figura de novedosa  inclusión en el sistema jurídico mexicano y pilar del Sistema Adversarial, intentando crear una nueva cultura en la resolución de conflictos y especialmente en la justicia por la paz. No podemos negar que los mecanismos alternativos de solución de conflictos están estrechamente relacionados con la celebración de acuerdos reparatorios, totalmente regulados por el Código Nacional de Procedimientos Penales, estableciendo su definición, los casos de origen, los motivos de inadmisibilidad, la oportunidad de solicitar y presentando una visión general de en donde pueden ser una manera eficaz de resolver conflictos y si es posible, establecer una forma adecuada para el monitoreo y vigilancia de los mismos