14 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAK Dalam upaya meningkatkan kualitas belajar siswa.Diperlukan model pembelajaran yang diharapkanakan meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa. Dalam hal ini model pembelajaran yang dimaksud adalah modelpembelajaran Contextual Teaching Learnig (CTL) pada kompetensi Menggambar Dasar.Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian expose fakto yang didukung dengan datakuantitatif. Dikatakan expose fakto karena dalam penelitian ini, peneliti ingin menggambarkan dan menjelaskankenyataan yang ada di lapangan selama proses pembelajaran. Sedangkan dikatakan kuantitatif karena sebagiandata penelitian berupa angka. Subyek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas XI TKR SMK Negeri 3 Surabaya.Sumber data diperoleh dari wawancara dengan Kepala program setu diteknik pemesianan.Penelitian ini untukmengetahui aktivitas siswa, respon siswa dan hasil belajar siswa selama proses pembelajaran. Instrumenpenelitian ini berupa lembar observasi aktivitas siswa, angket respon siswa terhadap proses pembelajaran, sertates hasil belajar (pretest dan posttest).Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan respon belajar siswa dengan persentase sebesar 83,88%, aktivitasbelajar siswa sebesar 81%. Dalam hal ini siswa kelas X TPM memiliki aktivitas dan respon belajar yang“Tinggi” dalam pembelajaran kompetensi dengan menerapkan model pembelajaran Contextual TeachingLearnig (CTL). Sedangkan hasil belajar siswa sebelum penerapan model pembelajaran Contextual TeachingLearnig (CTL) ketuntasan klasikal kelas X TPM hanya mencapai 72% sedangkan setelah penerapan ContextualTeaching Learnig (CTL) menjadi 81%. Besarnya Uji T, untuk Thitung hasil uji beda antara nilai pretest danposttest pada kompetensi menggambar dasar yaitu 1,521 dan lebih besar dari Ttabel yaitu 1,31. Hal inimenunjukkan bahwa penerapan model pembelajaran Contextual Teaching Learnig (CTL) cukup berpengaruhuntuk meningkatkan prestasi hasil belajar siswa. Kata kunci: CTL, expose fakto

    Lozenge Formulation of Gambier (Uncaria Gambir (Hunter) Roxb.) Extract with Various Concentration of Gummi Acaciae

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    Gambier is one of the medicinal plants commonly used for chewing, which has benefits for oral health and dental. Gambier has a property as a remedy lozenges, stomachache, toothache, and can be used to prevent the formation of dental plaque. This research aims to create a dosage of dried extract in the form of lozenges. In these lozenges we used variations gummi acaciae to obtain a binder concentration that can produce tablets that meet the requirements. Gambier extract was obtained by remaceration, with 80% ethanol. Tablets formulated with a binder concentration gom arabic 10%, 17.5% and 25% using direct compression method. The results showed that the concentration variation can minimize the variation of the gummi acaciae weight uniformity, increased hardness, lower % fragility, and increase the time dissolved lozenges. All of tablets have good physical tablets properties. The third formula is the most acceptable by the respondents in terms of color, taste, and time of dissolution

    Synthesis and characterization of hematite (α-Fe2O3) from lathe waste using co-precipitation -calcination method

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    Lathe waste contains high iron, therefore it has the potential to be a precursor in hematite (-Fe2O3) synthesis. In this work, hematite was synthesized from lathe waste using the co-precipitation-calcination method with variation time of calcination: 1, 2, 3, 4 hours. The X-Ray diffraction data showed that the goethite (-FeOOH) phase was obtained at precipitation stage then transformed to hematite (-Fe2O3) phase after calcination and there is no impurities. The image of scanning electron microscopy showed that the distribution of particle size was not uniform. The color parameter showed that the highest chroma was achieved for 3 hours calcination

    Regeneration of trabecular meshwork in primary open angle glaucoma by stem cell therapy: a new treatment approach

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    Enzo Maria Vingolo, Ayoub Chabib, Federico Anselmucci Department of Sense Organs, U.O.C. Ophthalmology, Sapienza University of Rome, Latina, Italy Abstract: Primary open angle glaucoma (POAG) is a worldwide disease with IOP being an important risk factor for the disease. Pharmacological and surgical treatments have been mainly targeted on lowering IOP by decreasing aqueous humor production or increasing aqueous humor outflow. Stem cell therapies may open new frontiers in regenerative ophthalmology branch. In POAG there is a strong association with pathologic degeneration of the trabecular meshwork (TM) and regenerative cell-therapy approaches have been focused mainly on modulation of the degeneration. Many different adult stem cell types have been discovered in different parts of the eye such as the corneal endothelium (CE) and anterior non-filtering portion of the TM called Schwalbe’s ring region. These stem cells may supply new cells for the TM and may regenerate the TM structure thus reducing IOP and restore the homeostatic function of the eye. In this paper, we report the studies’ latest findings and present our perspective on approaches that seem promising in the management of POAG. Keywords: glaucoma, trabecular meshwork, stem cell therapy, POAG, iPSC &nbsp

    Evaluation of Shear Capacity of FRP-Reinforced Concrete Beams

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    Existing methods for calculation of shear capacity of concrete beams reinforced with fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) are generally based on slightly modified versions of well established semi-empirical shear design equations. These equations were primarily derived from experimental data generated on concrete beams having steel reinforcement. However, FRP materials have different mechanical properties and consequently exhibit different modes of failure than steel, making the extension of existing shear design equations for steel-reinforced concrete (S-RC) beams to cover concrete beams reinforced with FRP somehow inaccurate. Current available methods include ACI 440-06, JSCE-97, CSA S806-02, and ISIS Canada-01. Availability of FRP reinforcement products varies in terms of capacity and modulus of elasticity, which can result in a significant change in behavior. An experimental database of 150 FRP-reinforced concrete (FRP-RC) beams was collected from published literature. Subsequently, this database was used to assess the validity of these four main existing shear design methods for FRP-RC beams. This study investigates the performance of the abovementioned design methods to estimate the nominal shear capacity, Vn of steel-free concrete beams reinforced with FRP bars. Results show that current design guidelines provide a shear strength underestimation in the case of beams without shear reinforcement and a shear strength overestimation for beams with shear reinforcement

    Individuare la violenza domestica - Manuale per operatori

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    Gli episodi di violenza contro le donne non conoscono né frontiere geografi che, né limiti di età o di nazionalità e si insinuano spesso nelle relazioni familiari, colpendo tutte le classi sociali. I comportamenti persecutori, le molestie e le aggressioni sono, infatti, sempre più diffusi nella vita quotidiana e compromettono in maniera determinante il libero sviluppo della persona e la dignità della donna. Recenti studi indicano che, in Europa, una percentuale compresa tra il 12 e il 15% di donne è vittima di violenza domestica quotidiana. Tra i vari tipi di violenza, quella domestica è forse la più diffusa, ma anche la più silenziosa e sommersa: si nasconde tra le pareti di casa ed è da sempre considerata una questione privata. Una vergogna da nascondere, spesso con esiti drammatici. Negli ultimi anni in Italia, però, l’attenzione sugli episodi di violenza contro le donne è aumentata: l’opinione pubblica è più sensibile, le politiche di contrasto si dimostrano più decise e il fenomeno sta emergendo perché diminuiscono la paura e il silenzio delle vittime. I dati, tuttavia, ci raccontano ancora che solo una minima parte delle vittime arriva alla denuncia. Quali sono le cause che impediscono alla donna di opporsi e uscire da queste situazioni? È nella parola “fatica” che troviamo una prima risposta: fatica ad andare avanti quando vacilla la speranza; fatica a ricostruire una vita quando ci si sente inadeguate o addirittura incapaci; fatica a risvegliare la propria autostima. E poi la paura: di perdere i fi gli, delle diffi coltà economiche, dell’isolamento, della disapprovazione della famiglia. Ecco, allora, la necessità di alimentare la speranza e l’autostima - che sono fattori trasversali a culture, capacità economiche e intellettuali - sia della donna, in prima persona, sia di chi la circonda, famiglia e società. La Commissione Regionale per le Pari Opportunità tra uomo e donna ha ritenuto importante intraprendere con forza e convinzione un percorso per la pari dignità delle persone e per il diritto al rispetto. In tale direzione si pone questa pubblicazione, uno strumento operativo che nasce dalla collaborazione tra la politica, l’amministrazione pubblica, la magistratura, gli operatori sanitari e le forze dell’ordine. Il manuale rappresenta, quindi, un piccolo ma importante tassello per operare in una logica di sostegno alle vittime e di contrasto alla violenza. Solo lavorando ogni giorno, ognuno con le proprie competenze e capacità professionali, si può contribuire concretamente a prevenire e contrastare la violenza e aiutare chi si trova in diffi coltà