231 research outputs found

    Étude comparative de l’activitĂ© antispasmodique de l’extrait aqueux d’Ajuga iva L. et de l’ibuprofĂšne chez les souris

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    Ajuga iva (L.) Schreber, utilisĂ© dans la pharmacopĂ©e traditionnelle, pour des troubles gastro-intestinaux, le diabĂšte et comme  hypocholestĂ©rolĂ©miante. L’étude pharmacologique de l’extrait aqueux d’Ajuga iva (Lamiaceae) a Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©e Ă  l’aide de modĂšles animaux. L’évaluation de l’activitĂ© analgĂ©sique, montre que l’extrait aqueux Ă  0,4g/ L de cette plante induit une diminution du nombre de crampes abdominales dans le test de writhing provoquĂ© par l’acide acĂ©tique Ă  1% Ajuga iva a un effet analgĂ©sique plus efficace que celui de l’ibuprofĂšne, en effet ce dernier provoque une inhibition de la douleur de 77,53±3,80 % et celui de ,l’extrait aqueux d’Ajuga iva de 85,39±4,29 % pour la mĂȘme concentration (200mg/kg). L’extrait aqueux d’Ajuga iva a des propriĂ©tĂ©s analgĂ©siques qui justifient son usage traditionnel. Les effets  thĂ©rapeutiques sont induits par divers composĂ©s rĂ©vĂ©lĂ©s lors du tri phyto chimique de cette plante (alcaloĂŻdes, flavonoĂŻdes, polyphĂ©nols, saponosides, et tanins catĂ©chiques) qui constituent la base scientifique de l’utilisation thĂ©rapeutique traditionnelle de la plante Ă©tudiĂ©e.Mots- clĂ©s : Ajuga iva L., extrait aqueux, effet analgĂ©sique, ibuprofĂšne, writhing test


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    This work is a part of an economic project where the knowledge of the surface layers morphology and composed phases identification is essential for the control of any industrial process. In order to improve and increase the production, the quality and the quantity of a marble industry chain. A detailed study of the filling materials of the quarry aimed of this work has been carried out using a different, innovative, and economic methodology. With the intention to determine the nature, composition, and quality of the marble in the quarry of the Alentejo area, we proceed to many physical, mechanical tests, structural and chemical analysis. This work will be divided into two major parts which concern: i) the geotechnical study and ii) the structural and chemical analysis of the marble collect in the quarry. Geological observation and geotechnical study [1, 2] allowed us to determine the geological nature (color, size shape, and hardness),physical (mass, porosity, density and saturation coefficient) and mechanical properties (strength, impact and wear resistance tests). Chemical part [3, 4], consists in the determination of the constitution of the material including phases and elemental composition. Hence, the characterization of the material will be carried out using X-ray diffraction, X-ray fluorescence (XRF), and Energy dispersive Spectrometer (EDS). When, morphology, distribution of the formed phases and structural defects will be determined by mean of the electronic scanning microscope. This work is a part of the project "Quality Control of Ornamental Stone Blocks" with the reference ALT20-03-0247- FEDER-017659 BRO.Project "Quality Control of Ornamental Stone Blocks" with the reference ALT20-03-0247- FEDER-017659 BRO and ICT-ref a UIDB/0468

    ActivitĂ© hypoglycĂ©mique de l’extrait aqueux d’Ajuga iva L. schreber chez les rats diabĂ©tiques induite par l’alloxane

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    Ajuga iva (L) schreber est utilisĂ© en mĂ©decine traditionnelle dans le traitement du diabĂšte. Le but de cette étude Ă©tait d'Ă©valuer l'activitĂ© l'hypoglycĂ©mique de l'extrait aqueux de la partie aĂ©rienne de cette plante sur un modĂšle animal. L’extrait a Ă©tĂ© prĂ©parĂ© dans de l'eau bouillante et le filtrat aqueux a Ă©tĂ© lyophilisĂ© et conservĂ©. A iva est une plante capable d’induire une hypoglycĂ©mie chez les rats diabĂ©tiques. Alloxane a Ă©té administrĂ© en dose unique (150 mg poids corporel / kg) par injection intra-pĂ©ritonĂ©al. Des rats femelles Wistar (n = 30) pesant 200 ± 2g divisĂ©s en 5 groupes, ont reçu des doses diffĂ©rentes (0,05 g/mL, 0,10 g/mL, 0,15 g/mL) par voie orale. Cette opĂ©ration est rĂ©pĂ©tĂ©e tous les jours pendant 3 semaines. La glycĂ©mie a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©terminĂ©e par la mĂ©thode enzymatique colorimĂ©trique par spectrophotomĂ©trie. Seul l’extrait aqueux à forte dose a diminuĂ©e le taux du glucose sanguins de 62, 96±7, 30% comparativement au groupe control. Dans la prĂ©sente Ă©tude, le potentiel hypoglycĂ©miant de A iva est dĂ©montrĂ© chez le rat. Ces rĂ©sultats confirment l'utilisation de cette plante comme antidiabĂ©tique.Mots-clĂ©s : Ajuga iva, extrait aqueux, alloxane, activitĂ© hypoglycĂ©mique, diabĂšte.Hypoglycemic Activity of the aqueous extract of Ajuga iva L. in diabetic rats induced by alloxanAjuga iva (L) schreber is used in traditional medicine in the treatment of diabetes, The purpose of this study was to evaluate hypoglycemic effect of the aqueous extract of aerial parts of this plant on animal model. The extract was prepared in boiling water and the aqueous filtrate was lyophilized and conserved. A iva is a plant capable of inducing hypoglycemia in diabetic rats. Alloxan was administered as a single dose (150 mg body weight / kg) injection intaperitoneal injection. Female Wistar rats (n = 30) weighing 200 ± 2g divided into 5 groups received different doses (0.05 GML-1, 0.10 GML-1, 0.15 g / mL) by oral route. This is repeated every day for three weeks. Blood glucose was determined by the enzymatic and colorimetric method by spectrophotometry. Only the aqueous extract high dose rate decreased blood glucose of 62, 96 ± 7, 30% compared with the control group. In the present study, the hypoglycemic potential of the A iva was demonstrated in rats. These results give support to the traditional use of this plant as antidiabetic herbal medicine.Keywords : Ajuga iva L, aqueous extract, alloxan, diabetes, hypoglycemic activity

    Développement de la méthode de Monte Carlo pour le calcul des interactions et du transport électrique dans les semi-conducteurs ternaires

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    Development of the Monte Carlo method for the calculation of theinteractions and electric transport in the ternary semiconductorsIn this paper; we show the interest of the heterostructures initially, then the need for using a numerical method and in particular that of Monte Carlo, to calculate electric transport in the semiconductors. We justify also the composition of our ternary semiconductor AlxGa1-xAs. Afterwards; we give the principle and the implementation of the method which we adapted to our case, while trying to approach us reality. We apply finally this method to calculate the interactions and electric transport in our compound

    Etude théorique du transport électronique par la simulation Monte Carlo dans le quaternaire In0.863Ga0.137As0.3P0.7

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    Afin de simuler le comportement d'un laser Ă  semi-conducteur, nous devons disposer de modĂšles mathĂ©matiques dĂ©crivant de façons aussiprĂ©cise que possible les propriĂ©tĂ©s physiques des matĂ©riaux considĂ©rĂ©s.Ces derniĂšres annĂ©es plusieurs recherches ont Ă©tĂ© consacrĂ©es aux lasers de type InGaAsP-InP. Plusieurs paramĂštres physiques sont connus avec une prĂ©cision plus ou moins satisfaisante. Nous avons tentĂ©, de reproduire au mieux l'ensemble des mesures rapportĂ©es dans la littĂ©rature et d’étudier le phĂ©nomĂšne de transport dans les semiconducteurs quaternaire. Pour cela nous avons effectuĂ© des simulations microscopiques, basĂ©es sur la mĂ©thode Monte Carlo. Nous avonsappliquĂ© cette mĂ©thode au cas du quaternaire "In0.863Ga0.137As0.3P0.7-InP", considĂ©rant une bande de conduction Ă  trois vallĂ©es (Γ, L, X), isotropes et quasi paraboliques. Les interactions prises en compte sont dues aux phonons optiques polaires, optiques non polaires, acoustiques, intervallĂ©es, piĂ©zoĂ©lectriques ainsi que les interactions d'alliage et sur impuretĂ©s ionisĂ©es. Dans un premier temps, nous prĂ©sentons l’ensemble des rĂ©sultats obtenus par la simulation de Monte Carlo dans l'In0.863Ga0.137As0.3P0.7 en rĂ©gime stationnaire. Nous considĂ©rons ensuite les effets liĂ©s Ă  l’application d’un champ Ă©lectrique variant trĂšs rapidement en fonction du temps. Nous Ă©tudions en particulier les phĂ©nomĂšnes non stationnaires qui font leur apparition dans le matĂ©riau quaternaire.Mots-clĂ©s : simulation de Monte Carlo, In0.863Ga0.137As0.3P0.7, interaction, composants Ă©lectroniques

    ParĂĄmetros quĂ­micos y actividad antioxidante de aceitunas de mesa al estilo natural de color cambiante de la variedad Sigoise

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    A chemical characterization of turning color table olives of the Sigoise variety was made through their processing as natural-style. Polyphenols, sugars, tocopherols, fatty acids, and antioxidant activity in the olives were monitored throughout the elaboration process. Oleuropein, salidroside, hydroxytyrosol 4-glucoside, rutin, ligustroside and verbascoside showed a decrease of 16.90-83.34%, while hydroxytyrosol increased during the first months of brining. Glucose was consumed by 90% due to the metabolism of the fermentative microbiota. The tocopherol content remained stable during the process and only the α-tocopherol decreased. The fatty acids were not affected. The loss in antioxidant compounds resulted in a decrease in the percentage of DPPH radical inhibition from 75.91% in the raw fruit to 44.20% after 150 days of brining. Therefore, the turning color natural table olives of the Sigoise variety are a good source of bioactive compounds.La caracterizaciĂłn quĂ­mica de las aceitunas en salmuera de color cambiante de la variedad Sigoise se ha estudiado durante el proceso de elaboraciĂłn, en particular la concentraciĂłn de fenoles, azĂșcares, tocoferoles, ĂĄcidos grasos y la actividad antioxidante. La concentraciĂłn de oleuropeĂ­na, salidrĂłsido, hidroxitirosol 4-glucĂłsido, rutina, ligustrĂłsido y verbascĂłsido disminuyĂł un 16,90-83,34% durante el primer mes en salmuera. El 90% de la glucosa fue consumida debido al metabolismo de la microbiota fermentativa. El contenido en tocoferoles se mantuvo constante durante el proceso y solo disminuyĂł el α-tocoferol. Los ĂĄcidos grasos no se vieron afectados. La pĂ©rdida de actividad antioxidante se tradujo en una disminuciĂłn del porcentaje de inhibiciĂłn del radical DPPH de un 75,91% del fruto fresco a 44,20% despuĂ©s de 150 dĂ­as en salmuera. A pesar de todo, la aceituna color cambiante de la variedad Sigoise en salmuera es una buena fuente de compuestos bioactivos

    Étude phytochimique et Ă©valuation de l’activitĂ© anti-oxydante de Thymus CIliatus ssp. Coloratus

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    Thymus ciliatus ssp. Coloratus, plante aromatique, spontanĂ©e et rĂ©pandue en rĂ©gions mĂ©diterranĂ©ennes et dans le nord de l’AlgĂ©rie est trĂšs utilisĂ©e par les populations locales pour ses vertus mĂ©dicinales. Les tests phytochimiques appliquĂ©s au Thymus ciliatus ssp coloratus ont montrĂ© la prĂ©sence de quelques familles de composĂ©s chimiques et notamment les flavonoĂŻdes. L'activitĂ© antioxydante in vitro de l’extrait de flavonoĂŻdes a Ă©tĂ© Ă©valuĂ©e par la technique de rĂ©duction du fer « FRAP » (ferric reducing antioxydant power) et par le test de DPPH. La premiĂšre mĂ©thode a montrĂ© que la fraction acĂ©tate d’éthyle de la partie aĂ©rienne a une capacitĂ© Ă  rĂ©duire le fer plus marquĂ©e que celles de l’acide ascorbique et le BHA et que celle des racines, est nettement infĂ©rieure. Quant aux fractions butanoliques des flavonoĂŻdes de la partie aĂ©rienne et des racines, elles ont une capacitĂ© Ă  rĂ©duire le fer largement infĂ©rieure Ă  celles de l’acide ascorbique et le BHA. L’activitĂ© antioxydante, obtenue par la second procĂ©dĂ© et relative Ă  la fraction acĂ©tate d’éthyle des flavonoĂŻdes de la partie aĂ©rienne de la plante est plus importante (I.C₅₀=0,85 mg/mL) que celles obtenues à partir d’antioxydants utilisĂ©s dans les industries alimentaire et pharmaceutique en l’occurrence l’acide ascorbique (I.C₅₀ = 1,12 mg/mL) et le BHA (I.C₅₀=1,61 mg/mL).Mots-clĂ©s : Thymus coloratus, activitĂ© antioxydant, flavonoĂŻde, FRAP, DPPH.Phytochemical study and evaluation of the antioxidant activity of thymus ciliatus ssp. Coloratus Thymus ciliatus ssp. coloratus, aromatic plant, spontaneous and widespread in the Mediterranean and in northern Algeria is widely used by local people for its medicinal properties. Phytochemical tests applied for Thymus sciliatus ssp coloratus showed the presence of several families of chemical compounds including flavonoĂŻds. The in vitro antioxidant activity of flavonoĂŻds extract was evaluated by the iron reduction technique "FRAP" (ferric reducing antioxidant power) and DPPH test. The first method showed that the ethyl acetate fraction of the aerial part has an ability to reduce the iron greater than ascorbic acid and BHA and the roots, is significantly lower. As for butanol fractions of flavonoĂŻds from the aerial part and roots, they have an ability to reduce iron significantly lower than those of ascorbic acid and BHA. The antioxidant activity obtained by the second method and on the ethyl acetate fraction of flavonoĂŻds from the aerial part of the plant is more important (I.C₅₀ = 0.85 mg / mL) than those obtained from 'antioxidants used in food and pharmaceutical industries namely ascorbic acid (I.C₅₀ = 1.12 mg / mL) and BHA (I.C₅₀ = 1.61 mg / mL).Keywords : Thymus coloratus, antioxidant activity, flavonoĂŻd, FRAP, DPPH

    Atypical coordination of cortical oscillations in response to speech in autism.

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    Subjects with autism often show language difficulties, but it is unclear how they relate to neurophysiological anomalies of cortical speech processing. We used combined EEG and fMRI in 13 subjects with autism and 13 control participants and show that in autism, gamma and theta cortical activity do not engage synergistically in response to speech. Theta activity in left auditory cortex fails to track speech modulations, and to down-regulate gamma oscillations in the group with autism. This deficit predicts the severity of both verbal impairment and autism symptoms in the affected sample. Finally, we found that oscillation-based connectivity between auditory and other language cortices is altered in autism. These results suggest that the verbal disorder in autism could be associated with an altered balance of slow and fast auditory oscillations, and that this anomaly could compromise the mapping between sensory input and higher-level cognitive representations
