16 research outputs found


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    A variety of endo and ectoparasites can affect livestock, causing poor animal performance and low welfare conditions. Haemonchus contortus (Trichostrongyloidae), Rhipicephalus microplus (Ixodidae), Cochliomyia sp. and Lucilia sp. (Calliphoridae) are some of the most important parasites to livestock in Brazil and in many other tropical and subtropical countries, where farmers need to be vigilant. Although a constant parasite control uses large-spectrum anthelmintics or synthetic insecticides, giving a timely potent reduction of the infections, they also represent a threat to the lifespan of these compounds due to drug-selected parasites. Thus, the development of plant-based therapies is a solid alternative for standard, agroecological, and holistic farming systems, as well as it is an important ally to combat drug resistant parasite populations. In this article, we discussed the scientific literature on plant extracts, notably hydroalcoholic extract or essential oils, used for the control of the above livestock parasites published in the last 13 years. Our objective was to pinpoint the most important issues for this promising area of research, exploring the potential and the challenges that are facing us by examining more than 150 in vitro and in vivo studies. Almost all the authors reported positive data from plants or isolates, the most important challenges that were faced during our search were the lack of a proper experimental study design, and the deficiency in the characterization of the plants used. It is our opinion that plant-based products may be a solid choice for parasite control in livestock animals achieving high welfare standards and mitigate farming input (i.e. use of chemicals and their waste into the environment)


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    O desmame representa uma fase crítica na vida dos leitões, devido a precocidade com a qual é realizado, o que coincide com a transição entre a imunidade passiva e a ativa, tornando-os susceptíveis a infecções. Além disso, os animais passam a viver sem a presença da mãe, dividindo, a partir de agora, os recursos disponíveis, na maioria das vezes com leitões de diferentes leitegadas. Os suínos possuem um forte nível de dominância e, ao reagrupá-los ocorre a quebra no equilíbrio hierárquico, o que induz interações agonísticas entre os indivíduos até estabelecer uma nova dominância, afetando negativamente o bem-estar dos animais. Diante deste cenário, o Cymbopogon citratus, planta medicinal popularmente conhecida como capim limão ou capim santo, possui em seu óleo essencial propriedades biológicas com potencial efeito ansiolítico, tornando-se um método alternativo para a mitigação de comportamentos agonísticos na suinocultura. Neste sentido, o objetivo deste estudo foi desenvolver uma alternativa sustentável e inovadora, visando a melhoria do bemestar animal na Suinocultura, através da administração do óleo essencial do capim limão em leitões recém-desmamados. Para avaliação da atividade do óleo essencial de C. citratus sobre as interações sociais entre leitões, foi realizado a separação dos animais em quatro grupos caracterizados pelo tipo de tratamento, sendo um grupo controle e três concentrações distintas do OECL, a saber: 1,25%, 2,5% e 5%. Para tanto, registros comportamentais dos animais foram realizados por meio de câmeras filmadoras e através de anotações em um etograma, compreendendo um período de aproximadamente 2 horas após o desmame. Ademais, foi realizado a mensuração do desempenho zootécnico como, peso corporal, ganho de peso e taxa de mortalidade do desmame até a descreche. O estudo mostrou que houve redução de brigas entre os tratamentos e, além disso, os animais tratados com OECL relaxaram mais rapidamente quando comparado com os do grupo controle, o que mostra o potencial sedativo e ansiolítico do OECL. Foi observado que o grupo tratado a 5% apresentou animais letárgicos, o que vai de encontro aos efeitos depressores do OECL. Notou-se também que a busca por ingestão de água e alimento nas primeiras horas após o desmame foi maior nos grupos tratados com o óleo essencial, o que pode ser correlacionado ao potencial ansiolítico do C. citratus, reduzindo a ansiedade e estresse dos animais

    Bioactivity of essential oils of Curcuma longa and Mentha villosa and their major compounds for myiasis control: histological, ultrastructural and biochemical biomarkers assessment

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    Orientador: Prof. Dr. Marcelo Beltrão MolentoCoorientador: Prof. Dr. Cícero DeschampsTese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Agrárias, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Veterinárias. Defesa : Curitiba, 16/10/2018Inclui referênciasResumo: infestação do tecido vivo por larvas de dípteros (miíases) ainda é uma das principais ectoparasitoses que acometem animais de produção. Entretanto, o controle convencional através da aplicação de inseticidas sintéticos trouxe consequências negativas nas últimas décadas, tais como: aumento da seleção de ectoparasitos resistentes, riscos para a segurança alimentar através do acúmulo de resíduos em produtos de origem animal, contaminação ambiental e principalmente o comprometimento do bem-estar animal. Neste sentido, os metabólitos secundários produzidos por plantas, principalmente os óleos essenciais (OE), vêm ganhando destaque como uma nova alternativa de controle. Os OE são de origem natural, sustentáveis e de baixa toxicidade aos animais e ao meio ambiente. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a bioatividade de dois OE e seus compostos majoritários sobre moscas causadoras de miíases, para selecionar novos candidatos a biopesticidas. Neste sentido, a presente tese está dividida em cinco capítulos, seguido de um material suplementar, apresentados em formato de Introdução, Manuscritos, Material suplementar e as Considerações Finais. O primeiro manuscrito acessou a atividade inseticida do OE extraído das folhas de Curcuma longa e de seu composto majoritário; ?-felandreno sobre larvas de terceiro instar (L3) de Lucilia cuprina. O OE extraído das folhas de C. longa e ?-felandreno inibiram a emergência de adultos em 96,22 e 100%, utilizando as doses de 1,59 e 1,47 ?L/cm2, respectivamente. Ainda, danos morfológicos em órgãos alvo foram observados através da observação macroscópica, ultraestrutural e histopatológica. O segundo manuscrito avaliou a atividade inseticida do OE extraído das folhas de C. longa e de seu composto majoritário; ?-felandreno sobre L3 de Cochliomyia macellaria acessando também os biomarcadores de toxicidade larval. Valores de mortalidade de 96,66% foram observados utilizando a dose de 1,27 e 1,47 ?L/cm2 do OE de C. longa e ?- felandreno, respectivamente. Além disso, alterações histológicas e ultraestruturais foram observadas. O objetivo do terceiro manuscrito seguiu a mesma abordagem, utilizando C. macellaria e L. cuprina como modelo biológico, acessando lesões histológicas. Os valores da concentração letal de 50% (CL50) para o OE de M. villosa e carvone, 24 h após o contato, foi de 1,64 e 0,63?L/cm2 para C. macellaria, e 1,1 and 0,3?L/cm2 para L. cuprina, respectivamente. Citotoxicidade significativa também foi observada em órgãos alvo, como túbulos de Malpighi, trato digestivo, corpo gorduroso, músculo e cérebro das L3 tratadas (p<0,05). O objetivo do material suplementar foi avaliar bioquímicamente biomarcadores após contato com doses sub-lethais dos OE de C. longa, M. villosa e seus compostos majoritários, ?- felandreno e carvone. O marcador de neurotoxicidade (AChE), a resposta de lipoperoxidação (LPO) e os marcadores de estresse oxidativo (CAT e SOD) foram mensurados após contato com doses sub-letais dos extratos utilizados após 6 h de exposição. Os resultados encontrados sugerem que os extratos avaliados induziram estresse oxidativo. De modo geral, resultados superiores foram observados utilizando o OE de M. villosa e seu composto majoritário carvone quando comparados aos resultados obtidos nos ensaios biológicos com o OE de C. longa e ?-felandreno. Em conclusão, todos os extratos avaliados apresentaram significativa atividade inseticida em baixas doses, demonstrando seu potencial como candidatos a novos biopesticidasAbstract: The infestation of live tissue by dipterous larvae (myiasis) is still one of the main ectoparasitosis that affect animal production. However, the conventional control through the application of synthetic insecticides brought negative consequences in recent decades, such as: increased selection of resistant parasites, food security risks through the accumulation of residues in animal products, environmental contamination and mainly the commitment of animal welfare. In this sense, secondary metabolites produced by plants, especially essential oils (EO), have been gaining prominence, shedding light on new alternative controls for being natural and sustainable, having low toxic risk to animals and to the environment. The aim of this study was to evaluate the bioactivity of two EO and their major compounds on fly causing myiasis, to select new biopesticides candidates. In this sense, the present Thesis is divided in five Chapters, presented in the format of Introduction, Manuscripts, Supplementary Material and Final remarks. The first manuscript investigated the insecticidal activity of EO extracted from leaves of Curcuma longa and its major compound ?-phellandrene against third instar larvae (L3) of Lucilia cuprina. EO and ?-phellandrene inhibited adult emergence by 96.22 and 100%, using the dose of 1,59 and 1,47 ?L/cm2, respectively. Still, morphological and anatomical damages in target organs were observed through macroscopic, ultrastructural and histological assessment. The second manuscript evaluated the insecticidal activity of EO and ?-phellandrene over L3 of Cochliomyia macellaria, accessing the biomarkers for larval toxicity. Mortality values of 96.66% were reported using the dose of 1.27 and 1.47 ?L/cm2 of EO and ?-phellandrene, respectively. In addition, histological and ultrastructural changes were observed. The aim of the third manuscript followed the same approach of the previous, using C. macellaria and L. cuprina as biological models, with a thorough approach for histological lesions. The lethal concentration of 50% (LC50) for EO and carvone 24 h after contact were 1.64 and 0.63?L/cm2 to C. macellaria, whereas for L. cuprina the LC50 values were 1.1 and 0.3?L/cm2, respectively. Significant cytotoxicity was also observed in target organs such as Malpighian tubules, digestive tract, fat body, muscle and brain of treated larvae. Finally, the objective of the supplementary material was to assess the biochemical biomarkers after contact with sub-lethal doses of the EO and their major compounds, ?-phellandrene and carvone, respectively. The neurotoxicity marker (AChE), the lipoperoxidation response (LPO) and the oxidative stress markers (CAT and SOD) were measured in L3, 6 h after exposure. The results suggest that the extracts evaluated induced oxidative stress. In general, the best results of biological assays were observed using EO of M. villosa and carvone when compared to the results obtained with EO of C. longa and its main constituent, ?-phellandrene. In conclusion, all the evaluated extracts presented significant insecticidal activity in low doses, demonstrating their potential as candidates for new biopesticides

    Susceptibilidade de adultos de Musca domestica (Linnaeus, 1758) (Diptera, Muscidae) a organofosforado (Phosmet®), em condições de laboratório

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    Musca domestica (L., 1758) presents great medical, veterinary and public health importance. Aiming to avoid the accelerated development of insect resistance to insecticides, it is highly advisible to rotate insecticides. For this reason, the organophosphates continue to be a group of insecticides of importance, presenting low toxicity for animals and environment, associated to a low cost, mainly if applied in a rational rotation strategy. The current experiment aimed to evaluate the susceptibility of adults of M. domestica, using a composed 0,0-dimethyl-Sphthalimidomethyl phosphorodithioate. The tests were accomplished bytopical application of 1?l of the insecticide (diluted in organic solvent) on the prothoraxic of the insects. Five concentrations of the insecticide were evaluated, consisting of four repetitions, by the use of 20 flies per repetition. The LD50 found for the insecticide, after 24 and 48 hours of exposure were: 0,00273 mol/l and 0,00234 mol/l, respectively. The tested insecticideshowed toxicity to adults of M. domestica, what signals the possible application of this insecticide in the control of this insect

    Susceptibilidade de adultos de Musca domestica (Linnaeus, 1758) (Diptera, Muscidae) a organofosforado (Phosmet®), em condições de laboratório

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    5 p. : il.Musca domestica (L., 1758) presents great medical, veterinary and public health importance. Aiming to avoid the accelerated development of insect resistance to insecticides, it is highly advisible to rotate insecticides. For this reason, the organophosphates continue to be a group of insecticides of importance, presenting low toxicity for animals and environment, associated to a low cost, mainly if applied in a rational rotation strategy. The current experiment aimed to evaluate the susceptibility of adults of M. domestica, using a composed 0,0-dimethyl- Sphthalimidomethyl phosphorodithioate. The tests were accomplished by topical application of 1μl of the insecticide (diluted in organic solvent) on the prothoraxic of the insects. Five concentrations of the insecticide were evaluated, consisting of four repetitions, by the use of 20 flies per repetition. The LD50 found for the i nsecticide, after 24 and 48 hours of exposure were: 0,00273 mol/l and 0,00234 mol/l, respectively. The tested insecticide showed toxicity to adults of M. domestica, what signals the possible application of this insecticide in the control of this insect

    Cuticular damage of Lucilia cuprina larvae exposed to Curcuma longa leaves essential oil and its major compound α-phellandrene

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    Morphological biomarkers as the histopathological assessment and scanning electron microscopy can be used to establish a diagnosis of structure damage and intoxication of target cells by new biopesticide candidate. In this sense, cuticle damage caused by active substances in larvae exposed to biopesticides can help to elucidate the mode action. Thus, insecticide activity analysis of essential oil of Curcuma longa leaves and its major compound α-phellandrene have proven to be a new biopesticide candidate against third instar larvae (L3) of the Australian blowfly Lucilia cuprina. In this way, groups of 20 L3 were placed on filter paper, impregnated with ranging concentrations (from 0.15 to 2.86 μL/cm2) of C. longa leaves EO and (0.29–1.47 μL/cm2) to α-phellandrene. The extracts were solubilized in ethanol. Progressive darkening in the body of L3, marked reduction of movement, color changes in larval cuticle and dead were observed 6 and 24 h after contact with both extracts

    Insecticide activity of <i>Baccharis dracunculifolia</i> essential oil against <i>Cochliomyia macellaria</i> (Diptera: Calliphoridae)

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    <p>The ethnobotanical uses of Brazilian plants for different injuries and diseases conjoined with local rich biodiversity represent an important resource for research and development. This study aimed to characterise BDEO and its <i>in vitro</i> activity on the third instar larvae (L3) of <i>Cochliomyia macellaria.</i> Groups of 20 L3 were placed on filter paper impregnated with increasing concentrations of 5–30% (v/v), equivalent to 0.79–4.77 μL/cm<sup>2</sup>, solubilised in ethanol or acetone. The major constituents of BDEO were <i>β</i>-pinene (9.94%), D-limonene (9.59%), <i>β</i>-nerolidol (7.93%), caryophyllene (7.69%), spathulenol (6.69), <i>α</i>-muurolene (6.74%) and <i>α</i>-pinene (5.31%). Lethal concentrations of 50% for BDEO on <i>C. macellaria</i> (LC<sub>50</sub>) after 24 and 48 h of exposure were 2.63 and 2.47 μL/cm<sup>2</sup> for ethanol and 9.58 and 8.11 μL/cm<sup>2</sup> for acetone, respectively. Furthermore, larvae cuticle abnormalities and adult deformity were observed. Our data confirm the effectiveness of BDEO as an ecofriendly product against blowflies.</p