475 research outputs found

    Effect of two cytokinins in combination with acetic acid α-naphthalene on yams (Dioscorea spp.) genotypes’ response to in vitro morphogenesis

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    The effect of two growth regulator combinations was studied on the morphogenesis in vitro of 3 genotypes of yams (Kounondakou, Gnon-boya and RB 89579). Benzyl aminopurin (BAP) and zeatin (ZEAT) were tested, respectively at a concentration of 0.5 mg/l with the galzy glutamine basic medium containing naphtalene acetic acid (NAA) (0.5 mg/l). Stem fragments were used as explants. The number of stripped buds and explants having stem and roots are sampled after 2 weeks in culture. The dry matter content, the number of roots and leaves and the height of each young sprout were determined after 5 weeks in culture. The results obtained indicated that no break in leaf growth was observed on the control medium (without cytokinin) but media with BAP and zeatin presented a good plants aerial part development. A significant interaction (p < 0.05) was observed between the genotypes and the typeof cytokinin. However, the highest bud sprouting and shoot development were obtained with BAP. Thus, BAP can be considered as cytokinin having a good morphogenic aptitude when compared to zeatin for yam micropropagation.Keywords: Cytokinin, auxin, morphogenesis, yam, Beni

    Études de quelques plantes thérapeutiques utilisées dans le traitement de l\'hypertension artérielle et du diabète : deux maladies émergentes en Côte d\'Ivoire

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    Des enquêtes ethnobotaniques réalisées sur les marchés d\'Abidjan (Côte d\'Ivoire) ont permis d\'inventorier 58 espèces de plantes commercialisées pour soigner 19 maladies courantes. Trente neuf (39) de ces plantes sont utilisées contre l\'hypertension artérielle et le diabète. Sur les 39 plantes, 27 sont antihypertensives, 19 sont antidiabétiques et 6 plantes sont utilisées pour traiter aussi bien l\'hypertension artérielle que le diabète. Il s\'agit de Catharanthus roseus (L.) G. Don, Ageratum conyzoides L., Vernonia colorata (Willd.) Drake, Alchornea cordifolia (Schum. & Thonn.) Müll. Arg., Phyllanthus amarus Schum. & Thonn. et Parkia biglobosa (Jacq.) Benth.Investigations on medicinal plants in the markets of Abidjan (Côte d'Ivoire) allowed the inventory of 58 species of plants used to treat 19 current diseases. Thirty-nine (39) of these plants are used against arterial hypertension and diabetes. Among the 39 plants, 27 are antihypertensive, 19 are antidiabetic and 6 plants are used to treat arterial hypertension as well as diabetes. These plants are Catharanthus roseus (L.) G Don, Ageratum conyzoides L, Vernonia colorata (Willd.) Drake, Alchornea cordifolia (Schum. & Thonn.) Müll. Arg., Phyllanthus amarus Schum. & Thonn. and Parkia biglobosa (Jacq.) Benth. Keywords: Ethnomedicinal survey, medicinal plants, arterial hypertension, diabetes, Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire.Sciences & Nature Vol. 5 (1) 2008: pp. 39-4

    Customer Lifetime Value Prediction Using Embeddings

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    We describe the Customer LifeTime Value (CLTV) prediction system deployed at ASOS.com, a global online fashion retailer. CLTV prediction is an important problem in e-commerce where an accurate estimate of future value allows retailers to effectively allocate marketing spend, identify and nurture high value customers and mitigate exposure to losses. The system at ASOS provides daily estimates of the future value of every customer and is one of the cornerstones of the personalised shopping experience. The state of the art in this domain uses large numbers of handcrafted features and ensemble regressors to forecast value, predict churn and evaluate customer loyalty. Recently, domains including language, vision and speech have shown dramatic advances by replacing handcrafted features with features that are learned automatically from data. We detail the system deployed at ASOS and show that learning feature representations is a promising extension to the state of the art in CLTV modelling. We propose a novel way to generate embeddings of customers, which addresses the issue of the ever changing product catalogue and obtain a significant improvement over an exhaustive set of handcrafted features

    Screening candidate genes required for CENP-A localization in Caenorhabditis elegans one-cell embryos

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    Poster Presentation: P-22Centromere is the specialized chromosomal region where the assembly of a large protein complex called the kinetochore takes place. The kinetochore functions in mediating the attachment of spindle fibres to sister chromatids during cell division. Successful formation of a complete kinetochore ensures proper spindle attachment, equal segregation of sister chromatids and hence faithful transmission of genetic information to daughter cells. Being an epigenetic marker of functional centromere, a histone H3 variant …postprin


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    Femtosecond dynamics of the optical Stark effect in semiconductor-doped glass

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    We report the observation of the optical Stark shift in CdSxSe1-x semiconductor-doped glass excited under nonresonant below gap condition and probed with femtosecond optical pulses. An ultrafast and pure light-induced shift of the bandedge is observed. The measured dependence of the band edge shift with the pump pulse peak intensity is linear for pump intensities up to 0.3 GW/cm(2) Above this value, departure from linearity is observed. For a pump intensity of 3 GW/cm(2), the band shifts by 11 meV. The response of the shift tracks the profile of the pumping pulse. (C) 1996 American Institute of Physics.6881093109


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    We present a model calculation capable of investigating the dynamics of photoexcited carriers in the Al0.48Ga0.52As indirect gap semiconductor. Nearly resonant excitation at the Gamma point produces low excess energy carriers, so that we use Boltzmann like equations and assume thermalized carrier distributions for each of the conduction valleys. Some aspects of the carrier dynamics are discussed and pump and probe measurements are compared to the calculated saturation bleaching, evidencing a very good agreement between theory and experiment. We obtain a value of 3.5 eV/Angstrom A for the D-Gamma X deformation potential.7663749375

    The Mock Trial: Revisiting a Valuable Training Strategy

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    The number of forensic psychiatrists has increased dramatically over the past 40 years. With this welcome development has also come some challenges for educating future generations of practitioners, specifically the greater demands on training programs and the need to divide practice hours among a larger pool of individuals. Junior trainees and experienced practitioners alike can benefit by supplementing work experience with welldesigned, theoretically informed simulations. In this article, the theoretical perspectives of simulation, deliberate practice, and experiential education are discussed and linked to the design of mock trials, a form of simulation used to teach the essential skill of expert testimony. My argument is that, by explicitly linking the mock trial to learning theory, its efficacy and range of application can be increased. I provide recommendations for effective design and application
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