408 research outputs found

    Synthesis, structure and diverse coordination chemistry of cobalt(III) complexes derived from a Schiff base ligand and their biomimetic catalytic oxidation of o-aminophenols

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    This paper deals with the syntheses and structural characterizations of four new cobalt(III) compounds (1–4) derived from a N3O donor Schiff base ligand and their catalytic activity towards the aerobic oxidation of o-aminophenols. Both counter ions and solvents used for the synthesis have significant influence on structural diversity of the resulting complexes. X-ray crystallography reveals that although the geometry of cobalt(III) centres are octahedral in all the cases but the coordination environments are significantly different in them. All these complexes show diverse reactivity towards the catalytic oxidation of o-aminophenols in which availability of substitutionally labile sites at the metal centre for substrate o-aminophenols binding is the main reason for higher catalytic activity in 2 and 3 than others. Furthermore, we have examined the detailed kinetic studies of the aerobic oxidation of one substituted o-aminophenol, namely 2-amino-5-methylphenol, using 2 and 3 as catalysts in which facile oxidation of the substituted o-aminophenol was noticed. ESI mass spectral study has been carried out in order to get insight into mechanistic pathway of functioning such catalytic activity.publishe

    Nanoemulsion as potential vehicles for transdermal delivery of pure phytopharmaceuticals and poorly soluble drug

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    Nanoemulsion (NE) is defined as an O/W or W/O emulsion producing a transparent product that has a droplet size from 20-200nm and does not have the tendency to coalesce. It is promising for transdermal delivery of drugs as an efficient route of drug administration. Several mechanisms have been proposed to explain the advantages of nanoemulsions for the transdermal delivery of drugs. In transdermal delivery, the goal of dosage design is to maximize the flux through the skin into systemic circulation. A useful strategy for improving percutaneous flux is to improve the concentration of drug or choose an appropriate vehicle for the transdermal delivery. The nanoemulsions system should be a promising vehicle due to powerful ability to deliver drug through skins. With these approaches, the aim of this present study is to review the potential of nanoemulsion formulation for transdermal delivery of pure phytopharmaceuticals and poorly soluble drugs. Some nanoemulsions have however exhibited sufficiently high level of stability for them to be proposed as vehicle for drug delivery. Using the transdermal route eliminates the side effects, increases patient compliance, avoids first-pass metabolism, enhance bioavailability and maintains the plasma drug level for a longer period of time.Keywords: Transdernmal, poorly soluble drug, phytopharmaceuticals, nanoemulsion

    Priprava, in vitro i in vivo evaluacija bioadhezivnih mikrosfera s algino-pektinom: ispitivanje utjecaja polimera pomoću multiple poredbene analize

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    Ionotropic gelation was used to entrap aceclofenac into algino-pectinate bioadhesive microspheres as a potential drug carrier for the oral delivery of this anti-inflammatory drug. Microspheres were investigated in vitro for possible sustained drug release and their use in vivo as a gastroprotective system for aceclofenac. Polymer concentration and polymer/drug ratio were analyzed for their influence on microsphere properties. The microspheres exhibited good bioadhesive property and showed high drug entrapment efficiency. Drug release profiles exhibited faster release of aceclofenac from alginate microspheres whereas algino-pectinate microspheres showed prolonged release. Dunett\u27s multiple comparison analyis suggested a significant difference in percent inhibition of paw edema when the optimized formulation was compared to pure drug. It was concluded that the algino-pectinate bioadhesive formulations exhibit promising properties of a sustained release form for aceclofenac and that they provide distinct tissue protection in the stomach.U radu je opisana priprava algino-pektinskih bioadhezivnih mikrosfera protuupalnog lijeka aceklofenaka metodom ionotropnog geliranja. In vitro je ispitivana mogućnost postupnog oslobađanja ljekovite tvari iz mikrosfera te mogućnost upotrebe mikrosfera kao gastroprotektivnog sustava za isporuku aceklofenaka in vivo. Ispitivan je utjecaj koncentracije polimera i omjera polimera i lijeka na svojstva mikrosfera. Mikrosfere su bile bioahezivne i sadržavale su veliki udio lijeka. Oslobađanje aceklofenaka iz alginatnih mikrosfera bilo je brže, a iz mikrosfera s algino-pektinom usporeno. Dunnetova multipla analiza ukazuje na značajnu razliku u postotku inhibicije edema šape kada se usporede optimizirana formulacija i čista ljekovita tvar. Može se zaključiti da su bioadhezivne mikrosfere s algino-pektinom povoljne za usporeno oslobađanje aceklofenaka te da pružaju umjerenu zaštitu sluznice želuca

    Pelvic tenderness is not limited to the prostate in chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CPPS) type IIIA and IIIB: comparison of men with and without CP/CPPS

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    Background: We wished to determine if there were differences in pelvic and non-pelvic tenderness between men with chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CP/CPPS) Type III and men without pelvic pain. Methods: We performed the Manual Tender Point Survey (MTPS) as described by the American College of Rheumatology on 62 men with CP/CPPS Type IIIA and IIIB and 98 men without pelvic pain. We also assessed tenderness of 10 external pelvic tender points (EPTP) and of 7 internal pelvic tender points (IPTP). All study participants completed the National Institutes of Health Chronic Prostatitis Symptom Inventory (NIH CPSI). Results: We found that men with CPPS were significantly more tender in the MTPS, the EPTPS and the IPTPS. CPSI scores correlated with EPTP scale but not with IPTP scale or prostate tenderness. Prostatic tenderness was present in 75% of men with CPPS and in 50% of men without CPPS. Expressed prostatic fluid leukocytosis was not associated with prostatic tenderness. Conclusion: Men with CP/CPPS have more tenderness compared to men without CPPS. Tenderness in men with CPPS is distributed throughout the pelvis and not specific to the prostate

    Giant spin Hall effect in graphene grown by chemical vapour deposition

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    Advances in large-area graphene synthesis via chemical vapour deposition on metals like copper were instrumental in the demonstration of graphene-based novel, wafer-scale electronic circuits and proof-of-concept applications such as flexible touch panels. Here, we show that graphene grown by chemical vapour deposition on copper is equally promising for spintronics applications. In contrast to natural graphene, our experiments demonstrate that chemically synthesized graphene has a strong spin-orbit coupling as high as 20 meV giving rise to a giant spin Hall effect. The exceptionally large spin Hall angle ∼0.2 provides an important step towards graphene-based spintronics devices within existing complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor technology. Our microscopic model shows that unavoidable residual copper adatom clusters act as local spin-orbit scatterers and, in the resonant scattering limit, induce transverse spin currents with enhanced skew-scattering contribution. Our findings are confirmed independently by introducing metallic adatoms-copper, silver and gold on exfoliated graphene samples

    The geoaccumulation index and enrichment factor of mercury in mangrove sediment of Port Klang, Selangor, Malaysia.

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    Mangrove areas are important to the ecosystem. One of its crucial functions is as a sink of pollutants, especially metal ions. However, the accumulation of metals in mangrove sediment can generate negative impacts on plant growth, microbial activity, and soil fertility. Apart from that, the severity of the impact is highly influenced by the type of metal found in the sediment and the quality of sediment itself. One of the metals that have adverse effects on the environment is mercury. The objectives of this study are to determine the concentration and distribution of mercury and to assess the enrichment of mercury in Port Klang mangrove sediment by using geoaccumulation index and enrichment factor. Sediment samples were collected from 30 sampling points that cover Langat River and Klang River estuaries, Lumut Straits, Pulau Klang, and Pulau Indah. During sampling, water parameters such as pH, salinity, electrical conductivity, and total dissolved solids were measured in situ, whereas the total mercury in sediment samples was determined at the laboratory using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. In this study, mercury was found to be concentrated along Lumut Strait especially in the mixing zone near the confluence of Langat River and at the jetty to Pulau Ketam. The geoaccumulation index and enrichment factor (calculated using logarithmized data of the reference element) found that three stations were enriched with mercury. In addition, geoaccumulation index was also observed to be more objective compared to enrichment factor whose results were influenced by the concentration of reference element used

    Učinak topljivosti na kinetiku oslobađanja vodotopljivih i vodonetopljivih lijekova iz matriksnog sustava na bazi HPMC

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    The purpose of the present research work was to observe the effects of drug solubility on the release kinetics of water soluble verapamil hydrochloride and insoluble aceclofenac from polymer based matrix formulations. Matrix formulations were prepared by the direct compression method. The formulations were evaluated for various physical parameters. Along with the dynamics of water uptake and erosion, SEM and in vitro drug release of tablets were studied. Applying an exponential equation, it was found that the kinetics of soluble drug release followed anomalous non-Fickian diffusion transport whereas insoluble drug showed zero-order release. SEM study showed pore formation on the tablet surface that differed depending on drug solubility. t-Test pointed to a significant difference in the amount of both drugs released due to their difference in solubility. Solubility of the drug affects the kinetics and the mechanism of drug release.Cilj rada bio je praćenje učinka topljivosti na kinetiku oslobađanja vodotopljivog verapamil hidroklorida i netopljivog lijeka aceklofenaka iz matriksnih sustava na bazi hidrofilnog polimera. Matriksni sustavi pripravljeni su izravnom metodom kompresije. Uz ispitivanje uobičajenih fizikalnih svojstava, ispitivana je i dinamika primanja vode, te erozija, SEM i in vitro oslobađanje ljekovite tvari iz tableta. Primjenom eksponencijalne jednadžbe utvrđeno je da mehanizam oslobađanja topljivih lijekova slijedi anomalni ne-Fickov difuzijski transport, dok netopljivi lijekovi slijede kinetiku nultog reda. SEM ispitivanja pokazala su pore na površini matriksa ovisne o topljivosti ljekovite tvari. T-test ukazuje da količina oslobođenog lijeka značajno ovisi o njegovoj topljivosti. Topljivost lijeka ima značajan učinak na kinetiku i mehanizam oslobađanja