3 research outputs found

    Hemoglobin senses body temperature

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    When aspirating human red blood cells (RBCs) into 1.3 mum pipettes (DeltaP = -2.3 kPa), a transition from blocking the pipette below a critical temperature T(c) = 36.3 +/- 0.3 degrees C to passing it above the T(c) occurred (micropipette passage transition). With a 1.1 mum pipette no passage was seen which enabled RBC volume measurements also above T(c). With increasing temperature RBCs lost volume significantly faster below than above a T(c) = 36.4 +/- 0.7 (volume transition). Colloid osmotic pressure (COP) measurements of RBCs in autologous plasma (25 degrees C < or = T < or = 39.5 degrees C) showed a T (c) at 37.1 +/- 0.2 degrees C above which the COP rapidly decreased (COP transition). In NMR T(1)-relaxation time measurements, the T(1) of RBCs in autologous plasma changed from a linear (r = 0.99) increment below T(c) = 37 +/- 1 degrees C at a rate of 0.023 s/K into zero slope above T(c) (RBC T(1) transition). In conclusion: An amorphous hemoglobin-water gel formed in the spherical trail, the residual partial sphere of the aspirated RBC. At T(c), a sudden fluidization of the gel occurs. All changes mentioned above happen at a distinct T(c) close to body temperature. The T(c) is moved +0.8 degrees C to higher temperatures when a D(2)O buffer is used. We suggest a mechanism similar to a "glass transition" or a "colloidal phase transition". At T(c), the stabilizing Hb bound water molecules reach a threshold number enabling a partial Hb unfolding. Thus, Hb senses body temperature which must be inscribed in the primary structure of hemoglobin and possibly other proteins

    Body Temperature-Related Structural Transitions of Monotremal and Human Hemoglobin

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    In this study, temperature-related structural changes were investigated in human, duck-billed platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus, body temperature T(b) = 31–33°C), and echidna (Tachyglossus aculeatus, body temperature T(b) = 32–33°C) hemoglobin using circular dichroism spectroscopy and dynamic light scattering. The average hydrodynamic radius (R(h)) and fractional (normalized) change in the ellipticity (F(obs)) at 222 ± 2 nm of hemoglobin were measured. The temperature was varied stepwise from 25°C to 45°C. The existence of a structural transition of human hemoglobin at the critical temperature T(c) between 36–37°C was previously shown by micropipette aspiration experiments, viscosimetry, and circular dichroism spectroscopy. Based on light-scattering measurements, this study proves the onset of molecular aggregation at T(c). In two different monotremal hemoglobins (echidna and platypus), the critical transition temperatures were found between 32–33°C, which are close to the species' body temperature T(b). The data suggest that the correlation of the structural transition's critical temperature T(c) and the species' body temperature T(b) is not mere coincidence but, instead, is a more widespread structural phenomenon possibly including many other proteins