17 research outputs found

    Progress towards an accurate determination of the Boltzmann constant by Doppler spectroscopy

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    In this paper, we present significant progress performed on an experiment dedicated to the determination of the Boltzmann constant, k, by accurately measuring the Doppler absorption profile of a line in a gas of ammonia at thermal equilibrium. This optical method based on the first principles of statistical mechanics is an alternative to the acoustical method which has led to the unique determination of k published by the CODATA with a relative accuracy of 1.7 ppm. We report on the first measurement of the Boltzmann constant by laser spectroscopy with a statistical uncertainty below 10 ppm, more specifically 6.4 ppm. This progress results from improvements in the detection method and in the statistical treatment of the data. In addition, we have recorded the hyperfine structure of the probed saQ(6,3) rovibrational line of ammonia by saturation spectroscopy and thus determine very precisely the induced 4.36 (2) ppm broadening of the absorption linewidth. We also show that, in our well chosen experimental conditions, saturation effects have a negligible impact on the linewidth. Finally, we draw the route to future developments for an absolute determination of with an accuracy of a few ppm.Comment: 22 pages, 11 figure

    Long-distance frequency transfer over an urban fiber link using optical phase stabilization

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    We transferred the frequency of an ultra-stable laser over 86 km of urban fiber. The link is composed of two cascaded 43-km fibers connecting two laboratories, LNE-SYRTE and LPL in Paris area. In an effort to realistically demonstrate a link of 172 km without using spooled fiber extensions, we implemented a recirculation loop to double the length of the urban fiber link. The link is fed with a 1542-nm cavity stabilized fiber laser having a sub-Hz linewidth. The fiber-induced phase noise is measured and cancelled with an all fiber-based interferometer using commercial off the shelf pigtailed telecommunication components. The compensated link shows an Allan deviation of a few 10-16 at one second and a few 10-19 at 10,000 seconds

    CO2 laser stabilized on narrow saturated absorption resonances of CO2 , improved absolute frequency measurements

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    We have stabilized a CO2 laser on narrow saturated absorption resonances of CO2 detected on the transmitted beam of an external Fabry-Perot cavity in the 30 THz spectral region. By using another CO2 laser stabilized on a close OsO4 line whose absolute frequency is precisely known, and measuring the beat frequency 4 with a precision of 100 Hz, we determined the absolute frequency of twenty CO2 laser lines, with uncertainties between 100 Hz and 1 kHz mainly limited by the accuracy of the OsO4 grid. The set of measurements reveal some discrepancies with data based on measurements performed with the widely used saturated fluorescence technique; we attribute these to pressure shifts of several kilohertz under the conditions of this last method

    Limit on the Parity Nonconserving Energy Difference between the Enantiomers of a Chiral Molecule by Laser Spectroscopy

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    International audienceWe have developed a saturation spectroscopy experiment to test the prediction that enantiomers of chiral molecules have different spectra because of the parity violation associated with neutral currents in the weak interaction between electrons and nuclei. First experimental tests have been conducted on hyperfine components of vibration-rotation transitions of CHFClBr in the 9.3 ÎŒm spectral range. The frequencies of saturation resonances of separated enantiomers have been compared and found to be identical within 13 Hz (ΔΜ/Îœ<4.10−13)

    Improved sensitivity in the search for a parity-violating energy difference in the vibrational spectrum of the enantiomers of CHFClBr

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    The theoretical prediction that enantiomers of chiral molecules have different spectra because of parity violation associated with neutral currents in the weak interaction has been experimentally looked for. Last searches of a frequency difference in the vibrational spectrum of the enantiomers of CHFClBr obtained with our infrared saturation spectrometer is presented. The frequencies of a saturation resonance of separated enantiomers of CHFClBr have been compared at a 5×10−145\times10^{-14} level. A residual pressure shift probably induced by uncontrolled impurities of the samples has been observed and found to limit our experimental sensitivity. Finally no parity violating frequency difference is observed within the present sensitivity of 2.5×10−132.5\times10^{-13}. A new experimental scheme is proposed which should let the parity violation effect observable

    Spectroscopie de molécules chirales : recherche d'un effet de violation de la parité

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    Apres avoir situe le conteste historique et les enjeux, nous presentons la premiere mesure de tres haute sensibilite d'une difference de frequences vibrationnelles entre enantiomeres d'une molecule chirale, signature d'une violation de la parite par l'interaction faible. A la suite de ces resultats, des travaux theoriques viennent neanmoins de predire un effet plus de trois ordres de grandeur plus petits que la sensibilite relative de 3,5.10 -13 que nous avons atteinte. Nous tracons quelques pistes nouvelles pour l'observation d'un tel effet

    High resolution frequency standard dissemination via optical fiber metropolitan network

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    International audienceWe present in this article results on a new dissemination system of an ultrastable reference signal at 100 MHz on a standard fiber network. The 100 MHz signal is simply transferred by amplitude modulation of an optical carrier. Two different approaches for compensating the noise introduced by the link have been implemented. The limits of the two systems are analyzed and several solutions are suggested in order to improve the frequency stability and to further extend the distribution distance. Nevertheless, our system is a good tool for the best cold atom fountains comparison between laboratories, up to 100 km, with a relative frequency resolution of 10 −14 at 1 s integration time and 10 −17 for 1 day of measurement. The distribution system may be upgraded to fulfill the stringent distribution requirements for the future optical clocks

    Slow molecule detection or Ramsey fringes in two-photon spectroscopy: which is better for high resolution spectroscopy and metrology ?

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    The CO2 laser locked onto a saturated absorption resonance of OsO4 provides a secondary frequency standard in the 10 ÎŒm region, with an accuracy of 50 Hz to 1 kHz. For averaging times less than 100 s its stability performance is better than the Hydrogen maser. This paper deals with the present attempt to increase this performance by using a two-photon molecular resonance as a reference. We begin with some preliminary and promising results on a two-photon line of SF6 leading to characteristics similar to those obtained with a saturation line of OsO4. Then two alternative methods to increase the resolution are presented : optical detection of slow molecules and a new development of the well-known Ramsey fringes. Metrological features are analyzed for both methods