88 research outputs found

    Globalization Dynamics in Latin America: South Cone and Iberian Investments

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    This paper analyzes in perspective the integration process through which Latin America, specially the South Cone, went through during the long formation process of the world economy, since the expansion that brought Latin America to capitalist development until the early XXI century. It emphasizes the 1980’s, when a new form of integration begun, marked by trade and financial liberalization and an increasing market integration combined by the formation of trading blocks both in at world and regional levels. It studies deeper the special logics and the relations of South Cone as destiny of Spanish and Portuguese foreign direct investment. The article is structured in two parts: the first one analysis the Latin American integration process with the world economy since its origins, markedly the colonial period. The second part studies some results and disjunctives of this new period, characterized by the increasing presence of large multinational and Iberian companies in Latin America. Keywords: modelo de desarrollo, macroeconomía, politica económica, desarrollo, politica monetária, ética politica, investimento.

    Denominaciones territoriales agroalimentarias, políticas y gestión social: Argentina, Brasil y la experiencia española en el contexto europeo

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    This article examines the conceptual framework and the institutional context of the Geographical Indications and Social Management in Spain on the European Union space. Then, providing a comparative study, Argentina’s and Brazil’s cases are analyzed. The emphasis is on identity and territorial development, where family farming has a central role. Thereafter, public policy drawings and implementation are projected in order to strength concrete agenda and measures elaboration based on Spanish and European experiences’. In both the Argentinean and Brazilian cases, the conclusions point to the need of an adjustment on public policies to better situate and implement actions and objectives. In Brazil the disclosure, financing and strengthening of the Geographical Indications should be bounded to the Programa Territórios da Cidadania, linked to the Ministério do Desenvolvimento Agrário, which is the place of the family farming strengthening policies. In Argentina, with the same logic, the actions should be situated on the Programa Nacional de Apoyo al Desarrollo de los Territórios.El artículo examina el cuadro de referencia y el contexto institucional de las Denominaciones Territoriales (DT) y de la Gestión Social en España en el espacio de la Unión Europea. En seguida, visando un estudio comparativo, se analizan los casos de la Argentina y de Brasil. El énfasis está en la identidad y desarrollo territorial, donde la agricultura familiar tiene un papel central. A partir de ahí, se analiza el diseño y la implementación de políticas públicas que fortalezcan la elaboración de agendas y medidas concretas a la luz de la experiencia española y europea. Sea en el caso argentino como en el brasileño, las conclusiones apuntan para la necesidad de un ajuste en las políticas públicas para adecuar y programar acciones y objetivos. En Brasil, la divulgación, financiación y fortalecimiento de las DT deberían estar vinculados al Programa “Territorios de la Ciudadanía”, vinculado al Ministerio del Desarrollo Agrario, que es el lugar de las políticas de fortalecimiento de la agricultura familiar. En la Argentina, siguiendo la misma lógica, las acciones deberían estar contenidas en el Programa Nacional de Apoyo al Desarrollo de los Territorios

    Globalization Dynamics in Latin America: South Cone and Iberian Investments

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    This paper analyzes in perspective the integration process through which Latin America, specially the South Cone, went through during the long formation process of the world economy, since the expansion that brought Latin America to capitalist development until the early XXI century. It emphasizes the 1980's, when a new form of integration begun, marked by trade and financial liberalization and an increasing market integration combined by the formation of trading blocks both in at world and regional levels. It studies deeper the special logics and the relations of South Cone as destiny of Spanish and Portuguese foreign direct investment. The article is structured in two parts: the first one analysis the Latin American integration process with the world economy since its origins, markedly the colonial period. The second part studies some results and disjunctives of this new period, characterized by the increasing presence of large multinational and Iberian companies in Latin America.Este paper analisa em perspectiva o processo de integração que América Latina especialmente o cone sul, foi realizando durante o processo longo da formação da economia-mundo, desde a expansão que trouxe América Latina ao desenvolvimento capitalista até o século XXI. Enfatiza os anos 80, quando uma nova onda de integração recomeçou, marcado pela liberalização de comércio e das finanças e por uma integração crescente dos mercado no mundo e a níveis regionais. Estuda mais profundamente lógicas especiais e as relações do cone sul como o destino do investimento directo estrangeiro espanhol e português. O artigo é estruturado em duas partes: primeiro uma análise do processo da integração de América Latina com a economia de mundo desde a suas origens, marcada pelo período colonial. A segunda parte estuda alguns resultados deste período novo, caracterizados pela presença crescente de companhias multinacionais e de grandes empresas Ibéricas em América Latina

    Denominações territoriais agroalimentares, políticas e gestão social: Argentina, Brasil e a experiência espanhola no contexto europeu

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    This article examines the reference framework and institutional context of Geographical Indications (gi) and Spain’s Social Management within the European Union. The cases of Brazil and Argentina are then analyzed, providing a comparative study. The emphasis is on identity and territorial development, in which family farming has a central role. Thereafter, the design and implementation of public policies strengthening the preparation of concrete agendas and measures in the light of the Spanish and European experience are put into perspective. In both the Brazilian and Argentine cases,  findings  point to the  need for  an  adjustment in public policies in order to better identify and program actions and goals.O artigo examina o quadro de referência e o contexto institucional das Denominações Territoriais (dt) e da Gestão Social em Espanha, no contexto da União Europeia. Em seguida, visando um estudo comparado, analisam- -se os casos da Argentina e do Brasil. A ênfase é colocada na identidade e desenvolvimento territorial, no qual a agricultura familiar tem papel central. A partir daí, perspetiva-se o desenho e a implementação de políticas públicas que fortaleçam a elaboração de agendas e medidas concretas à luz da experiência espanhola e europeia. Tanto no caso argentino como no brasileiro, as conclusões apontam para a necessidade de um ajuste nas políticas públicas para melhor situar e programar ações e objetivos

    Aplicação do Software Geogebra ao Ensino da Geometria Analítica

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    http://dx.doi.org/10.5902/2179460X14555By teaching Analytic Geometry classes for High School Senior Students, I have always noticed that most students not only did not remember the main properties of Plane Geometry, but also had great difficulty making the analogy between them and the Cartesian Plane. Aiming an improvement in this learning, I thought about an intervention proposal which would make students environment work more pleasant. By the advent of computer and the GeoGebra Software, I tried to draw practical lessons, double or single, so that they could revise and acquire the main concepts of Analytic Geometry Plane. This work was developed in order to make the students visualize and acquire knowledge studied since Elementary and early school grades for further revision. The paper was prepared with questions to make students analyze certain properties previously chosen, discuss the results obtained from some questions, develop arguments to prove the observations obtained, and describe clearly and succinctly the relations and conditions to explain the concepts and properties studied.Ao lecionar a geometria analítica nas turmas do 3a ano do Ensino Médio, sempre observava que a maioria dos alunos não se lembrava das principais propriedades da geometria plana, e tinha muita dificuldade em fazer a analogia entre esta e o plano cartesiano. Visando a melhorar esse aprendizado, pensei em uma proposta de intervenção que fizesse o aluno trabalhar, de uma forma mais prazerosa, esse conteúdo. Com o advento da computação e do software GeoGebra, tentei elaborar aulas práticas, em dupla ou individual, para que eles pudessem revisar e aprofundar os principais conceitos da geometria analítica plana. Esse trabalho foi então elaborado de forma a fazer com que os alunos pudessem visualizar e aprofundar os conhecimentos previamente estudados no Ensino Fundamental e nas séries iniciais do Ensino Médio, visando a uma revisão mais aprofundada. Ele foi planejado com questões de modo a que o aluno analisasse certas propriedades previamente escolhidas, discutisse os resultados obtidos, a partir de algumas indagações, elaborasse argumentos que comprovassem as observações obtidas e descrevesse, de forma clara e sucinta, as relações e condições para explicar os conceitos e propriedades estudadas

    Chronic Multiple Knee Ligament Injuries: Epidemiological Analysis of More Than One Hundred Cases

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    INTRODUCTION: Diagnosis and treatment of multiple ligament injuries of the knee remain a real challenge for most surgeons. OBJECTIVE: To find out the epidemiological profile of patients surgically treated at a Reference Service with more than one chronic ligament injury in the knee joint. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Of a total of 978 operated patients, 109 presented at least two associated ligament injuries in the same knee. Demographic and clinical variables were evaluated. RESULTS: The anterior cruciate ligament group presented a larger number of cases of ligament injuries related with sports practice and falls, while the posterior cruciate ligament and anterior cruciate ligament + posterior cruciate ligament groups presented more cases related to traffic accidents and trauma with object (weight on the knee) (p<0.001). The varus group presented significantly higher values of time since injury (p<0.01). In the group with new anterior cruciate ligament injury (neoligament) associated with other ligament injuries the disruption times were higher, showing statistical significance (p<0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Anterior cruciate ligament injury associated with other ligament injuries other than posterior cruciate ligament injury are related to sports practice and falls. Posterior cruciate ligament injury associated to other ligament injuries, including or not anterior cruciate ligament injury, are related to traffic accidents and direct trauma caused by an object on the knee. Significant delay between primary ligament injuries and their reconstructions generates varus deformity of the affected knee. In spite of the large delay in seeking medical treatment, few patients with neoligament anterior cruciate ligament injury and other combined disruptions will develop varus deformity

    Desarrollo territorial sostenible y desafíos puestos por megaemprendimientos: el caso del Municipio de Itaguaí/rj (Brasil)

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    El artículo tiene el objetivo de evaluar la acción de los poderes públicos locales y de la sociedad civil en la construcción de la sustentabilidad territorial, frente a los procesos de implantación de megaemprendimientos en el municipio de Itaguaí/RJ. Para tal, describe los impactos de las transformaciones traídas por los grandes emprendimientos en el territorio en análisis. Se examina la actuación de los poderes locales para mitigar los efectos indeseables y irrigar aquellos aspectos del crecimiento favorables a una mejoría de las condiciones de vida y sustentabilidad del municipio. Como resultado, se observa la carencia de instrumentos para el tratamiento técnico y político al lado de los intereses y estrategias del poder céntrico y de los capitales envueltos, principalmente en cuanto a la capacidad de monitorear las acciones, con miras a aspectos como las discrepancias entre el periodo de los mandatos para alcaldes y la planificación de largo plazo mantenido por las empresas. También fue observada la falta de articuladores locales capacitados en fomentar acciones a favor de la gobernabilidad, de la gestión social participativa, de la cohesión social y territorial, de la sustentabilidad, de la inclusión económica y de bien estar en el territorio en cuestión