33 research outputs found

    Procalcitonin and C-Reactive Protein for Invasive Bacterial Pneumonia Diagnosis among Children in Mozambique, a Malaria-Endemic Area

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    Background: Pneumonia is the major cause of mortality and morbidity in children worldwide. Procalcitonin (PCT) and C-reactive protein (CRP) are used in developed countries to differentiate between viral and bacterial causes of pneumonia. Validity of these markers needs to be further explored in Africa. Methodology and Principal Findings: We assessed the utility of PCT and CRP to differentiate viral from invasive bacterial pneumonia in children <5 years hospitalized with clinical severe pneumonia (CSP) in rural Mozambique, a malaria-endemic area with high HIV prevalence. Prognostic capacity of these markers was also evaluated. Out of 835 children with CSP, 87 fulfilled definition of viral pneumonia and 89 of invasive bacterial pneumonia. In absence of malaria parasites, levels of PCT and CRP were lower in the viral group when compared to the invasive bacterial one (PCT: median = 0.21 versus 8.31 ng/ml, p<0.001; CRP: 18.3 vs. 185.35 mg/l, p<0.001). However, in presence of malaria parasites distribution between clinical groups overlapped (PCT: median = 23.1 vs. 21.75 ng/ml, p = 0.825; CRP: median = 96.8 vs. 217.4 mg/l, p = 0.052). None of the two markers could predict mortality. Conclusions: Presence of malaria parasites should be taken into consideration, either for clinical or epidemiological purposes, if using PCT or CRP to differentiate viral from invasive bacterial pneumonia in malaria-endemic areas

    Neurodevelopment outcome of newborns with cerebral subependymal pseudocysts at 18 and 46 months: a prospective study.

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    OBJECTIVES: Subependymal pseudocysts (SEPC) are cerebral periventricular cysts located on the floor of the lateral ventricle and result from regression of the germinal matrix. They are increasingly diagnosed on neonatal cranial ultrasound. While associated pathologies are reported, information about long-term prognosis is missing, and we aimed to investigate long-term follow-up of these patients. STUDY DESIGN: Newborns diagnosed with SEPC were enrolled for follow-up. Neurodevelopment outcome was assessed at 6, 18 and 46 months of age. RESULTS: 74 newborns were recruited: we found a high rate of antenatal events (63%), premature infants (66% &lt;37 weeks, 31% &lt;32 weeks) and twins (30%). MRI was performed in 31 patients, and cystic periventricular leukomalacia (c-PVL) was primarily falsely diagnosed in 9 of them. Underlying disease was diagnosed in 17 patients, 8 with congenital cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection, 5 with genetic and 4 with metabolic disease. Neurological examination (NE) at birth was normal for patients with SEPCs and no underlying disease, except one. Mean Developmental Quotient and IQ of these patients was 98.2 (±9.6SD; range 77-121), 94.6 (±14.2SD; 71-120) and 99.6 (±12.3SD; 76-120) at 6, 18 and 46 months of age, respectively, with no differences between the subtypes of SEPC. A subset analysis showed no outcome differences between preterm infants with or without SEPC, or between preterm of &lt;32 GA and ≥32 GA. CONCLUSIONS: Neurodevelopment of newborns with SEPC was normal when no underlying disease was present. This study suggests that if NE is normal at birth and congenital CMV infection can be excluded, then no further investigations are needed. Moreover, it is crucial to differentiate SEPC from c-PVL which carries a poor prognosis

    Neurodevelopmental outcome of neonates treated with nitric oxide for persistent pulmonary hypertension

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    Persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn (PPHN) is a life threatening condition associated with an increased risk of neurodevelopmental impairment. The recommended treatment for this condition is inhaled nitric oxide (iNO) and has been used in our Neonatal Intensive Care Unit since 1998. We prospectively offered neurodevelopmental follow-up to children treated with iNO for PPHN, including extensive neurological evaluation, developmental/cognitive evaluation at 18 months and 3.5-5 years old, and evaluated the rate of severe and moderate handicap and normal neurodevelopmental outcome, compared to a control group and the literature. Population consisted of 29 patients treated only with iNO, born between 01.01.1999 and 31.12.2005 (study group), and 32 healthy term infants born in 1998 in our maternity (control group). During those seven years, 65 infants were admitted in our Unit with PPHN, of whom 40 were treated with iNO alone. 34 children survived (85%) and were offered neurodevelopmental follow-up, 7 children were lost to follow-up due to various reasons. 22 children were examined at the age of 18 months (76%) with a rate of moderate handicap of 22% (2 with expressive language delay, 2 with difficult behavior, and 1 child with moderate hearing loss), and a rate of major handicap of 4.5% (1 child with cerebral palsy due to perinatal stroke, and moderate hearing loss). At preschool age, 17 (50%) were examined, the rate of moderate handicap was 22% (4 borderline intelligence, 1 hearing loss), and the rate of major handicap was 4.5% (one child with cerebral palsy and hearing loss), compared to 26.9% and 0% in the control group. Mean developmental quotient at 18 months was 100.3 ± 8.7 (control group 118.3), and at preschool age mean cognitive indices were within normal limits for the 2 tests performed at 3.5 or 5 years (108 ± 21, 94.4 ± 17). Most of the children with a less favorable neurodevelopmental outcome suffered from birth asphyxia (ruptured uterus, placental abruption, maternal hypotension, diabetic cardiomyopathy), and notably, the 2 children with sensorineural hearing loss both suffered from severe hypoxic-ischemic enkelopathy. Treatment with iNO was not the direct cause of the neurodevelopmental impairments observed in children treated for PPHN

    Etiology of community-acquired pneumonia in hospitalized children based on WHO clinical guidelines

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    Rapport de synthèse: Enjeux de la recherche : La pneumonie communautaire chez l'enfant est un problème de santé publique considérable. Elle est responsable de 2 millions de mort par année, 70% survenant dans les pays en voie de développement. Sous nos latitudes son incidence est de 40/1000 enfants par année, ce qui représente une morbidité importante. Deux difficultés surviennent lorsqu'on cherche à diagnostiquer une pneumonie. La première est de distinguer une pneumonie bactérienne d'une virale, particulièrement chez les petits enfants où les infections virales des voies respiratoires inférieures sont fréquentes. L'OMS a définit la pneumonie selon des critères exclusivement cliniques et une étude effectuée à Lausanne en 2000 a montré que ces critères peuvent être utilisés dans nos contrées. La seconde difficulté est de définir l'agent causal de la pneumonie, ceci pour plusieurs raisons : L'aspiration endotrachéale, seul examen fiable, ne peut être obtenue de routine chez l'enfant vu son caractère invasif, la culture des secrétions nasopharyngées reflète la flore physiologique de la sphère ORL et une bactériémie n'est présente que dans moins de 10% des pneumonies. L'étiologie de la pneumonie reste souvent inconnue, et de ce fait plusieurs enfants reçoivent des antibiotiques pour une infection non bactérienne ce qui contribue au développement de résistances. L'objectif de cette étude était d'effectuer une recherche extensive de l'agent causal de la pneumonie et de déterminer quels facteurs pourraient aider le clinicien à différencier une pneumonie virale de bactérienne, en corrélant l'étiologie avec la sévérité clinique et les marqueurs de l'inflammation. Contexte de la recherche : II s'agissait d'une étude prospective, multicentrique, incluant les enfants âgés de 2 mois à 5 ans hospitalisés pour une pneumonie, selon les critères de l'OMS, dans le service de pédiatrie de Lausanne et Genève entre mars 2003 et Décembre 2005, avant l'implantation de la vaccination antipneumococcique de routine. Chaque enfant, en plus des examens usuels, bénéficiait d'une recherche étiologique extensive : Culture virale et bactérienne, PCR (Mycoplasma Pneumoniae, Chlamydia Pneumoniae, Virus Influenza A et B, RSV A et B, Rhinovirus, Parainfluenza 1-3, enterovirus, human metapneumovirus, coronavirus OC43, E229 ; et NL 63) et détection d'AG viraux dans les sécrétions nasopharyngées ; sérologies virales et bactériennes à l'entrée et 3 semaines après la sortie (AG Influenza A et B, Parainfluenza 1,2 et 3, RSV, Adenovirus, M.Pneumoniae et S.Pneumoniae). Conclusions : Un agent pathogène a été découvert chez 86% des 99 patients retenus confirmant le fait que plus la recherche étiologique est étendue plus le pourcentage d'agent causal trouvé est élevé. Une infection bactérienne a été découverte chez 53% des patients dont 45% avaient une infection à S. Pneumoniae confirmant l'importance d'une vaccination antipneumococcique de routine. La déshydratation et les marqueurs de l'inflammation tels que la C-Reactive Protein et la Procalcitonine étaient significativement plus élevés dans les pneumonies bactériennes. Aucune corrélation n'a été trouvée entre le degré de sévérité de la pneumonie et l'étiologie. L'étude a confirmé la haute prévalence d'infections virales (67%) et de co-infection (33%) dans la pneumonie de l'enfant sans que l'on connaisse le rôle réel du virus dans la pathogenèse de la pneumonie. Perspectives : d'autres études à la suite de celle-ci devraient être effectuées en incluant les patients ambulatoires afin de déterminer, avec un collectif plus large de patient, une éventuelle corrélation entre sévérité clinique et étiologie. Abstract : Community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) is a major cause of death in developing countries and of morbidity in developed countries. The objective of the study was to define the causative agents among children hospitalized for CAP defined by WHO guidelines and to correlate etiology with clinical severity and surrogate markers. Investigations included an extensive etiological workup. A potential causative agent was detected in 86% of the 99 enrolled patients, with evidence of bacterial (53%), viral (67%), and mixed (33%) infections. Streptococcus pneumoniae was accounted for in 46% of CAP. Dehydration was the only clinical sign associated with bacterial pneumonia. CRP and PCT were significantly higher in bacterial infections. Increasing the number of diagnostic tests identifies potential causes of CAP in up to 86% of children, indicating a high prevalence of viruses and frequent co-infections. The high proportion of pneumococcal infections re-emphasizes the importance of pneumococcal immunization

    Pédiatrie: les soins de soutien au développement en néonatologie

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    Developmental care is a multidisciplinary approach aiming at improving the premature newborn's well-being through individualized observation and care, and at limiting environmental nociceptive stimuli. The aim is to lessen neonatal morbidity and enhance long-term psychomotor development in this population of high-risk newborns

    Elevated inflammatory markers combined with positive pneumococcal urinary antigen are a good predictor of pneumococcal community-acquired pneumonia in children.

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    BACKGROUND: Our objective was to evaluate procalcitonin (PCT) and C-reactive protein (CRP) as predictors of a pneumococcal etiology in community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) in hospitalized children. METHODS: Children requiring hospitalization for CAP were prospectively enrolled. The following indices were determined: antibodies against pneumococcal surface proteins (anti-PLY, pneumococcal histidine triad D, pneumococcal histidine triad E, LytB and pneumococcal choline-binding protein A), viral serology, nasopharyngeal cultures and polymerase chain reaction for 13 respiratory viruses, blood pneumococcal polymerase chain reaction, pneumococcal urinary antigen, PCT and CRP. Presumed pneumococcal CAP (P-CAP) was defined as a positive blood culture or polymerase chain reaction for Streptococcus pneumoniae or as a pneumococcal surface protein seroresponse (≥2-fold increase). RESULTS: Seventy-five patients were included from which 37 (49%) met the criteria of P-CAP. Elevated PCT and CRP values were strongly associated with P-CAP with odds ratios of 23 (95% confidence interval: 5-117) for PCT and 19 (95% confidence interval: 5-75) for CRP in multivariate analysis. The sensitivity was 94.4% for PCT (cutoff: 1.5 ng/mL) and 91.9% for CRP (cutoff: 100 mg/L). A value≤0.5 ng/mL of PCT ruled out P-CAP in &gt;90% of cases (negative likelihood ratio: 0.08). Conversely, a PCT value≥1.5 ng/mL associated with a positive pneumococcal urinary antigen had a diagnostic probability for P-CAP of almost 80% (positive likelihood ratio: 4.59). CONCLUSIONS: PCT and CRP are reliable predictors of P-CAP. Low cutoff values of PCT allow identification of children at low risk of P-CAP. The association of elevated PCT or CRP with a positive pneumococcal urinary antigen is a strong predictor of P-CAP

    Suivi neurodéveloppemental de l'enfant né prématuré dans l'Arc lémanique [Neurodevelopmental follow-up of premature children in Lausanne and Geneva].

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    Preterm children born before 32 weeks of gestation represent 1% of the annual births in Switzerland, and are the most at risk of neurodevelopmental disabilities. A neurological surveillance is thus implemented in the neonatal units, and multidisciplinary neurodevelopmental follow-up is offered to all our preterm patients. The follow-up clinics of the University hospitals in Lausanne and Geneva follow the Swiss guidelines for follow-up. An extended history and neurological examination is taken at each appointment, and a standardized test of development is performed. These examinations, which take place between the ages of 3 months and 9 years old, allow the early identification and treatment of developmental disorders frequent in this population, such as motor, cognitive or behavioral disorders, as well as the monitoring of the quality of neonatal care

    Suivi neurodéveloppemental de l'enfant né prématuré dans l'Arc lémanique

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    Preterm children born before 32 weeks of gestation represent 1% of the annual births in Switzerland, and are the most at risk of neurodevelopmental disabilities. A neurological surveillance is thus implemented in the neonatal units, and multidisciplinary neurodevelopmental follow-up is offered to all our preterm patients. The follow-up clinics of the University hospitals in Lausanne and Geneva follow the Swiss guidelines for follow-up. An extended history and neurological examination is taken at each appointment, and a standardized test of development is performed. These examinations, which take place between the ages of 3 months and 9 years old, allow the early identification and treatment of developmental disorders frequent in this population, such as motor, cognitive or behavioral disorders, as well as the monitoring of the quality of neonatal care