11 research outputs found

    A task and performance analysis of endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) surgery

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    BACKGROUND: ESD is an endoscopic technique for en bloc resection of gastrointestinal lesions. ESD is a widely-used in Japan and throughout Asia, but not as prevalent in Europe or the US. The procedure is technically challenging and has higher adverse events (bleeding, perforation) compared to endoscopic mucosal resection. Inadequate training platforms and lack of established training curricula have restricted its wide acceptance in the US. Thus, we aim to develop a Virtual Endoluminal Surgery Simulator (VESS) for objective ESD training and assessment. In this work, we performed task and performance analysis of ESD surgeries. METHODS: We performed a detailed colorectal ESD task analysis and identified the critical ESD steps for lesion identification, marking, injection, circumferential cutting, dissection, intraprocedural complication management, and post-procedure examination. We constructed a hierarchical task tree that elaborates the order of tasks in these steps. Furthermore, we developed quantitative ESD performance metrics. We measured task times and scores of 16 ESD surgeries performed by four different endoscopic surgeons. RESULTS: The average time of the marking, injection, and circumferential cutting phases are 203.4 (σ: 205.46), 83.5 (σ: 49.92), 908.4 s. (σ: 584.53), respectively. Cutting the submucosal layer takes most of the time of overall ESD procedure time with an average of 1394.7 s (σ: 908.43). We also performed correlation analysis (Pearson's test) among the performance scores of the tasks. There is a moderate positive correlation (R = 0.528, p = 0.0355) between marking scores and total scores, a strong positive correlation (R = 0.7879, p = 0.0003) between circumferential cutting and submucosal dissection and total scores. Similarly, we noted a strong positive correlation (R = 0.7095, p = 0.0021) between circumferential cutting and submucosal dissection and marking scores. CONCLUSIONS: We elaborated ESD tasks and developed quantitative performance metrics used in analysis of actual surgery performance. These ESD metrics will be used in future validation studies of our VESS simulator


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    Constructing small WEEE collection system in Istanbul: A decision support system and conceptual design proposal

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    The technological advances decrease electrical/electronic product lifecycles and boost consumption of high-tech products. The rapid growth in the electronic market produces electronic waste streams and potential threats arise on sustainability in terms of depleting natural resources and improper disposal. End-of-life electrical/electronic equipment (EEEs) involves complex mixture of materials, has hazardous content, and if not properly disposed, they can cause major environmental and health problems. To prevent the consequences of improper disposal, authorities and researchers conduct large-scale projects aligned with European union legislations. However, these efforts are still not sufficient to establish effective and organized systems due to the problem complexity and the need for specialized arrangements. This study proposes conceptual decision support framework and a bi-objective mathematical model to construct an effective collection network for end-of-life mobile phones. A real case study is presented for constructing an effective collection system in Istanbul. The main reason that we select Istanbul, is the requirement of urgency to deal with the large quantities of e-wastes.  The result of this study will encourage academicians to conduct further research studies and strongly assist the authorities to configure well-structured e-waste collection system

    Partition-based optimization model for generative anatomy modeling language (POM-GAML)

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    Abstract Background This paper presents a novel approach for Generative Anatomy Modeling Language (GAML). This approach automatically detects the geometric partitions in 3D anatomy that in turn speeds up integrated non-linear optimization model in GAML for 3D anatomy modeling with constraints (e.g. joints). This integrated non-linear optimization model requires the exponential execution time. However, our approach effectively computes the solution for non-linear optimization model and reduces computation time from exponential to linear time. This is achieved by grouping the 3D geometric constraints into communities. Methods Various community detection algorithms (k-means clustering, Clauset Newman Moore, and Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise) were used to find communities and partition the non-linear optimization problem into sub-problems. GAML was used to create a case study for 3D shoulder model to benchmark our approach with up to 5000 constraints. Results Our results show that the computation time was reduced from exponential time to linear time and the error rate between the partitioned and non-partitioned approach decreases with the increasing number of constraints. For the largest constraint set (5000 constraints), speed up was over 2689-fold whereas error was computed as low as 2.2%. Conclusion This study presents a novel approach to group anatomical constraints in 3D human shoulder model using community detection algorithms. A case study for 3D modeling for shoulder models developed for arthroscopic rotator cuff simulation was presented. Our results significantly reduced the computation time in conjunction with a decrease in error using constrained optimization by linear approximation, non-linear optimization solver


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