137 research outputs found

    Achieving Autonomic Computing through the Use of Variability Models at Run-time

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    Increasingly, software needs to dynamically adapt its behavior at run-time in response to changing conditions in the supporting computing infrastructure and in the surrounding physical environment. Adaptability is emerging as a necessary underlying capability, particularly for highly dynamic systems such as context-aware or ubiquitous systems. By automating tasks such as installation, adaptation, or healing, Autonomic Computing envisions computing environments that evolve without the need for human intervention. Even though there is a fair amount of work on architectures and their theoretical design, Autonomic Computing was criticised as being a \hype topic" because very little of it has been implemented fully. Furthermore, given that the autonomic system must change states at runtime and that some of those states may emerge and are much less deterministic, there is a great challenge to provide new guidelines, techniques and tools to help autonomic system development. This thesis shows that building up on the central ideas of Model Driven Development (Models as rst-order citizens) and Software Product Lines (Variability Management) can play a signi cant role as we move towards implementing the key self-management properties associated with autonomic computing. The presented approach encompass systems that are capable of modifying their own behavior with respect to changes in their operating environment, by using variability models as if they were the policies that drive the system's autonomic recon guration at runtime. Under a set of recon guration commands, the components that make up the architecture dynamically cooperate to change the con guration of the architecture to a new con guration. This work also provides the implementation of a Model-Based Recon guration Engine (MoRE) to blend the above ideas. Given a context event, MoRE queries the variability models to determine how the system should evolve, and then it provides the mechanisms for modifying the system.Cetina Englada, C. (2010). Achieving Autonomic Computing through the Use of Variability Models at Run-time [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/7484Palanci

    Applying Software Product Lines to Build Autonomic Pervasive Systems

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    In this Master Thesis, we have proposed a model-driven Software Product Line (SPL) for developing autonomic pervasive systems. The work focusses on reusing the Variability knowledge from the SPL design to the SPL products. This Variability knowledge enables SPL products to deal with adaptation scenarios (evolution and involution) in an autonomic way.Cetina Englada, C. (2008). Applying Software Product Lines to Build Autonomic Pervasive Systems. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/12447Archivo delegad

    On the Influence of Modification Timespan Weightings in the Location of Bugs in Models

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    Bug location is a common task in Software Engineering, specially when maintaining and evolving software products. When locating bugs in code, results depend greatly on the way code modification timespans are weighted. However, the influence of timespan weightings on bug location in models has not received enough attention yet. Throughout this paper, we analyze the influence of several timespan weightings on bug location in models. These timespan weightings guide an evolutionary algorithm, which returns a ranking of model fragments relevant to the solution of a bug. We evaluated our timespan weightings in a real-world industrial case study, by measuring the results in terms of recall, precision, and F-measure. Results show that the use of the most recent timespan model modifications provide the best results in our study. We also performed a statistical analysis to provide evidence of the significance of the results

    Assessing the Performance of Automated Model Extraction Rules

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    Automated Model Extraction Rules take as input requirements (in natural language) to generate domain models. Despite the existing work on these rules, there is a lack of evaluations in industrial settings. To address this gap, we conduct an evaluation in an industrial context, reporting the extraction rules that are triggered to create a model from requirements and their frequency. We also asses the performance in terms of recall, precision and F-measure of the generated model compared to the models created by domain experts of our industrial partner. Results enable us to identify new research directions to push forward automated model extraction rules: the inclusion of new knowledge sources as input for the extraction rules, and the development of specific experiments to evaluate the understanding of the generated models

    An Architectural Discussion on DSPL

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    Dynamic Software Product Line (DSPL) engineering has proved itself as an efficient way to deal with run-time product adaptation. DSPLs have been successfully applied in domains such as smart homes, mobile devices or multimedia systems. However, existing DSPLs focus their efforts on highly adaptive products or on autonomic products. in this paper, we classify DSPLs according to their adaptation mechanisms and we also propose mixed DSPL which simultaneously address both adaptivity and autonomy. Finally, we discussed the underlying infrastructure to develop mixed DSPLs

    Mass Customisation Along Lifecycle of Autonomic Homes

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    Autonomic homes adapt themselves to give the user the best possible experience of the services they provide. They dynamically adapt its behavior at run-time in response to changing conditions in end-user needs and the surrounding environment devices. From the development point of view, producing and maintaining a large amount of autonomic homes need an affordable solution such as dynamic software product lines (DSPL). DSPL produce a set of products that share features and have the ability of reconfiguring at runtime. Since users maintain and modify their preferences in opportunistic and improvisational ways, an autonomic home must evolve in time according to user expectations. Current DSPL architectures implement the ability of recon- figuring a product but ignore user preferences. We present an extension to our DSPL architecture to incorporate user preferences so user customisation of autonomic homes is not limited to installation time but all along the lifetime

    Ramon (\u3ci\u3eBrosimun alicastrum\u3c/i\u3e) Foliage as Supplement for Lactating Dual Purpose Cows

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    The objective of the present study was to asses the value of ramón (Brosimun alicastrum) foliage as a N-source in replacement of soybean-N in lactating dual purpose cows (Bos indicus x B. taurus). Four lactating cows were used in a latin rectangle design. Ramón was included to replace 0, 33, 66 and 100 % of the soybean-N contained in the supplement. Basal diet was fresh “Taiwán” a cultivar of Elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum) fed ad libitum. Basal and total dry matter intake, digestibility (total fecal collection), saleable and calf suckled milk yields, and milk composition (fat, protein and lactose) were measured over 15 d periods. Ramon increased the yield of milk constituents (P\u3c 0.05) over those obtained with Taiwán-grass alone, but was inferior (P\u3c 0.05) when soybean was the N source. Total milk yield was reduced 18% in Ramón supplemented cows compared with those supplemented with soybean. Digestibility of dry matter, organic matter and fiber was reduced by Ramón inclusion probably due to its higher fiber and ash content as compared with soybean meal. It was concluded that, although animal performance was not achieved as with soybean meal, supplementing with Ramón is a better strategy than relying on grass alone

    " Propuesta de mejoramiento de tiempos y control del área de correspondencia "

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    La entidad financiera se encuentra clasificado dentro de las empresas comerciales, el cual busca desarrollar su objeto social pretendiendo una utilidad, y según su actividad se localiza dentro de las empresas de servicios buscando siempre satisfacer las necesidades de los clientes, es una empresa privada y por su tamaño es grande ya que su constitución se soporta en grandes cantidades de capital y un gran número de trabajadores. Teniendo en cuenta que dentro de la organización se manejan áreas operativas y comerciales, el desarrollo de las actividades estipuladas en el manual de funciones se llevan a cabo de acuerdo al protocolo establecido por la entidad, cabe resaltar que para cada área se tienen procedimientos diferentes pero correlacionados con el cumplimiento del objetivo. El banco cuenta actualmente con un sistema de gestión de calidad que garantiza el mejoramiento continuo tanto de la entidad como de los funcionarios, a través de proyectos que generen valor agregado y promuevan un mayor beneficio para el bien común. Dentro de este sistema de gestión aplicado al banco se encuentran ventajas competitivas relacionadas a tres pilares fundamentales, los cuales son; cumplimiento de lo ofrecido, aseguramiento y actitud de servicio. En cuanto a las desventajas la entidad centraliza su atención a los pilares anteriormente mencionados, dejando a un lado otras actividades de mejora, como lo es el clima laboral y temas relacionados con el crecimiento laboral dentro de la organización. Para poder llevar a cabo un proceso de mejora dentro de cualquier organización, es indispensable conocer el estado o situación actual de los procesos que se están llevando a cabo, en este caso en particular es necesario conocer el comportamiento actual del área de correspondencia, objeto de análisis y mejora.The following project presents an improvement proposal for the correspondence area. It began with observation and identification of different critics’ facts, which affects the area development in terms of process efficiency (wasting time, lack of control and correspondence traceability). Finally, it shows an improvement plan and area technification through barcode reading system. The main project objective is to enrich the correspondence area procedures, in order to reduce the processes time, including an appropriate information control that will allows obtain all the traceability information about the bank products handle

    Gender Violence and Eroticism. The cultural construction of rape in a comic of the seventies in Mexico

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    Este artículo reflexiona sobre el tema de la violación sexual a partir de un cómic publicado en los años setenta en la ciudad de México llamado Relatos del Jorobado, una historieta dirigida a un público adulto cuyo contenido estuvo basado en el melodrama, el erotismo y la violencia sexual contra las mujeres en escenarios rurales. Se trata de un análisis de sus narrativas y representaciones a partir de los denominados Rape Myths que han contribuido culturalmente a minimizar la gravedad del acto y justificar el comportamiento de los violadores. Se examina cómo esta publicación se encontraba cargada de elementos sexistas y machistas en el contexto de la revolución cultural caracterizada por las transformaciones en el orden de las costumbres, las mentalidades y de mayor apertura hacia los temas sobre la sexualidad, las imágenes del cuerpo y el semidesnudo que difundieron los medios masivos de comunicación