14 research outputs found

    Pablo de Tarso como momento de encuentro/desencuentro del joven Heidegger con Nietzsche

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    The aim of this paper is to show analogies and contrasts between Heidegger’s and Nietzsche’s interpretation of the Pauline Epistles. The first step is to show the ambiguity of Paul’s figure in Nietzsche’s thought and his connection with Jesus of Nazareth. Paul, founder of Christianity, created a religion of resentment, empowering the powerless. Heidegger, far from Nietzsche’s philosophical moral approach, reads Paul to investigate the roots of religious life: the Pauline Epistles , above all, deal with the awaiting of Parousia, which, far from being a mere hope, is the completion of all believer’s life.El objetivo de este trabajo es mostrar las analogías y diferencias entre las interpretaciones de Heidegger y Nietzsche de la epístolas paulinas. El primer paso es mostrar la ambigüedad de la figura de Pablo en el pensamiento de Nietzsche y su conexión con Jesús de Nazaret. Pablo, el fundador del cristianismo, creó una religión del resentimiento, dando poder a los carentes de él. Muy lejos del enfoque filosófico-moral de Nietzsche, Heidegger lee a Pablo para investigar las raíces de la vida religiosa: las epístolas paulinas tratan, antes de nada, de la espera de la Parousía, que, lejos de ser una mera esperanza, es la consumación de la vida de todo creyente

    La potenza dell' uomo nella filosofia di Eugen Fink

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    Coordinamento SIBA - Università del Salent

    Say Reasons for Leaving

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    The contribution aims to highlight the specificity and originality of the interpretation of Martin Heidegger’s thought proposed over the years by Jean Greisch. A detailed and scrupulous reconstructive attention to the path taken by the philosopher from Meßkirch has been accompanied in Greisch’s publications by a productive interpretation dedicated to the first Fribourg courses, where the interpretative focus is concentrated on the status of the vie facticielle, as the node around which the young Heidegger’s philosophical interest revolved. The analytics of Dasein, its existential constitution juxtaposed to the categories of the subject and of the metaphysics of presence remain for Greisch the terrain on which to confront and question the problem of the transcendental. However, the interpretative tension does not turn into mere Heideggerian scholasticism, but tries to highlight problematic issues, one example for all that emerges with the figure of the last God

    Pablo de Tarso como momento de encuentro/desencuentro del joven Heidegger con Nietzsche

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    Identity and obedience of zoon politikon

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    Der Beitrag beabsichtigt, das Verhaltnis zwischen Identitat und politischer Gehorsamkeit auszuloten. Zuerst wird die berühmte Er- munterung von De la Boétie interpretiert: Es reicht sich zu entscheiden, nicht mehr zu dienen, um sofort frei zu sein. Trotzdem verzichtet oft der Mensch auf seine Freiheit zugunsten der Gehorsamkeit zur Macht. Warum geschieht das?\ud Was auf Grunde dieses Verzichts steht, ist ein „tierisches“ Faktor: Alexandre Kojève hat gezeigt, dass in der Dialektik zwischen Herrn und Knecht der Erste das Tier in sich dominieren kann, wahrend der Knecht das Todesrisiko nicht annehmen kann und will. Letztendlich ist der Bezug zum Tod der Ort, in dem jeder fur sich selbst entscheiden kann, ob er durch die Aneignung der eigenen Sterblichkeit eine volle und eigentliche Identitat stiften wird.\u

    Gesture and Liturgical Gesture

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    The usual interpretations of gestuality presuppose that a gesture accompanies the expressive action, whereby it itself almost disappears, in order to make way for what the person gesturing wants to show as appertaining to his or her interiority. The intention of the present paper is to demonstrate how a gesture cannot be considered as something extraneous to thought, but belongs to the human posture in its beingin-the-world, and thus seamlessly gives rise to the manifestation of the self in the symbolic framework of reference to a common meaningful horizon. The gestuality of liturgy serves as a particularly noteworthy example of such a phenomenological hermeneutic interpretation of gesture

    La comunità del mito

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